True conservatives like DeSantis (FL) vs. Crist and Abbott (TX) vs. Beta? Both beat their leftist woke opponents like rented mules.
Governing at a state level, and ignoring or defying the federal government's oppressive overreach and incompetent out-of-mainstream (across all citizens regardless of party or demographic) is THE WAY.
DeSantis (and Abbott to lesser extent) are right and in step with vast majorities of voters on individual rights and responsibilities, and favor individual citizens and families, on basically every issue, including child protection from what is taught in schools or drag shows, trans grooming, green enviro insanity, COVID and holding govt, big pharma and the med establishment in govt and businesses accountable, calling out BLM lies and scandals, holding social media accountable and promoting freedom of speech, energy independence, fighting illegal immigration and related drug and crime influx, supporting law enforcement instead of demonizing them.
In one line, DeSantis's money quote for the ages: "Florida is where WOKE goes to die." This is why he has reached rock star status with normal people
This is why TX and FL are top two states for net inbound residents I think 9 of top ten are conservative-governed red states. 9 of 10 net outbound states are blue, with CA and NY at the top.
If only red state governors would follow DeSantis lead, and govern like him, and not go wobbly, they would not, will not lose. His policy positions are appealing to vast majorities of citizens, including those in big metro cities, like Miami, Orlando, Tampa; Houston, Dallas, etc.