You have to stop believing that just because I don't drink the kool-aid you drink on a daily basis about Trump, every road of my belief leads back to him. There's no getting around this shit. If I don't critique Trump in a way that personally satisfies you, it must be that I have no real reason to oppose him (other than hurt feelings). If I do, I must be shedding blame from Biden onto him. It's dumb. It's a game of gotcha. Which is closer to the word 'retarded' than anything I've said or done so far.
Yeah, sure. Trump 'tried'. But did that man actually understand what it takes to try and pass comprehensive immigration reform instead of mouthing off about a wall as though that would fix our problems? Have you considered that immigration might benefit us in the long term instead of throwing out angry conjecture about how his lack of enforcement is 'treasonous'? Never mind that Trump tried to throw this country's election system into chaos to stay in power and still attempts to to this day. Focus on that before you throw stones from a glass house. I've heard enough excuses from right wingers on that front.
But forget the orange man for a second. Forget that he did little to address the border in actuality. I'll admit 100% Biden dropped the ball on this. The point in bringing up other administrations, is to point out the cycle of futility that plagues this country when it comes to real solutions to problems. Not because I have any attachment to the current President or because it's all the fault of the last one. Only a tribalistic fool would believe either.
And yet again we come to why talking politics with you is the equivalent of pulling teeth. For Christ's sake maybe stop being an asshole with every response.