^^^pretty vague. I'm not in favor of 'cutting' or supplying unless that's what naturally occurs within the framework of free enterprise. Labor can price itself out of the market just as business can. If it takes two earners to maintain a household, then they can happily join the great group of double-earners that I was in when I was supporting a family.
And just to make a gratuitous separate point, I would NEVER have sat on my ass when work was available and nothing would have been considered beneath me. I've been between jobs but I have never applied for or collected a dime of unemployment, because THAT is what would have been beneath me.
It would be hilariously ironic, if it wasn't so pathetically sad, that we tell people they SHOULD sit on their asses...even enabling their ability to do so...while begging them to stop doing so even to the tune of suggesting that they should be payed to stop doing so. That's dems for you. What are you gonna do though, when fresh illegal dems are being imported by the thousands and thousands?