OOTB's Political Thread . ..

"There's no such thing as slippery slope!"

and this link leads you into a rabbit hole of insanity. From that link, here's another leap into the craziness;

man identifies as woman, escapes punishment for child molesting

and TIL a new word courtesy of the lbgqt community..'deadnaming'. Please somebody make it stop.
you're not supposed to hit a woman? I agree, but like Bill Burr says, that doesn't mean there isn't a reason to do so. I'd love to see someone go Will Smith on the View panel, and especially that Whoopi Goldberg idiot.

Here is your typical libthink, voiced in a typically hysterical manner. The gist is, if you don't let me impose my wack beliefs on you, then you are imposing on me.

Whoopi Goldberg
you're not supposed to hit a woman? I agree, but like Bill Burr says, that doesn't mean there isn't a reason to do so. I'd love to see someone go Will Smith on the View panel, and especially that Whoopi Goldberg idiot.

Here is your typical libthink, voiced in a typically hysterical manner. The gist is, if you don't let me impose my wack beliefs on you, then you are imposing on me.

Whoopi Goldberg

When will these companies learn?

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Nothing is pissing regular people off like this weird, perverted obsession with gay/trans. Especially when kids are involved.
and when you listen to Goldberg, you get the impression that conservative armed guards are keeping her away from drag shows. The reality of course is that no one cares if she goes behind closed doors to drag queen hell, as long as she doesn't take any kids with her.
When will these companies learn?

I lol'ed at 'Target says to Bud Light, "hold my beer" '.

I hope there is a lot more of this. The talking head on the con station I sometimes listen to says he no longer identifies as a conservative but rather as an anti-communist. He distances himself from the conservative crowd because they don't involve themselves in boycotts and activism in general like the left does. Maybe this will catch on.

I'm loving it
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When will these companies learn?

Doubt it works as well as the Bud Light one long term. The majority of Bud Light's customer base is against LGBTQ and there are multiple other options. Target's customer base is more broad and won't care as much long term. Plus, there aren't really other alternatives. I guess Walmart, but people usually shop at Target so they won't have to go to Walmart.
Doubt it works as well as the Bud Light one long term. The majority of Bud Light's customer base is against LGBTQ and there are multiple other options. Target's customer base is more broad and won't care as much long term. Plus, there aren't really other alternatives. I guess Walmart, but people usually shop at Target so they won't have to go to Walmart.
maybe you missed these paragraphs;

"The company foolishly decided to push an agenda onto children with pride onesies and “tuck” bathing suits, and sane people across the country have since rejected it."

"Target apparently wasn’t paying close enough attention to the outrage, and decided to dip its toe into the mess by grooming kids."

Bud Light drinkers didn't appreciate the association. Target customers don't appreciate the grooming of children. BIG differeence. If I was a Bud Light guy, I would have probably been happy with stopping drinking it. Luckily for me, I'm a craft beer snob and I'm LMAO at my Bud Light-drinking buddies who used to make fun of my 'unmanly' beer preferences.

But as a Target customer, which I rarely am, it would be time to get out the pitchforks and light some torches.

The message that's too lightly sent and too poorly heard is, go as gay and fvcked up as you want as an adult, but leave those kids alone.
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maybe you missed these paragraphs;

"The company foolishly decided to push an agenda onto children with pride onesies and “tuck” bathing suits, and sane people across the country have since rejected it."

"Target apparently wasn’t paying close enough attention to the outrage, and decided to dip its toe into the mess by grooming kids."

Bud Light drinkers didn't appreciate the association. Target customers don't appreciate the grooming of children. BIG differeence. If I was a Bud Light guy, I would have probably been happy with stopping drinking it. Luckily for me, I'm a craft beer snob and I'm LMAO at my Bud Light-drinking buddies who used to make fun of my 'unmanly' beer preferences.

But as a Target customer, which I rarely am, it would be time to get out the pitchforks and light some torches.

The message that's too lightly sent and too poorly heard is, go as gay and fvcked up as you want as an adult, but leave those kids alone.
Doubt it works as well as the Bud Light one long term. The majority of Bud Light's customer base is against LGBTQ and there are multiple other options. Target's customer base is more broad and won't care as much long term. Plus, there aren't really other alternatives. I guess Walmart, but people usually shop at Target so they won't have to go to Walmart

In other words, this is going to be more like a Chick-fil-A situation. The product is too good for the protesting customer base and they'll overlook it after the initial outrage.
In other words, this is going to be more like a Chick-fil-A situation. The product is too good for the protesting customer base and they'll overlook it after the initial outrage.
a) you've got your protest crowds mixed up, and b) not getting your Chick-fil-a on Sunday is not perverting children. Otherwise, you really nailed it.

