OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Once you start crowning yourself, and desperately start trying to convince anyone who is reading this stupid shit, that you "won" something... that's when it gets really pathetic.

Who better to crown the champ than the guy who knows the most about winning?

And you're free to retreat at any point. No one is making you come back for more ass-kickings.
Close the border. Completely. No one comes in legally or illegally for 10 years while we try to evaluate how to move forward. Arrest or shoot anyone that crosses the border. In 10 years, we set a reasonable limit as to how many can come per year. Anyone that comes must be able to show they will have zero financial dependence on the US government and are able to take care of themselves.

That’s a jumping point. Anything short of what I’ve suggested is a nonstarter for me.
you make it sound like we're being invaded. @carolinablue34 has informed me that invaders carry spears.

You have to stop believing that just because I don't drink the kool-aid you drink on a daily basis about Trump, every road of my belief leads back to him. There's no getting around this shit. If I don't critique Trump in a way that personally satisfies you, it must be that I have no real reason to oppose him (other than hurt feelings). If I do, I must be shedding blame from Biden onto him. It's dumb. It's a game of gotcha. Which is closer to the word 'retarded' than anything I've said or done so far.

Yeah, sure. Trump 'tried'. But did that man actually understand what it takes to try and pass comprehensive immigration reform instead of mouthing off about a wall as though that would fix our problems? Have you considered that immigration might benefit us in the long term instead of throwing out angry conjecture about how his lack of enforcement is 'treasonous'? Never mind that Trump tried to throw this country's election system into chaos to stay in power and still attempts to to this day. Focus on that before you throw stones from a glass house. I've heard enough excuses from right wingers on that front.

But forget the orange man for a second. Forget that he did little to address the border in actuality. I'll admit 100% Biden dropped the ball on this. The point in bringing up other administrations, is to point out the cycle of futility that plagues this country when it comes to real solutions to problems. Not because I have any attachment to the current President or because it's all the fault of the last one. Only a tribalistic fool would believe either.

And yet again we come to why talking politics with you is the equivalent of pulling teeth. For Christ's sake maybe stop being an asshole with every response.



I want to hate Trump as bad as you do, but I need something that you absolutely fail to even try to provide. Don't throw this back at me again (and again and again and again), just answer the fvcking question. Don't talk about things other than Trump. Don't generalize about Trump or anything else. Don't tell me what Trump or Biden or Joe Shit the rag man is like. What did Trump actually do, what specific action did he take, that affected me and America negatively? And how specifically was my life made worse by his having been president?

I await your next plunge into the irrelevant.
you make it sound like we're being invaded. @carolinablue34 has informed me that invaders carry spears.




I want to hate Trump as bad as you do, but I need something that you absolutely fail to even try to provide. Don't throw this back at me again (and again and again and again), just answer the fvcking question. Don't talk about things other than Trump. Don't generalize about Trump or anything else. Don't tell me what Trump or Biden or Joe Shit the rag man is like. What did Trump actually do, what specific action did he take, that affected me and America negatively? And how specifically was my life made worse by his having been president?

I await your next plunge into the irrelevant.
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eat a Snickers because I quote something almost as insane as what you usually offer?
Your mind, or what passes for one, is irretrievably planted in Alice's Wonderland. I bet you even think your posts add something other than your own delusional self-admiration.
eat a Snickers because I quote something almost as insane as what you usually offer?
Your mind, or what passes for one, is irretrievably planted in Alice's Wonderland. I bet you even think your posts add something other than your own delusional self-admiration.
Not a Snickers fan?
eat a Snickers because I quote something almost as insane as what you usually offer?
Your mind, or what passes for one, is irretrievably planted in Alice's Wonderland. I bet you even think your posts add something other than your own delusional self-admiration.

That poaster is obviously in a mood today. I don't know, maybe he's having some guitar emergencies and just can't cope. But it's apparent he's interested in "sparring" as he likes to call it, no matter how weak his efforts have been. I wouldn't bother with him today. You know he'll be here all weekend (he always is) so you can get your shots in when he's more coherent and more of a challenge.
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Overrated but OK. Butterfinger or Payday, or miniature Heath Bars.
Also agree Snickers overrated. Snickers ice cream bars are the tits though.

