we've said all this over and over here about Trump. Love him or hate him, you're lying if you deny that he was an effectively good president.
it's the dems who want to take us more and more into democracy and away from being a republic.
it isn't advocating against reform you dillweed. There is pure democracy which obviously is what is being referred to here, and there is the form of democracy that we call a republic, wherein the individual is shielded from the desires of the mob. We've talked about this before but of course you have to skew things from the get-go so you can have something to talk about.First of all that's a good thing.
Second, a Republic is a form of democracy. I don't understand why some people use this as an excuse to advocate against reform.
What's with the continual chatter over Donald Trump? Don't you know he's been out of office for two years? You have a severe case of TDS!we've said all this over and over here about Trump. Love him or hate him, you're lying if you deny that he was an effectively good president.
it isn't advocating against reform you dillweed. There is pure democracy which obviously is what is being referred to here, and there is the form of democracy that we call a republic, wherein the individual is shielded from the desires of the mob. We've talked about this before but of course you have to skew things from the get-go so you can have something to talk about.
Pure democracy is anything but a good thing, while a republic like ours...which is as good as a democracy can get.....allows the individual to maintain an existence not of others' dictates. Undermining such a republic is what is bad, and that is what the dems are constantly trying to do.
If by “popular ideas” you mean wide open borders, defund the police, leniency on crimes, energy dependence, profligate spending, censorship of conservatives, rigging elections, a leftist media, etc…, then you’re correct.I would argue against that. Our form of democracy, while good, is not as good as it gets nor is it immune to being corrupted.
Australia, Canada, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, the UK, etc, are all stronger on the Democratic index than we are. We have a system intentionally designed to limit the scope of power to as few individuals as possible, with too much authority invested in the executive, which grows with every decade. A parliamentary system would work far better. Not to mention our godawful primary system, gerrymandering, and the electoral college. I respect the Founders and admire their ability and achievements. But they weren’t infallible.
It is not mob rule you fear, it’s fear of popular ideas which conservatives loathe, being put into place.
If by “popular ideas” you mean wide open borders, defund the police, leniency on crimes, energy dependence, profligate spending, censorship of conservatives, rigging elections, a leftist media, etc…, then you’re correct.
it's in response to your incurable case of TDS and it also serves to demonstrate that we need a Trump-like president as opposed to a treasonous and ruinous clown show like the present admin is.What's with the continual chatter over Donald Trump? Don't you know he's been out of office for two years? You have a severe case of TDS!
Kevin Sorbo on D. Trump (@:23): "We'd have the wall. The wall would be done by now."
More stupidity from another clueless Trump apologist.
it's in response to your incurable case of TDS and it also serves to demonstrate that we need a Trump-like president as opposed to a treasonous and ruinous clown show like the present admin is.
what you keep denying is that to begin with, all those things bolded are impositions on the individual, and that is what our republic was formed to limit...that is exactly the undermining of the purpose of having the republic that we formed that is being referred to. I will always oppose taking my money to support your needs, unless those needs are also mine and represent ALL of us (defense, justice, infrastructure, etc.). What you individually need should be taken care of by you as an individual.No, I’m not picking from the third graders hat of understanding in politics. No one is censoring you. And no one is rigging elections. Quit your whining.
I’m referring ranked choice voting during the primary, universal health care, government funded trade schools, free community colleges, expansion of welfare programs, higher taxes on the super wealthy, marijuana legalization, making Election Day a national holiday, nuclear energy, the ending of the practice of gerrymandering, and the reformation of public education funding i.e. ending the practice of using property taxes as the way to pay for them.
Lol f**king everything is TDS to you. Even when you're the one bringing the guy up.
The last thing we need is another demagogue.
pay attention and get some comprehension, and stop tweaking the discussion to benefit your POV. I said a republic is better than pure democracy, I didn't say our republic was perfect.I would argue against that. Our form of democracy, while good, is not as good as it gets nor is it immune to being corrupted.
