I saw some fun questions on buzzfeed for the game Would You Rather and thought "I bet these guys can come up with some really good ones." So I will start with one I read that I am not sure I can answer BUT, just reply with your answer and then START A NEW comment with your question. This can lighten things up a bit after all our bickering over the potty issue, politics and the alleged treasonous actions on the Dookie board! sighhhhh
Question 1:
Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life OR feel like you have to sneeze constantly but are unable to sneeze?????
(this is the question I could not decide on since I hate both feelings equally!)
Question 1:
Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life OR feel like you have to sneeze constantly but are unable to sneeze?????
(this is the question I could not decide on since I hate both feelings equally!)