OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Those people have a disproportionate amount of power, however. And with the decline of non religious, civic institutions, especially in rural areas, they can assert their influence even further for those disaffected.
you may have somehow failed to notice a sharp decline in religion and religious institutions as well, along with a decline of said collective influence..

You can find it on the interwebs no problem.
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you may have somehow failed to notice a sharp decline in religion and religious institutions as well, along with a decline of said collective influence..

You can find it on the interwebs no problem.

This is true. But that doesn’t mean they’ve disappeared entirely. If anything the radical religious right, despite shrinking as a whole, have become more vocal and have a greater share of power in the GOP.

Compounding this issue is that evangelicals are now a larger number of the Protestant electorate and they tend to be far more rigid and absolutist.
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Yup. The GOP would easily be able to win on having some sort of restraint on spending and pushing back against the lunatic left's detrimental social policies if they didn't have a crazy streak of their own fighting to get the government involved in social issues that the majority of the country doesn't want them involved in.
I think most of the country doesn't want men in women's sports, or castrating children, etc,....those social issues such as CRT in schools are a winner among the majority; hence VA electing a GOP governor that ran on them.

The idea Republicans would just win more if they disavowed their base isn't logical, and what would be the point of electing Republicans then in the first place.

Biggest landslide victory ever: Nixon in 72 and ran on social issues.

Ford followed Goldwater's advice that's been quoted and lost.

Reagan ran as a conservative. Major victory. Bush got elected after him on his coattails.

Bush runs as a moderate in 92 and loses.

Dole, the same. Heck, Clinton ran to the right of Dole even though we know Clinton didn't mean it.

Bush would be an anomaly of a moderate Republican winning BUT he was painted in the media as far right and of course, he embraced evangelicalism.

McCain, Romney, more loser moderates.

Trump ran full on Maga and old-school conservative.

Reps win when they run to the right and generally lose if they ply the middle ground.
We've always been stuck with two parties. So, we're only as healthy as the two parties, together. I used to see the Republicans as "practical" and Democrats as "experimental." There's a whole lot more to it than that, but, just in general, those are respectable terms and categories.

Republicans used to have the most of what would be considered "intellectuals" firmly in their favor. They might be considered TOO intellectual by younger generations. They prided themselves on their restraint and taking very calculated risks, and being mindful of the growth of government. There was open consideration regarding scientific advancements and how that would best be used in political/governmental practice.

50 years later? It's just a race to see how many still refuse to believe in Evolution, and how to best appeal to the ever-shrinking demographic of people who can only live with their mythologies in control.

And, Democrats are now even more unrestrained. Not to mention, their own fringe members kicking and screaming. But, you rarely see them telling scientists that "God will show us the way!" When only ONE SIDE will consider the methods of science, we're all fvcked!

The whole time, the oligarchs just clean-up! That was probably their plan when they bought the country. Follow the fear, exploit it, cash the checks.
Yawn. Utter nonsense. Conservatives are the more scientifically informed and literate.

Dems believe such BS about science and are so ignorant they didn't see a problem with Fauci proclaiming "I am science."
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So you’re saying biden raised mal? Bahahahahaaha!!!

So let’s see, in just the last day you have:

accused dems of turning off peoples ac against their will (lie)

accused dems of being responsible for water issues in Jackson ms (lie)

accused dems of lying about the death of “Ben” laden (lie)

accused biden of raiding trumps home (lie)

i absolutely fuking love it when you so called Christians lie and slander and make yourselves hypocrites.
None of that was a lie. Literally just laughed out loud reading the absurdity of your post.
Yawn. Utter nonsense. Conservatives are the more scientifically informed and literate.

Dems believe such BS about science and are so ignorant they didn't see a problem with Fauci proclaiming "I am science."
Exhibit A... a prime example of the religious kook that has turned the GOP into the party of... religious kooks.

Evangelical nutjobs that immerse themselves in confirmation bias/cognitive dissonance.
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We've always been stuck with two parties. So, we're only as healthy as the two parties, together. I used to see the Republicans as "practical" and Democrats as "experimental." There's a whole lot more to it than that, but, just in general, those are respectable terms and categories.

Republicans used to have the most of what would be considered "intellectuals" firmly in their favor. They might be considered TOO intellectual by younger generations. They prided themselves on their restraint and taking very calculated risks, and being mindful of the growth of government. There was open consideration regarding scientific advancements and how that would best be used in political/governmental practice.

50 years later? It's just a race to see how many still refuse to believe in Evolution, and how to best appeal to the ever-shrinking demographic of people who can only live with their mythologies in control.

And, Democrats are now even more unrestrained. Not to mention, their own fringe members kicking and screaming. But, you rarely see them telling scientists that "God will show us the way!" When only ONE SIDE will consider the methods of science, we're all fvcked!

The whole time, the oligarchs just clean-up! That was probably their plan when they bought the country. Follow the fear, exploit it, cash the checks.
One reason we need people like Trump is to preserve real representative democracy.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, and their purpose is to serve those funding them for the benefit of those funding them. They have absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution or constitutional duties.