It puzzles me that so many can't get it through their thick skulls that actual adults, particularly those with children or those who have had children and many who plan on having children, for the most part won't stand for grooming kids to be fairies of one sort or another.

The entire time I've been on this Earth, the overriding sentiment has been to protect children. Those who go against that grain will find some pretty stiff resistance. Don't believe me? Just ask the two companies in question that decided to ride the queer wave into increased sales.
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a) you've got your protest crowds mixed up, and b) not getting your Chick-fil-a on Sunday is not perverting children. Otherwise, you really nailed it.

It puzzles me that so many can't get it through their thick skulls that actual adults, particularly those with children or those who have had children and many who plan on having children, for the most part won't stand for grooming kids to be fairies of one sort or another.

The entire time I've been on this Earth, the overriding sentiment has been to protect children. Those who go against that grain will find some pretty stiff resistance. Don't believe me? Just ask the two companies in question that decided to ride the queer wave into increased sales.
It puzzles me why people think a few days of gay pride celebration means people are grooming children. All this gay pride shit and drag shows have been going on for decades. For some reason people started freaking out about it all of a sudden. Not sure exactly what triggered it. What I do know is Target will be fine. Especially with the summer months coming up and people buying stuff for vacation.
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I had to google tuck bathing suits. I'm still not sure what they are, but AP says they're only in the adult section.

I don't know why anyone needs to publicize support for gayness, but regardless, rainbow onesies don't make people gay or gender confused.

Aside for avoiding the bathing suit section I have trouble seeing the masses care about this. Like the bud light thing, I hadn't even heard about it til coming here.
All this gay pride shit and drag shows have been going on for decades.
Centuries... millennia!

Men, with their endless sexual insecurities, and ignorance (shame, guilt, and repressed fear thrown in for good measure) is clearly much more healthy for kids to learn and mimic!
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For some reason people started freaking out about it all of a sudden.
I think it is a combo of qAnon, rightwinger insatiable need for culture war, some religion and importantly a point in time where science and society led to enough transgender folks that a few dominant trans athletes made the news.

QAnon was all about the cabal of pedophiles.

Right-wingers + Q were able to somehow associate gays, trannies and gender confusion with child abuse.

Religious right hates homos.

Toss in the girl's sports angle and you have an easy fear-mongering target around "protecting" the children. Who doesn't like protecting children?
Toss in the girl's sports angle and you have an easy fear-mongering target around "protecting" the children. Who doesn't like protecting children?
It puzzles me why people think a few days of gay pride celebration means people are grooming children. All this gay pride shit and drag shows have been going on for decades. For some reason people started freaking out about it all of a sudden. Not sure exactly what triggered it. What I do know is Target will be fine. Especially with the summer months coming up and people buying stuff for vacation.
you're right, that is puzzling. I'm sure we all remember that Miller Light commercial from the eighties where two gay guys who go fishing together end up fellating each other and then chasing it with a cold Miller Lite. Right? Beer companies have been using LGBQT themes for ages because of the huge gay and trans market that's always existed. Bud Light in particular has always been a favorite of the enormous gay and trans market, with a variety of gay images right there on the cans and bottles. Haven't they? Stores like Target have always featured a section of kids clothing geared toward becoming LGBQT. No one protested before when a store sold a line of kids Pride swimwear and in the same section 'tuck friendly' LGBQT swimwear designed to tuck back the genitals, did they? No, of course not. That merchandise has always just flown off the shelves because of the huge LBGQT market that has always existed.

Nothing new to see here folks, just move along.

It's puzzling that such a complacent citizenry as that of the U.S., which usually only gets so up in arms when terrorists kill off several thousands of people in a single attack, is all of a sudden making such a mountain out of this molehill. I mean, what the hell?

You'd have to smoke a ton of dope every day to be so blissfully oblivious to what's staring him right in the face, wouldn't you?
^^^^^^ with regard to the above...

All this gay pride shit and drag shows have been going on for decades.

