Ocasio-Cortez, the gift that just keeps on giving...

And I'm pointing out that I defend people l can't stand, like BO. AOC's statements are on a whole other level than the common mispoken word. They are rooted in ignorance.

And trump's statements aren't? lol
And trump's statements aren't? lol


You're just arguing in circles now, so I'll explain it one more time. Trump misspeaks, it happens to people who are in the spotlight that much. It happened to Obama as well. I'm not going to call either one of them stupid because they misspoke. However, when you don't know what the three branches of government are, and you're actually in the House, that's a problem for me. At least she's contained to a district that was never going to go red anyway. She's inconsequential in the big picture, which is why she's already kowtowing to the establishment Democrats.
Okay, if you're trying to compare him to Warren Buffet, then yeah...he's underperformed, but at least he didn't kill anyone by refusing upkeep on his trains. You don't get as rich as Buffet has by doing things honestly. I would venture to say there are a lot of skeletons in that man's closet.

The article didn't compare him to Warren Buffett. You should actually try reading it...

An investment of $200 million in 1976 in the FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITs Index would have compounded to $23.2 billion by year-end 2015. That is considerably above Mr. Trump’s recent self-reported net worth of approximately $10 billion. Mr. Trump has underperformed the real estate market by approximately $13.2 billion, or 57%.

Although the use of self-reported wealth at both the start and end of the period is consistent, these values may differ from independent estimates. A Businessweek evaluation reports that Mr. Trump was worth $100 million in 1978. If one compounds this estimate from December 1978 to December 2015 using the index’s return, then his fortune would be worth $8.6 billion. Forbes, meanwhile, independently estimateshis current net worth to be $4.5 billion. In other words, independent sources point to an underperformance of 48%.

You're just arguing in circles now, so I'll explain it one more time. Trump misspeaks, it happens to people who are in the spotlight that much. It happened to Obama as well. I'm not going to call either one of them stupid because they misspoke. However, when you don't know what the three branches of government are, and you're actually in the House, that's a problem for me. At least she's contained to a district that was never going to go red anyway. She's inconsequential in the big picture, which is why she's already kowtowing to the establishment Democrats.

He misspoke when he talked about how he would date his own daughter and she had a great body? You're delusional. He makes fundamentally ignorant statements all of the damn time.
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He misspoke when he talked about how he would date his own daughter and she had a great body? You're delusional. He makes fundamentally ignorant statements all of the damn time.
A father is trying to build up his daughters confidence by telling her she's beautiful? What a scumbag. This is why we laugh.
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The article didn't compare him to Warren Buffett. You should actually try reading it...

An investment of $200 million in 1976 in the FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITs Index would have compounded to $23.2 billion by year-end 2015. That is considerably above Mr. Trump’s recent self-reported net worth of approximately $10 billion. Mr. Trump has underperformed the real estate market by approximately $13.2 billion, or 57%.

Although the use of self-reported wealth at both the start and end of the period is consistent, these values may differ from independent estimates. A Businessweek evaluation reports that Mr. Trump was worth $100 million in 1978. If one compounds this estimate from December 1978 to December 2015 using the index’s return, then his fortune would be worth $8.6 billion. Forbes, meanwhile, independently estimateshis current net worth to be $4.5 billion. In other words, independent sources point to an underperformance of 48%.

Oh, I wasn't aware that Buffet wasn't part of the real estate market, especially since he was mentioned right away in the article.
A father is trying to build up his daughters confidence by telling her she's beautiful? What a scumbag. This is why we laugh.

Idk very many fathers that build their daughter’s confidence by sexualizing them and insinuating how they’d like to sleep with them. That shit is disgusting but at this point I’m not surprised it doesn’t bother you. You’re a shameless hypocrite.
Oh, I wasn't aware that Buffet wasn't part of the real estate market, especially since he was mentioned right away in the article.

I never said he wasn’t. But the comparison was to the entire market not to Buffett individually. You should try something other than incoherent deflecting for once...
I never said he wasn’t. But the comparison was to the entire market not to Buffett individually. You should try something other than incoherent deflecting for once...

