OOTB's Political Thread . ..

They've already said there wasn't anything on it that China couldn't have seen from a satellite. The only thing I could think of was real time movement, but that would only be useful during a war. I still think they were doing something else and this is more of a distraction.
Why would we believe what any administration says with respect to this type of information? This is not anti Joe, I'm saying this with respect to anyone.

Also, my understanding is that divers are still recovering items. They've already been able to analyze everything recovered and everything they haven't????

Believe what you will, but it is the government we are talking about.
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None of us know what this was, what it was capable of, etc. If we did, our clearance level and obligations would prevent us from expressing as much in this forum and you are very, very unlikely to see it on the "news" for decades to come.
For decades to come? No, the public has been provided a good deal of information already, if only you're paying attention. Three articles of note to counter the argument that China outmaneuvered the U.S. government:

"Two senior defense officials told NBC News that the U.S. is using counterintelligence measures to block the balloon’s view and moving objects out of its path to limit its capabilities."
Pentagon taking measures to limit Chinese balloon’s capabilities amid news of 2nd balloon over Latin America

"The balloon could radio back any collected data, perhaps even to a Chinese satellite overhead, but there have been no reports of radio transmission from the balloon."
Chinese Spy Balloons: The Sky’s the Limit

“'This incident is incredibly embarrassing for Beijing. It reinforces concerns that most Western nations justifiably harbor about China’s great power ambitions,' Craig Singleton, a senior China fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington, D.C., think tank and lobbying organization, told NBC News on Saturday."
Fallout from suspected spy balloon kills 'huge propaganda win' for China

Read them at your leisure.
China’s point was to make Biden and by extension, America look like cucks. Mission accomplished.
China flies a balloon over the U.S. -- antiquated technology first used by them as military signalling devices by chancellor Zhuge Liang in the 3rd Century -- and lies about their intentions.

The United States Air Force shoots down the balloon with a single air-to-air heat-seeking missile fired from an F-22 aircraft after tracking the balloon for seven days and essentially mitigating its ability to collect sensitive information while over the U.S. and Canada.

Who cucked who?
The balloon may not have gathered any meaningful info. But that’s not the point. China’s point was to make Biden and by extension, America look like cucks. Mission accomplished. They flew it over here for one purpose - to see how we’d respond. And as we all would have assumed with Dementia Joe in charge, we failed China’s test.

But it’s ok. Prlyles says we’re repairing our image across the globe with Biden.
The same thing happened during Trump's administration. Was he cucked too? Or maybe you're trying to say it was ok because Trump claims he didn't know.
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China flies a balloon over the U.S. -- antiquated technology first used by them as military signalling devices by chancellor Zhuge Liang in the 3rd Century -- and lies about their intentions.

The United States Air Force shoots down the balloon with a single air-to-air heat-seeking missile fired from an F-22 aircraft after tracking the balloon for seven days and essentially mitigating its ability to collect sensitive information while over the U.S. and Canada.

Who cucked who?
You are so out to lunch it's absurd. It's not antiquated technology. The upgrades for steering and the payload are 21st century stuff.

One of the potential uses here that no one seems to be reporting on is that China is developing a terrain-based GPS guidance system. This was reported on 15 years or so ago. In other words, they want detailed maps of terrain in order to guide missiles without satellite GPS as we do. Not saying there wouldn't be satellites involved but perhaps not.

The idea is our systems are dependent on satellite guidance and they have developed satellite killer weapons systems that could make our entire guidance system moot overnite whereas their system, if they perfect it, would still work.

War would be over in a week then and we'd lose.
The same thing happened during Trump's administration. Was he cucked too? Or maybe you're trying to say it was ok because Trump claims he didn't know.
Except it didn't happen in the Trump administration. The WH now says it did but no one discovered it until after he left, which is why no officials in the Trump admin, even those that hate him, can verify the report.

Of course, the new line is just obvious BS as well. No surprise you fell for it.
The same thing happened during Trump's administration. Was he cucked too? Or maybe you're trying to say it was ok because Trump claims he didn't know.

How would we do something about it if we didn't know? Don't be ridiculous. And if Trump did know, then he was cucked too.

