OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Meh... I guess. When he said that people shouldn't blame black people (or Kyrie Irving, specifically) for anti-semitism... he's right. Comedy (effective/FUNNY comedy) is supposed to offend people sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time. It's certainly supposed to, at least bother, established views.

Jon Stewart even addressed that here:
I was more talking about the part where he was basically saying Kayne was right.
Not really. Clarence Thomas signaled in the Hobbs case that he wanted to revisit decisions protecting same sex relationships, same sex marriage, and right to contraception.

This goes a long way in preventing that. The bill also ensures religious non profits are not required to engage in any activity that promotes same sex marriage. Which includes churches. So no one is being infringed upon.
I say again, unless it's a bill saying that the government can't meddle in our personal lives in any way, it's just more hodgepodge legislative twaddle. To begin with, nobody and no thing should be required to regard same sex marriage other than however the F they feel like regarding it anyway.
I'm not sure when/how, or what context he said Kanye was right.
Kayne said something like Jews run Hollywood and wasn't exactly saying that was a good thing. Dave just said the same thing a little nicer and tried to be funny about it. It just came off as cringe to me and apparently it didn't go over well with a lot of other people either. But he can say whatever he wants to say, though.
Marriage isn't defined by government. They can pass a bill saying such and such is marriage but that doesn't make it so.

Lifelong gay partnership is not the same as marriage. If we want to confer whatever legal benefits of marriage to gay partnerships, we can but to claim its marriage isn't real or truthful. Can it be as meaningful, emotionally real, loving or whatever?

Maybe so but that still doesn't define marriage.

Real marriage is always heterosexual.
That Jewish part was a little cringe.
It was but maybe it's needed. It is not like Hollywood has objected to denigrating evangelicals, Christians, conservatives and so forth. Maybe the only way they'll learn is if the power brokers there are targeted by their own allies on the Left.

It's not Bible thumpers attacking "the Jews," but their own friends on the Left.
Show me one quote where Hitler told his generals to kill 6 million Jews.
Hitler never puts it in writing. You read that part, right?

And your comparison to Hitler, like other liberals, shows what a complete and utter moron you really are. You make me ashamed to be from the same state you are.
Hitler was used in an example, not as a comparison.
so the repubs took a senile inept unpopular president, a shit economy, and kids getting their wee wees hacked off by dems at the local library and parlayed it into flipping dickslingers city council. Red wave indeed.

Your “joke” is funnier now.

What better way to show your support for a candidate than with your vote? Even if you step into the voting booth with your eyes closed and make a selection, you're still supporting someone.

I love when you try to make sense of things.
Thanks for admitting and proving the point that you don't grasp the concept or that you can only see this as a binary scenario. I'm guessing that you would argue that everyone who voted for grandpa Joe "supports" him as opposed to anyone who might have simply been voting against the evil orangeman. No need to respond with some other contortion. Wished I could say I love when you try to make sense of things.
It literally is though, because...
This is one of those things that has evolved and morphed over time. It's also an area that I always thought the politicians blew it in response. Marriage was a religious, biblical created concept as I understand the history. In this regard, it was defined as a covenant with God between a man and woman. Legally speaking, it was recognized along the way and given different rules in certain situations. Over the course of events and time, it became pretty clear to most who were willing to pay attention and not hide behind their robes of indignation, that more than just white men and white women fall in love and want to have that type of bond. The politicians took a religious concept and expanded the definition to include these other relationships.

To me, it would have been much easier just to have changed all the legal references from marriage and used the term civil unions, of which a church sanctioned marriage would have been one type. If your church performs marriages, regardless of orientations, it is recognized as a civil union. If you get joined at the courthouse, it is a civil union regardless of orientation. That way, everyone would have had their civil union, for good and bad lol, but the super conservative strict religions still had their marriages as they see them and everyone would have been legally recognized and have the privileges and burdens equally. Instead, the government just started redefining marriage. From some religious views, you can't have anything besides a man and a woman getting married. Civil unions would have solved this argument and made it a nonissue. But, is it ever easy?
Yeah, just become a big headache all for nothing. What a great job at governing these people are doing.

Oh, but Russian collusion wasn’t a big headache? Hahaha. You pitiful, partisan sheep.

The best governing they can do is waste time on this until GOP takes the White House in 2024. I want nothing at all to get done until 2024 and then we can start to put things back together and get some sense of normalcy back in our society.
Oh, but Russian collusion wasn’t a big headache? Hahaha. You pitiful, partisan sheep.