Deflect from what? That article had nothing to do with your point. Just because Trump hasn't done as well as the overall real estate market doesn't mean that he would have done better by just general investments.
Deflect from what? That article had nothing to do with your point. Just because Trump hasn't done as well as the overall real estate market doesn't mean that he would have done better by just general investments.

That’s literally the main point of the article. If he had invested in index funds he would be far more wealthy than even he claims to be. He underperformed the aggregate market by nearly 50%.

But you also think he doesn’t say ignorant shit so obviously we are living in two different realities.
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That’s literally the main point of the article. If he had invested in index funds he would be far more wealthy than even he claims to be. He underperformed the aggregate market by nearly 50%.

But you also think he doesn’t say ignorant shit so obviously we are living in two different realities.

Yeah, because index funds always perform as well as the market.

Most of the stuff you think is ignorance is just butthurt and nitpicking.
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The article didn't compare him to Warren Buffett. You should actually try reading it...

An investment of $200 million in 1976 in the FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITs Index would have compounded to $23.2 billion by year-end 2015. That is considerably above Mr. Trump’s recent self-reported net worth of approximately $10 billion. Mr. Trump has underperformed the real estate market by approximately $13.2 billion, or 57%.

Although the use of self-reported wealth at both the start and end of the period is consistent, these values may differ from independent estimates. A Businessweek evaluation reports that Mr. Trump was worth $100 million in 1978. If one compounds this estimate from December 1978 to December 2015 using the index’s return, then his fortune would be worth $8.6 billion. Forbes, meanwhile, independently estimateshis current net worth to be $4.5 billion. In other words, independent sources point to an underperformance of 48%.

I'm not gonna get into this whole back-and-forth about whether Trump is a good investor.

But this article is comically off-base. First off, we're taking Trump's "self-reported to the New York Times" estimate of $200M back in 1976, as well as his self-reported estimate of $10B present-day. So now you, as someone who has touted Trump being a blowhard, liar, and con-man, want to use these self-reported numbers as factual beginning and end-points of an analysis? The blow-hard couldn't have been fudging his 1976 net worth a little bit? The con-man that doesn't pay taxes couldn't have undersold his current net worth?

But put that aside. The most glaring hole in this "analysis" is that the article is taking his net worth and assuming it is an investment that grows perpetually and is never drawn down on. Every year since 1976 Trump has spent a portion of his net worth just to live. And from the looks of it, he's lived rather lavishly. All that money is coming out of his net worth, and all of the compounding that money would have done is therefore also not in his final ending net worth number.

Also, the guy has been divorced twice since 1976, you think those women might have gotten a decent chunk of his net worth as well (which also, didn't get the benefit of compounding after it left his coffers).

Honestly mind-boggling that a professor of finance would pass off such shoddy analysis as fact.
It’s not hard to become a billionaire when you get 400 million dollars from daddy. The amount of money in his bank account has no bearing on his ability to say dumb shit.
The jury is out on how much he is worth....
A father is trying to build up his daughters confidence by telling her she's beautiful? What a scumbag. This is why we laugh.
Damn man, he called her a "piece of ass" with big tits.. This is why we laugh....
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The Lefties don't like their idiots being discussed it seems.

Discuss away. I’m no fan of hers. It’s just ironic considering how many trump supporters here say they don’t care about him saying stupid shit. Or outright revel in him saying stupid shit if it pisses of the liberals and “dims.”
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It’s a 2-way street. Trumpers are some of the most devout people I’ve ever seen. It’s worse than it was Obama. They refuse to admit any fault.
The people who are cult-like in their following, reverence, idolizing "leaders" regardless of ideology (Trump, AOC, Barak Obama, Ron Paul, Beto O'Rourke) - are downright scary to me. No man or woman is worthy of anyone following or agreeing with them.... before you even hear what that leader stands for:

like saying "I agree with Trump (or OAC or whoever) on policy X just because he is Trump and he can do no wrong." I actually hear people say this, and these people would vociferously argue EITHER side of the same issue, depending on which side they find their cult hero (like Trump) has taken.

That is just so pathetic and devoid of any credibility for that person. I lose respect for even having any discussion with the person. And yes I know a lot of Trump followers fall into that camp. But a lot of NeverTrumpers fall into that camp as well, or supporters of persons like AOC or Obama.

