OOTB's Political Thread . ..

the last I saw, Roy Cooper was on the short list. Looks like they're gonna bunt.
Shapiro will help.

Cooper? I doubt it. It would be cool to see the guy from my hometown, and went to the same high school and college as I did, be VP.
in fact, it seems fairly apparent that the persistent effort to make Trump look bad is in large part why he has such a devoted following and why there is such a chasm over his worth as someone who can ably lead the country. Some people buy into the threat to democracy bullshit completely, and others recognize that bullshit for the real threat to democracy that it is and reject and react against it just as completely.
The problem with this is his "devoted following" is getting smaller and smaller.
Like their choice to cozy up with Donald Trump and subscribe to his fallible policies? I wonder who else does that? Maybe Donald Trump?
Trump may have a damaging affect on others who choose to align with him and run for office. But, nothing HE DOES will affect HIS elect-ability.
Not sure why you directed this to me but ….thanks? I probably won’t read it though.
Yours was likely jokey, but on the topic of racism I thought it was interesting (and hilarious) that GOP was having to access other GOP to stop making public racist comments.
the last I saw, Roy Cooper was on the short list. Looks like they're gonna bunt.
I've been wondering who the Dems should try to run other than Biden for this election. Interestingly we're probably going to see a VP that might've been the person many people would've landed on. I kinda lean toward Shapiro (instead of Harris), still unsure though. And we'll obviously be able to see how well they stack in this role compared to Harris.
You bullshit better than most bullshitters.

No slavery, no war. I've asked you dozens of times. Why do the states secede if slavery doesn't exist?
and I've tried to point out to you a hundred times, that question belongs in a discussion about secession. THIS topic is why the war was fought. It does not matter why the Confederate States seceded. It could have been for any reason. It was the secession itself that made Lincoln wage war.

Lincoln could just as easily have said well good riddance, have your own country. But he didn't. And the reason he didn't WAS NOT ABOUT SLAVERY but simply because he didn't want to lose that chunk of the Union.

You can doubt me all day and seem to have a point. But you can't doubt the man himself. HE SAID, and is on record for having said, that he wasn't fighting over slavery. He made that perfectly clear. He made it perfectly clear that he was just trying to preserve the Union. Slavery of course was an issue of the day, and it was the largest (but not the only) part of why the South seceded but it wasn't why the war was fought.

And just to cover all the bases, the South had no reason to fight, save to defend themselves. They achieved their goal when they seceded. The simple minds say they were fighting to save slavery when the exceedingly simple fact is that they were fighting to defend themselves against Union incursion. That's why it is justifiably called the War of Northern Aggression...because that in fact is what it was.

Take our own State, if you are a NC'ian. North Carolina was the next to last State to secede, and it only seceded when Lincoln made a call to arms, signaling his intention to fight the Confederacy. North Carolina sided with its cultural and geographical cousins, and did not secede specifically to defend slavery. Yeah, yeah, yeah, slavery was part of the culture. But that is immaterial to the question at hand, which is why did Lincoln start the war.

Oh yeah Fort Sumter and that first shot. That first shot was fired only after the Union garrison refused to vacate what South Carolina considered to be their own piece of real estate. They considered the lease agreement null and void since the agreement was with a State of the Union and not of the Confederacy.. They in fact did not fire until the garrison was being re-supplied. As I have mentioned to you previously, that one is a tossup. It could be the South Carolinians technical fault, but it could also technically be the Union's fault, their refusal to leave being seen as an act of aggression.. Either way, it isn't germane to the point.

Things leading up to and contributing to secession, none of which I'm either defending or condemning, are not reasons why the war was fought. Had the South not seceded and the law was finally passed outlawing the practice of slavery, and the South refused to oblige, and the feds waged war in order to enforce the law....then I would agree wholeheartedly that the war was fought over slavery, that is, to end it. OR, even if they had seceded and a law was passed and Lincoln just decided it should end everywhere, I would agree that the war was fought over slavery. But that ain't how it happened.
what a tiresome routine. The headline implies actual racism and racist remarks. Instead, the content indicates that the cautioning is against referring to race as a factor in Harris being a candidate (even though it very well might be). The caution is to avoid making remarks that might inflame liberal sensitivities. As usual, those sensitivities is what shapes our politics anymore. We can no longer call a spade a spade. So to speak.