Australia, Canada, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, the UK, etc, are all stronger on the Democratic index than we are. We have a system intentionally designed to limit the scope of power to as few individuals as possible, with too much authority invested in the executive, which grows with every decade. A parliamentary system would work far better. Not to mention our godawful primary system, gerrymandering, and the electoral college. I respect the Founders and admire their ability and achievements. But they weren’t infallible.
It is not mob rule you fear, it’s fear of popular ideas which conservatives loathe, being put into place.
The "we" you're speaking of are the dumb and undereducated white trash pieces of shit which fortunately make up a small minority in America today. You had your four years with that loser asshole and that was about four years too many.we need a Trump-like president
^^^^^ lol. Talk about dumb and poorly educated white trash loser assholes....the loser assholes are the ones who gave us Biden and Harris and then exhibit the usual symptoms of TDS in trying to deflect from the stench of their administration. You, in other words.The "we" you're speaking of are the dumb and undereducated white trash pieces of shit which fortunately make up a small minority in America today. You had your four years with that loser asshole and that was about four years too many.
Never again, chumps. Never again.
all you did here was demonstrate why you libs are always fvcking things up.Trump has supplanted Nixon as saddest figure in post-presidential politics
From conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg
"Nixon's struggle was complicated because he was complicated. Trump's struggle is simple because he is simple."
You're a lot dumber than you look, bluesy.We need politicians and leaders that don't hide anything. What you see is what you get. That's a major reason why so many of us voted for him.
all you did here was demonstrate why you libs are always fvcking things up.
The criticism here says that secret tapes aren't needed to know Trump because 'the real Trump is on display for all eyes to see him'
EXACTLY, dimwits. We need politicians and leaders that don't hide anything. What you see is what you get. That's a major reason why so many of us voted for him. With dem and other pols, you have no idea what you're getting because it's all a charade.
Try to seriously convince me that dealing with Trumps in-your-face style is not better than a typical dem pol like Joe Biden, whose treasonous secrets are going to have to be extricated slowly and painfully, and too late to negate the effects of...that is, of course, those secrets that haven't already been dealt out for us to deal with at the present.
In anticipation of the usual idiocy, I guess I should point out that this 'defense' of Trump is not that at all, but rather made to point out the stupidity of actually calling for deceptive politics with two-faced, glad-handing politicians instead of the forthright politics of a Donald Trump. So many just want to FEEL that they are being well-served that they gladly fall for the charms of the well-mannered charlatans who have things so screwed up.. Morons abound.
pay attention and get some comprehension, and stop tweaking the discussion to benefit your POV. I said a republic is better than pure democracy, I didn't say our republic was perfect.
BTW, a parliamentary system IS usually a republic, so thanks for agreeing with me. There is plenty of room for discussion on how our republic could be best arranged, but I think we were discussing pure democracy vs. generic republic, if you don't mind sticking to your indefensible notions.
what you keep denying is that to begin with, all those things bolded are impositions on the individual, and that is what our republic was formed to limit...that is exactly the undermining of the purpose of having the republic that we formed that is being referred to. I will always oppose taking my money to support your needs, unless those needs are also mine and represent ALL of us (defense, justice, infrastructure, etc.). What you individually need should be taken care of by you as an individual.
Then you list something that is the province of the States, although there is room for arguing that that should change. However it might change, getting the feds involved is most likely a path to worsening the situation. And however that might change, it should include the right to allow private education.
lol, how lib of you to dismiss the actual things that were accomplished with the usual character assassination...because that's all you have. And you might want to go back and see how many times I have brought Trump up, and how many times I have only responded to a TDS'er bringing him up. And as I tried to explain to no avail to the libs, this was in INDIRECT response to the TDS here, rather than direct response, for a change. Yeah, it's always TDS with me, because it's ultra TDS with you.
You're talking to people that ADMIRE his corrosive attitude and rhetoric. People love a tyrant when the tyrant reflects who they are and gives them the impression that he represents them. The tyrant is a patriot... to them. Even when they see objectively harmful behavior, they can easily rationalize/justify it with little or no effort. They hate "foreigners", they hate "liberals", they hate all kinds of "other people" and, most of all, they hate CHANGE, especially if it appears to threaten the status of old, white men. Be glad it's 2023 and not 1923, if you're NOT an old, white guy!We need politicians who aren’t corrosive and willing to blatantly attempt coups.
