OOTB's Political Thread . ..

No, that's your job. It's all you do. Spread your f**king poison and lies about people trying to live their lives in peace. People like you have existed for centuries, millennia even. The kind that rounded up non desirables in Germany, slaughtered Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and argued that black people were biologically inferior in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
who starved untold millions of their own people to death in Russia and China? MANY millions of their own people. Lefties, that's who. Don't forget about them.

And they told lies, really big ones. I bet they did other shit too.
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#1 R&R tune of all time, IMO.

Saw the Who three years ago. Amazing experience.
who starved untold millions of their own people to death in Russia and China? MANY millions of their own people. Lefties, that's who. Don't forget about them.

And they told lies, really big ones. I bet they did other shit too.

I watched the HBO Chernobyl series recently. If there was ever a reason to despise the Soviet Union and communism in general that show will give you ample opportunity.

Lying isn't unique to left or right tyranny. It's the one thing they share in common.
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that's what I was trying to say. since the poster you were calling a liar is a righty.

I've seen The Who three times, all great shows.

He’s not a liar because he’s a righty. He’s a liar because he’s demonizing people and spreading blatant disinformation about them.

Also Van Halen was a damn good show I saw as well.
He’s not a liar because he’s a righty. He’s a liar because he’s demonizing people and spreading blatant disinformation about them.

Also Van Halen was a damn good show I saw as well.
I watched the Elvis movie tonight. (Pretty good) when it told about how the religious nut jobs demonized and tried to suppress and censor elvis it sounded just like @randman1 ’s posts in here.
Unhinged? unglued? Drunk? High? it’s hard to say. The lies and ridiculous accusations just flow from him like orange sewage. He’s a fuking lunatic. Claiming “weirdo” mark zuckerberg visited him at the uh…..White House?….last week to “kiss his ass” is especially entertaining.

Of course he's a liar. All people like him are duped into believing it or know what they're saying is bullshit and propagate it anyway for the sake of moral superiority of knowing 'the truth' or to enrich themselves.

That's why people like him are the lowest of the low. Rats. Poison and filth under the guise of a human being. They deserve a steel toed boot in the balls and then some.
You sound like a Nazi when you make statements like that. I don’t think you’re the open minded person you profess to be.
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Speaking of open-mindedness, nothing brings out my hatred for humanity more than driving hwy 95.
My inner Saudi Arabian really shines - women, foreigners and people of other races shouldn't be allowed to drive - isn't that what they say? Same goes for 75% the people that don't fall into the above exclusions.

Nobody can maintain a speed, people don't know cruise control exists. Nobody knows how to use their turn signal. New Jersey gas stations and weird roads fuel the rage.
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He’s not a liar because he’s a righty. He’s a liar because he’s demonizing people and spreading blatant disinformation about them.

Also Van Halen was a damn good show I saw as well.
Blatant disinformation is spread on every media form on a daily basis and by our politicians at the very highest levels of our government. I see it from conservatives and liberals here.
He’s not a liar because he’s a righty. He’s a liar because he’s demonizing people and spreading blatant disinformation about them.

Also Van Halen was a damn good show I saw as well.
I didn't say he was a liar because he was a righty. I said liars aren't limited to the right. I said there are liars of any stripe. Tyrants too. You probably don't see why I was pointing this out but there's only so much I can do.

I posted somewhere here that the one time I saw Van Halen, it sucked balls because it was so loud that the speakers were breaking up and killing my ears so bad I had to leave and stay in the concourse of the arena for awhile. At least I can say I got to see them.
I do agree there. Which shows that if some sort of reasonable candidate ran without the fringe bullshit on either side, they'd probably do pretty damn well. But the two party system will try it's damnedest to make sure that never happens.
the two party system is not working for us. But in order to allow something that does, the election process needs to be fixed to facilitate it.
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I didn't say he was a liar because he was a righty. I said liars aren't limited to the right. I said there are liars of any stripe. Tyrants too. You probably don't see why I was pointing this out but there's only so much I can do.

