Based on his posts it appears that CB34 is turned on by guys that dress like women.
That is literally not it at all. Good Lord, I know it’s hard for you but maybe think critically just a little bit more sometimes.
Based on his posts it appears that CB34 is turned on by guys that dress like women.
Why then did they open every Congress with official prayer and have minister there to do it?
I don't know what area of history you studied but seriously doubt it was related to the founding of this nation and the Constitution because you are woefully off-base and misinformed.
That is one of the dumber misconceptions of Jesus bandied about it.
For one thing, liberalism or progressivism aims to grow the State and State regulation and control over the people and their lives. Jesus was more like the tea partiers and MAGA people in his denunciation of the Deep State of his era.
He also taught marriage was between one man and one woman.
He adhered to a strict holiness in lifestyle although some may misunderstand holiness.
He seemed pretty negative towards paying taxes and said it wasn't a moral responsibility but just to keep them happy, told Peter to go find a fish and there would be a gold coin in his mouth. So yeah, he did a miracle to pay the tax but not because he believed he owed it.
Btw, I would wager most people think a guy that wants to cut his balls off and pretend to be a woman is mentally ill.
You seem to suffer from that as well and yet hurl insults at me and others as if most people and normal people are the ones messed up.
Psychopathic? Really?
That's because you are a complete idiot so far up Trump's ass you can't see the light of day. I'll give you a whole list of miscues Trump committed while in the White House:I honestly can't think of an actual miscue or indiscretion he committed, other than his futile attempts to contest the election.
if you want to continue listing those things that exemplify my contention, please by all means be my guest.That's because you are a complete idiot so far up Trump's ass you can't see the light of day. I'll give you a whole list of miscues Trump committed while in the White House:
- Breaking protocol, Trump appointed members of his family to high-ranking government roles including Ivanka and Jared as special advisors, roles thy were unqualified for but which ensured them duties of running the country. Ivanka mingling with world leaders at the 2019 G20 summit was widely ridiculed.
- Pressuring Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 election and threatening to withhold aid unless Ukraine obliged, all of which led to his first impeachment..
- When he lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration, saying it was the largest ever for a presidential inauguration.
- The time he wanted to swap ownership of Greenland and Puerto Rico, the latter of which he called "dirty and poor."
- Following the white supremacist rally at Charlottesville, he called the Neo-Nazis involved as well as the far-right member who ran his car over and killed and innocent bystander "very fine people."
- Remember when he insulted former POW John McCain, saying, "He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured”.
- Putting Ben Carson in charge as secretary of housing development although the man had no experience whatsoever. Carson was later accused of trying to destroy affordable housing by decimating the budget of programs his family benefitted from during his childhood..
- He falsely and bizarrely accused Barack Obama of wire tapping his phones in Trump Tower.
- He ended a $200 million early-warning program initiated by Obama designed to alert officials of potential pandemics just three months before Covid-19 began infecting people in China.
- Toward the end of 2020 he delayed signing a $900 billion Covid relief bill into law after millions of Americans had already lost their employment benefits, calling it "wasteful spending."
- He signed in Tax Cuts and Job Acts of 2017, reducing corporate taxes to between 35 and 21 percent and in effect allowing the rich to get richer while the poor remained the same.
- He accused the Democrats of treason for not applauding at his 2018 State of the Union address.
- He had children separated from their parents and placed in cages at detention facilities at the Mexican border and then inexplicably tied to blame the previous administration for it..
- Trump called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger after the 2020 election results were in asking him to "find" 11,780 additional votes, one more than the Democrats had tallied in the election.
- He incited the violent attack on the Capitol that left five people dead and others injured.
Should I list some more for you to ponder over, blue?
If you want to cut your balls off, something is wrong with you. Fortunately for the vast majority of those suffering this mental affliction, it's temporary.You’d be wrong. Just like you are about pretty much everything you say.
I don’t think cis people are messed up or bad. The issue is, you think I’m messed up when I’m not. Leave me and my community alone.
Thank goodness you only 'wasted time' on the first two. You might need to hire an editor and maybe a publisher. Some of these could be sold through the Audible app.if you want to continue listing those things that exemplify my contention, please by all means be my guest.
I'm not going to waste time knocking down all this idiocy, but I'll use your first and second examples to illustrate how full of shit it all is.
-who a President appoints is his business. There is no restriction against appointing family members. You can think it's a miscue but that's just your opinion, not a factual mistake. A President needs to trust who he appoints and until you demonstrate that his appointments have actually caused a problem BECAUSE they are family, you're just blowharding as usual. Oh, wait, it was widely ridiculed? Why didn't you say so, that's how we should judge whether a miscue occurred because who would ever think that something Trump was associated with would ever be widely ridiculed by his detractors unless there was seriously something blowing up. Give me a fvcking break.