There is nothing honest or redeeming about Donald Trump. He may give the impression of sincerity, but that is not the same as being honest.
And I don’t care that you like his policies. The ends do not justify the means. Whatever benefits, real or imagined, you think he brings you, they aren’t worth it. You’re right. What you see is what you get. Which is why he must never have that kind of power again. And there is no excuse to support him.
‘Treason.’ I'd actually like to see some evidence here and not a Fox news bulletin. You claim I’m the one with an irrational hatred of a politician, and yet here you are offering nothing but angry insinuations.
That was just off a solid defensive stand. It would be very 'carolina' for that penalty and first down to lead to a TD immediately but surprisingly we actually had a new quick D stand, 3 & out I think.Oh yeah, how about a national championship winning coach not knowing he can’t have two of the same numbers on the field without reporting in? That ridiculous penalty gave Oregon a first down.
The MAGA movement was founded upon extreme lies Trump proliferated among his desperate and gullible followers. MAGA is nothing more than an unpatriotic exercise in futility.The MAGA movement will live on far longer than Trump.
The MAGA movement was founded upon extreme lies Trump proliferated among his desperate and gullible followers. MAGA is nothing more than an unpatriotic exercise in futility.
Consider all the politicians who signed up for it only to lose their election. It is already passé.
first of all, his tax returns are none of anyone's business but his own. I have no more interest in seeing them than I do in seeing Biden's. If you demanded to see my returns, I'd tell you to take a flying fvck at a rolling donut, like I usually do. And let's talk about secrets with Putin, you freaking idiot. You know, like when obama thought the mike was off and was plainly heard telling Putin that things would be more 'flexible' after the election. You remember Putin, don't you? Obama's puppet master. And you remember obama don't you? A tendency to lie and deceive that rivals even your own.First of all, Trump has spent the last six years trying to hide plenty from us. It was like pulling teeth to finally get possession of his tax returns. Why were his one-on-one meetings with Putin in 2017 held behind closed doors? Was it for national security or to hide the concessions he was making to his puppet master? Etcetera, etcetera.
At the same time, Trump would have done himself a big favor had he possessed the ability of masking some of his ignorance rather than putting it on display day in and day out for the whole world to see. I guess just like him you're too nonplussed to understand all of his repeated shortcomings.
Most of us saw what we were getting from day one and that's why most of us didn't vote for him to be reelected. Yet, in your small and feckless mind your absolute devotion and worship for this tiny and insignificant man is still of God-like proportions. Which is quite laughable!
no, we aren't arguing over semantics. You changed the subject, and not merely what the subject is referred to as. And you're still doing it. Again, we are talking about pure democracy vs. OUR kind of republic, which protects individuals from mob rule. The republic does not promote a business class, it allows a business class to flourish, thank God. And anyone can become a 'business aristocrat'.Okay fine, we're arguing over semantics then. I'd still take a pure democracy over an aristocratic business class style Roman/Greek Republic if I could only have one or the other. We agree that there is plenty of room for discussion on how our Republic can be best arranged.
no one said taxation wasn't necessary. And I never said I don't support progressive taxation, fwiw. The rank idiocy in the above is so typical of libs. Who is putting money in the hands of those who already have more? You're cluelessly proving my contention that libs say you're stealing from them when you try to keep your own money. The wealthy already pay the lion's share of taxes, so your ridiculous complaint here isn't exactly hitting home.You are framing this as some kind of unjustified theft. Taxation is necessary component of the state. Wealth redistribution, however limited in scope, is A) not without precedent and B) not unconstitutional. If we should aim to create a more perfect union, that means we should do our best to care and assist those that the system inevitably leaves behind. It is not an imposition. And you are operating under the mistaken Reaganite philosophy that has persisted in this country since the 80s under the Milton Friedman style of economics. That putting more money in the hands of those who already have more than they need will somehow benefit everyone else. This is fundamentally untrue.