From time to time, it's necessary for the base of either party to elect someone that the establishment of their party hates, typically will be labelled a populist and smeared. Otherwise, you just have oligarchy.

This helps reorient the party and their current politicians to the voters.

Trumpism is a good and healthy thing. Listening to the establishment propaganda is not wise.
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Exhibit A... a prime example of the religious kook that has turned the GOP into the party of... religious kooks.

Evangelical nutjobs that immerse themselves in confirmation bias/cognitive dissonance.
Religious kooks? Like the woke folks that claim men can have babies and worship Mr I am Science Fauci?
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Those people have a disproportionate amount of power, however. And with the decline of non religious, civic institutions, especially in rural areas, they can assert their influence even further for those disaffected.
So the Left controlling nearly or at least the vast majority of every major institution in the United States isn't enough.

The other side just has too much power! It's disproportionate! We must have all the power, and they must have none, those horrible deplorables, Ultra-Maga people, and smelly Walmart shoppers.

Have you listened to yourself here with some semblance of self-awareness?
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One reason we need people like Trump is to preserve real representative democracy.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, and their purpose is to serve those funding them for the benefit of those funding them. They have absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution or constitutional duties.

From time to time, it's necessary for the base of either party to elect someone that the establishment of their party hates, typically will be labelled a populist and smeared. Otherwise, you just have oligarchy.

This helps reorient the party and their current politicians to the voters.

Trumpism is a good and healthy thing. Listening to the establishment propaganda is not wise.
That's the funniest part... you believe that Donald Trump outsmarted the oligarch presence.

I am curious as to why you believe JFK Jr. is still alive and why he is a major player in this whole absurd belief system you play in.
And lost the popular vote by a pretty sizable margin both times.

Your voting base keeps shrinking. The world is, slowly but surely, rejecting mythologies.
Nope. The Deep State just committed massive election fraud. No sensible person believes Biden got more votes than Obama, for example.

But the popular vote isn't how we elect presidents. So it really doesn't matter. Libs congregating in cities they are in the midst of ruining drives up the vote there, along with the fact so many can keep voting even after their dead and even non-existing people can and do register and vote, etc,...
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That's the funniest part... you believe that Donald Trump outsmarted the oligarch presence.

I am curious as to why you believe JFK Jr. is still alive and why he is a major player in this whole absurd belief system you play in.
I don't think Trump outsmarted people but he had a pretty good pulse on where people were at in 2016 and so won the presidency. He also actually tried to keep his campaign promises, a first perhaps for a president in our lifetime. Maybe Reagan perhaps did as well.
Mocking religious nutjobs is always a fun time.
The best part is... they truly believe Donald Trump actually gives a shit about them. I mean, he does in a transactional sense. But, they exalt the mf'er like he's some kind of messiah who knows their plight! It's hilarious.

He's NYC elite masquerading as whatever gets him the most attention/monetary gain.
I don't think Trump outsmarted people but he had a pretty good pulse on where people were at in 2016 and so won the presidency. He also actually tried to keep his campaign promises, a first perhaps for a president in our lifetime. Maybe Reagan perhaps did as well.
Hey! This one I can actually agree with. Mark this date! This is one of the more reasonable contributions I've ever seen you make.

He outsmarted no one. He is an opportunist that knows how to pander and exploit the people he needed to get elected. He came along at just the right time. And, most politicians TRY to keep promises. I don't think he even expected to win. He certainly had no intention of BEING the president.

After he failed miserably as an actual "leader", the country was finished with him. And, he lost by A LOT. Now, he's just doing what he would have done had he lost the first time- throw a long, donation-mining tantrum.
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Hey! This one I can actually agree with. Mark this date! This is one of the more reasonable contributions I've ever seen you make.

He outsmarted no one. He is an opportunist that knows how to pander and exploit the people he needed to get elected. He came along at just the right time. And, most politicians TRY to keep promises. I don't think he even expected to win. He certainly had no intention of BEING the president.

After he failed miserably as an actual "leader", the country was finished with him. And, he lost by A LOT. Now, he's just doing what he would have done had he lost the first time- throw a long, donation-mining tantrum.
Your TDS is showing. Trump has good instincts and KellyAnne was a very good campaign manager.

I think he loves the country and left a very easy situation to try to help America, and he did. Had a booming economy, peace breaking out in various places in the world among numerous other good things for the nation.

Biden and the dems are a disaster.
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The best part is... they truly believe Donald Trump actually gives a shit about them. I mean, he does in a transactional sense. But, they exalt the mf'er like he's some kind of messiah who knows their plight! It's hilarious.

He's NYC elite masquerading as whatever gets him the most attention/monetary gain.
How did he get "monetary gain" from this? He lost money actually.
Men can't birth babies, no one is endorsing the castration of children, and JFK Jr. is still dead.
Wait, are you really claiming no men can have babies? You say you believe "the science," and the science says some men can and do have babies. The US government, US military, and every federal public health agency say men can have babies. I bet 80% of universities and colleges claim men can have babies, along with most national medical associations.

