OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Good Lord man. The science is on the site. It breaks it down for you so that anyone can understand it. It's obvious that you're one of those people who don't want to learn. You're happy living in your own ignorance.

Does it explain why they're always so wrong, or is it about how they're going to be so right in the future? Because the track record isn't really there to trust them.
Does it explain why they're always so wrong, or is it about how they're going to be so right in the future? Because the track record isn't really there to trust them.
It explains why the vast majority of them are/were right. Just because someone said they were wrong doesn't mean they are. It explains all of those myths you are talking about. You just don't want to educate yourself.
It explains why the vast majority of them are/were right. Just because someone said they were wrong doesn't mean they are. It explains all of those myths you are talking about. You just don't want to educate yourself.

I'm reading the site right now and I'm seeing none of this. It's all guesses as to what might go wrong. At least, so far, they don't seem stupid enough to make any kind of predictions inside of 50 years. I'm starting to think this is just a waste of my time.

Edit: I do like the government debt style ticker on the right side of the page. It's cute.
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I'm reading the site right now and I'm seeing none of this. It's all guesses as to what might go wrong. At least, so far, they don't seem stupid enough to make any kind of predictions inside of 50 years. I'm starting to think this is just a waste of my time.

Edit: I do like the government debt style ticker on the right side of the page. It's cute.
Now you're being intentionally obtuse. All the numbers are there and everything is cited. There is no guessing. If you don't want to believe it, that's your right. You can sit at the table with the flat earthers and Holocaust deniers.
Just click on the site and it will tell you. Why is it you're willing to go to these crazy "news" sites, but you won't go to a site that is fact based? Why are you so scared of the truth? It's ok to be wrong about something. I didn't think climate change was real either, but then I studied up on it and realized I was wrong.
I respect someone who will admit they were wrong about something. It seems people in general are getting more reluctant to admit they are wrong about things.
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Now you're being intentionally obtuse. All the numbers are there and everything is cited. There is no guessing. If you don't want to believe it, that's your right. You can sit at the table with the flat earthers and Holocaust deniers.

I don't think you're following me. I'm looking for these people to explain to me why they've always been wrong when it comes to predictions of what was going to happen. It's easy to attempt to predict the future. It gets a lot harder when you have to come back and explain why you were so wrong. Maybe it's there somewhere as I obviously haven't had time to explore the whole site. That being said, the site is made by a guy who profits financially from the "effects" of global warming.
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I don't think you're following me. I'm looking for these people to explain to me why they've always been wrong when it comes to predictions of what was going to happen. It's easy to attempt to predict the future. It gets a lot harder when you have to come back and explain why you were so wrong. Maybe it's there somewhere as I obviously haven't had time to explore the whole site. That being said, the site is made by a guy who profits financially from the "effects" of global warming.
Sigh. Maybe you're not understanding me. The things you've mentioned that you say are wrong, weren't actually wrong. The people on the website know there is a lot of misinformation out there and they break it down using science and math to show you why they weren't wrong. The site isn't just run by someone who "profits financially from the effects of global warming." Everything there is fact based. They use math. You have so far stated incorrect and/or misinformed opinions. Listen, I gave you somewhere to go to gain the knowledge you claim to seek. You're obviously being disingenuous about wanting to understand a topic. That's fine. You have a right to do that. All I can do is show you the door. You have to be willing to open the door and walk through it.
Sigh. Maybe you're not understanding me. The things you've mentioned that you say are wrong, weren't actually wrong. The people on the website know there is a lot of misinformation out there and they break it down using science and math to show you why they weren't wrong. The site isn't just run by someone who "profits financially from the effects of global warming." Everything there is fact based. They use math. You have so far stated incorrect and/or misinformed opinions. Listen, I gave you somewhere to go to gain the knowledge you claim to seek. You're obviously being disingenuous about wanting to understand a topic. That's fine. You have a right to do that. All I can do is show you the door. You have to be willing to open the door and walk through it.

The people who said the polar ice caps would be completely melted by now aren't wrong? I'm not sure if you understand some of the claims that were being made a decade ago, or 30 years ago. A lot of these people were VERY wrong and I just want to understand their thought process and where it went awry. You can be wrong in life, but when you're this wrong people are going to want an explanation. Again, that site seems to deal with the possible future. There are a lot of qualifiers like "might be" in many of those articles.

