Next HC

I totally agree with bringing back Phil Ford
Well, just when we thought losing Kessler was the hardest blow...

Levelle Moten, see folks laughing that off but I don't think many here actually realize how close Moten has been to the UNC program for a long time now, he is almost considered UNC family. Just think this may be to big a challenge for Levelle.

Thank goodness Baddour is not longer our AD!!! Well this is no longer a 1 day question because today is that some day. My #1 choice would have been Beard but Texas got him, man, why could that not have waited a week? LOL Scott Drew, yeah, could get behind that. Oates could be interesting but I just really do not like that never take a mid range shot stuff. Tony Bennett, for sure winner but I don't see him leaving UVa now that he has got them to the top of the ACC.

But the in family guys and I do not think there are but 3 that will get a serious look, Hubert, Wes, and Steve. Steve had his shot with FSU, did not go well, HOPE we don't put him in the position to remind us all how bad it did go at FSU.

Wes Miller, outstanding up and coming coach but I have said in the past, UNC-G is not UNC, UNC-G is not nearly the pressure cooker that our job is, that kind of pressure can either forge a young talented head coach in to a legendary head coach or it can destroy a coaches career, as it did to Matt, do we roll the dice and hope? Wes does recruit in our footprint now so that would give him an advantage in that respect, you play in the league you play in and to take your program to the top of that league and keep them there, to have them annual NCAAT entrants, could not ask him to do more. I would prefer he coach at a major program first just to see if he can hang with the big boys, he is a big fish in a little pond now, how big a fish is he is the biggest pond?

Hubert Davis, well Hubert has been coaching the JV team, which is UNCs version of a spring board to a head coaching gig elsewhere. Hubert has as well been much more involved in recruiting last few years, he has been the guy making initial contact to many of the kids we have brought in, Roy has listened to Hubert's thoughts I would suggest more than any of his other coaches. My 2 concerns with Hubert, first of course is I would much rather have seen him head coach elsewhere and see how he does on his own, still a problem in my mind. But second, I would prefer Steve to sail on with Roy, no offense to the man but I don't see him as a real key staff member outside of his absolute loyality to Roy. I would like to see a staff shake up.

What could be a very interesting way for this to go would be hire Hubert as head coach, bring back Phil Ford as his seasoned top assistant, takes us back to more the Dean Smith roots more than staying with the I hate zone so we don't teach it stuff Roy was so hard headed about. Hubert does a great job in the recruits homes, families love him so he does give you some of that "trust" Roy take. But having the legendary Phil Ford beside him, well that is instant basketball cred right there ESPECIALLY for high school coaches within our footprint! Fill out the staff with Rasheed Wallace and Kendal (but wouldn't it be interesting if we had VC on our side lines). You are talking about assistants that not only relate to the kids now days but have big time ball cred !
I totally agree with bringing Phil Ford back to be the top assistant! He should have been on staff all along.
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I totally agree with bringing back Phil Ford

I totally agree with bringing Phil Ford back to be the top assistant! He should have been on staff all along.
Are you under the impression that it is still 1993? That maybe we have a time machine? Phil Ford today is not the assistant coach he was then.
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They're gonna get in touch with some big names and see. To me, the staff lost alot when Mcgrath left for Wilmington. He brought alot more to the program than people realize. Does UNC want the best coach they they can get, or do they want to stay in the Dean/Roy coaching tree? If they want to win big, quick hire Rick pimp daddy Pitino. We all know that ain't happening, but he is a damn good basketball coach. Will Stevens leave boston? If he ever wants to coach at the college level again, we'll find out.
Hard not to have high expectations with this job. I think Few would be a great fit. He's open to transfers and like it or not, that's a vital recruiting advantage in today's game and will only continue. He gets overseas players who are generally more likely to stick around. I can't remember the last really good overseas player UNC has had.

There are currently 6 players from Gonzaga in the NBA. 12 currently from UNC. So the NBA equity is not bad for him either.

I hope it's him, but maybe a "don't try to be happier than happy" situation in Spokane for him.
Can you think of any way that the job in Chapel Hill would be something he could benefit from?

All I can think of is that he MIGHT want to prove that he can coach-- and WIN consistently-- in a conference that has a lot of other higher-level talent. At Gonzaga, he's always the big fish in the little pond. Even if he won the NCAAT, he's still playing against sub-par conference teams and he knows it.

If it comes out that Mark Few is the new coach, I would be thrilled. It would be the best news since Roy's announcement to be the new head coach 18 years ago!
I’m guessing Hubert- checks a lot of boxes. Next level- Few, Drew, Wright, Oates, Stevens, and Donovan.
Now let's just see that scenario: Bubba calls up Billy Donovan and Jay Wright, both with 2 NCAA championships, and tells them they are being considered but Hubert Davis, with 0 years as HC anywhere, even in HS, is top choice.

