OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I did. I lasted about a minute. If you want to transcribe it, I'll be happy to take the thirty seconds max required to read it.

You yourself dislike religion being mandated or it mixing into government. This guy delves precisely how it came to be such a big influence in the modern GOP. It also explains how they still have an enormous amount of power in the party despite being shrinking in population and percentage.
Just the mention of Christianity and you are:

You’re right. It does trigger me. It triggers me to laugh my fuking ass off at complete morons.
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None of that was a lie. Literally just laughed out loud reading the absurdity of your post.
All of it’s a lie. Every bit.

the dems NEVER turned off anyones ac dumass

the water issue in jackson was caused by flooding you imbecile. Not “the dems”

“Ben” laden is dead dipshit. (And it’s “bin” idiot)

Biden didn’t raid MAL.LMFAO!! That claim is so absurd it defies comment. The affidavits and warrants HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED. Omg just how fuking STUPID can you be?

All lies. What’s absurd is that you’re deluded enough to evidently believe it. Hilarious

now about that wager
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Conservatives are the more scientifically informed

dude you win! Absolutely the stupidest fuking shit ever posted on here! You did it!
Take a bow! You da man!!!
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I don’t think what you are saying is groundbreaking. The converse could be said too. If Dems didn’t have radical, nut jobs crying “…ism! …ism!, …ism!” at everything, they’d win every election.

It is what it is. Those are the two choices. Pick one.
I do agree there. Which shows that if some sort of reasonable candidate ran without the fringe bullshit on either side, they'd probably do pretty damn well. But the two party system will try it's damnedest to make sure that never happens.
You yourself dislike religion being mandated or it mixing into government. This guy delves precisely how it came to be such a big influence in the modern GOP. It also explains how they still have an enormous amount of power in the party despite being shrinking in population and percentage.
you didn't transcribe it, you synopsized it. But that's Ok, I like it when people use hyperbole like 'enormous' because that indicates the amount of exaggeration I need to subtract from the opinion-as-reality presented, resulting in something closer to actual reality. So religion has some influence in right-of-center politics. I could have told you that and I think I probably did.

I think I also indicated that all in all, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I still wouldn't mind an actual transcript because I suspect he said more that I can disagree with..
You’re right. It does trigger me. It triggers me to laugh my fuking ass off at complete morons.
now there's something we can agree on wholeheartedly, laughing at complete morons. All we have to do now is agree on the morons.
Those with ears, let them hear. Or... Choose to remain ignorant.
those with brains, let them not waste time listening to propaganda from a man with halting speech bordering on a stutter....otherwise, be happy in your brainlessness..

dude you win! Absolutely the stupidest fuking shit ever posted on here! You did it!
Take a bow! You da man!!!
there are some amazingly unscientific-minded individuals on the right. But there are scads of just plain ignorant people on the left. No one on the right ever thought an island was going to tip over if the inhabitants all went to one side.

If there was a way to do it, I'd be willing to bet that some basic test of scientific understanding would reveal that science is pretty much equally misunderstood between left and right. One big difference is that the left advocates the use of science appreciably more...but that's pretty hollow when one advocates what he or she has little or no understanding of.
now there's something we can agree on wholeheartedly, laughing at complete morons. All we have to do now is agree on the morons.
True that. In this case just to be clear I’m not calling everyone religious or who believes in god a moron. Just those that are hypocrites about it. Those are the morons I’m referring to.
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there are some amazingly unscientific-minded individuals on the right. But there are scads of just plain ignorant people on the left. No one on the right ever thought an island was going to tip over if the inhabitants all went to one side.

If there was a way to do it, I'd be willing to bet that some basic test of scientific understanding would reveal that science is pretty much equally misunderstood between left and right. One big difference is that the left advocates the use of science appreciably more...but that's pretty hollow when one advocates what he or she has little or no understanding of.
I think that’s pretty accurate. Something scary af that the last two or three years has really exposed is the incredible lack of understanding of science on both sides and their willingness to put political ideology ahead of it. As for myself i always try to put science first. And whenever religion or Politics contradicts science i’ll Go with science every time. Hasn’t failed me yet. Lol.
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those with brains, let them not waste time listening to propaganda from a man with halting speech bordering on a stutter....otherwise, be happy in your brainlessness..
I didn't know you needed the truth sung to you using only two bars of the Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star melody.

