It was worth electing Trump

Famous athletes, musicians, film and television stars, authors, thinkers, etcetera, etcetera, don't represent the United States like our ELECTED OFFICIALS do.

Donald Trump, our highest-ranking elected official and the most powerful man in the world, was elected into office by US. He represents US. And he has been foisted upon the world by US. What part of that are you not getting?

I get it. I guess it's just that I think as a society we should elevate the great thinkers and "doers" in the country as a better representation of ourselves than whatever politician bought/duped enough votes to hold an office.
There is a lot wrong with this, but I'm on my phone and don't feel like typing a long response. Remind me tomorrow and I'll explain it if you want. I feel like it would be a waste though. It's obvious at this point you won't give credit to Trump for anything positive that he does. I didn't vote for the man, but I can give him credit for doing something good.

If you wanna explain why trump deserves the credit for the pressure China is putting on NKorea, please do.
If you wanna explain why trump deserves the credit for the pressure China is putting on NKorea, please do.
I have multiple times, but you continue to ignore it. I don't really think there is a point in debating this with you anymore. Your opinion of Trump is set in stone, so why bother?
I have multiple times, but you continue to ignore it. I don't really think there is a point in debating this with you anymore. Your opinion of Trump is set in stone, so why bother?
You are crediting trump due to the timing of his rhetorical tweets and the signing of this IP thing, but there many indications that those might entirely be correlation note causation. The NKorea backup and China pressure *might* be due to the above. But I see many other more probable reasons.

First, China wants to keep things "calm" or status-quo, even if that means Jong-Un being a dick. But they don't want a war. On one hand, they have a little trade with NKorea. But there are many cons if a warn began:

order of importance:
We'd win the war and the entire peninsula would become a US ally, so directly on China's border would be a US proxy.

China will have a refugee problem on it's border.

Chinese business people and students in Seoul would die.

NKorea has tons of chemical and bio weapons which would damage china's border and coastal areas.

If things got really nasty, nuclear fall-out would damage china's border and coasts.

Second, regarding "why haven't they made any serious effort to do so until recently", China voted for UN's sanctions at the beginning of the yr. And they actually began the coal-import-sanctions back in Feb.

China doesn't want a war to happen... they even made slight threats against us if we are the instigator.
This confirms my belief that this conversation is pointless. There was no reason to read the rest of your post if you actually think that's true.
China purchases 83% of North Korea's exports and provides 85% of its imports. (Source)

[The linked website is incredible, by the way. I think I've poasted it before but just wanted to reiterate.]
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This confirms my belief that this conversation is pointless. There was no reason to read the rest of your post if you actually think that's true.
China's trade with N Korea is very important to china, and yeah, we can cease this argument if you don't believe that.
China purchases 83% of North Korea's exports and provides 85% of its imports. (Source)

[The linked website is incredible, by the way. I think I've poasted it before but just wanted to reiterate.]
That's even higher than I thought. China could destroy their economy if they wanted to.
That's even higher than I thought. China could destroy their economy if they wanted to.
China actually values their trade with Korea. It isn't huge in comparison with that of other countries but is very important to them - a reason why they don't want N Korea blown off the map, as cited before. Good luck with your crediting.
China actually values their trade with Korea. It isn't huge in comparison with that of other countries but is very important to them - a reason why they don't want N Korea blown off the map, as cited before. Good luck with your crediting.
They don't value it more than US, SK, Japan and Germany. Who do you think they would rather have good trade relations with and what do those countries have in common as it relates to NK?
They don't value it more than US, SK, Japan and Germany. Who do you think they would rather have good trade relations with and what do those countries have in common as it relates to NK?
China wants to maintain status-quo, my points back that up. The trade with NKorea is just one of the many reasons why they'd prefer the US and the rest of the world worry about NKorea than them. But since things are getting nasty, they dropped that coal-import ban back in Feb which is huge... believe what you wanna believe.
China wants to maintain status-quo, my points back that up. The trade with NKorea is just one of the many reasons why they'd prefer the US and the rest of the world worry about NKorea than them. But since things are getting nasty, they dropped that coal-import ban back in Feb which is huge... believe what you wanna believe.
Thanks for ignoring my questions. I'm going to have to agree with what @TarHeelNation11 said in another thread. It's like talking to a brick wall.
Thanks for ignoring my questions. I'm going to have to agree with what @TarHeelNation11 said in another thread. It's like talking to a brick wall.
Sorry, my answer to your last question is that china would rather have trade with the rest of the world than with N Korea.

