Need the board's feedback on a very important issue

Saw that over the weekend. Just kind of wrote it off because mine suits me perfectly.
This guy gets it.
How did you ever become so misfortunate as to come into possession of this item? I have an excuse, I got it from a relative who I consider barely a functioning retard. She bought us 2 of them. Both of them fell apart in no time and were never comfortable at all.
Oh, I don't have any. I'm just amazed how something I had no idea about one month ago has suddenly become ubiquitous.
I hadn't a clue until I got them. They are very cheap and can't cost much at all to produce. At one point they were selling the king sizes for $100 apiece. I wouldn't buy one for 10.
I think this issue is a silly thing for the BBB to worry about. If people fall for it who cares.

Try one of these....

I will be the first to admit I am an idiot who bought these things. My wife and I both were having trouble sleeping and ordered them. They did not help a bit and can probably be manufactured easily for 4-5 bucks a piece. Huge ripoff. I bet they are bankrupt in a month or so. And deservedly so.
I will be the first to admit I am an idiot who bought these things. My wife and I both were having trouble sleeping and ordered them. They did not help a bit and can probably be manufactured easily for 4-5 bucks a piece. Huge ripoff. I bet they are bankrupt in a month or so. And deservedly so.

Dude has sold over 4 million of em. Sumbitch reinvents the freaking pillow without really reinventing it at all and becomes a millionaire
I've tried many kinds of pillows, and never found one that is comfortable for more than 2-3 months. My spare bed is a old pillow graveyard!
I an now trying the my pillow, so far so good.