Ocasio-Cortez, the gift that just keeps on giving...

You're starting to get angry, and you continue to leave out the fact that poor people are having to pay to subsidize cars for the upper middle class and rich. Tesla cars might be great when they aren't killing their passengers, but it isn't the US government's job to play favorites. This just leads to cronyism and corruption.

I’m not angry. I’m just bored. You’re going to carry on misrepresenting every point I make because that’s what you do. So there’s no much point in having this discussion.

Poor people are disproportionally affected by carbon emissions. And the rich and middle class people buying Tesla’s are also paying taxes. The IP that Tesla develops can be used to develop cars that are more affordable. Once Tesla scales up their production the price should fall. The government doesn’t just subsidize Tesla, so they aren’t playing favorites. They’re subsidizing an industry that revolutionize human transportation and reduce the catastrophic effects of climate change. Subsidizing them is good economics. Unless you’re a right wing libertarian idealist that subscribes to free market fundamentalist nonsense.
Again, this is just a narcissitic response to people who think they can control the world. You have a hard time debating a finance major on some random message board. Do you think you have the wherewithal to control the destruction of the economy?

A hard time? Lol that’s funny. You’re not even getting me warmed up.

I never said I was controlling the destruction of the economy. Do you seriously not believe that lowering interest rates can reduce the damage done by an economic downturn?
I’m not angry. I’m just bored. You’re going to carry on misrepresenting every point I make because that’s what you do. So there’s no much point in having this discussion.

Poor people are disproportionally affected by carbon emissions. And the rich and middle class people buying Tesla’s are also paying taxes. The IP that Tesla develops can be used to develop cars that are more affordable. Once Tesla scales up their production the price should fall. The government doesn’t just subsidize Tesla, so they aren’t playing favorites. They’re subsidizing an industry that revolutionize human transportation and reduce the catastrophic effects of climate change. Subsidizing them is good economics. Unless you’re a right wing libertarian idealist that subscribes to free market fundamentalist nonsense.

I continually misrepresent your view? That sounds more like your problem than mine. Explain your situation better.

Again, your post just wreaks of favoritism over practicality.
A hard time? Lol that’s funny. You’re not even getting me warmed up.

I never said I was controlling the destruction of the economy. Do you seriously not believe that lowering interest rates can reduce the damage done by an economic downturn?

Why do you continue to bloviate on this subject?
I continually misrepresent your view? That sounds more like your problem than mine. Explain your situation better.

Again, your post just wreaks of favoritism over practicality.

Now that’s absurd. A perfectly elucidated argument can still be straw manned.
But it's your job to get the point across.

I got the point across. At that point it’s your job to engage the actual argument being made instead of straw manning. Or there’s no point in having the discussion

Steel manning the other sides argument should be step one of any legitimate debate.
Do you actually say the word "bloviate" in regular conversation? Or, is that just one of those special 50-cent message board words like spew, or ilk?

Honestly? I used it on Wednesday, December the 5th, while I was finishing up a group project for my major. I used it because I was acknowledging my ability to extend my argument during an oral presentation. I can tell you that my group mates, that weren't so prepared, were ecstatic with my performance.

I'm not going to try to be a dick here, which I often fail, but I'm very good at communication. I'm good looking, I'm charismatic, I'm intelligent, and I'm educated. I know I sound like a total douche, but I was dealt a winning hand by the gods, even if I was born into a lower middle class family.
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Honestly? I used it on Wednesday, December the 5th, while I was finishing up a group project for my major. I used it because I was acknowledging my ability to extend my argument during an oral presentation. I can tell you that my group mates, that weren't so prepared, were ecstatic with my performance.

I'm not going to try to be a dick here, which I often fail, but I'm very good at communication. I'm good looking, I'm charismatic, I'm intelligent, and I'm educated. I know I sound like a total douche, but I was dealt a winning hand by the gods, even if I was born into a lower middle class family.
... and... humble, and modest. Don't forget those!
... and... humble, and modest. Don't forget those!

I know it comes across douchy, but I've never been above being douchy. :D

Edit: BTW, are you saying that brag wasn't so subtle?