I already answered your previous two questions, on "why haven't they made any serious effort to do so until recently" and "coincidence that china is putting out releases"

The serious effort isn't recent, it has been going on prior to the IP signing and tweets and it isn't coincidence, I showed you one of many "releases" showing that China began pressure on North Korea, via the UN's vote and coal-sanctions back in Feb.
Trump disbands his business councils before any other resignations from CEOs and business leaders could embarrass him any further than the 7 who already have left over the Prez's Reaction to C"Ville.
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To me, that's how the 21st century liberal prefers to operate. Diplomacy, never military action, is always the suggested course of action.

Sometimes the shepherd has to fight off the wolves in order to protect his sheep.

I don't hold anyone in contempt for their political views, though. That's another modern trend that's damaging our society.
Can you cite specific examples of this?
I think Trump is toast. Doubling down on this stuff may have been the dumbest thing he has done yet and something I'm not sure he can recover from. It's a shame he can't just shut up because he may have been able to do some good stuff policy wise.
I'm still not getting the faux outrage about Trump supposedly not condemning the Charlottesville attacks "enough." I just do not get it. I've seen ever clip of audio of statements he's made on it and I just don't get the outrage.

Meanwhile, the media laps it up when Obama responds to tragedies like Ferguson by outright inciting racial division and tension with his comments. The power the media has to shape the national narrative is out of control. You've got people saying "Trump didn't strongly enough condemn the attacks." What in the actual shit are you talking about?
I'm still not getting the faux outrage about Trump supposedly not condemning the Charlottesville attacks "enough." I just do not get it. I've seen ever clip of audio of statements he's made on it and I just don't get the outrage.

Meanwhile, the media laps it up when Obama responds to tragedies like Ferguson by outright inciting racial division and tension with his comments. The power the media has to shape the national narrative is out of control. You've got people saying "Trump didn't strongly enough condemn the attacks." What in the actual shit are you talking about?

you're not paying attention.

please provide examples of obama inciting racial tensions and division.

republicans are running away from trump after this, even outright condemning his response...that's certainly not the norm.
you're not paying attention.

please provide examples of obama inciting racial tensions and division.

republicans are running away from trump after this, even outright condemning his response...that's certainly not the norm.
His response to Treyvon Martin.
His response to Freddy Gray
His response to Ferguson
Should I go on?
tell me what he said that incited racial tension, division.
Every word that came out of his month.

Standing up there and talking about how blacks have it rougher in this country -- specifically blacks, mind you, no other minorities -- and how basically it's their lot in life right now. You think that's a healthy message to broadcast to the populace? It's not a coincidence all of this racial uproar has coincided with, and followed, Obama's presidency. He made sure to mention race in every possible way he could. He made everything about race.
Don't nitpick. You know what I'm saying. His statements were calculated. Where the heck is @gunslingerdick -- this is right up his alley.

you provided shit...that's your opinion because you don't like the dude, i get it...hey, i don't like the current president.

still, no statements from you inciting racial tension or division...not even a good try, at all.
Every word that came out of his month.

Standing up there and talking about how blacks have it rougher in this country -- specifically blacks, mind you, no other minorities -- and how basically it's their lot in life right now. You think that's a healthy message to broadcast to the populace? It's not a coincidence all of this racial uproar has coincided with, and followed, Obama's presidency. He made sure to mention race in every possible way he could. He made everything about race.

Exactly right. Look at the church the man attended for 20 years...."GD America" Read his silly books. All about it. Amazing how some of you are so naive to that or just turn the head. And the fact that "republicans" are turning their backs on him??? Really? That means nothing. 80% of them are spineless.
Exactly right. Look at the church the man attended for 20 years...."GD America" Read his silly books. All about it. Amazing how some of you are so naive to that or just turn the head. And the fact that "republicans" are turning their backs on him??? Really? That means nothing. 80% of them are spineless.
Yeah I'm sure ol' Lindsay Graham is bashing Trump somewhere. Lindsday Graham is dumber than a bag of hammers. Like you said, a lot of the GOP "leadership" are equal parts spineless, ignorant, and stupid. That's why Trump won the nomination in a landslide in the first place.
you provided shit...that's your opinion because you don't like the dude, i get it...hey, i don't like the current president.

still, no statements from you inciting racial tension or division...not even a good try, at all.
Pretty sure I just gave you examples. It's not my fault you don't agree with me that they were insensitive comments clearly meant to thrust race into the national dialogue and keep it there. He (very thickly and obviously) insinuates that by and large law enforcement is comprised of racists. You think that's good for the country? You think those are words that will keep the peace?
Yeah I'm sure ol' Lindsay Graham is bashing Trump somewhere. Lindsday Graham is dumber than a bag of hammers. Like you said, a lot of the GOP "leadership" are equal parts spineless, ignorant, and stupid. That's why Trump won the nomination in a landslide in the first place.