This was them treating Biden like the old, weak, senile man he is.
China flies a balloon over the U.S. -- antiquated technology first used by them as military signalling devices by chancellor Zhuge Liang in the 3rd Century -- and lies about their intentions.

The United States Air Force shoots down the balloon with a single air-to-air heat-seeking missile fired from an F-22 aircraft after tracking the balloon for seven days and essentially mitigating its ability to collect sensitive information while over the U.S. and Canada.

Who cucked who?

Let me summarize it from another perspective.

China flies a drone into our airspace without telling us. It creates a media shitstorm. Biden looks dazed and confused and has an embarrassingly late response. China laughs.

We got cucked. It may not be that big of a deal to you because you're used to it by now, I reckon.
Let me summarize it from another perspective.

China flies a drone into our airspace without telling us. It creates a media shitstorm. Biden looks dazed and confused and has an embarrassingly late response. China laughs.

We got cucked. It may not be that big of a deal to you because you're used to it by now, I reckon.
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You are so out to lunch it's absurd. It's not antiquated technology. The upgrades for steering and the payload are 21st century stuff.

One of the potential uses here that no one seems to be reporting on is that China is developing a terrain-based GPS guidance system. This was reported on 15 years or so ago. In other words, they want detailed maps of terrain in order to guide missiles without satellite GPS as we do. Not saying there wouldn't be satellites involved but perhaps not.

The idea is our systems are dependent on satellite guidance and they have developed satellite killer weapons systems that could make our entire guidance system moot overnite whereas their system, if they perfect it, would still work.

War would be over in a week then and we'd lose.
This might be the biggest crock of shit you have ever dumped here, schoolboy. Detailed maps of terrain? You mean like high-resolution topographic maps that have existed for decades?

Damn, according to you those Chinese are technologically way ahead of us! I would ask you where you got your information but I'm sure I already know . . . from one of your idiotic, discredited sources, of course!
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But a personal defeat for you. 😢

I noticed you were mostly absent over the weekend, blue. I also noticed that lame-o chick flick 80 for Brady opened in theaters Friday and advertised matinee showings Saturday and Sunday in movie houses throughout the Triangle.

Coincidence? Likely not.
glad you checked in, gadfly. I've started taking iron supplements on the advice of one of my doctors. They say it will tend to constipate me and blacken my stool. Can you check your logs and see how often I've been defecating over the last several weeks? I don't need the number of wipes I'm using for now but I might in the future so keep on tracking that as well. Also, do you think my stools are darker than normal? TIA.

BTW, I have no familiarity with the movie you're referring to. How was it? I'm impressed that you keep track of and indulge in chick flicks, much like you keep track of my board presence and provide affirmation of same. Obsession can be flattering, providing who it is that's obsessed with me. With you, I'm merely amused.
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Detailed maps of terrain? You mean like high-resolution topographic maps that have existed for decades?
if only we had giant mechanical motorized devices capable of altering the terrain in a way that might suggest that an alteration at a strategic facility was in fact done for strategic purposes. The alterations could be compared to existing high-resolution topographic maps for verification. That would really be something. THAT would give those spy balloons quite the surprise I think. If only we could alter the terrain.
I think the why is the mostimportant thing. He's right when he said they didn't get anything from it that they didn't already have. So, why do it? The whole thing doesn't make any sense. They had to have had a reason other than spying with a balloon.
They’ve done it before and this started the same way. We don’t do anything as usual cause of the altitude and like people said it really does nothing more than a satellite which we tolerate cause we don’t want ours shot down. My guess is it malfunctioned though and they were unable to guide it and currents took it over the cont us. We knew about it but once it lost altitude it became obvious the public was gonna see it so they had to release the info. Couldn’t shoot it down cause of a 20 mi debris field and every yee haw out there collecting pieces. Waited til over open water where we could somewhat control debris collection. Jmho
They’ve done it before and this started the same way. We don’t do anything as usual cause of the altitude and like people said it really does nothing more than a satellite which we tolerate cause we don’t want ours shot down. My guess is it malfunctioned though and they were unable to guide it and currents took it over the cont us. We knew about it but once it lost altitude it became obvious the public was gonna see it so they had to release the info. Couldn’t shoot it down cause of a 20 mi debris field and every yee haw out there collecting pieces. Waited til over open water where we could somewhat control debris collection. Jmho
What's weird though is that they have been caught doing the same thing to other countries. The whole thing doesn't make sense to me. If your goal is to spy, you don't do it using outdated tech.
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They’ve done it before and this started the same way. We don’t do anything as usual cause of the altitude and like people said it really does nothing more than a satellite which we tolerate cause we don’t want ours shot down. My guess is it malfunctioned though and they were unable to guide it and currents took it over the cont us. We knew about it but once it lost altitude it became obvious the public was gonna see it so they had to release the info. Couldn’t shoot it down cause of a 20 mi debris field and every yee haw out there collecting pieces. Waited til over open water where we could somewhat control debris collection. Jmho
good guess, considering that the Japs used unguided balloon bombs to start fires here in WW II, and the air-current guided path they took was similar. But then you consider that if it was a spy balloon, what good would it be if it did NOT fly over land...unless it was tracking submarines or whales.
reports coming in that a recovered section of balloon contain the message
"Happy Valentine's Day Eric", signed Fang Fang".
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This might be the biggest crock of shit you have ever dumped here, schoolboy. Detailed maps of terrain? You mean like high-resolution topographic maps that have existed for decades?