Twix or Kit Kat probably my 1.01, assuming we're only talking bars of candy and not cups of candy (which would obviously mean Reese's is 1.01)
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Did we ever actually do the candy bar tournament? @tarheel0910 you remember this stuff better than I do.
All I can remember is giving a guest lecture at Villanova ... or maybe it was a street corner.

* A thousand monopoly dollars if anyone can tell me where that quote is from without help from a search engine.
Also agree Snickers overrated. Snickers ice cream bars are the tits though.

Twix or Kit Kat probably my 1.01, assuming we're only talking bars of candy and not cups of candy (which would obviously mean Reese's is 1.01)
I have to stay away from Reese's Peanut Butter cups as I was almost addicted at one time. Between Kit Kat and Twix, one of them is really good and the other is sort of meh....and I can never remember which is which, so I do neither.
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All I can remember is giving a guest lecture at Villanova ... or maybe it was a street corner.

* A thousand monopoly dollars if anyone can tell me where that quote is from without help from a search engine.
Sounds like something Will Ferrell or John C. Reilly would say but I've seen basically all of their movies and never heard this quote. Or maybe I'm just thinking that since you recently quoted Talledega Nights

yeah I got nothing.
Sounds like something Will Ferrell or John C. Reilly would say but I've seen basically all of their movies and never heard this quote. Or maybe I'm just thinking that since you recently quoted Talledega Nights

yeah I got nothing.
I'm going with Robin Williams but I really have no clue.
I agree. They'd stop moving drugs into America if they didn't have millions upon millions of people to sell them to.

Closing our borders and our eyes and pretending the problem will go away is dumb. Fix the problem and that will greatly reduce the amount of drugs in the US. But again, we're talking about really really difficult things to do.
People like to get high. No wall is going to stop that. And, 10,000 walls won't stop the profit margin incentive.
Wait. So, we are all in agreement that when there is a demand, there will also be a supply regardless of the amount of laws and legal hurdles that the feds and states throw up?
All I can remember is giving a guest lecture at Villanova ... or maybe it was a street corner.

* A thousand monopoly dollars if anyone can tell me where that quote is from without help from a search engine.
I'm gonna go with Always Sunny in Philly - just cuz Villanova is there.
Wait. So, we are all in agreement that when there is a demand, there will also be a supply regardless of the amount of laws and legal hurdles that the feds and states throw up?
if no one bites, please continue. I'm interested in seeing where you're going with this.
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I cheated and googled it. If anyone was thinking Woodrow Wilson, that isn't it.
Nah, I didn't detect any racism in that quote so I wasn't thinking Woodrow.

I also googled it, should have known what it was by the person who was quoting it.
Sounds like something Will Ferrell or John C. Reilly would say but I've seen basically all of their movies and never heard this quote. Or maybe I'm just thinking that since you recently quoted Talledega Nights

yeah I got nothing.
Not only do you have nothing you get nothing. You lose. Good day, sir.
I'm going with Robin Williams but I really have no clue.
You already know that's wrong because you cheated. You should never cheat. But, if you must cheat, cheat death.
I'm gonna go with Always Sunny in Philly - just cuz Villanova is there
Wrong. I can't think of any good movie quotes for this one. Sorry.
Wait. So, we are all in agreement that when there is a demand, there will also be a supply regardless of the amount of laws and legal hurdles that the feds and states throw up?
I don't think banning guns will make any difference.
I think the lowest it ever got here was around $3. Sucks worse for me though, because I have to get premium.
I drove through NC, going and coming, and I think I paid $2.79-ish. Once in China Grove, and Lexington on the way back.
Wait. So, we are all in agreement that when there is a demand, there will also be a supply regardless of the amount of laws and legal hurdles that the feds and states throw up?
Depends on the item/substance/matter and how hard the gov tries. Black markets happen, but things can be curbed. There was a pretty long period of time when people in china wanted more than 1 kid. Births dropped. We also learned they preferred males, so abortions went up. And now there are "off the books" people with trouble getting education and services.
I drove through NC, going and coming, and I think I paid $2.79-ish. Once in China Grove, and Lexington on the way back.
I never see the prices you talk about. I paid $3.39 on my last fillup just a few days ago. Are you sure you're not paying in Humpty Dumpty's broke-ass dollars?

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