Garrison Brooks...

De Sousa says we've been one of the schools working the hardest. I hope that he is our next target. Outside of that, we don't have many inroads right now.

De Sousa?? We haven't even offered. Rivals is the only site out of Big 3 that evens shows UNC as recruiting him. Bol Bol mentioned in the past a desire to be recruited by UNC , as did Emmitt Williams and Nazreon Reid. It seems to be late in the game and we all know these kids like their egos stroked
I think we all have no idea exactly what Roy has been up to, but should trust him to know best what we need and get it done.
Yes I trust him. I just want to understand, as a fan I'm curious. The most intuitive thought to me is to be targeting quite a few bigs for next year, because in all likelyhood it's Tony's last season. Maybe Roy just feels we already have quantity with May, (Brooks?), Manley, and Huffman and really wants just one top level big...
De Sousa?? We haven't even offered. Rivals is the only site out of Big 3 that evens shows UNC as recruiting him. Bol Bol mentioned in the past a desire to be recruited by UNC , as did Emmitt Williams and Nazreon Reid. It seems to be late in the game and we all know these kids like their egos stroked
Right. So I'm not saying Roy is wrong, he sure as heck knows a lot more about recruiting than me. I just want to understand what his thoughts may be on the matter, from anyone who'd care to offer up their thoughts.
The main point I was trying to make is that he was our main target, which is what he denied
He was our main target of the last 3 , but saying he was our "main target" is disingenuous.

And I know this is besides the point, but Jalek is on the very top cusp of a 4 * while Brooks is on the bottom cusp. By most accounts, Jalek can be considered a 5 *.
I didn't think rankings mattered.

People put way too much stock into rankings. If he can come in and play, that's all I'm concerned with. As long as he can come in and contribute, what does it matter?
According to his ranking the guys who do this for a living don't think he can.
De Sousa?? We haven't even offered. Rivals is the only site out of Big 3 that evens shows UNC as recruiting him. Bol Bol mentioned in the past a desire to be recruited by UNC , as did Emmitt Williams and Nazreon Reid. It seems to be late in the game and we all know these kids like their egos stroked

That's what De Sousa himself said. If I can find the article I'll link it. He could be led to believe an offer will come. Not sure.

I don't know how the "recruiting periods" work, but I'd be willing to bet that has some effect on it. Think coaches are in the period where they can't have contact.
He was our main target of the last 3 , but saying he was our "main target" is disingenuous.

Like I already said, from the very beginning we needed those glue guys, and he was the main target for that group. Obviously he wasn't the prime recruit of the class, and that's not what i was implying.

I didn't think rankings mattered.

You love putting words in other people's mouths, don't you?

According to his ranking the guys who do this for a living don't think he can.

Lmao, that's not even how the rankings work. Ranking is rating their skills compared to the other guys in their respective classes. And it's not like they've ever been wrong before, right? I mean, they had the player of the year of 2017 rated as a 3 * coming into Kansas. His only offer was from Towson. But sure, they can't ever be wrong.

If he can come in and contribute, He can be a zero star as far as i'm concerned. screw what those guys do for a living.
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That's what De Sousa himself said. If I can find the article I'll link it. He could be led to believe an offer will come. Not sure.

I don't know how the "recruiting periods" work, but I'd be willing to bet that has some effect on it. Think coaches are in the period where they can't have contact.
Hope you are right. I know he has stated interest in UNC.
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Like I already said, from the very beginning we needed those glue guys, and he was the main target for that group. Obviously he wasn't the prime recruit of the class, and that's not what i was implying.

You love putting words in other people's mouths, don't you?

Lmao, that's not even how the rankings work. Ranking is rating their skills compared to the other guys in their respective classes. And it's not like they've ever been wrong before, right? I mean, they had the player of the year of 2017 rated as a 3 * coming into Kansas. His only offer was from Towson. But sure, they can't ever be wrong.