Seriously though, I think I'm like most people on this board. There are a lot of smart people here, and who are more educated than I am. I just like to push buttons sometimes. You know how I am. :cool:
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Subsidies are barriers to trade just like tariffs. They both make US goods artificially cheaper, reducing imports. Two sides of the same protectionism coin.
I’m not a huge fan of subsidies but I do understand there is some merit to them. Generally I find them acceptable for things like food and energy. At the same time, I wouldn’t mind seeing them go away all together.
The fact is every word that comes out of the POTUS’s mouth matters and this one has lowered the ability of this country to get anything done in its best interest because he is a worthless piece of shit and the whole world knows it. From our allies, to our foes, to third world countries. They pay attention to us only for the comedy they get from it. People in mud huts in Africa see him for what he is, a piece of trash

That's funny- start a post with "the fact is" and then follow that with nothing but weak, butthurt, whiny opinions. I'll bet you stomped your feet while typing that.

Even funnier- people that wanted Hillary complaining about Trump's character.
I guess her Jewish heritage is the reason she's so anti-Israel.
Being Jewish doesn't automatically mean you support everything the Israeli government does or doesn't do. Israel and Judea were two different places in the ancient Hebrew origins. The Jewish diaspora that also occurred, makes any ancient political allegiance even more vicarious.

Assuming that being a Hebrew includes being supportive of things a foreign government does is a little presumptuous. Israel, the present-day country, isn't as automatically synonymous with the Jewish religion as much as some people, especially in America, assume it is, or should be. It's a bit more complex than "You're Jewish? Then you support Israel." I'm of Irish descent, I couldn't tell you what is going on in Ireland. I don't even care, to be honest. But, if I addressed an Irish audience, I could still mention my biological heritage without being expected to get drunk.
Being Jewish doesn't automatically mean you support everything the Israeli government does or doesn't do. Israel and Judea were two different places in the ancient Hebrew origins. The Jewish diaspora that also occurred, makes any ancient political allegiance even more vicarious.

Assuming that being a Hebrew includes being supportive of things a foreign government does is a little presumptuous. Israel, the present-day country, isn't as automatically synonymous with the Jewish religion as much as some people, especially in America, assume it is, or should be. It's a bit more complex than "You're Jewish? Then you support Israel." I'm of Irish descent, I couldn't tell you what is going on in Ireland. I don't even care, to be honest. But, if I addressed an Irish audience, I could still mention my biological heritage without being expected to get drunk.

I'm Scot/Irish with .2% Portuguese according to the heredity results we received...does that make me Hispanic?
I'm Scot/Irish with .2% Portuguese according to the heredity results we received...does that make me Hispanic?
I dunno... does it?

Do you support everything the Scots and/or Irish government does?

And if you don't does that make you less scotch and or Irish?
I dunno... does it?

Do you support everything the Scots and/or Irish government does?

I don't have a clue. Don't know about Portugal, either.

But then I ain't in front of a crowd of them telling them I'm some kinda half-assed Hispanic and thus had the right to tell Portugal how to handle it's business.
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I don't have a clue. Don't know about Portugal, either.

But then I ain't in front of a crowd of them telling them I'm some kinda half-assed Hispanic and thus had the right to tell Portugal how to handle it's business.
Was the audience she was speaking to in America?
But then I ain't in front of a crowd of them telling them I'm some kinda half-assed Hispanic and thus had the right to tell Portugal how to handle it's business.
You're not a politician so you would never be in that situation, I would hope. And thank God for that.
She hasn't taken office yet has she?
Are you surprised that a politician, or candidate is speaking to a specific group of people and trying to pander to them by finding a common thread?

How is she telling Israel how to handle its business by speaking to Jewish Americans?
Are you surprised that a politician, or candidate is speaking to a specific group of people and trying to pander to them by finding a common thread?

How is she telling Israel how to handle its business by speaking to Jewish Americans?

She's anti-Israel. She doesn't think Israel has a right to exist. I don't know what else to tell you.
She's anti-Israel. She doesn't think Israel has a right to exist. I don't know what else to tell you.
And you gleaned that from what she just told those people? I just listened to it again and I'm really having difficulty finding anything offencive about what she's saying to those people at that moment
And you gleaned that from what she just told those people? I just listened to it again and I'm really having difficulty finding anything offencive about what she's saying to those people at that moment

That's because she's pandering. I'm not pulling up her previous comments on Israel. She can rot, IMO. Your may differ, but then I don't care what you think about it. I don't post to please you, Strum.
Recently she has begun saying she favors a two-state solution...that's new. Someone must have told her to chill.

“I think I’d just, uh, well,” Ocasio-Cortez began, before interrupting herself.. “I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue. Like, I am literally just repeating terms I think I saw on Facebook once. I have no idea what they mean.”

She's a bona fide moron.