I posted somewhere here that the one time I saw Van Halen, it sucked balls because it was so loud that the speakers were breaking up and killing my ears so bad I had to leave and stay in the concourse of the arena for awhile. At least I can say I got to see them.
Wow that happened to me at Van Halen as well in Greensboro back in the 80s. They were incredibly loud plus the arena they were in had horrible acoustics which just magnified the misery. we literally could not tell what songs they were playing. I think we made it about 30 minutes and couldn’t take it anymore
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Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
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Disinformation = “information I don’t like”

Btw, for an example of the just crazy fascist things to say, there is no way the dems running NYC just let people play the knock-out game and allows the thugs right back on the street?

Oh wait, the Groomers do indeed allow that.

No, that's your job. It's all you do. Spread your f**king poison and lies about people trying to live their lives in peace. People like you have existed for centuries, millennia even. The kind that rounded up non desirables in Germany, slaughtered Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and argued that black people were biologically inferior in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Projecting again. All of those people were on the Big Government tyrant side and some leftists like yourself.

Not one small government conservative in the entire lot.

Of course, they weren't all Groomers like the leftists of today.
Dems are even copying the Nazi-style, at least in Biden's recent appearance and speech with marines and a blood red background.

To those who object that I am flirting with Godwin’s Law by invoking old AH, I reply that the flirtation was not mine but the doing of Biden’s producers and puppeteers. The visual similarity between Joe Biden’s event and some nighttime events at Nuremberg are just too striking to be coincidental. Leni Riefenstahl, as someone noted, would have been proud. Those who point out that Biden’s speech took place on September 1, a fraught day on the Polish border anno domini 1939, may be too ingenious for this historically illiterate age, but who knows? Often these things are, as our Marxists friends like to say, no accident. There are wheels within wheels.

Which brings me to the question of the intent behind the theatrics. Was this exercise in garish, totalitarian kitsch a “gaffe,” as some are saying—an aesthetic miscalculation for which that blinking inarticulate muppet who is Biden’s press secretary will have to apologize? Apparently not, since she just said that the speech was “not political.”

The entertainment committee never sleeps.

A year or so back, I might have thought that the theatrics were inadvertent. I have changed my mind. Having watched Biden’s Justice Department morph into an American Stasi with the FBI conducting predawn raids against various Trump supporters, arresting former aides and confiscating the mobile phones and other property of his lawyers, I now think that the tactics of intimidation are part of a larger strategy. The FBI’s raid last month on Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Palm Beach residence, belongs in this category, as of course do the hundreds of indictments and incarcerations of January 6 protestors. Almost all of those unfortunate souls wind up being charged with minor torts like “parading” in or around the Capitol, yet are nonetheless thrown in a special D.C. gulag for months before being found guilty by biased juries and subject to enhanced sentences handed down by Trump-hating judges."

What is it about MAGA, that Trump haters hate so much? Energy independence? An end to unnecessary foreign wars and military adventurism? Controlling the southern border? Prosperity for American families? Or what?

But wait, what is the MAGA (or, to quote the results of the lucubrations of Biden’s focus group, “ultra-MAGA”) agenda that is supposedly so dangerous? It’s worth keeping the meanings of these epithets in mind. When Donald Trump first proposed his “Make America Great Again” formula, he specified several things that it encompassed. At the top of the list were efforts to restore American prosperity, in part by exploiting our enormous energy resources, in part by abolishing mischievous and burdensome regulation, in part by cutting taxes and providing incentives for American business to hire Americans and produce their goods in America.

Also at the top of the list was the integrity of our southern border, stanching the flow of illegal immigration, and rebuilding a military that had been woefully neglected during the Obama years. Elsewhere on the domestic front, Trump battled against political correctness and what has come to be called “identity politics.” He largely remade the federal judiciary, seeing three Supreme Court justices and hundreds of lower court federal judges confirmed, all of whom were nominated because they subscribed to a Antonin Scalia-like judicial philosophy that limited the role of judges to interpreting the law in the light of the Constitution, not making law under the inspiration of their personal policy preferences.

