OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So a “squad” member got smoked in a ny primary and lost to a dude that’s uncomfortably cross eyed. I mean it’s hard to look at. His brain has to be doing back flips to process the info.
This is a good thing... need more centrists - if the change was actually due to centrist vs far-left views rather than the single issue of hamas/israel.
So a “squad” member got smoked in a ny primary and lost to a dude that’s uncomfortably cross eyed. I mean it’s hard to look at. His brain has to be doing back flips to process the info.
Isn't he the bonehead that pulled the fire alarm to stop a vote in congress, but they didn't pursue any charges? I'm not gonna feel sorry for him regardless of what the winner looks like.
Time to limbo @blazers

Lol. It is incredible how this 6-3 mega maga majority is always getting it wrong and often ruling in favor of the government. They are not only crazy, cultish conservatives, but dumb ones.

If I'm reading the article correctly, the decision just addressed the implementation of a temporary injunction issued by the original district court judge. That is, the case will return to the court and proceed in the normal course for a determination as to whether the government utilized persuasion or coercion. This ruling just knocks out the injunction that had been put in place while it goes forward. So, limbo now.
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Lol. It is incredible how this 6-3 mega maga majority is always getting it wrong and often ruling in favor of the government. They are not only crazy, cultish conservatives, but dumb ones.

If I'm reading the article correctly, the decision just addressed the implementation of a temporary injunction issued by the original district court judge. That is, the case will return to the court and proceed in the normal course for a determination as to whether the government utilized persuasion or coercion. This ruling just knocks out the injunction that had been put in place while it goes forward. So, limbo now.
Correct, but why would a right wing nut job court miss a chance to slap down Biden? I guess they are continuing to make a long term play. Also, something that flew under the radar was the three liberal justices signed on to the opinion written by one of those nut jobs.
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Correct, but why would a right wing nut job court miss a chance to slap down Biden? I guess they are continuing to make a long term play. Also, something that flew under the radar was the three liberal justices signed on to the opinion written by one of those nut jobs.
Exactly my point about the constant characterization of the Court as a 6-3 maga majority. They have proven to be everything but that in their actual rulings and opinions. But, never let the truth get in the way of ramping up people's emotions over ignorance. Remember, this is the Court that dared to take away the religion of federalized, constitutional right to abortion on demand at any moment. If you are wrong on the issue being debated, argue instead about the debater themselves. I think we are gonna see a lot of that in about 36 hours or whatever it is.
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Isn't he the bonehead that pulled the fire alarm to stop a vote in congress, but they didn't pursue any charges? I'm not gonna feel sorry for him regardless of what the winner looks like.
Also, I should say that I know he technically had a charge under local DC law for improperly pulling the alarm when there was no fire or emergency that I think has even now been wiped out since he met the terms of his probation for a certain amount of time. But, he surely wasn't prosecuted for impeding a congressional session, interfering with an official proceeding, etc. Imagine if he'd been a super supporter of the orange one and this had happened early in this last cycle. He'd probably be sitting alongside some of those J6 people waiting for his trial.
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Also, I should say that I know he technically had a charge under local DC law for improperly pulling the alarm when there was no fire or emergency that I think has even now been wiped out since he met the terms of his probation for a certain amount of time. But, he surely wasn't prosecuted for impeding a congressional session, interfering with an official proceeding, etc. Imagine if he'd been a super supporter of the orange one and this had happened early in this last cycle. He'd probably be sitting alongside some of those J6 people waiting for his trial.
Had he posted for months on social media that he planned on stopping the vote on the stop gap spending bill, organized others in an attempt to stop the vote, and hadn’t actually participated in the vote and voted in support of the repubs bill I would believe you. As it was, and I agree it was stupid and deserved being charged, he pulled an alarm in another building trying to exit a locked door in an attempt to get to the vote and participate in it. As for being ousted in the primary, it sounds like he pissed off the joos and we know ny is Israel-west and he faced the wrath for going against gods chosen by them raising an absurd amount of money to help defeat him to the point that a candidate with eyes that rival Marty Feldman was able to win easily. But I agree that I don’t feel sorry for him. Learn how to read a room dude.
You aren't on top of your game... shocker. And your fat ass couldn't fit under that bar.

You have a dreadful performance on the board and instead of admitting your poast was lame and that you could have done better, you take it out on me? Grow up Peter Pan, Count Chocula.
Isn't he the bonehead that pulled the fire alarm to stop a vote in congress, but they didn't pursue any charges? I'm not gonna feel sorry for him regardless of what the winner looks like.

Yes. That's him. Did you seem him a few days ago at a rally jumping around like a wild animal in the rain and screaming profanities? Lol.
Correct, but why would a right wing nut job court miss a chance to slap down Biden? I guess they are continuing to make a long term play. Also, something that flew under the radar was the three liberal justices signed on to the opinion written by one of those nut jobs.