In fact, there appears to be a very strong scientific consensus that some men can have babies.
Your TDS is showing. Trump has good instincts and KellyAnne was a very good campaign manager.

I think he loves the country and left a very easy situation to try to help America, and he did. Had a booming economy, peace breaking out in various places in the world among numerous other good things for the nation.

Biden and the dems are a disaster.
"Loves the country" is such a boring platitude. But, okay... he "loves" the country. It's blatantly obvious that he loves himself, and his "brand", above everything, including the country.

Unless you can provide him with something that serves his personal interests, you're of no use to him. He's a master of exploitation.

I think the GOP used his charisma to get their SCOTUS judges. And, now they're done with him. And, they're done with his supporters, too, truth be told. You got played, hoss.

And, Biden is a disaster! I agree! But, oligarchs own it and they get what they want.
Wait, are you really claiming no men can have babies? You say you believe "the science," and the science says some men can and do have babies. The US government, US military, and every federal public health agency say men can have babies. I bet 80% of universities and colleges claim men can have babies, along with most national medical associations.

In fact, there appears to be a very strong scientific consensus that some men can have babies.
You're totally off-the-reservation here. Sorry, I'm not playing.
How did he get "monetary gain" from this? He lost money actually.
Well... My email inbox has been begging for donations for at least a year, steadily. Now, I don't donate. But, I know that millions of people do donate. So, this con about him "losing money" is more cognitive dissonance. If you wanna claim he's losing revenue, then you can't brag about his amazing business acumen. I'm sure he has lost more than he's made. But, he's damn sure trying to get donations NOW!
Well, how is it you don't believe "the science," Strum? Are u a religious wacko or just a bigot claiming trans-men are not real men?
I'll believe it when I see a person born with a penis and testicles become pregnant and carry a fetus to term and give birth. This retarded shell game you're playing only reveals your lack of perspective.

I've given you far more time and effort than you deserve. If you're not going to tell me why JFK Jr. is coming back, then, I'm done.
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Almost 4 minutes

I didn't know that 16 of the 17 GOP candidates in 2016 denied Evolution!
You were going to let me off easy? LOL. Stop stroking your own ego, son, it's a tad silly.

But anyway wow, what a half of the political spectrum contains particular segments, as if the other side doesn't have theirs; and you're managing to miss the point that the influence of the segment in question is highly exaggerated both in total and when one individual makes a comment referring to Christian beliefs.

The fact is that religious people tend to operate according to moral principle, and although I am not religious and completely agree with keeping religion and religious moral dictates out of government, it's actually very favorable and telling that the religious choose the conservative side of things instead of the dark side. I'd rather have them for me than against me.

So try again, and I'll brace myself for the rough letdown. I'm sure one is coming in the form of some goofy retort.. Meanwhile I'm still laughing at you citing Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater was one of the very few individuals that I would vote FOR, as opposed to voting against an opponent of a conservative candidate. And nothing in the quotes of his you provided is at odds with my beliefs or those of most conservatives. Of course I've already expressed that.
Damn blueboy, you managed to not say a damn thing in all that. That’s impressive….
you're not playing bc you backed yourself into the corner of your sheep pasture. well done 😆
Well... no... as I've said, re-fvcking-peatedly. I don't believe men (biological men with a penis and two testes) can conceive a pregnancy. I don't think they are capable of producing an egg that can then be fertilized by a sperm cell.

Now, I know you want "them" to be "teaching" this fallacy, but "they" aren't.

And, shame on you for calling anyone a sheep in a pasture. Your liturgy uses those exact words to refer to your little version of religious mythology. A shepherd, sheep, and flock, etc.. When you choose to stop worshiping a "holy" book and a religion, let me know.
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Damn blueboy, you managed to not say a damn thing in all that. That’s impressive….
what's impressive is that you managed to read all that without getting anything out of it. That's why we call you the village idiot. To try to explain, that's because we think of this board as a village of sorts, and you're the low-functioning guy who rambles around drooling and regaling the villagers with nonsensical shit like that you just offered. I wish I was there where you are so I could give you a box of crayons to eat.
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what's impressive is that you managed to read all that without getting anything out of it. That's why we call you the village idiot. To try to explain, that's because we think of this board as a village of sorts, and you're the low-functioning guy who rambles around drooling and regaling the villagers with nonsensical shit like that you just offered. I wish I was there where you are so I could give you a box of crayons to eat.
Sorry but I’ve seen your kind come and go. You’re an idiot…
Sorry but I’ve seen your kind come and go. You’re an idiot…
Hey! Next time you're over on HROT, give @Moral a shout and ask him how I can reach that HROT moderator. I would like to find out if I could be reinstated. I don't know the ins-and-outs of it. He may know other moderators contact info as well. TIY
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Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
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no way I'm listening to four four minutes of th th that since he's just a writer with an opinion. Get better sources and print it so we don't have to subject ourselves to someone's speech impediments..
Those with ears, let them hear. Or... Choose to remain ignorant.

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