Jalek Felton suspended from the University

What's your best guess about when Jalek will return to the team?

  • In a couple of games

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • By the ACC Tournament

    Votes: 7 6.0%
  • Next year

    Votes: 24 20.5%
  • He won't return

    Votes: 82 70.1%

  • Total voters
Once again, social media makes one of our athletes look STUPID! This is a sexual harassment (me toooooo) moment we are all living in and Jalek has now discovered just how nasty it can be.

I'll agree that sexual harassment or harassing someone sexually is very stupid.

To what degree was the harassment . . ? Since, nobody knows as of yet . . it's a bad thing, social media or not.
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Only the University, Sutton and Jalek know anything about any allegations.
Social media is for idiots.
Sigh it's a feminist if you look at her Twitter it's all about woman power. The issue I have with that is while a lot of women scream equal everything when stuff hits the fan they fall back on I am a fragile woman. My wife hates that. True story in law enforcement there is no such thing as gender if you asualt a female officer it's not assault on a female; it's assault on an officer. Again if he is guilty hang him out to dry; if he is not guilty his reputation is forever ruined because of people like her. The yep me too society at it's best. Waiting for the process to play out
Two different tweets. First was from Jalek's lawyer. Second was from someone I will assume is a UNC student blasting the lawyer for defending him and saying he gave people herpes and accused him of sexually assaulting someone.

A quick read of her Twitter account tells me she (the student, not the lawyer) is probably a SJW-type college coed who posts on social media before thinking. If I had to guess, I would say she has no evidence to back up the claim about Jalek giving others STDs or sexually assaulting someone and is just regurgitating what she heard. Where she heard it is anyone's guess, but I have my suspicions based on what she seems to like on Twitter.
guys im telling you, his lawyer better do a bang up job for him to get him off. possible sexual assault plus sexual harassment involving him sharing nude pictures of this young lady without her consent. this one is messy.

I'm a firm believer that the process must play out before we rush to judgement but if it's anything close to what he's been accused of, id ship his ass back to middle of nowhere South Carolina quicker than he can commit another turnover. the Mich State situation is a perfect example. the powers that be at UNC won't let this thing get too squirrelly before they pull the plug.
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Two different tweets. First was from Jalek's lawyer. Second was from someone I will assume is a UNC student blasting the lawyer for defending him and saying he gave people herpes and accused him of sexually assaulting someone.

A quick read of her Twitter account tells me she (the student, not the lawyer) is probably a SJW-type college coed who posts on social media before thinking. If I had to guess, I would say she has no evidence to back up the claim about Jalek giving others STDs or sexually assaulting someone and is just regurgitating what she heard. Where she heard it is anyone's guess, but I have my suspicions based on what she seems to like on Twitter.

She is going hard core and adamant about the claim! Let's hope he wasn't hotter in the dorm room than the basketball court!!!
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toss in the fact that recent rulings have shown that judges don't take lightly to individuals who knowingly don't share their STD history with sexual partners to gain consent. this thing is about as messy as watching Jalek's footwork on defense.
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If all this is true than I am all for stuff punishment but if this is not true it's women like this who make real victims have to be lumped lumped in with phony people like her
The nude photos thing will probably turn into a he said she said thing and the judge will say that ell you shouldn't have sent them to him now sexual assault in light of Baylor and Michigan State.... That's another story
If I was Jalek’s father I would release a statement on the behalf of my son with what he’s accused of.
I think these rumors are doing him a lot of harm in the public’s eye.
I’ve seen at least 5 different rumors on why he’s suspended, especially if the sexual assault & the passing STD were not true.
I don't know anything more about Jalek's situation than anyone else but I DO know that this Taylor doesn't exactly sound like she's an unbiased voice in this.


Read some of her Tweets. She certainly doesn't help her case. Literally speaking
If I was Jalek’s father I would release a statement on the behalf of my son with what he’s accused of.
I think these rumors are doing him a lot of harm in the public’s eye.