ETA; and the pathetic thing is that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this would be the case. It always is. The constant, relentless twisting and distortion of the truth to further an agenda is why politics suck so bad now.
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Well you must have a problem with math. What voters has he added that he didn't have in 2024
I don't have a list of all the names. I do know of 5 (4 boys and 1 girl) people in my own family that are now able to vote (could not vote in 2016 or 20), and they're all voting for Trump. I feel quite confident that he hasn't lost any voters, and I know he has added some. I don't think his base is shrinking.
and I've tried to point out to you a hundred times, that question belongs in a discussion about secession. THIS topic is why the war was fought. It does not matter why the Confederate States seceded. It could have been for any reason. It was the secession itself that made Lincoln wage war.

Lincoln could just as easily have said well good riddance, have your own country. But he didn't. And the reason he didn't WAS NOT ABOUT SLAVERY but simply because he didn't want to lose that chunk of the Union.

You can doubt me all day and seem to have a point. But you can't doubt the man himself. HE SAID, and is on record for having said, that he wasn't fighting over slavery. He made that perfectly clear. He made it perfectly clear that he was just trying to preserve the Union. Slavery of course was an issue of the day, and it was the largest (but not the only) part of why the South seceded but it wasn't why the war was fought.

And just to cover all the bases, the South had no reason to fight, save to defend themselves. They achieved their goal when they seceded. The simple minds say they were fighting to save slavery when the exceedingly simple fact is that they were fighting to defend themselves against Union incursion. That's why it is justifiably called the War of Northern Aggression...because that in fact is what it was.

Take our own State, if you are a NC'ian. North Carolina was the next to last State to secede, and it only seceded when Lincoln made a call to arms, signaling his intention to fight the Confederacy. North Carolina sided with its cultural and geographical cousins, and did not secede specifically to defend slavery. Yeah, yeah, yeah, slavery was part of the culture. But that is immaterial to the question at hand, which is why did Lincoln start the war.

Oh yeah Fort Sumter and that first shot. That first shot was fired only after the Union garrison refused to vacate what South Carolina considered to be their own piece of real estate. They considered the lease agreement null and void since the agreement was with a State of the Union and not of the Confederacy.. They in fact did not fire until the garrison was being re-supplied. As I have mentioned to you previously, that one is a tossup. It could be the South Carolinians technical fault, but it could also technically be the Union's fault, their refusal to leave being seen as an act of aggression.. Either way, it isn't germane to the point.

Things leading up to and contributing to secession, none of which I'm either defending or condemning, are not reasons why the war was fought. Had the South not seceded and the law was finally passed outlawing the practice of slavery, and the South refused to oblige, and the feds waged war in order to enforce the law....then I would agree wholeheartedly that the war was fought over slavery, that is, to end it. OR, even if they had seceded and a law was passed and Lincoln just decided it should end everywhere, I would agree that the war was fought over slavery. But that ain't how it happened.
I'm not reading a dissertation. WHAT ELSE would the states fight about in 1861 if there was no slavery?
I'm not reading a dissertation. WHAT ELSE would the states fight about in 1861 if there was no slavery?
F you man. No one said there was no slavery, you disingenuous copout. 'Not reading dissertations' is a piss poor excuse for not admitting you're wrong. Man up and say it. pussy. Regain a little respect. I'm right and you know it..
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I've been wondering who the Dems should try to run other than Biden for this election. Interestingly we're probably going to see a VP that might've been the person many people would've landed on. I kinda lean toward Shapiro (instead of Harris), still unsure though. And we'll obviously be able to see how well they stack in this role compared to Harris.
I don't know anything about Shapiro, but I said earlier that rejecting Harris was a problem in and of itself, because that would be tantamount to admitting to having poor judgement in making a poor choice for VP in the last election. The VP is supposed to be someone who could step right in and fare very well. I think they were just stuck with her, all things considered....and of course the propaganda machine is already churning out how lucky we are to have her running for prez.
F you man. No one said there was no slavery, you disingenuous copout. 'Not reading dissertations' is a piss poor excuse for not admitting you're wrong. Man up and say it. pussy. Regain a little respect. I'm right and you know it..
No slavery, no civil war... period. It boils-down to the truth-- slavery caused the war , slavery is what the Southern states seceded to preserve and perpetuate, and chattel slavery is what the southern states lost.
To @blazers point... if Harris picks a home-run running mate, that COULD salvage the Democrats fvck-ups of the last 30-40 days. But, stop trying to demonize Donald Trump. God recently moved Trump's head to spare his life. Tell them what you have to offer, don't try to convince people that fvcking porn stars is a crime.