If he can come in and contribute, He can be a zero star as far as i'm concerned. screw what those guys do for a living.
of course they can be wrong. There are always long shots , but I don't look for significant contributions from Manley/Brooks/Huffman(especially scoring) until their junior year. If we don't pick up someone else we will be very wing oriented when it comes to scoring.

My question is Brooks now or wait until next cycle for DeSousa or someone else.

My vote would be for De Sousa.
of course they can be wrong. There are always long shots , but I don't look for significant contributions from Manley/Brooks/Huffman(especially scoring) until their junior year. If we don't pick up someone else we will be very wing oriented when it comes to scoring.

My question is Brooks now or wait until next cycle for DeSousa or someone else.

My vote would be for De Sousa.
Better than average chance Bradley is gone by then.
I'm calling bull on tokato he fell to the 90's on most reputable recruiting sites. People were wondering if he even deserved the scholly offer and you never said anything about Wes Miller thanks for not doing that, and I assure you I don't need your school the poaster said name one I named at least 2 so maybe you should come to my school; as for Britt it is a shame that our fans treated him and Meeks that way. Meeks actually did and article.for where he referenced it. Very insightful and a good read
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I'm calling bull on tokato he fell to the 90's on most reputable recruiting sites. People were wondering if he even deserved the scholly offer and you never said anything about Wes Miller thanks for not doing that, and I assure you I don't need your school the poaster said name one I named at least 2 so maybe you should come to my school; as for Britt it is a shame that our fans treated him and Meeks that way. Meeks actually did and article.for where he referenced it. Very insightful and a good read
Good read... Unlike this paragraph, I am clueless to what you are talking about in the middle of the jibberish
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I'm calling bull on tokato he fell to the 90's on most reputable recruiting sites. People were wondering if he even deserved the scholly offer and you never said anything about Wes Miller thanks for not doing that, and I assure you I don't need your school the poaster said name one I named at least 2 so maybe you should come to my school; as for Britt it is a shame that our fans treated him and Meeks that way. Meeks actually did and article.for where he referenced it. Very insightful and a good read
call bull all you want , don't make it true. #67 was a composite ranking. statistics denier much? Read it again Wes Miller averaged 3.8 for his career. If you are satisfied with that for Manley/Huffman/Brooks for a contribution then more power to you. The man's name is Tokoto and he averaged 8.3 points for his career.
Roy doesn't recruit guys that can't play. The worst case scenario for Manley is a career path similar to Joel James'. The difference is that Joel had hands of stone, Manley has very good hands. The rest can be taught.

I wish we could pin some of the Manley comments because many of you are going to be very pleasantly surprised by his soph year. Gonna be a lot of corvine cuisine on the menu around here, much as there was with Luke.
Roy doesn't recruit guys that can't play. The worst case scenario for Manley is a career path similar to Joel James'. The difference is that Joel had hands of stone, Manley has very good hands. The rest can be taught.

I wish we could pin some of the Manley comments because many of you are going to be very pleasantly surprised by his soph year. Gonna be a lot of corvine cuisine on the menu around here, much as there was with Luke.

Who did recruit James anyway??
I saw earlier someone said Felton not being 5 star is crazy. And I think he is 5 star on every ranking site besides one. He is right on the cusp of a 4/5 line tho.
Looks like 247 bases its stars on a strict numerical rating. I don't know how they calculate that rating, but if you look at previous years (which I just did), the cutoff seems to be .9900.

Players rated up to .9900 are 4* (or lower). Those .9901 and above are 5*.

Jalek's numerical rating is .9893.

Last year, Tony was .9901 and he was a 5*. Kobi Simmons was .9900 and he was a 4*.

For those who are wondering, the dividing line for 4*/3* seems to be .9200
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Roy doesn't recruit guys that can't play. The worst case scenario for Manley is a career path similar to Joel James'. The difference is that Joel had hands of stone, Manley has very good hands. The rest can be taught.

