OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I'm guessing you're one of the few who watched.
Of course I watched. I always do. Even when Trump was President, I watched because I like to be somewhat informed. That's why I regularly turn the dial to FOX News. I think it's important for us to know as much as we can.

I find it comical and a bit sad that you and @bluetoe are actually proud of your ignorance and delighted to flaunt it. No wonder neither of you usually has much to say here that is worth reading. Congratulations.
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Of course I watched. I always do. Even when Trump was President, I watched because I like to be somewhat informed. That's why I regularly turn the dial to FOX News. I think it's important for us to know as much as we can.

I find it comical and a bit sad that you and @bluetoe are actually proud of your ignorance and delighted to flaunt it. No wonder neither of you usually has much to say here that is worth reading.

on the other hand, I guess we all owe you a debt of gratitude for the sheer enlightenment you bring to the board. You're just a fount of wit and wisdom, as we see by your post above.

LMAO. What a clueless Biden crotch remora.
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Does it surprise anyone that a tech product would be built to be progressively left?

"It also showed bias: ChatGPT tilted far to the left and at times seemed unable to comprehend conservative points of view."

It shouldn’t surprise anyone. Mathematical algorithms have been used to censor conservative points of view on sites like Facebook and Twitter since Bobama was running for President.
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“Intellectual elite” eh? That’s one of the problems with Dems, they actually think they’re intellectually superior.
I thought we were talking about those left-leaning techies designing the mathematical algorithms and applications associated with artificial intelligence, not just your run-of-the-mill Democrats.
I thought we were talking about those left-leaning techies designing the mathematical algorithms and applications associated with artificial intelligence, not just your run-of-the-mill Democrats.
So you think technical skill is the equivalent of intellectual elite?

Dang. You really are that stupid.
So you think technical skill is the equivalent of intellectual elite?
In some cases, yes, it absolutely is. Of course those with technical skills make up a petty broad range of individuals, and even the word "elite" encompasses varying degrees of preeminence. Your vague question suggests you might be struggling with soft skills, like basic communication.

You seemed only slightly more competent when you were pretending to understand the payload threats of Chinese balloons floating overhead.
You poor folks can't catch a break from the intellectual elite, can you?
is it the intellectual elite that believes that if you don't have something taken from you by someone, then you are stealing from them? Because it's whoever follows that line of reasoning and has the right to vote, that we can't catch a break from
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You seemed only slightly more competent when you were pretending to understand the payload threats of Chinese balloons floating overhead.
I know you still believe that there was nothing to see here because a weather balloon floated over us, but recent reports from NYT, WaPo and others you believe hook, line and sinker indicate that it was much more than that. It has even been revealed that we watched it get launched from China's south coast a week before it entered US airspace, tracked it accordingly, and it demonstrated the capability of changing course prior to even getting here.

I know you still believe that there was nothing to see here because a weather balloon floated over us, but recent reports from NYT, WaPo and others you believe hook, line and sinker indicate that it was much more than that. It has even been revealed that we watched it get launched from China's south coast a week before it entered US airspace, tracked it accordingly, and it demonstrated the capability of changing course prior to even getting here.

they interviewed a guy on the radio, an ex counter-intel type, and he was asked why a balloon as opposed to a satellite for intelligence purposes. The obvious answer was better pictures, cause you know, much closer. Well duh, all those who reasoned that balloons were laughable as intelligence gathering devices. Especially the board know-nothing-at-all.
I know you still believe that there was nothing to see here because a weather balloon floated over us
Man, that Chinese balloon business is, like, so two weeks ago. Why are you still dwelling on it?

And how do you know what I believe? While I was writing "I have no idea what China was trying to accomplish" with a balloon we then knew very little about, you and @randman1 and @gunslingerdick were busy making all kinds of wild, unsubstantiated allegations as if you had a direct hotline to the Pentagon. Tell me, poopondook, are we on the brink of war with China?

Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress have the Pentagon so jumpy we now have Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors scrambling over the Arctic Circle using $400,000 missiles to shoot down middle-school science projects consisting of ham radio transmitters and $12 balloons.

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Man, that Chinese balloon business is, like, so two weeks ago. Why are you still dwelling on it?

And how do you know what I believe? While I was writing "I have no idea what China was trying to accomplish" with a balloon we then knew very little about, you and @randman1 and @gunslingerdick were busy making all kinds of wild, unsubstantiated allegations as if you had a direct hotline to the Pentagon. Tell me, poopondook, are we on the brink of war with China?

Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress have the Pentagon so jumpy we now have Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors scrambling over the Arctic Circle using $400,000 missiles to shoot down middle-school science projects consisting of ham radio transmitters and $12 balloons.

You idiot, do you really believe they captured imagery or gathered information they couldn't have gotten a lot easier from the Google Earth app, or maybe their own extensive network of surveillance satellites?

We have a complete boob on OOTB.
lol, yes we have, and it's you.
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Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress have the Pentagon so jumpy we now have Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors scrambling over the Arctic Circle using $400,000 missiles to shoot down middle-school science projects consisting of ham radio transmitters and $12 balloons.
Last I checked, Republicans nor anyone in Congress had control over the Pentagon and what they do with our F-22's or our missiles. You should actually try reading sometime. Start with the Constitution. You'd be shocked what you'll learn. I do apologize for overestimating your attention span for anything more than two weeks ago.
Last I checked, Republicans nor anyone in Congress had control over the Pentagon and what they do with our F-22's or our missiles.
Really?! So you believe the Defense Department simply has free rein to spend and use weapons as they see fit? Who do you think determines the annual defense budget? Who do you think makes the determination to go to war with our enemies? Congress has a great deal of influence over the Pentagon and "what they do with their F-22s and missiles."

Perhaps you're the one who should try reading the U.S. Constitution, lamebrain. You can start with Article I, Section 8, particularly Clauses 1 & 11, which in part state: Congress shall provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States . . . Congress shall have Power to declare War.

Here is the link in case you have trouble looking it up:
Really?! So you believe the Defense Department simply has free rein to spend and use weapons as they see fit? Who do you think determines the annual defense budget? Who do you think makes the determination to go to war with our enemies? Congress has a great deal of influence over the Pentagon and "what they do with their F-22s and missiles."

Perhaps you're the one who should try reading the U.S. Constitution, lamebrain. You can start with Article I, Section 8, particularly Clauses 1 & 11, which in part state: Congress shall provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States . . . Congress shall have Power to declare War.

Here is the link in case you have trouble looking it up:
LMAO. Let's get Congress to declare war so that we can shoot down a balloon or maybe scramble some fighters to ward off an imminent terror threat. Of course, even before that, we have to check to see if it's in the budget.

There are times when you should just admit to idiocy than to try to justify it and end up looking even more foolish. This is one of those times.

It turns out that @pooponduke isn't the one who needs to better comprehend anything. I suggest that you read what you linked. Congress provides for a defense and budgets for it. It says nowhere that it runs the day-to-day or situational responses to threats, the latter being more the function of the executive branch; which is exactly what pooponduke indicated.
LMAO. Let's get Congress to declare war so that we can shoot down a balloon or maybe scramble some fighters to ward off an imminent terror threat. Of course, even before that, we have to check to see if it's in the budget.

There are times when you should just admit to idiocy than to try to justify it and end up looking even more foolish. This is one of those times.

It turns out that @pooponduke isn't the one who needs to better comprehend anything. I suggest that you read what you linked. Congress provides for a defense and budgets for it. It says nowhere that it runs the day-to-day or situational responses to threats, the latter being more the function of the executive branch; which is exactly what pooponduke indicated.
During the lingering impact of LDS, he seems to have forgotten the civics lesson on the whole concept of Commander In Chief. But then again, it's not the only thing that he has forgotten - or never knew.
During the lingering impact of LDS, he seems to have forgotten the civics lesson on the whole concept of Commander In Chief. But then again, it's not the only thing that he has forgotten - or never knew.
You just won't quit, even when you're wrong and you don't know what you're talking about.

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (also known as the War Powers Act) "is a congressional resolution designed to limit the U.S. president’s ability to initiate or escalate military actions abroad.” As part of our system of governmental “checks and balances,” the law aims to check the executive branch’s power when committing U.S. military forces to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress. It stipulates the president must notify Congress within 48 hours of military action and prohibits armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days.

The Constitution divides war powers between Congress and the president. Only Congress can declare war and appropriate military funding, yet the president is commander in chief of the armed forces.

War Powers Resolution of 1973
You just won't quit, even when you're wrong and you don't know what you're talking about.