The best governing they can do is waste time on this until GOP takes the White House in 2024. I want nothing at all to get done until 2024 and then we can start to put things back together and get some sense of normalcy back in our society.
I don't know the details in terms of what can be done in the time left, but assuming they can, I would not be surprised to see several things they could have/should have done happen very quickly before the House turns over. This way, they would get passed and signed by Joe before it can be gridlocked and it wasn't used as an issue in the midterms. Someone else more in the know can weigh in if this is possible.
Oh, but Russian collusion wasn’t a big headache? Hahaha. You pitiful, partisan sheep.

The best governing they can do is waste time on this until GOP takes the White House in 2024. I want nothing at all to get done until 2024 and then we can start to put things back together and get some sense of normalcy back in our society.

Poor little maroon. So trusting, so naive.

If you think republicans are going to restore ‘normalcy’ I have a bridge to sell you.
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This is one of those things that has evolved and morphed over time. It's also an area that I always thought the politicians blew it in response. Marriage was a religious, biblical created concept as I understand the history. In this regard, it was defined as a covenant with God between a man and woman. Legally speaking, it was recognized along the way and given different rules in certain situations. Over the course of events and time, it became pretty clear to most who were willing to pay attention and not hide behind their robes of indignation, that more than just white men and white women fall in love and want to have that type of bond. The politicians took a religious concept and expanded the definition to include these other relationships.

To me, it would have been much easier just to have changed all the legal references from marriage and used the term civil unions, of which a church sanctioned marriage would have been one type. If your church performs marriages, regardless of orientations, it is recognized as a civil union. If you get joined at the courthouse, it is a civil union regardless of orientation. That way, everyone would have had their civil union, for good and bad lol, but the super conservative strict religions still had their marriages as they see them and everyone would have been legally recognized and have the privileges and burdens equally. Instead, the government just started redefining marriage. From some religious views, you can't have anything besides a man and a woman getting married. Civil unions would have solved this argument and made it a nonissue. But, is it ever easy?
Makes sense.
To me, it would have been much easier just to have changed all the legal references from marriage and used the term civil unions, of which a church sanctioned marriage would have been one type. If your church performs marriages, regardless of orientations, it is recognized as a civil union. If you get joined at the courthouse, it is a civil union regardless of orientatio,.... Instead, the government just started redefining marriage. From some religious views, you can't have anything besides a man and a woman getting married. Civil unions would have solved this argument and made it a nonissue. But, is it ever easy?
I'll take it one step further. Why recognize ANYTHING.

Today marriage status impacts:
medical benefits
social security
property ownership stuff (child custody)

Taxation should have no relationship at all to whether someone is in a marriage/union.
Same for social security benes.
Healthcare should be universal and untied to marriage/union.

With divorce rates of 50% the property ownership stuff seems to get figured out.

The government doesn't need to know whether i'm married or not in order to provide me the services that I'm taxed for. Parent-child relationships need to be defined somehow for child-specific gov services, but even those don't need a label of whether or not in happened in a church, courthouse, or vegas alley.
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This is one of those things that has evolved and morphed over time. It's also an area that I always thought the politicians blew it in response. Marriage was a religious, biblical created concept as I understand the history. In this regard, it was defined as a covenant with God between a man and woman. Legally speaking, it was recognized along the way and given different rules in certain situations. Over the course of events and time, it became pretty clear to most who were willing to pay attention and not hide behind their robes of indignation, that more than just white men and white women fall in love and want to have that type of bond. The politicians took a religious concept and expanded the definition to include these other relationships.

To me, it would have been much easier just to have changed all the legal references from marriage and used the term civil unions, of which a church sanctioned marriage would have been one type. If your church performs marriages, regardless of orientations, it is recognized as a civil union. If you get joined at the courthouse, it is a civil union regardless of orientation. That way, everyone would have had their civil union, for good and bad lol, but the super conservative strict religions still had their marriages as they see them and everyone would have been legally recognized and have the privileges and burdens equally. Instead, the government just started redefining marriage. From some religious views, you can't have anything besides a man and a woman getting married. Civil unions would have solved this argument and made it a nonissue. But, is it ever easy?
but why have the government involved to begin with? I understand and agree with the concept of civil unions, but why do they have to be recognized by the government? Any legalities such as obligations within and division of property at termination could be handled privately, and the government would need have no say in what constitutes a union or marriage.