I feel like I am living in the twilight zone.
me too.

Didn't the Makhtar Ndiaye racial slur incident involve a player from Utah? Was Makhtar Ndiaye right all along? Is Utah the global epicenter of racism? Is Donald Trump as responsible for this as he is for the destruction of our republic?

Should there be a televised hearing to get to the bottom of Donald Trump's role in the calling of racial slurs from the stands at BYU? Can we expect an FBI raid on Trump Towers?

Never mind, that's already been done. I lose track sometimes.
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As for myself i always try to put science first. And whenever religion or Politics contradicts science i’ll Go with science every time.
amen. You can't go wrong with science, as long as you understand and appreciate the limitations of it being a human endeavor. You can put science first, but the limitations of science don't allow religion or politics to be ignored. Human nature must always be accounted for.
Hey! Next time you're over on HROT, give @Moral a shout and ask him how I can reach that HROT moderator. I would like to find out if I could be reinstated. I don't know the ins-and-outs of it. He may know other moderators contact info as well. TIY
Will do. I sent him a pm, will let you know if I hear back.
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You yourself dislike religion being mandated or it mixing into government. This guy delves precisely how it came to be such a big influence in the modern GOP. It also explains how they still have an enormous amount of power in the party despite being shrinking in population and percentage.
Love to hate, don't you.

dude you win! Absolutely the stupidest fuking shit ever posted on here! You did it!
Take a bow! You da man!!!
It's a proven fact by non-conservatives in the Ivy League who studied and researched people's knowledge of science and did that by political groupings. They found the Tea Party folks were the most scientifically literate. Dems were the worst.
I'll believe it when I see a person born with a penis and testicles become pregnant and carry a fetus to term and give birth. This retarded shell game you're playing only reveals your lack of perspective.

I've given you far more time and effort than you deserve. If you're not going to tell me why JFK Jr. is coming back, then, I'm done.
So you are a science denier and a bigot, pretending that trans-men are not real men, right?

dude you win! Absolutely the stupidest fuking shit ever posted on here! You did it!
Take a bow! You da man!!!
You are ignorant, as usual.

" A finding in a study on the relationship between science literacy and political ideology surprised the Yale professor behind it: Tea party members know more science than non-tea partiers."


Kahan wrote that not only did the findings surprise him, they embarrassed him.

“I’ve got to confess, though, I found this result surprising. As I pushed the button to run the analysis on my computer, I fully expected I’d be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension,” Kahan wrote.

“But then again, I don’t know a single person who identifies with the tea party,” he continued. “All my impressions come from watching cable tv — & I don’t watch Fox News very often — and reading the ‘paper’ (New York Times daily, plus a variety of politics-focused Internet sites like Huffington Post and POLITICO). I’m a little embarrassed, but mainly, I’m just glad that I no longer hold this particular mistaken view.”

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You are ignorant, as usual.

" A finding in a study on the relationship between science literacy and political ideology surprised the Yale professor behind it: Tea party members know more science than non-tea partiers."


Kahan wrote that not only did the findings surprise him, they embarrassed him.

“I’ve got to confess, though, I found this result surprising. As I pushed the button to run the analysis on my computer, I fully expected I’d be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension,” Kahan wrote.

“But then again, I don’t know a single person who identifies with the tea party,” he continued. “All my impressions come from watching cable tv — & I don’t watch Fox News very often — and reading the ‘paper’ (New York Times daily, plus a variety of politics-focused Internet sites like Huffington Post and POLITICO). I’m a little embarrassed, but mainly, I’m just glad that I no longer hold this particular mistaken view.”

