Ocasio-Cortez, the gift that just keeps on giving...


Seriously though, it's only a message board.
The kind of person you are usually shows through even on a message board....
You know, the fact that you guys try to make light of stuff that he says like this or excuses this says a lot about you. This and a lot of his other stuff is inexcusable to any decent person.

People make light of it because it's so inconsequential to anything regarding our lives. Try it sometime. Read something Trump says/tweets with a panty-unbundler by your side, and try to get on with your life.
You come across as trailer park trash.

He must have been kicked off his home board . . he's like a turd that won't flush, and you can tell that he wants so badly to be a Heel's fan.

People make light of it because it's so inconsequential to anything regarding our lives. Try it sometime. Read something Trump says/tweets with a panty-unbundler by your side, and try to get on with your life.
iNconsequential? That's the problem, it's not, and you won't see it until it's too late. Over the last 2 years he has taken us from the leader of the free world to the laughing stock of the whole world. We have zero respect from anybody, allies shun us and countries like Russia and NK play us like the pussy that we have become. I'm sorry but it is far from inconsequential.
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iNconsequential? That's the problem, it's not, and you won't see it until it's too late. Over the last 2 years he has taken us from the leader of the free world to the laughing stock of the whole world. We have zero respect from anybody, allies shun us and countries like Russia and NK play us like the pussy that we have become. I'm sorry but it is far from inconsequential.

I'm tired of the US being "the leader of the free world." Both the price tag and the death count are getting too high, imo.
Thanks. We probably would have anyway but I'm glad it's OK.

You were the one that said we didn’t like it. Just pointing out that nobody actually gives a shit. Its just funny to see the hypocrisy.
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I just don't see the hypocrisy. I don't care if you say stuff about Trump, even if it isn't true.

Nobody ever said that the hypocrisy had anything to do with caring about people saying stuff about trump. You gotta try to actually engage with the other person's argument... Otherwise you're basically just talking to yourself.
Nobody ever said that the hypocrisy had anything to do with caring about people saying stuff about trump. You gotta try to actually engage with the other person's argument... Otherwise you're basically just talking to yourself.

I'm just pointing out the absurdity of the lines you guys try to draw between his actual statement and your arbitrary meaning of his statement.
I'm tired of the US being "the leader of the free world." Both the price tag and the death count are getting too high, imo.
We will always lead and spend more than everyone else. It’s annoying at times but I’d rather set policy then follow it.
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I'm just pointing out the absurdity of the lines you guys try to draw between his actual statement and your arbitrary meaning of his statement.

You can't even admit the stupidity of saying "we just got back from the Middle East" to Israelis in the middle of Jerusalem, so its pretty clear that nobody should take you seriously on the subject of things that Trump says.
You can't even admit the stupidity of saying "we just got back from the Middle East" to Israelis in the middle of Jerusalem, so its pretty clear that nobody should take you seriously on the subject of things that Trump says.

Yeah, he messed up. Nobody is arguing that. What's your point?
We don't have to be isolationist either. How about we just take care of the us, talk to other countries, and if they want us to do something that isn't in our best interest, to go pound sand.
Global policy doesn’t work like that. If we leave the space we occupy, someone (China) will fill it.

We pay a small price to run the world. I like it.
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Yep . . you're always welcomed here. as long as you lean right, you're more important than A Tar Heel fan. LMFAO

Thank you, Rivals . . !
The fact is every word that comes out of the POTUS’s mouth matters and this one has lowered the ability of this country to get anything done in its best interest because he is a worthless piece of shit and the whole world knows it. From our allies, to our foes, to third world countries. They pay attention to us only for the comedy they get from it. People in mud huts in Africa see him for what he is, a piece of trash
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