The guy himself makes a living off of climate change. When you benefit financially and you fail to deal with mistakes of the past, people are going to question you. That's just how reality works. That doesn't mean that what he puts on his site isn't real. It's just that he's refusing to acknowledge the failures of the past. He just ignores them and keeps making new claims. In all honestly, forecasting models are pretty much garbage and are generally accepted with skepticism. That's what's going on here...forecasting models.

So, in the end, you have a movement that is heavy on forecasting models while completely ignoring the failure of those models in the past. They could still be right, but it doesn't look good.
My argument is that when presented with facts about something, you can't say "well that's your opinion." It's logically incorrect.

Duke beat UNC by 1 on Friday night. I present you with a score and you say "well that's your opinion" doesn't make sense. Chapel Hill is in North Carolina...well that's your opinion.

The same goes for climate change. When presented with the facts, it no longer becomes opinion.
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My argument is that when presented with facts about something, you can't say "well that's your opinion." It's logically incorrect.

Duke beat UNC by 1 on Friday night. I present you with a score and you say "well that's your opinion" doesn't make sense. Chapel Hill is in North Carolina...well that's your opinion.

The same goes for climate change. When presented with the facts, it no longer becomes opinion.

The hockey stick graph was a "fact" not too long ago. Whatever happened to that?
What purpose does this serve?

It serves a racist far right anti-immigration agenda. You know those Turks just can’t stop shooting up trams... it’s what they do /s

I bet he focuses on the racial/ethnic/national demographics every time a white American dude shoots up a school too...
It serves a racist far right anti-immigration agenda. You know those Turks just can’t stop shooting up trams... it’s what they do /s

I bet he focuses on the racial/ethnic/national demographics every time a white American dude shoots up a school too...
I wanted his version. You might wanna use this opportunity to bash Islam.
It serves a racist far right anti-immigration agenda. You know those Turks just can’t stop shooting up trams... it’s what they do /s

I bet he focuses on the racial/ethnic/national demographics every time a white American dude shoots up a school too...

Yup, you definitely don't go out of your way to support Muslims.
It's obviously the fault of someone else. I mean, your side could never be wrong, could it? Even when it looks like they're 100% wrong, it's always the fault of someone else. LMFAO!

Do you know who you guys sound like? Religious fundamentalists. I should know. I grew up with enough of them. :cool:
What the hell are you talking about? That's not what that says at all. It breaks down the science for you and shows where you are wrong. You're being ridiculous. It's funny you bring up religious fundamentalist though. You know what they are famous for? Ignoring science. Guess which one of us is ignoring science?
What the hell are you talking about? That's not what that says at all. It breaks down the science for you and shows where you are wrong. You're being ridiculous. It's funny you bring up religious fundamentalist though. You know what they are famous for? Ignoring science. Guess which one of us is ignoring science?

Preach it, brother!

Seriously, how do you argue with someone that thinks his side is infallible and could never make a mistake, even though it's obvious that mistakes have been made? It's like trying to convince a devout Christian that the Holy Trinity doesn't exist. It just isn't possible.
Ask the crazy immigrants who never made it out of the 15th century. I'm not the one killing people.
What are you doing, exactly? What purpose does it serve to deliver the news as you did? I can't ask the "crazy immigrants." I'm asking you.
Preach it, brother!

Seriously, how do you argue with someone that thinks his side is infallible and could never make a mistake, even though it's obvious that mistakes have been made? It's like trying to convince a devout Christian that the Holy Trinity doesn't exist. It just isn't possible.
I agree. I've shown you evidence showing that you're wrong about what you said and you can't admit you were wrong even though it's obvious that you made a mistake. It's weird that even in the face of facts you ignore reality.
Because people should be aware of what is going on in this world. I don't know why you would want to bury your head in the sand.
I'm not burying my head. I'm asking questions about what I've been exposed to. If your objective is to share what's happening in the world, okay... Is there some rhyme or reason to which particular events you choose to share?
I agree. I've shown you evidence showing that you're wrong about what you said and you can't admit you were wrong even though it's obvious that you made a mistake. It's weird that even in the face of facts you ignore reality.

