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No, it doesn't. Not really, no, it doesn't. The EC never votes differently from the state's popular vote, so... no, it doesn't. Anytime I have ever watched returns on election night for the president, the newscast always says "We can now call the state of Virginia and its 13 Electoral votes for ______." The EC won't even convene for another 4-5 weeks. And, I don't think the EC has ever voted (and certainly not in the last 50+ years) a different outcome to the popular vote. So, it's a token institution.

You can claim that it is supposed to do this or that. I would agree that it is supposed to. But... it doesn't. The earliest presidential elections didn't even have popular votes cast! If the EC operated like that? Then, yeah, they'd have a purpose.

You aren't following me. If California commites voter fraud under the current conditions, it only affects their state. If you get rid of the EC, it affects the entire country.
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I'm not missing the point. I don't want NY or California deciding what's best for me or the entire country.

I'm not missing the point. I don't want NY or California deciding what's best for me or the entire country.
They won't be. That's a fallacy based on the perception of geography. That misconception is getting old.

Who elects the governor in NC? Charlotte, RTP and Wilmington? Or, does every vote, in every county, from every township and big city get counted equally? We know it's the latter.
You aren't following me. If California commites voter fraud under the current conditions, it only affects their state. If you get rid of the EC, it affects the entire country.
Okay... voter fraud. No election is legitimate. The EC prevents voter fraud by mimicking the popular vote every time? You're not following yourself.
Why does the popular vote scare you so much? Worried those conservative ideals aren’t that popular?
Liberal ideals certainly aren't popular with me and wouldn't go over very well in the midwest. Let's just divide the country into 3 parts and be done with it. East Coast, West coast and the middle, that way you liberal loonies will leave me the hell alone.
Liberal ideals certainly aren't popular with me and wouldn't go over very well in the midwest. Let's just divide the country into 3 parts and be done with it. East Coast, West coast and the middle, that way you liberal loonies will leave me the hell alone.

They tried something similar in 1860.

Spoiler alert: It didn't go very well.
Okay... voter fraud. No election is legitimate. The EC prevents voter fraud by mimicking the popular vote every time? You're not following yourself.

Jesus, dude...LOL!

Let's say that California let's 3 million illegals vote. It helps win California's 55 Electoral votes, but the fraud stops there. Now, let's say the Republican candidate still wins but wins by less than those 3 million votes. Without the EC, that voter fraud would swing the entire election. The way things are now, that isn't a possibility.
Jesus, dude...LOL!

Let's say that California let's 3 million illegals vote. It helps win California's 55 Electoral votes, but the fraud stops there. Now, let's say the Republican candidate still wins but wins by less than those 3 million votes. Without the EC, that voter fraud would swing the entire election. The way things are now, that isn't a possibility.
So, the only illegal votes/voter fraud are in CA? And, this is accepting that this level of voter fraud even exists, as you describe it.
Ya, definitely financial incentives for the loudest deniers as well.

I find it hilarious that people will talk about me commenting on the financial incentives for climatologists, while ignoring the fact that I also call out pretty much every prominent “skeptic” that has been paid off by the oil industry or some industrial capitalist
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So, the only illegal votes/voter fraud are in CA? And, this is accepting that this level of voter fraud even exists, as you describe it.

Do you really not understand this, or are you just fvcking with Nole?

Right now, any state could have 50 trillion votes all for the same person, and still only have as much influence on the election as their previously determined electoral votes. If it's a popular vote, whoever that state had those votes for would be the winner. Even if it's Mickey Mouse.

I think the popular vote is more genuine, and more in line with what a democracy would be. However, I think until we can completely ensure the end of the hanky-panky that's been going on with the votes in several states, then the EC is a pretty good fail safe.
So, the only illegal votes/voter fraud are in CA? And, this is accepting that this level of voter fraud even exists, as you describe it.

