OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Trump will defeat himself like he's been doing for the past seven years.
It's out of his doll-sized hands. I've yet to see anything "defeat" Trump that was of his own doing. Nothing in any conventional sense will hurt him. No trial, no scandal, no inappropriate behavior, no felony or misdemeanor... nothing will hurt his chances to be elected.

In the last 2 elections, the reason Democrats won or lost was because of their own strategies. The same thing will happen this time. There is no way to win by trying to make Donald Trump "look bad." If it weren't for the chaos of the pandemic, Trump would still be president now.
Well, it is a choice because it's what people do that matter. Recruits can say they love them some Carolina, but if the NIL is double at dook, they are gonna be wearing the wrong shade of blue. Trump pontificates constantly and says stuff that is absurd. He is, after all, a politician and one of the best self marketers we've ever witnessed.

Of course, I'll still be waiting for the actual link where Biden didn't become our president and our Constitution was suspended by Trump or anyone for that matter (unless you want to go back to the endless Civil War discussion and the actual suspension of the Constitution by Lincoln. Again, actual history is a bitch).

Incidentally, just because you've only been here for ten seconds, be careful making generalizations about things like my candidate and it being a fair election. I have ragged on Trump and his being a narcissitic ahole plenty of times. But, between the two choices of policies for our country as it stands, he is who I will vote for against Harris in the upcoming election. It doesn't make him my candidate. As to the election, Biden was elected and he is our president. Whether there were shenanigans and issues with the last election are irrelevant. But it doesn't make your representation that it was "fair" as if it was etched in a third tablet. Go back and read through the hundreds of pages where all this has been discussed ad nauseum.
Economy has done better under Biden. Biden also had a smaller deficit.

But you would think selling out is a virtue. Imagine equating NIL with selling out your country to a guy who went bankrupt running a casino and a class traitor bootlicker.
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lol I did bring it up; and if you noticed, I even hinted in a post to someone else that I was baiting you. I was baiting you because I had you figured to be just another virtue-signaler with a big mouth and nothing to back it up. I was right.

You don't argue with logic and understanding because you aren't capable of that. All you can do is cite opinions that align with yours. Those opinions are simple-minded and biased because...slavery.

I won't wrongly accuse you of not reading as you have wrongly accused me. I accuse you of reading and purposely failing to address what you have read. Figures.
You’re really giving yourself too much credit if you think I’ve been reading your drivel.
It's out of his doll-sized hands. I've yet to see anything "defeat" Trump that was of his own doing. Nothing in any conventional sense will hurt him. No trial, no scandal, no inappropriate behavior, no felony or misdemeanor... nothing will hurt his chances to be elected.

In the last 2 elections, the reason Democrats won or lost was because of their own strategies. The same thing will happen this time. There is no way to win by trying to make Donald Trump "look bad." If it weren't for the chaos of the pandemic, Trump would still be president now.
The Dem’s lost because of the undemocratic nature of the electoral college. If every vote counted the same they wouldnt have won a popular vote since 2004, and thats after Gore beat him by a half million in 2000
The Dem’s lost because of the undemocratic nature of the electoral college. If every vote counted the same they wouldnt have won a popular vote since 2004, and thats after Gore beat him by a half million in 2000
Well... that's how it's always been done, and always will be done. The American public was NEVER supposed to elect the president.
Of course, I'll still be waiting for the actual link where Biden didn't become our president and our Constitution was suspended by Trump or anyone for that matter (unless you want to go back to the endless Civil War discussion and the actual suspension of the Constitution by Lincoln. Again, actual history is a bitch).

Just because it was a coup doesnt mean it was successful.

I gave you a right wing source to verify my claim but you just gloss over that right?

But, for the final time, you’re cool with the candidate YOU are voting for this spouting off that the Constitution ought to be suspended?

Simple yes or no is fine.
Keep defending the worst of humanity to get points with your cult members.

The government and people of the southern states seceded from the United States, and killed more American soldiers than all the other wars combined, in order to protect and perpetuate the institution of chattel slavery. They all admitted to it. Why the United States "fought" the traitors, at that time, is irrelevant. No slavery, no war.
you just can't help yourself, can you? You have to create those windmills to tilt against, don't you Don Quixote.