You have rightly pointed out that we should use our tax money for things that support all of us. Much of what I proposed does that.
If you're talking about those things you presented that I bolded, NONE of that is for everyone. Of course you can rationalize how it sort of is, but it really isn't. I mentioned a few things that really are.You have rightly pointed out that we should use our tax money for things that support all of us. Much of what I proposed does that.
breaking the law to allow an absolute invasion of illegals is treason. If I found myself in charge, he might suffer some rope burns.We need politicians who aren’t corrosive and willing to blatantly attempt coups.
There is nothing honest or redeeming about Donald Trump. He may give the impression of sincerity, but that is not the same as being honest.
And I don’t care that you like his policies. The ends do not justify the means. Whatever benefits, real or imagined, you think he brings you, they aren’t worth it. You’re right. What you see is what you get. Which is why he must never have that kind of power again. And there is no excuse to support him.
‘Treason.’ I'd actually like to see some evidence here and not a Fox news bulletin. You claim I’m the one with an irrational hatred of a politician, and yet here you are offering nothing but angry insinuations.
Keep telling myself that? Ha!Keep telling yourself that.
tl;drfirst of all, his tax returns are none of anyone's business but his own. I have no more interest in seeing them than I do in seeing Biden's. If you demanded to see my returns, I'd tell you to take a flying fvck at a rolling donut, like I usually do. And let's talk about secrets with Putin, you freaking idiot. You know, like when obama thought the mike was off and was plainly heard telling Putin that things would be more 'flexible' after the election. You remember Putin, don't you? Obama's puppet master. And you remember obama don't you? A tendency to lie and deceive that rivals even your own.
and here we go with the TDS-inspired, unsubstantiated character assassination. I'm going to take what you say here to the trash bin, again as usual. When you have something of substance to add, I might consider taking that seriously, or as seriously as any of your spewage can be taken.
I fully acknowledge that some of what Trump said was bordering on the ridiculous. I knew and most knew to ignore it because it was inconsequential. I also acknowledge, and you won't, that you couldn't trust a single word that was reported by the MSM as coming from Trump's mouth. They lied about Trump routinely, at a clip that almost rivals your lying. But you want to talk about liars other than you? Talk about Biden and Kamala Harris and most of the leading dems. They make Trump look like a piker.
most people are sheep, and when those sheep don't have the independence of mind to think for themselves...people like you...they take the lying media and lying politicians as gospel and vote accordingly. Trump was defeated more by lies than by anything he actually did or said. Lies told by liars like you.
And you'll contend that I worship Trump just because you're an idiot with nothing else to offer. I support the kind of presidency he conducted, and I hope that another similar one comes into being, whether Trump heads it or someone else does. And I loathe the unthinking lemmings who subjected us to an admin far worse than Trump's by any measure. Lemmings like you. Yet I don't think you worship Biden. I think you just follow blindly behind whatever dem is in front of you.
Baa now.
Keep telling myself that? Ha!
More than two years ago, soon after Trump lost the last presidential election, you starting ranting about the resilience and vitality of the MAGA movement. You vowed it was here to stay. You also predicted Republicans would dominate the 2022 midterms because of it.
Of course there was no red wave as you expected and hoped for, and it's because of the MAGA movement rather than despite it. It's cancer, and it is killing the GOP.
The sooner people like yourself stop believing in the mythical power of MAGA the sooner you'll stop looking so foolish.
No need to get personal and post family pics from your Christmas gathering.
That shrill music is the sound of over 60% of American women voting for anyone but Republicans in the foreseeable future.They might be making our music a loooong time.
That shrill music is the sound of over 60% of American women voting for anyone but Republicans in the foreseeable future.
No, they're just helping "conservatives" to lose more elections going forward.Good thing SC justices aren’t up for re-election!
Cope and seethe.
No, they're just helping "conservatives" to lose more elections going forward.
so then, you agree with what I've been saying for quite some time, that this country is headed down the path to third world status, led by dems with liberal women at the point......That shrill music is the sound of over 60% of American women voting for anyone but Republicans in the foreseeable future.