Next HC

Can we stop saying Hubert would work out because Roy worked out? The vast majority of first time coaches either fail or become mediocre coaches at best. That includes a lot of coaches from the Roy and Dean tree. It makes zero sense to think there is another Roy or Dean out there.
The style sucks but he would be a great hire and with what he has done at UVA he would be really hard to beat at Carolina.
I'm inclined to think Bennett's style only sucks if you are repeatedly losing to it.

I've watched a few UVa games against other teams, and then I've usually enjoyed watching that style. In one sense it reminded me a little of watching Dean's teams. You could more easily follow the strategy as it unfolded. I like that.
I'm inclined to think Bennett's style only sucks if you are repeatedly losing to it.

I've watched a few UVa games against other teams, and then I've usually enjoyed watching that style. In one sense it reminded me a little of watching Dean's teams. You could more easily follow the strategy as it unfolded. I like that.
His style wins. If Tony b was here and winning at the high level he’s been winning at, I think people would be okay with it.
Robinson would be kinda like Gut. A bridge to the next big hire. Gives young guys like Miller a chance to hone his skills.
Gut took over with a full cupboard and went 34-4 in his first season. His record declined every year after that and he left the cupboard relatively bare. Not terrible, but not great.

It's not yet clear who will be left for the next coach, but he won't be inheriting a mostly-juniors team of Antawn Jamison, Vince Carter, Ademola Okulaja, Shammond Williams, and Ed Cota. Might still be good, but not at that level.

Can coach Rob recruit well enough to hand off a decent team to whoever follows him?

If we keep everybody we have now, Wes or whoever will have a challenge, but will also have a bunch of good pieces.

I assume Wes coaches a style that's enough similar to Roy's that there won't be culture shock for our returning players. Probably also true if Haase were to be the next coach. Or, of course, any of Roy's current assistants.
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From USA Today. Take this to the bank folks..

"According to a person who knows Williams, who spoke to USA TODAY Sports on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic, he has been increasingly frustrated recently with the direction of college basketball. With the NCAA about to grant players a one-time free transfer and the liberalization of name, image and likeness rights that will allow players to cash in on marketing deals, the days of any program — even a blueblood like North Carolina — just falling out of bed and making the Sweet 16 are over.

And at age 70, Williams decided he’d had enough".

And, I would bet that Steve Robinson is feeling the same way. He isn't too much younger than Roy, and probably is ready for the retirement life also.

have we forgotten that our coaching lineage is inextricably entwined with Kansas? So if we are keeping it in the family, I ask you..........

what's Larry Brown up to these days? Hell, he's on both sides of the family, seems like a no-brainer.
Well, just when we thought losing Kessler was the hardest blow...

Levelle Moten, see folks laughing that off but I don't think many here actually realize how close Moten has been to the UNC program for a long time now, he is almost considered UNC family. Just think this may be to big a challenge for Levelle.

Thank goodness Baddour is not longer our AD!!! Well this is no longer a 1 day question because today is that some day. My #1 choice would have been Beard but Texas got him, man, why could that not have waited a week? LOL Scott Drew, yeah, could get behind that. Oates could be interesting but I just really do not like that never take a mid range shot stuff. Tony Bennett, for sure winner but I don't see him leaving UVa now that he has got them to the top of the ACC.

But the in family guys and I do not think there are but 3 that will get a serious look, Hubert, Wes, and Steve. Steve had his shot with FSU, did not go well, HOPE we don't put him in the position to remind us all how bad it did go at FSU.

Wes Miller, outstanding up and coming coach but I have said in the past, UNC-G is not UNC, UNC-G is not nearly the pressure cooker that our job is, that kind of pressure can either forge a young talented head coach in to a legendary head coach or it can destroy a coaches career, as it did to Matt, do we roll the dice and hope? Wes does recruit in our footprint now so that would give him an advantage in that respect, you play in the league you play in and to take your program to the top of that league and keep them there, to have them annual NCAAT entrants, could not ask him to do more. I would prefer he coach at a major program first just to see if he can hang with the big boys, he is a big fish in a little pond now, how big a fish is he is the biggest pond?