-We all know what the Ukraine conversation was. You look at it your slimy slanderous liberal way and I'll look at it for what it actually was. Trump, like many millions of us, wanted a serious investigation into the Hunter Biden setup that is still to this day being obscured. That the timing was such that the dems could say it was strictly to help his election prospects is not a miscue, but rather a typical example of dirty dem was the impeachment. Not only that. the impeachment was a treacherous and to me treasonous expenditure of resources for political purposes. It doesn't matter if an internal Ukrainian investigation might have helped him, OF COURSE it would have helped him if skullduggery there was uncovered. It would have helped ALL OF US. Calling for the investigation was not an improper thing to do.
For God's sake, Joe Biden not only withheld money to get them to make an internal political move, he fvcking bragged openly about doing so. And I don't give a shit whether his doing so was a popular action, so was Trump's asking for that investigation.
-like I said, not going to waste time on the rest of the horseshit
I'm not sure what scares you the most - Transgenders or vaccines. Fortunately, Breitbart and others will gladly exploit the conundrum.If you want to cut your balls off, something is wrong with you. Fortunately for the vast majority of those suffering this mental affliction, it's temporary.
But cutting off your balls and penis, not so much.
Btw, dems are grooming babies now.
Meet the Taxpayer-Funded Group Pushing 'Transgender Identity' on Two-Year-Olds
The nation's top early childhood development organization, which has received more than $230 million in federal funds since 2008, claims that children as young as two years old can show signs of "transgender identity" and encourages educators to "use tenets of Critical Race Theory" when
Jesus was anti-liberal. The hypocritical control freaks of today are liberals, really leftists. They are like the Pharisees and Sadducees in high places who insist everyone obey them and think only as they dictate and cancel anyone daring to think differently. Jesus was against that in His day and still is.You are truly the biggest nutjob and hypocrite on here. And that’s me knowing GSD for half a decade. Kudos.
Doesn't scare me. Any normal compassionate human being should care about the horrific abuse, for profit, of those suffering gender dysphoria given "gender affirming care."I'm not sure what scares you the most - Transgenders or vaccines. Fortunately, Breitbart and others will gladly exploit the conundrum.
if you back away and look at this as neutrally as possible, it should be apparent that the situation in a nutshell is that many can't stand Trump on a personal level, but criticizing a politician on a personal basis does little to hurt the vitriol...YOUR vitriol...over that is transformed into criticism of his actions as President. And that's bullshit. Time after time after time, accusations and insinuations have been thrown, but when challenged have not been substantiated. When it comes down to it, all most have to offer is, as I say, personal’re not going to agree with this obviously, but I think it’s the reverse. There were times lefties and democrats clutched their pearls and it got old. But the majority of the hate and vitriol Trump receives is brought upon himself. Especially when he uses said vitriol as the basis of his politics on a daily basis.
I guess you can split the fear between two threads. Is there anything OOTB can't solve?Doesn't scare me. Any normal compassionate human being should care about the horrific abuse, for profit, of those suffering gender dysphoria given "gender affirming care."
Calling it "care" is obscene.
So the whole concept went right over your head.American and European. I took numerous classes on the Constitution
Where did you learn Christianity? In the backwoods hut of a cultist serving fruit punch?
Prayer at the beginning of a session is immaterial. They weren’t making political decisions solely and utterly from the Bible. Hell, Jefferson made his own version of the damn book. Cut out all the pointless garbage.
Soooo... it's not possible that he was both liberal and conservative? So much for Alpha and the Omega, I guess.Jesus was anti-liberal. The hypocritical control freaks of today are liberals, really leftists. They are like the Pharisees and Sadducees in high places who insist everyone obey them and think only as they dictate and cancel anyone daring to think differently. Jesus was against that in His day and still is.
I wanted to defend CB34 as I did once before, because what someone chooses to be has nothing to do with how valid their opinion is. I hate bringing irrelevant personal conditions into what should be an impersonal discussion, as a form of personal assault But TBH he asked for it by calling @randman1 a psychopathic somethingorother. Fair is fair. More than fair, actually.I'm not sure what scares you the most - Transgenders or vaccines. Fortunately, Breitbart and others will gladly exploit the conundrum.
No, it's everybody's business, especially when he defied and overruled security experts and gave very questionable security clearances to his daughter and son-in-law, especially considering they were totally unqualified. This raises even more eyebrows since Trump walked away from the White House in possession of top secret and classified files that didn't belong to him.-who a President appoints is his business.
