Ocasio-Cortez, the gift that just keeps on giving...

She really needs to just stfu and vote for whatever Bernie tells her to support.
Has Bernie got pics of you ****ing a goat?

No I just support his platform. The moment he says something I disagree with then I will voice that disagreement. I think he’s considerably better than anybody else in Washington.
This is being willfully ignorant. It certainly helps, but making money is not that easy. I have no love for Trump, but the man is a force and has done very well. Think of all the athletes who makes hundreds of millions at a young age and do nothing with it.

No doubt. If making money were that easy, we wouldn't have so many irresponsible people on gov't assistance.
No doubt. If making money were that easy, we wouldn't have so many irresponsible people on gov't assistance.

I’m pretty sure most people who are on welfare didn’t inherit 400 million dollars. Making money is easy when you have hundreds of millions to park in investments and just collect interest.
It’s a 2-way street. Trumpers are some of the most devout people I’ve ever seen. It’s worse than it was Obama. They refuse to admit any fault.

Uh, no it isnt. The tricks on The View have never ,ever, ever, EVER, E-V-E-R said anything remotely negative about Obama or Michelle. CNN is the same way. The only ones on either of those shows that have are the lone conservatives. Please post any negative article you can find by the WaPo or Huffpost on the Obama's.
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Uh, no it isnt. The tricks on The View have never ,ever, ever, EVER, E-V-E-R said anything remotely negative about Obama or Michelle. CNN is the same way. The only ones on either of those shows that have are the lone conservatives. Please post any negative article you can find by the WaPo or Huffpost on the Obama's.
So, now she's threatening to use subpoena powers because someone is posting memes about her. This is the issue with the Dems. They think subpoena power is a weapon to use against other political parties. That's a very dangerous way to look at it.

Sounds like a threat to me, lol. Might better toughen that skin up a little sweetums...I've got a feeling the jokes at your expense are just beginning.
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So gas is two bucks because of trump? Lol you guys are silly
Trumps has been better than I expected but he’s been a huge let down as well. He hasn’t done anything that any other republican would have done. They controlled all the branches of government.


- he’s failed to repeal ACA
- no border wall
- immigration continues to be an issue
- tax cuts really only helped big business/didn’t go far enough
- no infrastructure bill
- hasn’t cut planned Parenthood

Not to mention he’s exploding the deficit and the trade war with China sucks. He made his bed with the economy and were about to see a pull back. Depending on how big it is will determine if he gets elected in 2020.
Trumps has been better than I expected but he’s been a huge let down as well. He hasn’t done anything that any other republican would have done. They controlled all the branches of government.


- he’s failed to repeal ACA
- no border wall
- immigration continues to be an issue
- tax cuts really only helped big business/didn’t go far enough
- no infrastructure bill
- hasn’t cut planned Parenthood

Not to mention he’s exploding the deficit and the trade war with China sucks. He made his bed with the economy and were about to see a pull back. Depending on how big it is will determine if he gets elected in 2020.

I'm fine with corporate tax cuts. However, you either need to cut spending or find another revenue for taxes.
Trumps has been better than I expected but he’s been a huge let down as well. He hasn’t done anything that any other republican would have done. They controlled all the branches of government.


- he’s failed to repeal ACA
- no border wall
- immigration continues to be an issue
- tax cuts really only helped big business/didn’t go far enough
- no infrastructure bill
- hasn’t cut planned Parenthood

Not to mention he’s exploding the deficit and the trade war with China sucks. He made his bed with the economy and were about to see a pull back. Depending on how big it is will determine if he gets elected in 2020.

Give him time...he's got 6 years left.
Give him time...he's got 6 years left.
Most likely. Until the Dems trot out someone who isn’t a smelly turd, they will struggle. However, we are looking at a pull back. A good candidate from the left could pull it out if the economy sputters. I think some of the casual Trump supporters are starting to tire of him. He needs to get more shit done.

Try double that. I refuse to endorse the theft of poor peoples' money in order to prop up rich people.

You’re 42?
Most likely. Until the Dems trot out someone who isn’t a smelly turd, they will struggle. However, we are looking at a pull back. A good candidate from the left could pull it out if the economy sputters. I think some of the casual Trump supporters are starting to tire of him. He needs to get more shit done.

You’re 42?

Yup. I just act like I'm 14. ;)