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (also known as the War Powers Act) "is a congressional resolution designed to limit the U.S. president’s ability to initiate or escalate military actions abroad.” As part of our system of governmental “checks and balances,” the law aims to check the executive branch’s power when committing U.S. military forces to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress. It stipulates the president must notify Congress within 48 hours of military action and prohibits armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days.

The Constitution divides war powers between Congress and the president. Only Congress can declare war and appropriate military funding, yet the president is commander in chief of the armed forces.

War Powers Resolution of 1973
Here's your quote:

"It stipulates the president must notify Congress within 48 hours of military action and prohibits armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days."

So, as you put it in your post that started this, who do you think it is that is sending "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors scrambling over the Arctic Circle using $400,000 missiles to shoot down middle-school science projects consisting of ham radio transmitters and $12 balloons"?

You had a 50/50 shot on this one just by sheer chance. Your bias and preconceptions skewed those odds significantly because you're failing to comprehend your own reading material. Tell you what, we'll give you a second guess to get it right. Hint: it's the other choice from last time and also keep in mind that no one has jumped in to support or agree with you.

If you still insist on continuing to demonstrate your fail, how about searching a little more and find us the Congressional bill/resolution/order/anything written on Charmin wherein Congress directed our F-22's to shoot down anything within the last month. Good luck.
Here's your quote:

"It stipulates the president must notify Congress within 48 hours of military action and prohibits armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days."

So, as you put it in your post that started this, who do you think it is that is sending "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors scrambling over the Arctic Circle using $400,000 missiles to shoot down middle-school science projects consisting of ham radio transmitters and $12 balloons"?

You had a 50/50 shot on this one just by sheer chance. Your bias and preconceptions skewed those odds significantly because you're failing to comprehend your own reading material. Tell you what, we'll give you a second guess to get it right. Hint: it's the other choice from last time and also keep in mind that no one has jumped in to support or agree with you.

If you still insist on continuing to demonstrate your fail, how about searching a little more and find us the Congressional bill/resolution/order/anything written on Charmin wherein Congress directed our F-22's to shoot down anything within the last month. Good luck.
very nice.

LOL. You have to wonder about his self-perception. He gets tagged hard trying to juke you with a junior-league head fake, and then thinks he can overcome that by trying again to get around you with an even more poorly disguised triple reverse. Tackled for a loss twice, but still insists he's winning.

very nice.

LOL. You have to wonder about his self-perception. He gets tagged hard trying to juke you with a junior-league head fake, and then thinks he can overcome that by trying again to get around you with an even more poorly disguised triple reverse. Tackled for a loss twice, but still insists he's winning.

The part I don't get about Noir's belief is how hard experts/pundits/average Americans/and even the media rode Joe for originally waiting so long to do anything and then debating whether or not the quick trigger to the others was in response to the original lack of decisiveness. If it wasn't Joe's call or decision, why wouldn't his people just have reacted with a response of "we are only doing what the Republicans in Congress have decided/authorized".
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The part I don't get about Noir's belief is how hard experts/pundits/average Americans/and even the media rode Joe for originally waiting so long to do anything and then debating whether or not the quick trigger to the others was in response to the original lack of decisiveness. If it wasn't Joe's call or decision, why wouldn't his people just have reacted with a response of "we are only doing what the Republicans in Congress have decided/authorized".

belief? LOL, kind of you to assume that. There was no belief here, unless it was his belief that he could sneak some BS past you. He made an ill-considered defensive post against republicans and then when called on it, tried to justify the unjustifiable. Just Heels Noir being Heels Noir.

His responses were too obviously going around what he was getting called on to think he was expressing any actual belief. Just Heels Noir being Heels Noir.
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Here's your quote:

"It stipulates the president must notify Congress within 48 hours of military action and prohibits armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days."

So, as you put it in your post that started this, who do you think it is that is sending "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors scrambling over the Arctic Circle using $400,000 missiles to shoot down middle-school science projects consisting of ham radio transmitters and $12 balloons"?

You had a 50/50 shot on this one just by sheer chance. Your bias and preconceptions skewed those odds significantly because you're failing to comprehend your own reading material. Tell you what, we'll give you a second guess to get it right. Hint: it's the other choice from last time and also keep in mind that no one has jumped in to support or agree with you.

If you still insist on continuing to demonstrate your fail, how about searching a little more and find us the Congressional bill/resolution/order/anything written on Charmin wherein Congress directed our F-22's to shoot down anything within the last month. Good luck.
You're right, poopondook, 2+2=5.

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