They can’t help themselves. Many Trump supporters will gladly tell you they don’t give a shit about anything he says or does but some people still feel the need to try and make them care.

They wouldn’t listen to Fox News or any one else in Republican leadership when they’ve gone after Trump. But these people think they’re going to change their minds on a fukkin message board.
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They can’t help themselves. Many Trump supporters will gladly tell you they don’t give a shit about anything he says or does but some people still feel the need to try and make them care.

They wouldn’t listen to Fox News or any one else in Republican leadership when they’ve gone after Trump. But these people think they’re going to change their minds on a fukkin message board.
I don't think anyone changes anyone else's mind. A person changes that all on their own. If they've attached their identity to the thing, they don't have the capacity to change their own mind.

When DJT said "I could shoot somebody and not lose any voters"... he was absolutely right. In fact, to be so right about that, from WAY BACK, it's makes me pause now. I don't think the man has an IQ above 105. He's not a deep thinker, not introspective, no empathy, very transactional. He tries to hide his misanthropic tendencies, but they shine bright. But, that was a bold statement and it has proven to be true. There is NO BOTTOM. In 100 years, this will be a whole chapter in history books!
has anyone thought about him not needing a stitch or two on that ear?
I dunno how much the bullet mangled the flesh. There was a lot of blood. If it tore away flesh, I would think they'd have to stitch-up what was left. I dunno.
Well, TOS has decided on August 5, they will close their ZZL Politics board. Buncha libs crying their eyes out over there. Wonder if BillyL will return?

That board was a shitfest moderated by libs that would ban you for saying anything bad about Libs. Anytime a poster disagreed with one of their big lib talkers, you'd get banned and would ban your IP address. You couldnt post on any teams board. That's how over the top they were.

I say Fuggem and dont let their assess over here.
I can't remember the poster's exact name, who became trans and stopped posting here (but still listens in I think) but it was something like carolinablue34 maybe.

I used to tell him/her that I have nothing against any individual who wants to be or has transformed to be something other than a normal sexual being, but that I couldn't go along with promoting those styles, especially when children are involved..

Once again I present Bill Maher, this time putting himself at a distance again from the woke crowd and making my point in the process although possibly not exactly.

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Well, TOS has decided on August 5, they will close their ZZL Politics board. Buncha libs crying their eyes out over there. Wonder if BillyL will return?

That board was a shitfest moderated by libs that would ban you for saying anything bad about Libs. Anytime a poster disagreed with one of their big lib talkers, you'd get banned and would ban your IP address. You couldnt post on any teams board. That's how over the top they were.

I say Fuggem and dont let their assess over here.

This warms my heart.
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Well, TOS has decided on August 5, they will close their ZZL Politics board.
I went over for a look-see to satisfy my curiosity. My favorites were the banned posters threads, both new and old. My favorite among those was the poor sap banned for posting in a faux Chinese/Asian syntax in a mocking manner.

I don't think any of the regulars here would have lasted very long on that vanilla board. May it rest in peace.
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No slavery, no civil war... period. It boils-down to the truth-- slavery caused the war , slavery is what the Southern states seceded to preserve and perpetuate, and chattel slavery is what the southern states lost.
I guess it's just me, but I would much rather admit I'm wrong than to exhibit the level of mindlessness you do in order to keep from admitting you've been schooled.
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I guess it's just me, but I would much rather admit I'm wrong than to exhibit the level of mindlessness you do in order to keep from admitting you've been schooled.