I am enjoying your relentlessness regarding this whole SCOTUS thing and your repeated heckling of @blazers
Had he posted for months on social media that he planned on stopping the vote on the stop gap spending bill, organized others in an attempt to stop the vote, and hadn’t actually participated in the vote and voted in support of the repubs bill I would believe you. As it was, and I agree it was stupid and deserved being charged, he pulled an alarm in another building trying to exit a locked door in an attempt to get to the vote and participate in it. As for being ousted in the primary, it sounds like he pissed off the joos and we know ny is Israel-west and he faced the wrath for going against gods chosen by them raising an absurd amount of money to help defeat him to the point that a candidate with eyes that rival Marty Feldman was able to win easily. But I agree that I don’t feel sorry for him. Learn how to read a room dude.
If it could be shown that even a simple majority of the people hunted down, investigated, and/or charged regarding their actions at J6 had done those sort of things, I might agree with you. I'm guessing the numbers that posted on sm regarding planning to stop the vote, organized others to do so, etc. were a relatively small percentage of those who found themselves on the wrong end of the DOJ/FBI. Many more were caught up in the mob mentality of the moment or simply found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time with a total lack of realization that they were remotely doing anything wrong. That's not to say they didn't potentially do anything wrong, just that they weren't those idiots and lunatics from proud boys, etc. of which you are really speaking about.

Bowman, a former school principal knew exactly what he was doing and why (who do you think is responsible for running fire drills and such stuff in schools). It wasn't because he thought it would open any door and allow him to get to anything. In fact, it later came out that he tore down signage prior to pulling the alarm and, once he pulled it, he didn't even go out the door that he claimed he was trying to open and actually left the building through other means. He accomplished exactly what he intended to do, he just didn't get prosecuted for it like you or I would have. As far as reading a room, I made no negative comment or challenge to you in any respect, I actually responded to my own comment to clarify that I was aware that he had been charged for something, just not what he would have been if his politics were at the other end of the spectrum. You can disagree and that's fine, but don't suggest I claimed anything else.
I’d say a cult is when people have in common the worship or devotion of a person or idea that circumvents family relations, law, or scientific facts. I wouldn’t say trump supporters in general are in a cult. But some of them certainly are. I’d also say groups like PETA or BLM or antifa would qualify as well as pretty much all religions’ devoted followers.
So you're saying you're anti-Trump but not pro-Biden?

Are you anti-BLM and/or Anti-antifa?
lemme guess, 5th circuit again?
Is this one of your goalposts getting moved scenarios????

Why would it matter which Circuit it came out of? Your argument has been against the S.Ct. and specific justices who you perceive as being nutty conservatives. The offering of a diversion doesn't deflect from your premise that the Court is a super MAGA 6-3 majority regardless of where any given case originates.

The reality is that this Court has provided a significant number of decisions/opinions that show diverse thinking with no particular political leanings that have been grounded in what the Constitution or any given federal statute actually says. This is why these rulings keep getting pointed out to you with such speed and specificity. Your claims and speculations are reflective of your politics and not the Court's actual rulings.
You and your fellow dims like to use the term 'cult' when referring to TRUMP supporters. I have no issues with cults. Actually, I like the occult.

Explain to me, if you can, what makes TRUMP supporters members of a cult? What is a cult? How can a person be considered a follower of a cult? What do they have to do?
Per Merriam-Webster:

Cult, noun

often attributive

1: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious
also : its body of adherents

2 a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book)
especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad

b: the object of such devotion

c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

3: a system of religious beliefs and ritual
also : its body of adherents

4: formal religious veneration : WORSHIP

5: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
Per Merriam-Webster:

Cult, noun

often attributive

1: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious
also : its body of adherents

2 a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book)
especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad

b: the object of such devotion

c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

3: a system of religious beliefs and ritual
also : its body of adherents

4: formal religious veneration : WORSHIP

5: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
There's also usually a dress code, of sorts, when it's a really successful cult. You want the full effect.
From my reading of that, while an argument can be made for those shaded orange to be called a cult, the very same argument can be made about tds'ers, anyone but trumper's, supporters of Joe, those that vote only R, or those that vote only D. The issue is that it intentionally gets slung around in a negative fashion about anyone who is perceived as being in any manner a supporter of trump or his policies. Things just aren't that simple beside the attempt to smear.
Does that include wearing full face coverings when committing crimes under an umbrella called "protesting"?
I guess. As long as it's identifiable with the rest of the group. Although, "committing crimes" isn't exclusive to a cult. Not to mention, "crimes" isn't even a universal concept. One person may call a certain behavior or activity a "crime" and another person may not see it as criminal at all. How cool is that?
I guess. As long as it's identifiable with the rest of the group. Although, "committing crimes" isn't exclusive to a cult. Not to mention, "crimes" isn't even a universal concept. One person may call a certain behavior or activity a "crime" and another person may not see it as criminal at all. How cool is that?
Well, crimes are probably a universal concept, but you're correct that how any act is defined is geographically based. Got to know the rules on any given ballfield. And you're right that there is no exclusivity (or even a specific association necessarily) with respect to cults and crime. Just pointing out that from a definitional standpoint, many things could be considered a cult. Interestingly, however, the only political place you hear the term directed here, in the media, etc. is toward Trump "supporters".
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Interestingly, however, the only political place you hear the term directed here, in the media, etc. is toward Trump "supporters".
Well... it's the most blatantly obvious cult that exists in American cult-ure. It shouldn't be too surprising. I wouldn't expect anything else. What I find interesting is how some people try to deny it and invent a counter-cult-ure for people who have a fictional condition- "TDS." That's how much of a Cult the Trump presence has become. The people who have their identity attached to the Republican Party are embarrassed by it so much that, rather than accepting its reality, their ego protects them by accusing everyone who chastises/recognizes/profits-from the cult as being in a cult themselves. How cool is that?
Why would it matter which Circuit it came out of? Your argument has been against the S.Ct. and specific justices who you perceive as being nutty conservatives.
Cuz 5th circuit is looney, offering extremism which are a low bar for judgement. I think we've discussed this already.
It suggests our leaders are limited in power as opposed to dictatorial overlords with absolute power. What are you, stupid?

I am. But not as stupid as you, fortunately. What it suggests is that blaze is afraid of actual debate between Trump and Biden. As usual, you can't comprehend the importance of context, of his post and our conversation. He wants the cabinets to debate not because 'presidents should be figureheads', but because Biden is the actual zombie-like figurehead who has cabinet puppet strings attached to him while Trump is exactly the opposite, speaking for himself and surrounding himself with underlings who will sing HIS tune, not the other way around. Trump seems more like a leader to blaze and I agree with that assessment.

So I wanted him to respond with further conversation with my comment about meaning in his begs to be tied into his conclusion with the explanation he purposely neglected to provide. But I just did that for him, and for your ignorant ass as well.

All you really have to do is ask why he would bother to make such a suggestion to begin with. We're talking @blazers, whose motive is ALWAYS to promote all things left of center, even this lame, senile, puppet president of his. When he posts, you always look for the angle...just as when you post, you always look for the idiocy.

See? Duh. It would be better if you just let the adults talk.
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I’d say a cult is when people have in common the worship or devotion of a person or idea that circumvents family relations, law, or scientific facts. I wouldn’t say trump supporters in general are in a cult. But some of them certainly are. I’d also say groups like PETA or BLM or antifa would qualify as well as pretty much all religions’ devoted followers.

If it could be shown that even a simple majority of the people hunted down, investigated, and/or charged regarding their actions at J6 had done those sort of things, I might agree with you. I'm guessing the numbers that posted on sm regarding planning to stop the vote, organized others to do so, etc. were a relatively small percentage of those who found themselves on the wrong end of the DOJ/FBI. Many more were caught up in the mob mentality of the moment or simply found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time with a total lack of realization that they were remotely doing anything wrong. That's not to say they didn't potentially do anything wrong, just that they weren't those idiots and lunatics from proud boys, etc. of which you are really speaking about.

Bowman, a former school principal knew exactly what he was doing and why (who do you think is responsible for running fire drills and such stuff in schools). It wasn't because he thought it would open any door and allow him to get to anything. In fact, it later came out that he tore down signage prior to pulling the alarm and, once he pulled it, he didn't even go out the door that he claimed he was trying to open and actually left the building through other means. He accomplished exactly what he intended to do, he just didn't get prosecuted for it like you or I would have. As far as reading a room, I made no negative comment or challenge to you in any respect, I actually responded to my own comment to clarify that I was aware that he had been charged for something, just not what he would have been if his politics were at the other end of the spectrum. You can disagree and that's fine, but don't suggest I claimed anything else.
He couldn’t exit the door cause it remained locked. And I was telling him to learn to read a room. Not you. As in the room is full of joos dude. Don’t piss them off
Biden is the actual zombie-like figurehead who has cabinet puppet strings attached to him while Trump is exactly the opposite, speaking for himself and surrounding himself with underlings who will sing HIS tune, not the other way around.
That's a somewhat accurate assessment. Biden listens to and follows the advice given to him by his advisors while Trump's advisors wish he would listen to them and follow their advice. Of course that doesn't stop them from being Trump's biggest cheerleaders, even when they know he's spouting irrelevant nonsense which is most of the time.

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