Hubert Davis, well Hubert has been coaching the JV team, which is UNCs version of a spring board to a head coaching gig elsewhere. Hubert has as well been much more involved in recruiting last few years, he has been the guy making initial contact to many of the kids we have brought in, Roy has listened to Hubert's thoughts I would suggest more than any of his other coaches. My 2 concerns with Hubert, first of course is I would much rather have seen him head coach elsewhere and see how he does on his own, still a problem in my mind. But second, I would prefer Steve to sail on with Roy, no offense to the man but I don't see him as a real key staff member outside of his absolute loyality to Roy. I would like to see a staff shake up.

What could be a very interesting way for this to go would be hire Hubert as head coach, bring back Phil Ford as his seasoned top assistant, takes us back to more the Dean Smith roots more than staying with the I hate zone so we don't teach it stuff Roy was so hard headed about. Hubert does a great job in the recruits homes, families love him so he does give you some of that "trust" Roy take. But having the legendary Phil Ford beside him, well that is instant basketball cred right there ESPECIALLY for high school coaches within our footprint! Fill out the staff with Rasheed Wallace and Kendal (but wouldn't it be interesting if we had VC on our side lines). You are talking about assistants that not only relate to the kids now days but have big time ball cred !
Well, just when we thought losing Kessler was the hardest blow...

Levelle Moten, see folks laughing that off but I don't think many here actually realize how close Moten has been to the UNC program for a long time now, he is almost considered UNC family. Just think this may be to big a challenge for Levelle.

Thank goodness Baddour is not longer our AD!!! Well this is no longer a 1 day question because today is that some day. My #1 choice would have been Beard but Texas got him, man, why could that not have waited a week? LOL Scott Drew, yeah, could get behind that. Oates could be interesting but I just really do not like that never take a mid range shot stuff. Tony Bennett, for sure winner but I don't see him leaving UVa now that he has got them to the top of the ACC.

But the in family guys and I do not think there are but 3 that will get a serious look, Hubert, Wes, and Steve. Steve had his shot with FSU, did not go well, HOPE we don't put him in the position to remind us all how bad it did go at FSU.

Wes Miller, outstanding up and coming coach but I have said in the past, UNC-G is not UNC, UNC-G is not nearly the pressure cooker that our job is, that kind of pressure can either forge a young talented head coach in to a legendary head coach or it can destroy a coaches career, as it did to Matt, do we roll the dice and hope? Wes does recruit in our footprint now so that would give him an advantage in that respect, you play in the league you play in and to take your program to the top of that league and keep them there, to have them annual NCAAT entrants, could not ask him to do more. I would prefer he coach at a major program first just to see if he can hang with the big boys, he is a big fish in a little pond now, how big a fish is he is the biggest pond?

Hubert Davis, well Hubert has been coaching the JV team, which is UNCs version of a spring board to a head coaching gig elsewhere. Hubert has as well been much more involved in recruiting last few years, he has been the guy making initial contact to many of the kids we have brought in, Roy has listened to Hubert's thoughts I would suggest more than any of his other coaches. My 2 concerns with Hubert, first of course is I would much rather have seen him head coach elsewhere and see how he does on his own, still a problem in my mind. But second, I would prefer Steve to sail on with Roy, no offense to the man but I don't see him as a real key staff member outside of his absolute loyality to Roy. I would like to see a staff shake up.

What could be a very interesting way for this to go would be hire Hubert as head coach, bring back Phil Ford as his seasoned top assistant, takes us back to more the Dean Smith roots more than staying with the I hate zone so we don't teach it stuff Roy was so hard headed about. Hubert does a great job in the recruits homes, families love him so he does give you some of that "trust" Roy take. But having the legendary Phil Ford beside him, well that is instant basketball cred right there ESPECIALLY for high school coaches within our footprint! Fill out the staff with Rasheed Wallace and Kendal (but wouldn't it be interesting if we had VC on our side lines). You are talking about assistants that not only relate to the kids now days but have big time ball cred !

Stephen A said Moton too but just not sure. Glad I don’t have to make the decision
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With how this all went down, my head says the next coach is currently on the bench. Not sure how I feel about that, as I always wanted Wes to take over. The circumstances don't add up to that being plausible and that is disappointing to say the least.
I wanted Wes, too. We semi-insane UNC fans would have to give him time to adjust, but the talen
I hope that's an April fools joke.