Show me one word that indicates that I have defended a single thing. Copy and paste it here please. Bear in mind that I'm not talking about what you merely contend that I am defending anything with. Because as crazy and needy as you are, you can believe a rock is defending slavery when you are overwhelmed by the need to virtue-signal.. I want you to produce words of mine that are in actual defense of slavery or the Confederacy or anything else. The only thing I defend is common sense and the truth, things that are in short supply and getting shorter.

What you and the other brain-dead individual refuse to see is that all I'm doing is recognizing and trying to dispel the misconception that exists regarding why the Civil War was fought. I don't give a fvck about what you choose to read into my doing so.

I refuse to EVER fall in line with those who demand that everyone must join in condemning the facts if the facts happen to offend them. Thankfully, I am never offended by the factual and I'm intelligent enough to understand that facts are neither defensible or condemnable. That's a fact.
That makes it right? Thats some boomer bullshit.
It has nothing to do with being right. Everyone agrees on that premise, so that's how it's done.

If it were up to me, I'd have the Vice President still be the person who came in second in the electoral college vote. That's how it started. I think that's a great way to have some balance int he whole process. But, they abandoned that early on. The wealthy business interest took hold of this country's governmental processes just about from the start. And, that hasn't changed, and will never change. The "big donors" of the Democratic Party showed us who runs the show.
you just can't help yourself, can you? You have to create those windmills to tilt against, don't you Don Quixote.

Show me one word that indicates that I have defended a single thing. Copy and paste it here please. Bear in mind that I'm not talking about what you merely contend that I am defending anything with. Because as crazy and needy as you are, you can believe a rock is defending slavery when you are overwhelmed by the need to virtue-signal.. I want you to produce words of mine that are in actual defense of slavery or the Confederacy or anything else. The only thing I defend is common sense and the truth, things that are in short supply and getting shorter.

What you and the other brain-dead individual refuse to see is that all I'm doing is recognizing and trying to dispel the misconception that exists regarding why the Civil War was fought. I don't give a fvck about what you choose to read into my doing so.

I refuse to EVER fall in line with those who demand that everyone must join in condemning the facts if the facts happen to offend them. Thankfully, I am never offended by the factual and I'm intelligent enough to understand that facts are neither defensible or condemnable. That's a fact.
No slavery, no war.
That wasn't him. I should say... that wasn't from something he did to himself.


Tell that to these folks, plus two dozen more senators, representatives, governors, and secretaries of state.
It's out of his doll-sized hands. I've yet to see anything "defeat" Trump that was of his own doing. Nothing in any conventional sense will hurt him. No trial, no scandal, no inappropriate behavior, no felony or misdemeanor... nothing will hurt his chances to be elected.

In the last 2 elections, the reason Democrats won or lost was because of their own strategies. The same thing will happen this time. There is no way to win by trying to make Donald Trump "look bad." If it weren't for the chaos of the pandemic, Trump would still be president now.
in fact, it seems fairly apparent that the persistent effort to make Trump look bad is in large part why he has such a devoted following and why there is such a chasm over his worth as someone who can ably lead the country. Some people buy into the threat to democracy bullshit completely, and others recognize that bullshit for the real threat to democracy that it is and reject and react against it just as completely.
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your mindless and meaningless mantra. I already ridiculed it thoroughly.
You can ridicule it all you want. That's your whole presence here... you and Heels Noir tae turns calling each other names... you write a book... no one reads it... and on and on it goes.

Ridicule it is all you have. No slavery, no war.

It's out of his doll-sized hands. I've yet to see anything "defeat" Trump that was of his own doing. Nothing in any conventional sense will hurt him. No trial, no scandal, no inappropriate behavior, no felony or misdemeanor... nothing will hurt his chances to be elected.

In the last 2 elections, the reason Democrats won or lost was because of their own strategies. The same thing will happen this time. There is no way to win by trying to make Donald Trump "look bad." If it weren't for the chaos of the pandemic, Trump would still be president now.
Adding JD Vance didn't help. Both candidates need to focus on the swing states' undecideds (however many of those there actually are) and the Vance pick kinda ignored that.