In the sphere of foreign policy, the MAGA agenda meant “putting America first.” He insisted that our NATO allies begin to shoulder their stipulated financial burden, challenged China on trade and military adventurism, and scuttled the disastrous Obama-era nuclear deal (since renewed) with Iran. Trump also stood firmly against the democracy-exporting (or, more accurately, “democracy”-exporting) policies of the Bush era. America would go to war not to promulgate democracy but only to defend its own interests. His Abraham Accords brought peace to the Middle East, a world historical achievement for which Trump deserved the Nobel Peace Prize.

And how did all that work out? Pretty well, I’d say. By the time Trump left office, America was a net exporter of energy; illegal immigration had slowed to a trickle; before the onslaught of COVID, his policies had resulted in the lowest unemployment in decades, the lowest minority unemployment ever. Wages were rising, especially at the lower rungs, and the stock market was booming. All-in-all, MAGA meant American prosperity and success.

It did not, however, bode well for the elite globalist agenda which rested upon endless foreign wars, the neglect of American workers, and a disdain for traditional bourgeois values like hard work, family solidarity, and local initiatives. "
And you sound like a freaking idiot. Do you not read his posts? That he called me a f**king groomer?

I am open minded. But not towards fascist zealots like him. He's a lunatic.
You sound like these folks, and I use the term groomer because that's precisely what your side of the aisle are doing with children, and you seem to either support it or pretend it isn't happening.

Don't you care at all about the children and teens being abused? Is it all about TDS and hating Trump and MAGA folks?

During the same segment, Cross AGREED when pundit Roland Martin declared “We are at war with these people. These folks are evil.”

“They have allowed evil into their house with Donald Trump. He has now dominated the party. This evil is spreading. And when you are in a war footing, you have to respond accordingly,” Martin continued.

“When the enemy is coming at you you, can’t fall down, you can’t break down. This means war,” he added."

And, shame on you for calling anyone a sheep in a pasture. Your liturgy uses those exact words to refer to your little version of religious mythology. A shepherd, sheep, and flock, etc.. When you choose to stop worshiping a "holy" book and a religion, let me know.
2 things: it's not even close to a "little version" of religion ... 1/3 of the world identifies as Christian and the Bible is the best selling book of all time, by a million miles ... so nice try there.

second, we all believe in something, pal ... and if you dont believe Jesus was the Messiah and that heaven and hell dont exist, you better be right.
2 things: it's not even close to a "little version" of religion ... 1/3 of the world identifies as Christian and the Bible is the best selling book of all time, by a million miles ... so nice try there.

second, we all believe in something, pal ... and if you dont believe Jesus was the Messiah and that heaven and hell dont exist, you better be right.
Pascal's wager. You believe based on fear.

Best selling book? lol
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Pascal's wager. You believe based on fear.

Best selling book? lol
there are several reasons why i choose Christianity, and yes "fear of the unknown" is one of them ... i'm not ashamed of that. and you dont believe, for whatever reason, that's fine ... like i said, we all choose a side when it comes to life after death. i'm not going to ridicule you for where you stand.

best selling and most translated, by a long shot. that data is easy to find.
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Wow that happened to me at Van Halen as well in Greensboro back in the 80s. They were incredibly loud plus the arena they were in had horrible acoustics which just magnified the misery. we literally could not tell what songs they were playing. I think we made it about 30 minutes and couldn’t take it anymore
yep, it was Greensboro, and our seats were to the upper left of the stage somewhat behind a suspended speaker. Misery is exactly how I would describe it. Just stupid to play that loud.
there are several reasons why i choose Christianity, and yes "fear of the unknown" is one of them ... i'm not ashamed of that. and you dont believe, for whatever reason, that's fine ... like i said, we all choose a side when it comes to life after death. i'm not going to ridicule you for where you stand.

best selling and most translated, by a long shot. that data is easy to find.
Believe whatever you want. But, the fact remains regarding the liturgy of Shepherd, Herd, Flock, Sheep, etc.. It's the origin of the reference itself.

Keep on sheepin'!
there are several reasons why i choose Christianity, and yes "fear of the unknown" is one of them ... i'm not ashamed of that. and you dont believe, for whatever reason, that's fine ... like i said, we all choose a side when it comes to life after death. i'm not going to ridicule you for where you stand.

best selling and most translated, by a long shot. that data is easy to find.