Same could be said about this thread .. he has a lawyer for a reason and as fans we should be the last to post rumors or speculation. I for one presume people to be innocent until proven otherwise especially in these days of "me too" and SJW's promoting causes or agendas that may or may not have merit. jmho
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Same could be said about this thread .. he has a lawyer for a reason and as fans we should be the last to post rumors or speculation. I for one presume people to be innocent until proven otherwise especially in these days of "me too" and SJW's promoting causes or agendas that may or may not have merit. jmho
Good point but I don’t really see where people are convicting him in this thread. I have a 16 year old daughter & a 13 year old son. Both of their social media are closely monitored but the things I see their friends post is shocking.
I tell both of them that what seems like fun & games on a Saturday night can ruin your life on a Sunday morning. Think before you put yourself in a position that’s impossible to get out of.
I'm so glad I grew up in a different time - a more innocent and private time, a time when me and girl's business was between me and a girl. Don't misinterpret that to mean that I don't support victims of sexual assault coming forward. I do. I would never advocate violence against a woman or sexual misconduct with a woman. But the problem we have these days is that young, impressionable women sometimes make mistakes. And because of the current culture where everyone is a victim for something or another, people often want to absolve themselves of any responsibility they themselves have in that mistake. And there are bloodthirsty SJWs just sitting around with their finger on the Twitter button waiting to create the next victim, the next drama so that they can sit back pleased with the ruckus they caused.

If Felton is guilty of something, I want him punished adequately. In this day and age though, with the presence of social media, the punishment is often too harsh. Felton's life has already been altered significantly and we don't even know what has happened. That's a shame.
I for one presume people to be innocent until proven otherwise especially in these days of "me too" and SJW's promoting causes or agendas that may or may not have merit. jmho
You act like you are above it while using terminology like "SJWs." Not cool.

Fighting for social justice is a good thing. Stop using it as a pejorative if you want to be perceived as a reasonable voice.

Yes, yes, you probably didn't mean it that way. But Fox and others have been twisting the terminology this way and you are using it just the way they want you to - to disparage others without evidence. Which is the very thing you say you don't do.
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More of this SJW crap.

I saw your response to Al Would and I was going to let it go but since you’ve directly called out my poast, let’s dance.

I said it and I completely meant it in derogatory fashion. You’re right in that people fighting for social justice are doing the right thing. But self-proclaimed Social Justice Warriors usually are not (1) fighting for social justice and (2) approaching it in the right manner. Social justice warriors are people taking a knee during the anthem. People fighting for social justice are mentoring youth. See the difference? The former makes their stand for selfish reasons - “hey everybody, check me out, I’m standing up for the oppressed. Even though I’m not entirely sure why I’m doing this, I deserve to be seen as a hero.” The latter quietly and confidently inspires change by action; they don’t make it about them. They don’t grandstand and they don’t blame and divide. They seek to unite to find real solutions to problems.

I like people fighting for social justice. I detest social justice warriors.
I'll be right back guys. I'm going to go create a Twitter account and tweet out that this was just a joke between the university and Jalek. Then some of you can relax. Actually now that I think about it, I'll just get the guy who tweeted Zion was coming here to do it for me.

Has that guy been back since Zion committed. We could have some fun with him.
That guy posted something about how we shouldn't believe everything on the internet we see after Zion committed. Which is ironic as the majority of people here didn't even take him seriously.

Mods instantly banned him.
You act like you are above it while using terminology like "SJWs." Not cool.
Fighting for social justice is a good thing. Stop using it as a pejorative if you want to be perceived as a reasonable voice..