I would seriously quit watching the Heels if he were our coach.
that’s got to be an April Fool’s joke.
In the PC Roy said he gave his opinion on what he thought the direction should be... seems that would be either Steve Robinson or Hubert.
In the PC Roy said he gave his opinion on what he thought the direction should be... seems that would be either Steve Robinson or Hubert.

Yep. I heard that little nugget. And with all due respect to Roy, the folks making the decision need to leave his personal feelings for his assistants at the door. Steve Robinson had a shot a FSU and that didn't work out well. Hubert? Huge chance as we don't have a clue if he can truly coach, or not. And since Roy doesn't have a national championship quality team to hand off like Dean did, can UNC afford to take that chance? And that extends to Wes. He is a UNC guy, but coaching at UNCG isn't under the same glaring spotlight. But Roy always does what Dean did, and I am sure he is strongly wanting one of his people to get the job. But UNC basketball is big business. And right now, that business isn't operating like normal. They need to bring in the best coach available to him, no matter the educational pedigree.
In the PC Roy said he gave his opinion on what he thought the direction should be... seems that would be either Steve Robinson or Hubert.
The staff as a whole has been substandard for at least 2 years. When that is the case, the odds of the right answer fo the next HC being on the staff are very slim and virtually zero.

Miami football was just as few years from one having one of of best teams ever. Larry Coker had revealed as not the guy to keep the program at the top. But it should have been clear to anyone that the entire staff was lacking: the staff as a whole had been substandard. Most Miami boosters knew that the program new blood, but Miami President Donna Shalala was determined that Defensive Coordinator Randy Shannon be given the job.

The Miami defense had been exposed for at least two years whenever it faced a team with offensive talent and a top flight Offensive Coordinator. So Randy Shannon clearly was a part of the problem, a big part as the Miami D still had major talent. But Shalala got her way, and she made the hire all about what we now are told to call Social Justice.

Miami football has yet to recover fully, after a decade and a half.

Steve Robinson as a head coach ranged from a little above average to below average. Hubert Davis has not shown that he is anything more than a competent assistant on a coaching staff that has been under performing. If Roy were fully competent to know who should succeed him and that the person was already on his staff, then he would have been competent enough to get the job done as HC because the staff would have been top notch.
The cheating scandals,stupid NCAA/NBA decisions,the spoiled kids and their parents have all but ruined the game and finished me. If Bubba promotes Hubert Davis it will officially finish me.
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Hubert may work out but I am not sold on him right now. Good luck Bubba. Some of the names are ridiculous.
In the PC Roy said he gave his opinion on what he thought the direction should be... seems that would be either Steve Robinson or Hubert.

Zero chance, imo, that Roy announces his retirement to the world without there being a game plan in place of some sort. He would not put the school and it's subsequent recruiting efforts into that situation. I am not saying I have any clue who it is, just find it difficult to believe otherwise.
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I’m guessing Hubert- checks a lot of boxes. Next level- Few, Drew, Wright, Oates, Stevens, and Donovan.
it's going outside the family. Hubert has no interest, Coach Rob is going to retire with Roy.
Hard not to have high expectations with this job. I think Few would be a great fit. He's open to transfers and like it or not, that's a vital recruiting advantage in today's game and will only continue. He gets overseas players who are generally more likely to stick around. I can't remember the last really good overseas player UNC has had.

There are currently 6 players from Gonzaga in the NBA. 12 currently from UNC. So the NBA equity is not bad for him either.

I hope it's him, but maybe a "don't try to be happier than happy" situation in Spokane for him.
Hard not to have high expectations with this job. I think Few would be a great fit. He's open to transfers and like it or not, that's a vital recruiting advantage in today's game and will only continue. He gets overseas players who are generally more likely to stick around. I can't remember the last really good overseas player UNC has had.

There are currently 6 players from Gonzaga in the NBA. 12 currently from UNC. So the NBA equity is not bad for him either.

I hope it's him, but maybe a "don't try to be happier than happy" situation in Spokane for him.
I loved when Dean used to get some of these Euro and foreign guys.

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