I thought Carolina should have kicked at least two field goals. I believe we have been leaving points on the field in several games. We have to agree

2-6 Cumberland

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2022
I thought Carolina should have kicked at least two field goals. I believe we have been leaving points on the field in several games. We have to agree that our clock management has been suspect in several games. I'm glad they started to use the RBs in rotation again.
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i understand mack's philosophy of taking risks and being aggressive, but it's no substitute for playing the odds and taking the points, i.e. being smart.
I thought Carolina should have kicked at least two field goals. I believe we have been leaving points on the field in several games. We have to agree that our clock management has been suspect in several games. I'm glad they started to use the RBs in rotation again.
It's not Mack's fault that the team makes bad decisions.
The odds say to go for it. That's the whole point.
The odds also said that UNC should beat GT by at least 3 scores. The odds said there should be no way whatsoever that Mack could lose to very weak GT teams in back to back years. At least with the home field we did not get stomped like last year.

But none of that is Mack's fault. And the odds prove it.
The odds also said that UNC should beat GT by at least 3 scores. The odds said there should be no way whatsoever that Mack could lose to very weak GT teams in back to back years. At least with the home field we did not get stomped like last year.

But none of that is Mack's fault. And the odds prove it.
There's this thing called statistics. They can tell you your chances of converting a fourth down using 1,000 of previous play. Some people use them and some people just use their gut. But that's not what your reply is about. You just used it as an irrelevant chance to bash the program. Never miss a chance.
Math is pretty objective, but you can disagree if you want.
This is interesting for me. In short, it's true for our purposes if we're talking pure math. But this is math applied to the real world, so there are a lot of human elements. I think that's why you still see NFL teams playing conservative relative to what the models suggest; they're basically only going for it when it's a strong recommendation. With that being said, I have no idea what it looked like for our scenarios.
This is interesting for me. In short, it's true for our purposes if we're talking pure math. But this is math applied to the real world, so there are a lot of human elements. I think that's why you still see NFL teams playing conservative relative to what the models suggest; they're basically only going for it when it's a strong recommendation. With that being said, I have no idea what it looked like for our scenarios.
It's just two different types of football. People who look at the stats or people who go by their gut. It's not limited to football. Same thing for the shift in baseball or the reliance on the three in basketball. I think it's an age thing to. The older guys tend to go by the gut. As the older coaches retire, you'll start to see less people going by their gut.
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I thought Carolina should have kept GT from scoring more than 3 points.

And, their OLine should be embarrassed for allowing their QB to get sacked 87 times.
It's not Mack's fault that the team makes bad decisions.
Actually it is Mack's fault. He calls all shots to kick field goals. However, they did have other chances to win the game. But calling time outs, clock management, disrupting the RB rotation, that's all Mack Brown's calls. And it has been suspect all season. Drake and the offense and many times the Defense have saved his reoccurring questionable decisions on what I mentioned above. I believe Longo had a great concept of rotating the RBs. Mack change the approach, and later change the time management of the offense. They just happen to have a special Quarterback with Young men with Tremendous Character. Hey he's a Hall of Fame Coach. He'll be fine. It's Been an incredibly year for all of them from the Administration to the ball boys and Girls and Cheerleaders. Shout out to the Tarheel Faithful. Meanwhile back at the Ranch. NC State and Clemson. If you're into 90s hip hop The Words of the D.O.C. song (Mind Blowing) "This is Serious Businesses" 🚫🚧🛑🎯🔥😠
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