Bubba would mark himself as a fool of the worst sort.
I hope that's true. Nothing against him personally or anything. But, he doesn't even strike me as someone that really ever aspired to BE a coach!!!
I totally agree. Cant remember him ever showing any fire in the belly in terms of being a head coach. Nice guy yeah, but head coach? AT UNC? That's scary!
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C'mon, man. People in Calcutta and Croatia know who Michael Jordan is.
Ya think? Of course they do. 🙄
"Know who" is a big big big difference from "find relevant" and even further from being "influenced by". Besides, it's an empty argument as MJ isn't a flipping coach.
Ya think? Of course they do. 🙄
"Know who" is a big big big difference from "find relevant" and even further from being "influenced by". Besides, it's an empty argument as MJ isn't a flipping coach.
Jordan is definitely relevant to kids today. They don't flip out over his shoes for nothing. But he definitely isn't a coach.
OMG. I cannot believe how out of touch some people are. It's 2021. Wake up.
Not out of touch at all, Phil knows a lot about the game, that hasn't left him, has it changed? Sure! But Phil is a smart guy and a great recruiter who would still resonate with high school and AAU coaches and parents. And he knows the lay of the land.
Yep. Even 3 years as a winning HC in the Atlantic Sun is better than 0 HC experience.
I looked for people with the necessary requirements-here that would include successful head coaching experience—and then for someone who brought something extra, something not all of the group who
met the requirements have. In the family, that would be Wes Miller, with the something extra being youth. Outside the family, Latrelle Moton, with the something extra being character and family atmosphere. But who knows?
Is anyone’s ceiling as high as our expectations are? Real candidates, not the dumb Stevens and Few pipe dreams.

I think Wes’ ceiling is the highest. He’s 38 and he’s won consistently. We know he can coach.
He's young, he can probably adapt to the changes, long-term, better. He's been coached by the best. And, He knows what it is to be "Carolina."
Is anyone’s ceiling as high as our expectations are? Real candidates, not the dumb Stevens and Few pipe dreams.

I think Wes’ ceiling is the highest. He’s 38 and he’s won consistently. We know he can coach.
Yeah, I can't see Few, Wright, Stevens interested in leaving their current gigs at all.

Bubba says he prefers someone with HC experience, and Roy specifically mentioned Wes during his presser. It would make me nervous, but I could live with it. The ceiling could be the roof, and we might have our next coach for 25+ years in Wes.
Is anyone’s ceiling as high as our expectations are? Real candidates, not the dumb Stevens and Few pipe dreams.

I think Wes’ ceiling is the highest. He’s 38 and he’s won consistently. We know he can coach.
I would feel better if that winning was at the P5 level. And I know you know that a job like UNC is a lot more than just on the court coaching. I'm not sure he can handle all the extra stuff.
and I believe Roy would be around to assist whenever he's needed. Hopefully, if it's Wes, he'll be more receptive to that help than Doherty was.
I would feel better if that winning was at the P5 level. And I know you know that a job like UNC is a lot more than just on the court coaching. I'm not sure he can handle all the extra stuff.

Both fair points.

Unfortunately we don’t have the perfect guy waiting so I’ll trade those two question marks for the things I do know Wes can do.
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I would feel better if that winning was at the P5 level. And I know you know that a job like UNC is a lot more than just on the court coaching. I'm not sure he can handle all the extra stuff.
I know he has not won at the P5 level but at the end of the day, winning is winning. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Wes has been to the NCAA twice and has 5 straight seasons of 20+ wins. I wouldnt be mad at all if he were given the keys. We all know Roy will be around assisting anyway he can.
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Bubba said in his press conference tonight that he plans to get the input of as many former UNC players as he can get a hold of. He has already talk to many of them. He also mentioned several times that it is very important that they "hire the best person for the job right now". He also mentioned that the person must has impeccable integrity.

I heard Hubert is definitely interested in the job. He may not get it, but he is interested in the job.
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Bubba seemed to really want someone with head coaching experience. After listening to Bubba speak today, I'm thinking Davis is not his pick.
Could be, he did, but he also mentioned NBA experience/connection, and Carolina connection. Said all candidates would have pros and cons in these areas.
Not out of touch at all, Phil knows a lot about the game, that hasn't left him, has it changed? Sure! But Phil is a smart guy and a great recruiter who would still resonate with high school and AAU coaches and parents. And he knows the lay of the land.

phil is doing what roy is about to do, be an ambassador and love it.
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The hire should be a STAR. It's the best job in College BB. MJ agrees and so does anyone who really gives a shit. There is NO ONE who's "Carolina Family" who currently fits the bill. If you wanna take a flyer go for the kid at UNC Greensboro. But damn.