I am above it, if "it" is posting rumor or speculation about something I have absolutely no insight or facts on or about. But I do know that there are people and/or groups that have no problem embellishing or straight up lying about an event or situation if it somehow benefits them personally or whatever particular agenda they might support, pursue or believe in. My only point was that as supporters of the UNC program we should be the first to refrain from speculation and rumor and merely take it for what it is and support the player until either the player, their representative, or the university, make an official statement about the yet unknown incident. This thread started out with "Felton suspended" and has morphed into everything from him being a sexual predator, female abuser, child porn purveyor, STD spreader to the masses, when all we actually know is he has been temporarily suspended from UNC activities until an investigation has been completed.

This entire incident is regrettable for all concerned but the rumors and speculation that have sprouted from this thread will never be of benefit to Jalek or the university. And that is just my humble opinion.
Well, I am not apologizing for using the SJW term and I agree with GSD's post above on it.

Now, back to the topic at hand, I have 2 boys. A 20 year old and my youngest is 18 today. One in college, the other on his way. As much as I understand the fear for someone's daughter away at college being assaulted, I fear that one of my boys will be unfairly ruined for life because of someone like the young lady mouthing off on Twitter that was posted above. I am sorry, but people like her only make these situations worse because they spout off accusations with no facts to back it up.

I don't blame Jalek for getting a lawyer. Hell, these days you need a lawyer for just about everything. In this case, IF he is innocent, this could ruin his life and literally cost him millions of dollars, so a lawyer is necessary. With the way people lie about everything under the sun, it is best to shut up and let a lawyer handle it because you get screwed otherwise if you are truly innocent. In the case of athletes who could make millions one day, the odds of being unfairly accused goes up significantly.

And don't mistake anything I am saying here. IF he is guilty of a crime, them I hope he gets everything the law can throw at him and more. I also hope and pray he didn't cause someone harm because I know firsthand what that does to a woman.

BUT, if this was some coed who was just as eager to hook up who regretted it afterward and called the law, then I don't have a lot of sympathy. College kids do stupid stuff all the time, but ADULTS have to own their mistakes and live with them. And we are talking about adults here.

Regardless, none of us knows what he did or was supposed to have done, so speculating at this point is useless. Until we do know more FACTS about any of this, no one can say what should or shouldn't be done to anyone involved.
Social justice warriors are people taking a knee during the anthem. People fighting for social justice are mentoring youth. See the difference?
Both are doing the right thing. You may value one more than the other, but neither is bad.

Unless you are drinking the right wing Kool Aid.

Just consider this as friendly advice: If you want to be viewed as a right wing lemming go ahead and throw around terms like SJW in this disparaging fashion. But be aware that if you don't want to be viewed as a right wing lemming, you should probably stop throwing around that term.
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My only point was that as supporters of the UNC program we should be the first to refrain from speculation and rumor and merely take it for what it is and support the player until either the player, their representative, or the university, make an official statement about the yet unknown incident.
I like that part of what you said. And I'm not opposed to criticizing individuals who are in it for personal glory. I just think you diminish your message by using a partisan label like SJW in this way.
Both are doing the right thing. You may value one more than the other, but neither is bad.

Unless you are drinking the right wing Kool Aid.

Just consider this as friendly advice: If you want to be viewed as a right wing lemming go ahead and throw around terms like SJW in this disparaging fashion. But be aware that if you don't want to be viewed as a right wing lemming, you should probably stop throwing around that term.

Wrong. Grandstanding and making some issue about yourself is in no way “doing the right thing”. Furthermore, exhibiting fake outrage and putting on some manufactured front so that you could look good is a slap in the face to people that are really working to create change. In regards to what I value, yes, I do indeed value one over the other. One is valuable. The other is not.

And thanks for your unsolicited advice. I needed it like I need a hole in the head. Look, I like your poasts here and find you to be one of the more interesting poasters here at this board. Don’t ruin my impression of you with that all-too-common left-wing whining. If you want, you can come over to OOTB where I roast liberals regularly. But let’s not do that here, mmmkay?
Jalek is toast guys. Go ahead and start getting used to it.

If random girls like that are calling him out then he has zero chance. Just pray that the University didn't mishandle things somehow.

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