Compare to wills. There are things that the government has to oversee in the event of someone's passing, but a will can be fairly standardized and executed privately, while leaving room for more complicated arrangements. Why couldn't a civil union be handled the same way? One could get married in a church but would still need the structure of a standardized civil union in order to prevent problems as the marriage aged. Or a couple could simply create and sign a civil union agreement and be done with it. OR a couple could just forgo the union concept at all and live under one roof, and not concern themselves with the consequences of not having certain things spelled out and agreed to. That's called being in a free country..

I don't understand why the government needs to consider its citizens as married or not married, except for the idiotic manipulations that dimwitted politicians exercise in trying to create a society that they arrogantly think they should create for us. As far as the guv is concerned, every citizen should be accounted for, for legal and tax purposes, only individually...singly, colorlessly, non-religiously, asexually, etc. An exception would be the military, but the military is of necessity almost a separate branch of the government as is.

I would seriously like someone to convince me that the government should be involved at all in a marriage or civil union. I'm probably missing something.
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Let me know when House Republicans actually give a shit about something other than 'owning the libs' in the most MAGA way possible.
let me know when you realize that the dems you have been supporting so ardently have been doing for years exactly what you describe, to the great detriment of our country. THEN we can talk.
Let me know when House Republicans actually give a shit about something other than 'owning the libs' in the most MAGA way possible.
They're going to investigate Biden. They're on offense, now. American government is just a spectator sport. That's another reason why Trump is so successful in it. He knows how to market a brand. Look at the cottage industry for Trump swag merchants.
Poor little maroon. So trusting, so naive.

If you think republicans are going to restore ‘normalcy’ I have a bridge to sell you.

How much? I’m a bit light right now but after the GOP restores order, I should be just fine.

And lol at having a child who was sold on being a different gender calling someone else naive.

I’m at it again @dadika13
They're going to investigate Biden. They're on offense, now. American government is just a spectator sport. That's another reason why Trump is so successful in it. He knows how to market a brand. Look at the cottage industry for Trump swag merchants.

I love sports!
Here I go again @dadika13

How much? I’m a bit light right now but after the GOP restores order, I should be just fine.

And lol at having a child who was sold on being a different gender calling someone else naive.

I’m at it again @dadika13
Thanks for admitting and proving the point that you don't grasp the concept or that you can only see this as a binary scenario. I'm guessing that you would argue that everyone who voted for grandpa Joe "supports" him as opposed to anyone who might have simply been voting against the evil orangeman. No need to respond with some other contortion. Wished I could say I love when you try to make sense of things.
I have a grasp of the concept of a two-candidate race. I'm just saying if you don't back either candidate then why vote at all? By voting for one over the other, even if you prefer neither, you are advocating for that candidate; hence, supporting him.
This is one of those things that has evolved and morphed over time. It's also an area that I always thought the politicians blew it in response. Marriage was a religious, biblical created concept as I understand the history. In this regard, it was defined as a covenant with God between a man and woman. Legally speaking, it was recognized along the way and given different rules in certain situations. Over the course of events and time, it became pretty clear to most who were willing to pay attention and not hide behind their robes of indignation, that more than just white men and white women fall in love and want to have that type of bond. The politicians took a religious concept and expanded the definition to include these other relationships.

To me, it would have been much easier just to have changed all the legal references from marriage and used the term civil unions, of which a church sanctioned marriage would have been one type. If your church performs marriages, regardless of orientations, it is recognized as a civil union. If you get joined at the courthouse, it is a civil union regardless of orientation. That way, everyone would have had their civil union, for good and bad lol, but the super conservative strict religions still had their marriages as they see them and everyone would have been legally recognized and have the privileges and burdens equally. Instead, the government just started redefining marriage. From some religious views, you can't have anything besides a man and a woman getting married. Civil unions would have solved this argument and made it a nonissue. But, is it ever easy?

Excellent poast. I said the same years ago. I have no problem with gays entering a union similar to the one I have with my wife and enjoying the same benefits. I just wanted it to be called something different.
How much? I’m a bit light right now but after the GOP restores order, I should be just fine.

And lol at having a child who was sold on being a different gender calling someone else naive.

I’m at it again @dadika13

You know you're the kind of person that would absolutely support fascism if it gave you what you wanted.

And dude, I'm in my twenties. I ain't a child. That's like calling you an old man because you're 47...well you certainly have the attitude and life outlook of one that's for damn sure.
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