OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I have nothing at all good to say about school buses. I think they are dangerous, inefficient, bad for the environment and the people they hire to drive them in all communities are largely the dregs of society - people I wouldn't trust to watch my goldfish, let alone my children.

My kids will never ride a school bus.
+1, and they’re a big contributor to F’d up traffic.
I have nothing at all good to say about school buses. I think they are dangerous, inefficient, bad for the environment and the people they hire to drive them in all communities are largely the dregs of society - people I wouldn't trust to watch my goldfish, let alone my children.

My kids will never ride a school bus.
Don't forget Lincoln. He murdered his own people.

Can you throw me on ignore or don't respond to something where I wasn't addressing you directly?

Sorry man, you're just too out there to talk politics with and you admittedly know absolute shit about history as multiple people have had to correct you over the past few months on basic stuff.
Can you throw me on ignore or don't respond to something where I wasn't addressing you directly?

Sorry man, you're just too out there to talk politics with and you admittedly know absolute shit about history as multiple people have had to correct you over the past few months on basic stuff.

Nobody has corrected me, especially you. All you do is tell me I'm wrong and insult me. That isn't correcting me. That's just being an insecure message board douche.

1) Seriously? Thanks for proving my point. No correction and all insults. What was your point with this? Was it that I said I wasn't an expert in everything? Unless you are, you're a hypocrite.

2) Again, you put words in my mouth. I never said that BO was the first to abuse EO power. My point was that he raised the bar, and maybe you would've understood that if you weren't busy throwing one of your tantrums.

3) This was just a poor argument. You didn't even understand that I was talking about advancements in technology that would've eventually gotten rid of slavery.

4) Again, no correction here. You didn't even tell me what you disagreed with. You just went straight to the insults.

5) This one is great. You took my hypothesis as though I were spouting facts. What? Nobody is allowed to hypothesize about anything on this board? That's just too funny!

So don't worry about me. All you continually do is show yourself to be what seems to be a fairly insecure poster on a message board. Seriously, how much do you have to hate your life to get this way?
What? You wanted to start this crap and now you want to run away like a little girl? You called down the thunder, kid, not me.

You replied to his post when he wasn't even talking to you... lol you really need to get your $hit together
You replied to his post when he wasn't even talking to you... lol you really need to get your $hit together

It's a public message board, dude. What is it with you people about answering the posts of other people?

Edit: BTW, what do you think you just did? I wasn't talking to you, so go sit in the corner, buddy. LOL!
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It's a public message board, dude. What is it with you people about answering the posts of other people?

Edit: BTW, what do you think you just did? I wasn't talking to you, so go sit in the corner, buddy. LOL!

Idgaf who’s posts your reply to. But it’s kinda dumb to respond to his post then say he started the argument. I’m starting to think you’re schizophrenic or something...
Idgaf who’s posts your reply to. But it’s kinda dumb to respond to his post then say he started the argument. I’m starting to think you’re schizophrenic or something...

Of course he started it. @UNC71-00 made a comment and @dadika13 argued against his point. What I did was no different than what @dadika13 did, yet he threw a hissy fit over it. Some of you people have an inability to see outside your little box.
You started the debate between you and Dadika. Then claimed he started it. You need help dude.

The debate wasn't between just the two of us, that's just silly. How can you have a debate without the original point of the debate? There is no debate without dadika responding to 71-00's post. All I did was join an open argument, shredding dadika's response, at which point he started throwing his usual tantrum.
The debate wasn't between just the two of us, that's just silly. How can you have a debate without the original point of the debate? There is no debate without dadika responding to 71-00's post. All I did was join an open argument, shredding dadika's response, at which point he started throwing his usual tantrum.

When someone responds to a post they aren’t “starting crap” with everyone else that might respond. You decided to jump in then accused him of starting the debate between the two of you that you clearly started.

It’s also cute that you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of throwing a tantrum. I get it. He’s repeatedly embarrassed you by exposing your ignorance, so now you’re taking pop shots at the guy. You do you.
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Of course he started it. @UNC71-00 made a comment and @dadika13 argued against his point. What I did was no different than what @dadika13 did, yet he threw a hissy fit over it. Some of you people have an inability to see outside your little box.