If he loses you could look at that action as detrimental.
Adding JD Vance didn't help. Both candidates need to focus on the swing states' undecideds (however many of those there actually are) and the Vance pick kinda ignored that.

If he loses you could look at that action as detrimental.
That's a possibility. I hadn't really thought about that. Vance is a true candidate for Christian nationalists. He's not going to appeal to many moderates. But, that would still be Vance that caused the damage. Trump could run without a VP. In fact, he'd prefer that and so would his cult. King Donald, Prince Donald, Prince Eric, Prince Barron... etc.. The cult would embrace the shit out of that. Americans aren't that far removed from dynastic monarchy. Most MAGAs already worship a celestial king. A king that, according to Scripture, would be angry at them for putting The Donald before "Him."
You can ridicule it all you want. That's your whole presence here... you and Heels Noir tae turns calling each other names... you write a book... no one reads it... and on and on it goes.

Ridicule it is all you have. No slavery, no war.

that there is no war if there is no slavery does not equate to the war being fought over the issue of slavery, as my ridicule of that notion demonstrated. I am so happy that I am not that simple-minded and so happy that I don't have to avoid facts or misconstrue words in order to satisfy any emotional needs.
You guys can put on a brave face, but the reality of the Democrats knee-capping themselves will eventually break through.

Trump is a malignancy on the American political body. But, only the Democratic Party could totally blow it like they have during this election cycle. When I see Democratic supporters buddy-up with former neo-cons like Bill Kristol and David Frum... and many others... it kinda eases my mind a little when I acknowledge a 2nd Trump presidency is on the way. The whole thing stinks.
The Dems are always bad at this game. But policy-wise or principle-wise are they buddying-up with Kristol and Frum? I'd say no.
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To @blazers point... if Harris picks a home-run running mate, that COULD salvage the Democrats fvck-ups of the last 30-40 days. But, stop trying to demonize Donald Trump. God recently moved Trump's head to spare his life. Tell them what you have to offer, don't try to convince people that fvcking porn stars is a crime.
I meant TAKE turns. Hey... that's part of the thread's identity. I expect to see it.
Yeah, but the times they are a-changin'. I suspect his senility has caught up with him and it's just not as fun slapping him around as it once was. I'm much more content these days to watch Newoikkin or blazers or you slowly skewering him to death.
if Harris picks a home-run running mate, that COULD salvage the Democrats fvck-ups of the last 30-40 days.
True, but there's also this: I know the bullet missed but I predict Trump's next near-death experience will come while he's choking on a chicken bone after scarfing down a bucket of the colonel's secret recipe. Any day, now . . .
The Dems are always bad at this game. But policy-wise or principle-wise are they buddying-up with Kristol and Frum? I'd say no.
I see these neo-cons as regulars on dozens and dozens of social media forums, channels, IG, You Tube, all of it. These are people that are attached to General Dynamics, Raytheon. McDonnell-Douglass; you name it, they profit from blowing it up with bombs. They were Bush-Cheney/Romney-Ryan all day, every day. I just don't trust them.
Yeah, but the times they are a-changin'. I suspect his senility has caught up with him and it's just not as fun slapping him around as it once was. I'm much more content these days to watch Newoikkin or blazers or you slowly skewering him to death.
and skewering evidently doesn't mean what it used to either. I guess now it means that the supposed skewerer dies.

I'm sorry that you're feeling so defeated nowadays.
that there is no war if there is no slavery does not equate to the war being fought over the issue of slavery,
You bullshit better than most bullshitters.

No slavery, no war. I've asked you dozens of times. Why do the states secede if slavery doesn't exist?
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True, but there's also this: I know the bullet missed but I predict Trump's next near-death experience will come while he's choking on a chicken bone after scarfing down a bucket of the colonel's secret recipe. Any day, now . . .
Nah... he'll be around for at least another 10 years. His physical expiration date is a long ways away.
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That makes it right? Thats some boomer bullshit.

Uh oh, the Gen Z faggit is making fun of other generations. Meanwhile, this loser and his cohorts cut their dicks off because they’re confused. You and others your age might want to chill.

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