History agrees with me. But you do have the United Daughters of the Confederacy on your side! Go and knit some socks for Stonewall's brigade. They're all dead, but you could still use them as gloves when you're typing on here!
Shapiro will help.

Cooper? I doubt it. It would be cool to see the guy from my hometown, and went to the same high school and college as I did, be VP.
That last part is reason enough to disqualify Cooper, even if I didn’t already dislike him.
I went over for a look-see to satisfy my curiosity. My favorites were the banned posters threads, both new and old. My favorite among those was the poor sap banned for posting in a faux Chinese/Asian syntax in a mocking manner.

I don't think any of the regulars here would have lasted very long on that vanilla board. May it rest in peace.
Impossible to express a Conservative POV on that board without being attacked by 99% of the posters. Our Squad members would love it there. Woke, whiny socialists.

History agrees with me. But you do have the United Daughters of the Confederacy on your side! Go and knit some socks for Stonewall's brigade. They're all dead, but you could still use them as gloves when you're typing on here!
lol, history agrees with you? Recent history agrees with me that you're FOS and the most dedicated virtue-signaler I've ever know. Imagine some more dragons to slay (Confederate ones are especially fierce) and you can be our imaginary hero.
They can’t help themselves. Many Trump supporters will gladly tell you they don’t give a shit about anything he says or does but some people still feel the need to try and make them care.

They wouldn’t listen to Fox News or any one else in Republican leadership when they’ve gone after Trump. But these people think they’re going to change their minds on a fukkin message board.
"Many Trump supporters will gladly tell you they don’t give a shit about anything he says or does"

that would be anything he (or Biden, for that matter) says or does when not acting in the capacity of president. That's the opposite of most dem voters, who don't seem to care what their president says or does while acting IN that capacity.
Well, TOS has decided on August 5, they will close their ZZL Politics board. Buncha libs crying their eyes out over there. Wonder if BillyL will return?

That board was a shitfest moderated by libs that would ban you for saying anything bad about Libs. Anytime a poster disagreed with one of their big lib talkers, you'd get banned and would ban your IP address. You couldnt post on any teams board. That's how over the top they were.

I say Fuggem and dont let their assess over here.
Billy has a ban, so he can't come back unless something has changed. Hopefully the others stay away, but if they figure out there is a free politics thread they might come here unfortunately.
I don't have a list of all the names. I do know of 5 (4 boys and 1 girl) people in my own family that are now able to vote (could not vote in 2016 or 20), and they're all voting for Trump. I feel quite confident that he hasn't lost any voters, and I know he has added some. I don't think his base is shrinking.
You may be right, we will just have to wait and see.
lol. If the Dems don’t have BLM, who do they have?

I'd be okay with this process change but only as long as the process could be executed extremely quickly. But they're wrong when they say "DNC Party elites and billionaire donors bullied Joe Biden out of the race". Polls (the people) bullied him out of the race. The DNC Party elites and billionaires were just as clueless as you in terms of who best to replace Biden.

Harris raised a ton a money from first-time donators though, she's clearly popular at a grassroots level. I'm not sure if that is a sign of a pressure-valve being released at the right time or people understanding the power of the "war chest" or her just seeming like the better known choice compared to all the governors who could run.

It is still an open process though, anybody can run, they just need to get a threshold of delegates to help them get onto the actual ballot. Nobody is stepping fwd though cuz Harris has blown-up.

ETA: If we're changing process for the sake of true representation let's talk about the Electoral College.
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I know Trump supporters are going to disagree, but I feel like turnout is going to be low, at least compared to the last two elections. Nobody's getting excited about voting for Harris and I don't think the anti Harris crowd will be as motivated as the anti Biden crowd.
I know Trump supporters are going to disagree, but I feel like turnout is going to be low, at least compared to the last two elections. Nobody's getting excited about voting for Harris and I don't think the anti Harris crowd will be as motivated as the anti Biden crowd.
Imo she resets the election to pre debate status which favored trump slightly in battleground states. She might energize their base to get better turnout than biden would have