Men, with their endless sexual insecurities, and ignorance (shame, guilt, and repressed fear thrown in for good measure) is clearly much more healthy for kids to learn and mimic!

I think it is a combo of qAnon, rightwinger insatiable need for culture war, some religion and importantly a point in time where science and society led to enough transgender folks that a few dominant trans athletes made the news.

it's just those damn right-wingers making shit up and trying to pick a fight. I knew it. The three wise men of OOTB have confirmed it.
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you're right, that is puzzling. I'm sure we all remember that Miller Light commercial from the eighties where two gay guys who go fishing together end up fellating each other and then chasing it with a cold Miller Lite. Right? Beer companies have been using LGBQT themes for ages because of the huge gay and trans market that's always existed. Bud Light in particular has always been a favorite of the enormous gay and trans market, with a variety of gay images right there on the cans and bottles. Haven't they? Stores like Target have always featured a section of kids clothing geared toward becoming LGBQT. No one protested before when a store sold a line of kids Pride swimwear and in the same section 'tuck friendly' LGBQT swimwear designed to tuck back the genitals, did they? No, of course not. That merchandise has always just flown off the shelves because of the huge LBGQT market that has always existed.

Nothing new to see here folks, just move along.

It's puzzling that such a complacent citizenry as that of the U.S., which usually only gets so up in arms when terrorists kill off several thousands of people in a single attack, is all of a sudden making such a mountain out of this molehill. I mean, what the hell?

You'd have to smoke a ton of dope every day to be so blissfully oblivious to what's staring him right in the face, wouldn't you?
You need to stop with the short stories. This is OOTB, nobody is reading all that shit. Go to Radar if you want to be an author.
^^^^^^ with regard to the above...

it's just those damn right-wingers making shit up and trying to pick a fight. I knew it. The three wise men of OOTB have confirmed it.
LOL, so easily triggered. I've made three post about "grooming" and you freak out. Thanks for recognizing how wise I am, though.
yeah, I'm freaked out because I showed how silly your stance is.
My stance is that target will have no long term issue. If you said otherwise in one of the books you wrote, then I can promise you that you didn't show anything.
LOL, so easily triggered. I've made three post about "grooming" and you freak out. Thanks for recognizing how wise I am, though.
Did you bring some gold? I want that baby to sparkle! All I have is this myrrh. I thought a fragrant gum resin perfume would be just fabulous to bring to the baby! It's the bee's knees, honey!
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Did you bring some gold? I want that baby to sparkle! All I have is this myrrh. I thought a fragrant gum resin perfume would be just fabulous to bring to the baby! It's the bee's knees, honey!
I see "bee's knees, honey" and think of this. Been a long week.


  • 2 ounces gin
  • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1/2 ounce honey syrup
  • Garnish: lemon twist
I'm sure you're trying to be funny, but you failed. My advice was sincere, though.

Lol. I need advice from someone at OOTB like I need a hole in the head.

It puzzles me why people think a few days of gay pride celebration means people are grooming children. All this gay pride shit and drag shows have been going on for decades. For some reason people started freaking out about it all of a sudden. Not sure exactly what triggered it. What I do know is Target will be fine. Especially with the summer months coming up and people buying stuff for vacation.

What is pride in a sexual preference? How does one have pride in something that is supposedly not a choice? Is that like white pride? Can we celebrate whiteness or is that still a "no"?

Face it. There is legit no good reason for "Pride" anything. To celebrate something like being gay or mentally disturbed (trans) is a clear sign of the devolution of society. And it has not been "going on for decades" at the rate in which it is now. In 1968, there was probably one gay pride assembly throughout the whole calendar year and it was probably in San Francisco. Not in Everytown, USA on literally every weekend. And even back then, the homos knew that it wasn't a suitable event for children. I don't know why you attempt to downplay it so often.

I had to google tuck bathing suits. I'm still not sure what they are, but AP says they're only in the adult section.

I don't know why anyone needs to publicize support for gayness, but regardless, rainbow onesies don't make people gay or gender confused.

Aside for avoiding the bathing suit section I have trouble seeing the masses care about this. Like the bud light thing, I hadn't even heard about it til coming here.

On your first point, that's inaccurate. They were selling "tuck friendly" wear for children.

On your second point, I agree.

On your third point, you're lying. The Bud Light marketing debacle was everywhere. You saw it. No one believes you didn't.

Who doesn't like protecting children?