You really ought to read your own links even if they’re 10 yrs old

“Yale law professor Dan Kahan posted on his blog this week that he analyzed the responses of more than 2,000 American adults recruited for another study and found that, on average, people who leaned liberal were more science literate than those who leaned conservative.”

so who’s ignorant?

still waiting to hear if you wanna do a friendly wager over your claim about dems turning off peoples ac’s. You admit you’re a liar i guess.
You really ought to read your own links even if they’re 10 yrs old

“Yale law professor Dan Kahan posted on his blog this week that he analyzed the responses of more than 2,000 American adults recruited for another study and found that, on average, people who leaned liberal were more science literate than those who leaned conservative.”

so who’s ignorant?

still waiting to hear if you wanna do a friendly wager over your claim about dems turning off peoples ac’s. You admit you’re a liar i guess.
Un, read the data. He specifically stated tea partiers are more scientifically literate than your crowd. As far as "leaners," who cares?

I am not a leaner. Nor are you.
Un, read the data. He specifically stated tea partiers are more scientifically literate than your crowd. As far as "leaners," who cares?

I am not a leaner. Nor are you.
What the fuk do you mean “my crowd” I’m not a dem you flaming dipshit. and uh….. read the link. He also specifically said people who lean lib are more science literate than people who lean cons. In other words your link is fuking trash just like everything else you post.

now About that wager
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You really ought to read your own links even if they’re 10 yrs old

“Yale law professor Dan Kahan posted on his blog this week that he analyzed the responses of more than 2,000 American adults recruited for another study and found that, on average, people who leaned liberal were more science literate than those who leaned conservative.”

so who’s ignorant?

still waiting to hear if you wanna do a friendly wager over your claim about dems turning off peoples ac’s. You admit you’re a liar i guess.

Of course he's a liar. All people like him are duped into believing it or know what they're saying is bullshit and propagate it anyway for the sake of moral superiority of knowing 'the truth' or to enrich themselves.

That's why people like him are the lowest of the low. Rats. Poison and filth under the guise of a human being. They deserve a steel toed boot in the balls and then some.
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Uh read the link. He also specifically said people who lean lib are more science literate than people who lean cons. In other words your link is fuking trash just like everything else you post.

now About that wager
Bull-crap. Read the original study and data itself when it came out, something you perhaps are incapable of.
Of course he's a liar. All people like him are duped into believing it or know what they're saying is bullshit and propagate it anyway for the sake of moral superiority of knowing 'the truth' or to enrich themselves.

That's why people like him are the lowest of the low. Rats. Poison and filth under the guise of a human being. They deserve a steel toed boot in the balls and then some.
Hey Groomer, calling truth tellers liars doesn't change the facts. Quit supporting grooming young children and then we can talk about moral comparisons.

I mean geesh. You act like Trump is a horrible human being and I would agree he is no paragon of virtue but compared to you?
Bull-crap. Read the original study and data itself when it came out, something you perhaps are incapable of.
It’s the very link YOU POSTED YOU FUKING MORON. OMG!!!! At this point I’m convinced this is parody account with someone pretending to be this idiotic just to troll. Well you got me. Well done.
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Of course he's a liar. All people like him are duped into believing it or know what they're saying is bullshit and propagate it anyway for the sake of moral superiority of knowing 'the truth' or to enrich themselves.

That's why people like him are the lowest of the low. Rats. Poison and filth under the guise of a human being. They deserve a steel toed boot in the balls and then some.
He posts a link that disputes his own claim then denies what the link says!!! Pure gold!
Love to hate, don't you.

No, that's your job. It's all you do. Spread your f**king poison and lies about people trying to live their lives in peace. People like you have existed for centuries, millennia even. The kind that rounded up non desirables in Germany, slaughtered Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and argued that black people were biologically inferior in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
No, that's your job. It's all you do. Spread your f**king poison and lies about people trying to live their lives in peace. People like you have existed for centuries, millennia even. The kind that rounded up non desirables in Germany, slaughtered Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and argued that black people were biologically inferior in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
It "says so in the Bible."
No, that's your job. It's all you do. Spread your f**king poison and lies about people trying to live their lives in peace. People like you have existed for centuries, millennia even. The kind that rounded up non desirables in Germany, slaughtered Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and argued that black people were biologically inferior in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
#1 R&R tune of all time, IMO.