Bro, I read an article on that page that explained why they were wrong about the ice caps. Was it their fault? Of course not. There was some new information that they found that was the reason why the ice caps expanded. Did they take any responsibility for being wrong? Of course not. They doubled down on their prior predictions.

Here's the problem with that. If you were wrong due to some new variable, how do you know that you are wrong now? The leaps of logic on some of those articles is on par with the virgin Mary, and I'm not going to tell you that I'm buying all of that hook, line, and sinker.
I'm not burying my head. I'm asking questions about what I've been exposed to. If your objective is to share what's happening in the world, okay... Is there some rhyme or reason to which particular events you choose to share?

What? Are you mad that I haven't addressed the over 4,000 Christians that were murdered by Muslims in 2018? Or how about the 120 Christians that have been murdered by Muslims in the last three weeks? Am I not being open enough with you? I'm the one who posted about the New Zealand shooting. Is that not good enough for you?
Bro, I read an article on that page that explained why they were wrong about the ice caps. Was it their fault? Of course not. There was some new information that they found that was the reason why the ice caps expanded. Did they take any responsibility for being wrong? Of course not. They doubled down on their prior predictions.

Here's the problem with that. If you were wrong due to some new variable, how do you know that you are wrong now? The leaps of logic on some of those articles is on par with the virgin Mary, and I'm not going to tell you that I'm buying all of that hook, line, and sinker.
What article was that? You misinterpreted the hockey stick page and you're almost certainly misinterpreting that one as well.
What article was that? You misinterpreted the hockey stick page and you're almost certainly misinterpreting that one as well.

There are plenty of people who have been quoted as saying the polar ice caps would be gone by 2019. Of course, they said this ten years ago, but that doesn't make them any less right. I posted a bunch of them in one of the linkes I provided a few pages ago.
There are plenty of people who have been quoted as saying the polar ice caps would be gone by 2019. Of course, they said this ten years ago, but that doesn't make them any less right. I posted a bunch of them in one of the linkes I provided a few pages ago.
You're avoiding my question. I asked you to point me to the article that you said you read on that page, not some article that you linked in the past. There are people who have said a lot of things. You're ignoring the majority opinion of scientist and only listening to people that made claims that most scientist actually disagreed with.
What? Are you mad that I haven't addressed the over 4,000 Christians that were murdered by Muslims in 2018? Or how about the 120 Christians that have been murdered by Muslims in the last three weeks? Am I not being open enough with you? I'm the one who posted about the New Zealand shooting. Is that not good enough for you?
Oh, believe me... I'm totally, completely furious. Are YOU "the one who posted about the New Zealand shooting?" Was that you? Thank goodness.

There are some fukked-up, unhinged, wacked-out Muslims who are just itching to destroy some people because of their religious beliefs. And, occasionally, they succeed. It's tragic. It's a shame that their mythology... I mean, that they allow their mythology... to guide them to hate other people to the point of killing total strangers based on a value judgment from a standard that is so subjective, not to mention misunderstood, and often dangerous. Maybe when American military operations drops bombs and kills innocent people, and then occupies nations without their consent, it has unintended consequences... like... revenge. And, maybe all Americans are seen as killers by the survivors because of those actions. It's possible that some of them don't believe that all Americans are potential murderers. I sure hope so! However... tit for tat. I'm not calling one or the other Right or Wrong. I'm just explaining how it might be playing itself out.
The Church of Climatology. It has all the characteristics of your three Abrahamic religions.
Really? I want some elaboration for that. All three or just one?

I realize we're not all scientists. So, a certain amount is above my pay grade. However, when I go to a doctor, I'm putting my faith in his abilities based on scientific instruction and practice. I guess the same holds true for a shaman who shakes some John The Conqueror Root over their bleeding wound... but, only in that the person on the receiving end has less experience with it working.

Now, elaborate on how believing climate science has all the characteristics of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Yup, you definitely don't go out of your way to support Muslims.

What the hell are you talking about? Nowhere in the article did it mention anything about him being an Islamist...

And yeah, I don’t have a problem with all
Muslims because I’m not a far right POS. I have a problem with the dogmatic ideas of Islam and the specific people who carry out violence/oppression in the name of their religion. If you had even a half functioning brain you’d know that the vast majority of victims of Islamist violence are in fact... Muslims. So yeah I support the women, gay folks, and free thinkers who are victimized by Islam, that also happen to be Muslims.