Apparently the liberal groomers and alphabet squad.
You'd get your ass kicked and lynched for being gay just 2 decades ago. So it shouldn't surprise that more people are coming out or accepting themselves.

Regardless, are you saying the freakout over LGBTQ recently is due to quantity of gay people?

The first point is another lie. I mean, a gay person is just as likely to be beaten today as they were 20 years ago. And it's the same for hetero person. Why do you just make shit up?

Secondly, the freakout is that impressionable kids are being confused by society's mass messaging right now. Homosexuality and transgenderism are not normal. I don't guess there is anything inherently wrong with the first (the second is debatable) but they are not as nature has intended it to be. Therefore, it deviates not only from what is normal, but what is natural and right according to the natural world. The messaging should be that while it is not normal and it is not in congruence with the natural world, if you are gay or trans, your life still has value. Don't let others' opinions of you impact what you think of yourself. You will not be accepted by the masses but that is your cross to bear. We should be teaching coping mechanisms instead of endorsing victimhood. By endorsing it, you're creating a cultural where undue value is put on being gay or trans to the point that mixed up kids who are looking for acceptance will try it on to see if it fits. They will make life changing decisions they wouldn't have made otherwise.
Lol. I need advice from someone at OOTB like I need a hole in the head.
Well, the advice wasn't for you. If it was for you, I would have replied to one of your post.
What is pride in a sexual preference? How does one have pride in something that is supposedly not a choice? Is that like white pride? Can we celebrate whiteness or is that still a "no"?

Face it. There is legit no good reason for "Pride" anything. To celebrate something like being gay or mentally disturbed (trans) is a clear sign of the devolution of society. And it has not been "going on for decades" at the rate in which it is now. In 1968, there was probably one gay pride assembly throughout the whole calendar year and it was probably in San Francisco. Not in Everytown, USA on literally every weekend. And even back then, the homos knew that it wasn't a suitable event for children. I don't know why you attempt to downplay it so often.
Take my advice, if you want to write a short story go to Radar. Nobody is reading all that.
What's wrong with going on a platform that can't handle your announcement and has less than a million people listen? Do I really have to explain that? The Disney stuff is also pretty self explanatory. Plus, as @heelmanwilm has already mentioned, you don't want to give Trump ammunition.
did you see Trump's response? it was bizarre and nonsensical. if that was "ammo" he sure didnt use it very well.
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It puzzles me why people think a few days of gay pride celebration means people are grooming children. All this gay pride shit and drag shows have been going on for decades. For some reason people started freaking out about it all of a sudden. Not sure exactly what triggered it. What I do know is Target will be fine. Especially with the summer months coming up and people buying stuff for vacation.
And it seems to me at the end of the day it’s a matter of how parents want to raise their kids. Target and bud light annd story time isn’t recruiting kids to be gay or trans against their parents wishes. Kids don’t buy those clothes. Kids don’t drive themselves to the library. Their parents do. And if their parents want them wearing rainbows and butterflies and hearing about gay stories it’s nobody’s fuking business. It’s funny how it’s okay for parents to be in charge of school curriculum but not dressing their own kids. But it’s just more of the “we should all be free so long as I agree with what you do with your freedom” hypocrisy out there. Don’t like target. Don’t go. Don’t like story time? Don’t go. Mind your own fuking business.
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You'd get your ass kicked and lynched for being gay just 2 decades ago. So it shouldn't surprise that more people are coming out or accepting themselves.

Regardless, are you saying the freakout over LGBTQ recently is due to quantity of gay people?
lol, seriously? I'm flabbergasted that even you would ask that.


But no, it's aliens that have a brand like Bud Light marketing with a tranny just for the entertainment that provides them. They probably made that graph I posted as well.

To the bolded. I knew that card was coming, just didn't know which of you three would be the one to go so lame-o as to play it. Of course gayness that has been suppressed is now being exposed. But in the numbers indicated? And those numbers reflecting not older suppressed gayness coming out, but instead the newest, the gen Z crowd escalating astronomically high? Are you serious or are you just doing your usual lib-minded rationalization?

It's apparent to anyone willing to open his eyes that a culture of queerness is establishing more than just a toehold, and that it is because young people are so highly suggestible, and can't help but see what surrounds them.

It's amazing that you would actually ignore the huge Bud Light fiasco to ask this. Did I mention I'm flabbergasted?
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