Didn't we hear the same about James? "NBA body, the rest can be taught"
Not saying he can't be good but until I see these guys (Manley,Huffman and Brooks if he comes) play in some college games I will expect Hubert/Sanders level contributions.

Didn't we hear the same about James? "NBA body, the rest can be taught"
Not saying he can't be good but until I see these guys (Manley,Huffman and Brooks if he comes) play in some college games I will expect Hubert/Sanders level contributions.

I have to agree with Chucky (as scary as that is) especially with Manley because he has missed development time that can never be regained.
Looks like 247 bases its stars on a strict numerical rating. I don't know how they calculate that rating, but if you look at previous years (which I just did), the cutoff seems to be .9900.

Players rated up to .9900 are 4* (or lower). Those .9901 and above are 5*.

Jalek's numerical rating is .9893.

Last year, Tony was .9901 and he was a 5*. Kobi Simmons was .9900 and he was a 4*.

For those who are wondering, the dividing line for 4*/3* seems to be .9200
Yep. It's based on combining the rankings of the main 4 recruiting sites into one average.

Now is Roy going after Brooks or Tilmon? :D
Yep. It's based on combining the rankings of the main 4 recruiting sites into one average.

Now is Roy going after Brooks or Tilmon? :D
according to sources he has been in contact with Brooks , but it seems the ship has sailed on Tilmon , who to my knowledge never visited.
Well it's kind of like your neighbor winning the lottery , it makes it less likely that you will.

The lottery is a gamble, guys who eat/sleep in the gym and weight room will "always" see an improvement.

Really dumb analogy.
call bull all you want , don't make it true. #67 was a composite ranking. statistics denier much? Read it again Wes Miller averaged 3.8 for his career. If you are satisfied with that for Manley/Huffman/Brooks for a contribution then more power to you. The man's name is Tokoto and he averaged 8.3 points for his career.

The poaster said we didn't have kids who were three stars or less contribute the FACTS don't lie. WE DID indeed have multiple players rated fringe 4 3 or lower stars contribute and significantly in some cases to teams that were full of talent and title contenders. We can disagree but that's the truth ; Justin watts, Wes Miller, Jackson Simmons, Nate britt, and Stillman White were all 3 stars or less. Maybe your the one who doesn't get facts right, because ALL the guys I just mentioned contributed on championship caliber teams.
Agreed. We should see if we can take back our scholarship offer to 5 star Felton so we can shop it around to any 3 stars out there that might still be uncommitted.

Or he was trying to say, hey maybe one of our 3 star big men might turn out ok? But hey, spin it however you would like.
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We can disagree but that's the truth ; Justin watts, Wes Miller, Jackson Simmons, Nate britt, and Stillman White were all 3 stars or less. Maybe your the one who doesn't get facts right, because ALL the guys I just mentioned contributed on championship caliber teams.

Rivals rating and stats. I'll consider the 2012 team a championship caliber team.

Watts 3* 2009 - not a regular - under a pt/game 2012 - 7min, 1pt and 1rb a game
Miller 2* 2005 - not a regular - 1pt/gm
Simmons 3* 2012 - not a regular - under a pt/game
Britt 4* - Was in the 50-60 range when he committed, ended up 90. NA
White 3* - 2012 1pt/1ast a game 2017 - not a regular

So it doesn't appear that any of these 3*'s made much of a contribution to championship caliber teams . Outside of White who was thrown into the fire in 2012 I'd say it was close to zero. That's not to say they didn't contribute at all or that I'm degrading their Tarheel careers in any way. Just giving the facts as they relate to your post.

Folks, it's not that 3 stars can't contribute. But let's use some basic statistics here. Out of the 100 guys ranked from 150-250, maybe 5-10 of them will become all-conference level players. Out of the 50 guys ranked 1-50, that number is probably 40-50%.

Don't throw out a John Collins like it proves your point that stars don't matter. There are successful NBA players who are undrafted too, but Lonzo Ball or De'Aaron Fox are much more likely to be future all-stars than Cat Barber. It's all about percentages.