Better yet, believe what you'd like...and don't force it down my throat. Or anyone else's.

But that's the inherent problem with organized religion. Its nature is to convert and force themselves on people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be organized religion.
Better yet, believe what you'd like...and don't force it down my throat. Or anyone else's.

But that's the inherent problem with organized religion. Its nature is to convert and force themselves on people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be organized religion.
They create the Boogeyman and they have the method to keep you safe from the same Boogeyman.
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Believe whatever you want. But, the fact remains regarding the liturgy of Shepherd, Herd, Flock, Sheep, etc.. It's the origin of the reference itself.

Keep on sheepin'!
thanks for the bit of english class on a holiday 😆 😆 i'm definitely a sheep in the Christian sense ... you're definitely a sheep in the political sense.
Better yet, believe what you'd like...and don't force it down my throat. Or anyone else's.

But that's the inherent problem with organized religion. Its nature is to convert and force themselves on people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be organized religion.
forcing it on you? hilarious. slow down drama queen. how is your life different bc of organized religion?
Better yet, believe what you'd like...and don't force it down my throat. Or anyone else's.

But that's the inherent problem with organized religion. Its nature is to convert and force themselves on people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be organized religion.
How about not forcing your woke views down our throat and using government directed censorship to accomplish that?

Here's a groomer giving advice to democrats, btw, hero for them and well-respected guy.

Trimble was convicted in 1978 of viciously raping two 9-year-old girls. Trimble was convicted of using a rope to tie up the two girls after grooming them and gaining their trust. He raped them orally and vaginally in the woods while they were bound.

While incarcerated waiting a verdict on the child rape case, Trimble raped and murdered a developmentally-disabled inmate who he turned into his “slave” before ending his life.

A court document said Trimble “forced the victim to have both oral and anal intercourse with him, compelled him to wear a “bra” around the jail for the entertainment of the other inmates, and forced him at one point to display to the other inmates a rag that had been stuffed into his anus.”

After prostituting the victim out to other inmates and torturing him with burnt shampoo bottles, Trimble strangled him to death with towels. Trimble staged the scene, Jeffrey Epstein-style, in order to make it look like a suicide. Trimble’s plan did not convince authorities, and Trimble was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 1980. Trimble’s death sentence was commuted in 1985 and reduced to a sentence of life in prison.

Now, thanks to the LGBT agenda, Trimble is considered a hero for equality and is influencing media figures and academics nationwide. "

Does anyone believe his keeping his job was really just due to miscommunication as if the school didn't know?

A convicted sex offender was able to work as a Northern Virginia school counselor for months after his conviction before he was fired.

Darren L. Thornton, 50, was arrested twice on charges of sex crimes, yet somehow managed to keep working at Fairfax County Public Schools for nearly two years after his first arrest. Court documents show that in November 2020, Thornton was indicted on charges of soliciting prostitution from a minor in Chesterfield County, Virginia. He was convicted in March 2022 and sentenced to five years suspended.

Just a few months later, in June, Thornton was arrested again for solicitation of prostitution."

Does anyone believe his keeping his job was really just due to miscommunication as if the school didn't know?

A convicted sex offender was able to work as a Northern Virginia school counselor for months after his conviction before he was fired.

Darren L. Thornton, 50, was arrested twice on charges of sex crimes, yet somehow managed to keep working at Fairfax County Public Schools for nearly two years after his first arrest. Court documents show that in November 2020, Thornton was indicted on charges of soliciting prostitution from a minor in Chesterfield County, Virginia. He was convicted in March 2022 and sentenced to five years suspended.

Just a few months later, in June, Thornton was arrested again for solicitation of prostitution."

How many examples of Christians grooming and raping kids would you like? Republicans? Here’s some trivia for ya dipshit. Being a pedophile don’t have a goddamned thing to do with political party or religious affiliation. Your pathetic desperate attempts to politicize child abuse just shows how deluded and brain washed you are. But please keep praying for the children. Obviously it’s working right?