For what it actually was? You mean "a perfect phone call"? Well, it ended up getting your boy impeached, so I guess what I'm saying isn't so slanderous after all.-We all know what the Ukraine conversation was. You look at it your slimy slanderous liberal way and I'll look at it for what it actually was.
stop letting your emotions get involvedI wanted to defend CB34 as I did once before, because what someone chooses to be has nothing to do with how valid their opinion is. I hate bringing irrelevant personal conditions into what should be an impersonal discussion, as a form of personal assault But TBH he asked for it by calling @randman1 a psychopathic somethingorother. Fair is fair. More than fair, actually.
If you want to cut your balls off, something is wrong with you. Fortunately for the vast majority of those suffering this mental affliction, it's temporary.
But cutting off your balls and penis, not so much.
Btw, dems are grooming babies now.
Meet the Taxpayer-Funded Group Pushing 'Transgender Identity' on Two-Year-Olds
The nation's top early childhood development organization, which has received more than $230 million in federal funds since 2008, claims that children as young as two years old can show signs of "transgender identity" and encourages educators to "use tenets of Critical Race Theory" when
So the whole concept went right over your head.
Prayer in session is a public expression of religion by the people's representatives in government, which is entirely permitted, protected and promoted under the Constitution. Nowhere were they trying to ban Christianity from government in the way you erroneously believe.
Obviously your classes sucked.
You confuse the prohibition against making a law to establish a national church with outlawing public religious expression.
F**k you. You don’t know jack shit about me or any other trans person. You lie about us on a daily basis. You deserve no benefit of the doubt.
I guess I missed the press conference on this.. so you are trans?
They were of European descent, of course they were "Christian." What else would they be? That's the other cool thing about religion- it's geographically biased. If you're born in India, you're probably Hindu. If you're born in Iran, you're probably Muslim. If you're born in Israel, you're probably Jewish. If you're born in Europe (or America), you're probably some version of Christian. And, other places have their own predominant religions. How lucky that we're all born into the "right" religion. Of course, we're also all born atheists until we're taught about religion by our parents, grandparents, etc..I already acknowledge they didn’t want to establish a national church. Everyone knows that. I’m quite sure they knew Christianity was part of our culture and remain so.
But they based their political aspirations on enlightenment thinking. They did not want religion to be the dominant force in government where it interfered in people’s lives. Their freedom.
Your idea of religion 100% interferes in people’s lives. I have just as much right to reject it and keep it out of secular institutions.
Pretty much. I promise, I’m not a menace to society lol. Just living my life like anyone else.
Pretty much sounds like you are still not sure. But that does explain your pro-trans slant to your posts.
I’m quite sure about who and what I am. Just putting it out there, I’m not a bogeyman or something to fear. That’s it.
I can't imagine anyone fearing a trans person.
Your mental illness is making our country weak and, therefore, susceptible to being taken over by the...There are several on this board.
You need to talk to poopslinger.I can't imagine anyone fearing a trans person.
Bullshit... @randman1 and "poopslinger" are just overtly altruistic and trying to help them with their mental illness.You need to talk to poopslinger.
If anyone thinks he can do it it's our very own pseudo psychiatrist, poopslinger. The dude has us all figured out. Or at least he pretends he does.Bullshit... @randman1 and "poopslinger" are just overtly altruistic and trying to help them with their mental illness.
There are several on this board.
That should be an oath, or pledge of allegiance that we all say at the beginning of each day!Well I have said many times I really dont care what people do until it affects other people. I try to be consistent on that. I can also admit that I'm sure at times I have been a hypocrite.
That should be an oath, or pledge of allegiance that we all say at the beginning of each day!
Well I have said many times I really dont care what people do until it affects other people. I try to be consistent on that. I can also admit that I'm sure at times I have been a hypocrite.
What happens when your “people’s representative “ wants to pray to Buddha, etc,?So the whole concept went right over your head.
Prayer in session is a public expression of religion by the people's representatives in government, which is entirely permitted, protected and promoted under the Constitution. Nowhere were they trying to ban Christianity from government in the way you erroneously believe.
Obviously your classes sucked.
You confuse the prohibition against making a law to establish a national church with outlawing public religious expression
I'll try. But it's so hard for me. You just don't know.stop letting your emotions get involved
yes, of course, this raises eyebrows years ago because of what may have happened recently. You might want to stop eating out of @strummingram 's food dish..No, it's everybody's business, especially when he defied and overruled security experts and gave very questionable security clearances to his daughter and son-in-law, especially considering they were totally unqualified. This raises even more eyebrows since Trump walked away from the White House in possession of top secret and classified files that didn't belong to him.
For what it actually was? You mean "a perfect phone call"? Well, it ended up getting your boy impeached, so I guess what I'm saying isn't so slanderous after all.
Obviously Donald Trump is your role model and inspiration since you have acquired all of his immoral traits such as lying through your teeth and turning a blind eye to the truth whenever it suits you.
What happens when your “people’s representative “ wants to pray to Buddha, etc,?