And for the record fuccktart, I posted the original thing on McCain that @UNC71-00 chose to comment on if you're so 3rd grade concerned with who started what. Which is fine that he commented, I like debating him and we've had some good discussions in the past even when we've seen completely separate views on something.

I don't share that history with you so I asked you to ignore the debate because it was something him and I could go back and forth on. I actually asked you politely to do so at first but you got your panties in a bunch.
When someone responds to a post they aren’t “starting crap” with everyone else that might respond. You decided to jump in then accused him of starting the debate between the two of you that you clearly started.

It’s also cute that you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of throwing a tantrum. I get it. He’s repeatedly embarrassed you by exposing your ignorance, so now you’re taking pop shots at the guy. You do you.

You can disagree with me, but I expect some kind of solid argument. If you do nothing but tell me I'm wrong and insult me, that looks like you're throwing a tantrum. How many times has dadika done that to me? I make a statement, and he comes barging into the thread and insulting me. Hell, he referenced a couple of them a few posts ago. How often do you come barging into a thread just to insult me? I didn't even go that far. So, how come it's okay for you guys to do worse?

Honestly, I don't care. I've been pretty tame on this board. I have no interest in going back to the scorched Earth method that I used to use. See, instead of claiming to change my posting style, while never doing it. I just change and be done with it.
And for the record fuccktart, I posted the original thing on McCain that @UNC71-00 chose to comment on if you're so 3rd grade concerned with who started what. Which is fine that he commented, I like debating him and we've had some good discussions in the past even when we've seen completely separate views on something.

I don't share that history with you so I asked you to ignore the debate because it was something him and I could go back and forth on. I actually asked you politely to do so at first but you got your panties in a bunch.

You can disagree with me, but I expect some kind of solid argument. If you do nothing but tell me I'm wrong and insult me, that looks like you're throwing a tantrum. How many times has dadika done that to me? I make a statement, and he comes barging into the thread and insulting me. Hell, he referenced a couple of them a few posts ago. How often do you come barging into a thread just to insult me? I didn't even go that far. So, how come it's okay for you guys to do worse?

Honestly, I don't care. I've been pretty tame on this board. I have no interest in going back to the scorched Earth method that I used to use. See, instead of claiming to change my posting style, while never doing it. I just change and be done with it.

You were repeatedly presented with facts about climate change and you continued to make shit up. You’re full of shit.

Idc if you want to insult people. We’re well past the point of anyone taking your poasts seriously
You were repeatedly presented with facts about climate change and you continued to make shit up. You’re full of shit.

Idc if you want to insult people. We’re well past the point of anyone taking your poasts seriously

I didn't deny any of these "facts" and I didn't make anything up. The only thing I said is that I saw some issues with climate change, nothing else. You're the one that took it as an affront to your religion and basically tried to metaphorically burn me at the message board stake.

You're a follower, dude, a true believer. If you want my advice, I would stay out of the private sector if I were you.
I didn't deny any of these "facts" and I didn't make anything up. The only thing I said is that I saw some issues with climate change, nothing else. You're the one that took it as an affront to your religion and basically tried to metaphorically burn me at the message board stake.

You're a follower, dude, a true believer. If you want my advice, I would stay out of the private sector if I were you.

Science is pretty much the opposite of religion. You still don't understand how silly you look making this argument do you?

Why don't you go watch some infowars, read some breitbart, and stop infecting our board with this nonsense?
Science is pretty much the opposite of religion. You still don't understand how silly you look making this argument do you?

Why don't you go watch some infowars, read some breitbart, and stop infecting our board with this nonsense?

I'm not talking about the science itself. I'm talking about the human interaction with the science. I've mentioned this multiple times, but you just must have missed it... or mentally blocked it out.
I'm not talking about the science itself. I'm talking about the human response to the science. I've mentioned this multiple times, but you just must have missed it... or mentally blocked it out.

The discussion was about the science. You claimed there were "holes" which simply don't exist. Then when you got roasted for it you started claiming that climate change is a "religion." Which is a laughably stupid argument. That's like saying that believing the earth is round is a religion because flat earthers get roasted.

But go ahead and keep whining about how you were "burned at the message board stake," because people insulted your intelligence for making stupid arguments.

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