There is not any consistency with rosters from year to year now. I think many of us long for James Worthy as a junior, chanting one more year, knowing Sam Perkins is behind, and the freshman named Jordan behind him, plus 3 other McDonald's all American guys. Picking from the next crop of AA's to reload.
Not the present situation in basketball, you can 1 and done like Duke, but if you are not a fan of that then I am hesitant to the why inconsistent is the concern. if it's not that all in on top talent for one year, then it is a revolving door mentality at the UNC expectations level if you want the old days. Not a fan of that.
He has been here 3 and a half years, played in the National title game, was a coach of the year, 1 seed, sweet 16 loss. Total bust of a year in between, struggle in 4th, with a VERY flawed roster. I think he gets year 5. Wilson and the portal next year, as today's year to year roster system is set up will be key.
If a Jay Wright is interested, ok, if not, Coach K and Dean would of been run off by year 4, if not before, as most wanted at the time. We are a spoiled fan base, and the playing field has changed. It ain't the same landscape.