Have not voted for that puss ever. Fake as they come.
Exactly right. Look at the church the man attended for 20 years...."GD America" Read his silly books. All about it. Amazing how some of you are so naive to that or just turn the head. And the fact that "republicans" are turning their backs on him??? Really? That means nothing. 80% of them are spineless.

perfect, then...they are turning out exactly how some believe that other party is then...two spineless parties, delivering for all the country what they deserve, right?

and thank you also for not providing proof that the previous potus incited racial tension and division.
Pretty sure I just gave you examples. It's not my fault you don't agree with me that they were insensitive comments clearly meant to thrust race into the national dialogue and keep it there. He (very thickly and obviously) insinuates that by and large law enforcement is comprised of racists. You think that's good for the country? You think those are words that will keep the peace?

that's asinine and largely incorrect...i disagree because it doesn't exist.

i'm tired of thanking you already for not providing comments that incite racial tension and division.
perfect, then...they are turning out exactly how some believe that other party is then...two spineless parties, delivering for all the country what they deserve, right?

and thank you also for not providing proof that the previous potus incited racial tension and division.

The proof is in his statements and knowing what he is about his entire life. nothing more to say.
Pretty sure I just gave you examples. It's not my fault you don't agree with me that they were insensitive comments clearly meant to thrust race into the national dialogue and keep it there. He (very thickly and obviously) insinuates that by and large law enforcement is comprised of racists. You think that's good for the country? You think those are words that will keep the peace?

The whole discussion was about race. There was no way at all to speak on it without it being about race. I didn't like a number of the things he said about those issues but never once did he insinuate that by and large law enforcement is comprised with racists that I remember. I'm not looking up quotes to something I don't think is out there though.

I have a hard time with equivalating comments about those issues with Trump going out of his way to not piss off a bunch of racists marching just so they will continue to support him. I think he is FOS and thinks they are completely in the wrong but just not willing to say it. Then he just belittles anyone who dares to question the idiotic stuff he says.
The whole discussion was about race. There was no way at all to speak on it without it being about race. I didn't like a number of the things he said about those issues but never once did he insinuate that by and large law enforcement is comprised with racists that I remember. I'm not looking up quotes to something I don't think is out there though.

I have a hard time with equivalating comments about those issues with Trump going out of his way to not piss off a bunch of racists marching just so they will continue to support him. I think he is FOS and thinks they are completely in the wrong but just not willing to say it. Then he just belittles anyone who dares to question the idiotic stuff he says.
Your second paragraph leaves me speechless. As to your first paragraph, HE initiated the discussion. Do you know how many folks (of all colors) are killed by police (of all colors) every week? He decided to make it an issue to talk about when Treyvon Martin was killed. Obama made a choice to do that.
Your second paragraph leaves me speechless. As to your first paragraph, HE initiated the discussion. Do you know how many folks (of all colors) are killed by police (of all colors) every week? He decided to make it an issue to talk about when Treyvon Martin was killed. Obama made a choice to do that.

Bingo. More whites are killed by police every year than any race. Fact
Meanwhile, the media laps it up when Obama responds to tragedies like Ferguson by outright inciting racial division and tension with his comments. The power the media has to shape the national narrative is out of control. You've got people saying "Trump didn't strongly enough condemn the attacks." What in the actual shit are you talking about?

Ya, the ship has sailed on the media though, unfortunately. The left cornered the market on the media and they ain't looking back, gotta give props where they're due.

My girlfriend is a smart girl, but I actually just had a conversation with her and we were discussing this issue. She was condemning Trump for "siding with the nazis", I told her that he condemned the nazis, and also mentioned that there was blame to be had on the other side as well. She couldn't believe I was "defending Trump" by simply stating what actually happened. She then ended the conversation telling me that I was clearly wrong because all the news media and talk show hosts are calling out Trump. Ya... like the fvcking Washington Post and Trevor Noah have an unbiased bone in their bodies.
The proof is in his statements and knowing what he is about his entire life. nothing more to say.

what he's about?...what is that, exactly?

you're not even fun to debate anymore...been a long time since tiger woods was your boy, huh?

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