No, but let's stop pretending that the Dems aren't trying to swing elections via voter fraud. Illegals are already voting in areas of California. The Dems are pushing to let illegals vote everywhere. Broward and Dade counties are embroiled in voter fraud EVERY. SINGLE. ELECTION. What happens after all of this? Do the Dems start busing in people from Mexico? They're already busing in legit voters. Getting rid of the EC would just be one more step in allowing elites to control the elections.
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No, but let's stop pretending that the Dems aren't trying to swing elections via voter fraud. Illegals are already voting in areas of California. The Dems are pushing to let illegals vote everywhere. Broward and Dade counties are embroiled in voter fraud EVERY. SINGLE. ELECTION. What happens after all of this? Do the Dems start busing in people from Mexico? They're already bussing in legit voters. Getting rid of the EC would just be one more step in allowing elites to control the elections.
Let's not forget that many on the left want 16 year olds to vote as well. That's a really great idea. They are going to vote for who is giving away the most free shit.
No, but let's stop pretending that the Dems aren't trying to swing elections via voter fraud. Illegals are already voting in areas of California. The Dems are pushing to let illegals vote everywhere. Broward and Dade counties are embroiled in voter fraud EVERY. SINGLE. ELECTION. What happens after all of this? Do the Dems start busing in people from Mexico? They're already bussing in legit voters. Getting rid of the EC would just be one more step in allowing elites to control the elections.
I'm certainly not advocating for anyone who is not a citizen to be allowed to vote. I don't condone cheating of any kind in elections. I wasn't aware that Republicans never cheat. Good to know.
I'm certainly not advocating for anyone who is not a citizen to be allowed to vote. I don't condone cheating of any kind in elections. I wasn't aware that Republicans never cheat. Good to know.

I didn't say that, but they aren't actively calling to let illegals vote. You say you don't advocate for fraud, but you're actively calling for a system that will lead to more fraud.
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No, but let's stop pretending that the Dems aren't trying to swing elections via voter fraud. Illegals are already voting in areas of California. The Dems are pushing to let illegals vote everywhere. Broward and Dade counties are embroiled in voter fraud EVERY. SINGLE. ELECTION. What happens after all of this? Do the Dems start busing in people from Mexico? They're already busing in legit voters. Getting rid of the EC would just be one more step in allowing elites to control the elections.
The United States of America was not formed by the founders to be a democracy. It is formed to be a representative republic based on democratic principles. The founders saw how democratic governments devolved over time into brutal, killing, power-grabbing, dictatorships. The founders would've preferred a monarchy to a pure democracy. I would, too.

If we go to popular vote, then what is the purpose of having states, or state run elections? Let's just federalize all aspects of the government.

There is an obvious way to get rid of the electoral constitution, and Liz W knows it. Amend the constitution. Good luck with convincing 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the state legislatures, that its in their states best interests to remove the power given to these same individual states in the Constitution.

But if Liz W or someone is saying just get rid of EC set up in Constitution, by bypassing the constitution process, is that a bad precedent, or an OK one? Good luck with that in the Supreme Court too.
The United States of America was not formed by the founders to be a democracy. It is formed to be a representative republic based on democratic principles. The founders saw how democratic governments devolved over time into brutal, killing, power-grabbing, dictatorships. The founders would've preferred a monarchy to a pure democracy. I would, too.

If we go to popular vote, then what is the purpose of having states, or state run elections? Let's just federalize all aspects of the government.

There is an obvious way to get rid of the electoral constitution, and Liz W knows it. Amend the constitution. Good luck with convincing 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the state legislatures, that its in their states best interests to remove the power given to these same individual states in the Constitution.

But if Liz W or someone is saying just get rid of EC set up in Constitution, by bypassing the constitution process, is that a bad precedent, or an OK one? Good luck with that in the Supreme Court too.
Good argument. Very true that if the EC were eliminated there would be no reason to have states.
The United States of America was not formed by the founders to be a democracy. It is formed to be a representative republic based on democratic principles. The founders saw how democratic governments devolved over time into brutal, killing, power-grabbing, dictatorships. The founders would've preferred a monarchy to a pure democracy. I would, too.