Damn, according to you those Chinese are technologically way ahead of us! I would ask you where you got your information but I'm sure I already know . . . from one of your idiotic, discredited sources, of course!
Look, you realize Tesla has been trying to perfect self-driving cars for years and said they'd have it done 10-12 years ago or something like that, and that would be exponentially easier than what China is trying to do.

It's just not so easy to do.

Topographic maps? Really?

Real-time analysis of everything on the ground, what changes, what does not and analyzed at the speed of say, a hypersonic missile just isn't some walk in the park to do from the missile itself. That's a lot of data to gather and process on-board so to speak.
They’ve done it before and this started the same way. We don’t do anything as usual cause of the altitude and like people said it really does nothing more than a satellite which we tolerate cause we don’t want ours shot down. My guess is it malfunctioned though and they were unable to guide it and currents took it over the cont us. We knew about it but once it lost altitude it became obvious the public was gonna see it so they had to release the info. Couldn’t shoot it down cause of a 20 mi debris field and every yee haw out there collecting pieces. Waited til over open water where we could somewhat control debris collection. Jmho
Your guess? LOL
Real-time analysis of everything on the ground, what changes, what does not and analyzed at the speed of say, a hypersonic missile just isn't some walk in the park to do from the missile itself. That's a lot of data to gather and process on-board so to speak.
You're talking about technology that already exists. It's called TERCOM and is the primary advanced navigational system used in cruise missiles today. It is an advanced system over the formerly-used inertial navigation system (INS) to direct missiles to their target.

I don't know where China currently stands in its development of these systems or how much progress it has made over the past "15 years or so," but the U.S. began rolling out early versions developed at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory more than 70 years ago.
said the Biden crotch remora.
You must be thinking of the sightless Trump Crotch Remora, Trumphinium latchulatus, a member of the Trumphinidae family. We have an entire school of this species hitching rides on this very message board so you don't have to look far to observe them in their natural habitat.
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You're talking about technology that already exists. It's called TERCOM and is the primary advanced navigational system used in cruise missiles today. It is an advanced system over the formerly-used inertial navigation system (INS) to direct missiles to their target.

I don't know where China currently stands in its development of these systems or how much progress it has made over the past "15 years or so," but the U.S. began rolling out early versions developed at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory more than 70 years ago.
Uh huh? So you googled something without even grasping what I was saying.

Perhaps I should have added more on the whole system. Yes, you can preload missiles with topo info and have been doing that for decades. A true replacement for GPS entails a bit more though, namely a total communication system that can operate across the entire force structure without the use of satellites and do just as well with pin-point accuracy.
It also entails scanning not just for missiles, planes and such but the electromagnetic spectrum in order to make navigational changes. That part may not be all on-board either.

Remember back during the Carter years there was a debate about the neutron bomb. That concept and reality was unclassified in the sense the debate happened. What it showed is nukes can be adjusted to deliver specific frequencies and not just be a massive kinetic blast.