I think a lot of the hard core Trump supporters (middle and lower economic class of any color) have been forgotten, mocked, sold out, lied to, etc) for the last 30+ years by both party that they frantically cling to Trump come hell or high water because he is the one guy they see who fights for them, represents them, listens to them, knows Trump won't roll over when he is attacked.

Whether the hard core Trumpers believe or agree with his shockingly shallow grasp of the government or economic or political policy, matters little to them. They just need to do whatever they can - support Trump at all costs - details or Trump's position logic be damned - to keep their supporter and defender in office.
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Idk very many fathers that build their daughter’s confidence by sexualizing them and insinuating how they’d like to sleep with them. That shit is disgusting but at this point I’m not surprised it doesn’t bother you. You’re a shameless hypocrite.

He insinuated that he wanted to sleep with her? What did he do, hold her hand?
It’s a 2-way street. Trumpers are some of the most devout people I’ve ever seen. It’s worse than it was Obama. They refuse to admit any fault.

The problem isn't Trumpers, the problem is never-Trumpers. If TDS people ever hear someone say anything even neutral about Trump, they automatically label them a "Trumper".
It wouldn't be my choice of wording, but it hardly proves what you all are trying to insinuate.

You’re being deliberately obtuse then. That comment paints a distrurbingly clear image. Men don’t normally refer to women as a piece of ass if they aren’t interest in them sexually.
You’re being deliberately obtuse then. That comment paints a distrurbingly clear image. Men don’t normally refer to women as a piece of ass if they aren’t interest in them sexually.

How do you know that? Do you know every single man in existence? This whole "Trump wants to bang his daughter" argument is absolutely retarded.
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The problem isn't Trumpers, the problem is never-Trumpers. If TDS people ever hear someone say anything even neutral about Trump, they automatically label them a "Trumper".
Trumpers and Never Trumpers are the same thing as the reverent Obama supporters and the equally idiotic Never Obama types. Both sides have them.

The people who are cult-like in their following, reverence, idolizing "leaders" regardless of ideology (Trump, AOC, Barak Obama, Ron Paul, Beto O'Rourke) - are downright scary to me. No man or woman is worthy of anyone following or agreeing with them.... before you even hear what that leader stands for:

like saying "I agree with Trump (or OAC or whoever) on policy X just because he is Trump and he can do no wrong." I actually hear people say this, and these people would vociferously argue EITHER side of the same issue, depending on which side they find their cult hero (like Trump) has taken.

That is just so pathetic and devoid of any credibility for that person. I lose respect for even having any discussion with the person. And yes I know a lot of Trump followers fall into that camp. But a lot of NeverTrumpers fall into that camp as well, or supporters of persons like AOC or Obama.

I think a lot of the hard core Trump supporters (middle and lower economic class of any color) have been forgotten, mocked, sold out, lied to, etc) for the last 30+ years by both party that they frantically cling to Trump come hell or high water because he is the one guy they see who fights for them, represents them, listens to them, knows Trumps won't roll over when he is attacked.

Whether the hard core Trumpers believe or agree with his shockingly shallow grasp of the government or economic or political policy, matters little to them. They just need to do whatever they can - support Trump at all costs - details or Trump's position logic be damned - to keep their supporter and defender in office.
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Trumpers and Never Trumpers are the same thing as the reverent Obama supporters and the equally idiotic Never Obama types. Both sides have them.


You aren't guilty of it, but there are many on this board who are. I've criticised Trump on this board and I still always get called a Trumper because find his trolling hilarious.
You’re being deliberately obtuse then. That comment paints a distrurbingly clear image. Men don’t normally refer to women as a piece of ass if they aren’t interest in them sexually.
Who says crap like that about their own daughter? As soon as I first heard that I have hated the man ever since. What kind of a POS talks about their daughter like that?
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You aren't guilty of it, but there are many on this board who are. I've criticised Trump on this board and I still always get called a Trumper because find his trolling hilarious.
Why would you engage with someone who is completely blinded by hate or adoration? Seems exhausting
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You know, the fact that you guys try to make light of stuff that he says like this or excuses this says a lot about you. This and a lot of his other stuff is inexcusable to any decent person.
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