If we go to popular vote, then what is the purpose of having states, or state run elections? Let's just federalize all aspects of the government.

There is an obvious way to get rid of the electoral constitution, and Liz W knows it. Amend the constitution. Good luck with convincing 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the state legislatures, that its in their states best interests to remove the power given to these same individual states in the Constitution.

But if Liz W or someone is saying just get rid of EC set up in Constitution, by bypassing the constitution process, is that a bad precedent, or an OK one? Good luck with that in the Supreme Court too.

I wouldn't trust SCOTUS as far as I could throw them. They're more interested in writing law than enforcing it.
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I didn't say that, but they aren't actively calling to let illegals vote. You say you don't advocate for fraud, but you're actively calling for a system that will lead to more fraud.
No, no... I'm not calling for anything to lead to more fraud. I can only hope people have integrity. I don't believe the EC prevents voter fraud. It might, inadvertently, prevent it from having an effect that you claim is happening. But, that's also assuming that illegal votes are actually making California votes result in mostly Democrat outcomes. I don't know that they are. However, I'm disgusted with Democrats who ARE calling for illegals to be able to vote. That's blatantly corrupt.

The Electoral College does not fulfill its original intent. If it's indirectly preventing some other corruption from occurring, then that's not addressing the actual corruption. Popular votes are used to elect governors. The governors preside over all of the counties (or parishes) in a state. A president is a Governor of the all the states, essentially. Popular votes are not the enemy. Voter fraud, or illegal votes, or casting illegal votes are problems to be addressed directly.
The United States of America was not formed by the founders to be a democracy. It is formed to be a representative republic based on democratic principles. The founders saw how democratic governments devolved over time into brutal, killing, power-grabbing, dictatorships. The founders would've preferred a monarchy to a pure democracy. I would, too.

If we go to popular vote, then what is the purpose of having states, or state run elections? Let's just federalize all aspects of the government.

There is an obvious way to get rid of the electoral constitution, and Liz W knows it. Amend the constitution. Good luck with convincing 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the state legislatures, that its in their states best interests to remove the power given to these same individual states in the Constitution.

But if Liz W or someone is saying just get rid of EC set up in Constitution, by bypassing the constitution process, is that a bad precedent, or an OK one? Good luck with that in the Supreme Court too.
Our representative government is referring to our House representatives and senate representatives. So, the Republic is in no danger. Unless you want the elections of the Senate and House members to be restructured so that they're elected by "delegates" and electors instead of individual votes.
I wouldn't trust SCOTUS as far as I could throw them. They're more interested in writing law than enforcing it.
Well, I agree with this, on many issues.

This is why I had to hold my nose and vote for the only person who could stop Hillary. My vote never matters in my state- it is blue for eternity.

But can you imagine where the Supreme Court would be now if Hillary were the one putting replacements for Scalia and Kennedy on the court instead of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh? Yikes! Major bullet dodged I think.
But, that's also assuming that illegal votes are actually making California votes result in mostly Democrat outcomes. I don't know that they are.

That's not the assumption. Say the Democrat was going to win CA 25M to 10M votes. If the Republicans "manufacture" 10M more votes, nothing changes in the current scenario, because the Democrat is still going to win 25M to 20M and will be getting the 55 or whatever Electoral Votes. If it goes to a popular vote, well then the California Republicans just manufactured 10M votes that have a pretty good shot at changing the outcome of the election.

Voter fraud, or illegal votes, or casting illegal votes are problems to be addressed directly.

Completely agree, but for some reason people don't seem to keen on getting to the bottom of those issues.
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Nunes sues Twitter, some users, seeks over $250M alleging anti-conservative 'shadow bans,' smears

Good. Sooner or later people need to fight back against these institutions. Twitter wants to claim to be a public square, but then also wants to reserve the right to censor people. You can't have it both ways. If they want to control what is posted on Twitter, than that opens them up to lawsuits.