We are on the 5th generation of nukes now in the world or maybe it's more but at least that. Nukes can be made very small with directed delivery of just about any frequency and not just blast in all directions. Think how a microwave interacts with metal and you can draw some inference on how many subtle ways facilities can be attacked and disabled if you find the right pinhole so to speak.
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You must be thinking of the sightless Trump Crotch Remora, Trumphinium latchulatus, a member of the Trumphinidae family. We have an entire school of this species hitching rides on this very message board so you don't have to look far to observe them in their natural habitat.
no, actually, I'm thinking of you the Biden crotch remora, just as I indicated. Try to keep up.
Uh huh? So you googled something without even grasping what I was saying.
wait, you don't think he dipped into the vastness of his general knowledge to tell us about the nav systems of cruise missiles? I have to disagree. If he just googled it surely he would have provided a link in order to acknowledge his source. You know, like you and I do.
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Touching, tragic but perhaps headed in the right direction at last.

"When I look back at this, it is almost too much to write about. The grief and the shock of what we did is so deep, so wide, so sharp and penetrating. How could a mother do this to her child? To her children? I truly believed that what I was doing was pure, right and good, only to later realize with horror what it could have lead to for my child. This horror still shakes me to my core.


A year ago, just before our son's 8th birthday, we did just that. And while the initial change was hard, incredibly hard, the most immediate and tangible emotion we felt from our son was relief. Actual relief. In the days following my first conversation with him about going back to his birth name and pronouns, my conversation about how males cannot be females, and that we were wrong to tell him he could choose to be a girl, he was at first very mad at me, then sad. Then the next day, I felt my son rest. I felt him release a burden, lay this adult burden down, that he, as a child, was never meant to carry. He felt incredible relief. He came to rest.

Since that time, we have been healing. He has been healing. It was not easy, but my son is happy and thriving. We have watched him coming to a deeper peace with himself as a boy, and he is blossoming and growing. For now, he is safe, and as each day passes, he grows into himself more. As for our younger son, he is also happy, thriving and healing. Once his older brother became his older brother again, he happily and almost immediately settled into his identity as a boy -- a further validation of our insight into the primal attachment drives that were underneath his pursuit of sameness for so long.

I fear for the future, the future for a sensitive, feminine, socially awkward boy who has spent his early childhood years actually thinking he was a girl. I fear for what our culture, our institutions, his peers, and the internet will tell him. I fear the power of the state, that seems hell bent on destroying the parental child relationship. No matter what the future holds, I will never ever stop fighting to protect my sons."
Uh huh? So you googled something without even grasping what I was saying.
I understand what you're talking about, but I fail to understand what makes you believe China is outpacing the U.S. in its development of a land-based GPS guidance system and could be a few downed satellites away from total world domination?

And circling back, tell me again what this Chinese balloon had onboard that actively furthers this technology gap between the two countries? Or is this all simply conjecture on your part? Did you read it in a Tom Clancy novel?
tell me again what this Chinese balloon had onboard that actively furthers this technology gap between the two countries?
This is the point that you've either completely missed or simply refuse to accept because you can't deviate from the possibility that Saint Joe and our government have ever done anything except what they should. Look at the pretty white balloon, oh isn't that nice. It's only a balloon!!!!! Those idiots are using stuff that's hundreds of years old - nothing to see here, move along.

Think of it this way, when the authorities bust a local kingpin dealer of some sort, they always seems to layout the pounds of recovered drugs and firearms on tables to the left and right of a podium, invite the cameras and give a speech. Here, we've been told this is all nothing to see and simple stuff that they surely already have. If so, why are they taking the recovered materials to places like Quantico instead of laying it out in a warehouse for the cameras? It's often said that the old skills and traditions are being lost - maybe we just want to study it to again learn how to make a quality balloon.
tell me again what this Chinese balloon had onboard
You don't have this clearance and you aren't going to know anytime soon, that was my point in an earlier post about it being quite awhile before it's publicly released. Don't believe it's nothing just because some "unnamed sources" leaked a message to MSNBC or the WP. Remember, we are still looking for WMD in Iraq.
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