OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I know Trump supporters are going to disagree, but I feel like turnout is going to be low, at least compared to the last two elections. Nobody's getting excited about voting for Harris and I don't think the anti Harris crowd will be as motivated as the anti Biden crowd.
Dems weren't excited about Biden IMO. Nobody I know was rah-rah about Biden... he was just a generic, anybody-but-trump who slid in as a default. There could be a few old timers who voted Biden who are little racist and/or sexist, but that could be offset by an increase in Black voters. I contend the record turnout was anti-trump as opposed to pro-<insert anyone caring about progress in education, environment, economy, healthcare>, and Trump is still there.
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I'm linking the video of our president's first public app0earance since he contracted COVID. Somehow, I don't think such a recovery and coming out of it should have made him stronger and more energetic. Yet, here is CNN's video of him getting onto AF1. Notice how quickly he ascends the steps without any pause or problem. And speaking of steps, notice that these appear to be the normal, tall set of many steps most presidents normally use, not the short set he has been using for months to avoid his fall issues.

Now, I'm not claiming that this is a body double like many out there would suggest. I just am asking if anyone has any thoughts on this sudden post covid vigor and any explanation. Did "they" want him to fall perhaps? Even if I do have issues with the inconsistency of the positions, from an electability standpoint, I think it is in Trump's favor if Kamala stays as VP and Joe finishes his term. I don't think it helps Orange to make her President Cackler.
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I'm linking the video of our president's first public app0earance since he contracted COVID. Somehow, I don't think such a recovery and coming out of it should have made him stronger and more energetic. Yet, here is CNN's video of him getting onto AF1. Notice how quickly he ascends the steps without any pause or problem. And speaking of steps, notice that these appear to be the normal, tall set of many steps most presidents normally use, not the short set he has been using for months to avoid his fall issues.

Now, I'm not claiming that this is a body double like many out there would suggest. I just am asking if anyone has any thoughts on this sudden post covid vigor and any explanation. Did "they" want him to fall perhaps? Even if I do have issues with the inconsistency of the positions, from an electability standpoint, I think it is in Trump's favor if Kamala stays as VP and Joe finishes his term. I don't think it helps Orange to make her President Cackler.
I don't see the steps, but thanks for that ANALysis. They obviously traded the SOTU address drugs for HGH. Would you say his gait is more akin to Bill Gates or Usain Bolt?
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I'd be okay with this process change but only as long as the process could be executed extremely quickly. But they're wrong when they say "DNC Party elites and billionaire donors bullied Joe Biden out of the race". Polls (the people) bullied him out of the race. The DNC Party elites and billionaires were just as clueless as you in terms of who best to replace Biden.

Harris raised a ton a money from first-time donators though, she's clearly popular at a grassroots level. I'm not sure if that is a sign of a pressure-valve being released at the right time or people understanding the power of the "war chest" or her just seeming like the better known choice compared to all the governors who could run.

It is still an open process though, anybody can run, they just need to get a threshold of delegates to help them get onto the actual ballot. Nobody is stepping fwd though cuz Harris has blown-up.

ETA: If we're changing process for the sake of true representation let's talk about the Electoral College.

No, no. You're taking my comment to mean I care. I don't. I'm simply highlighting that BLM has become annoyed and looks to be turning their back on the Dems. It's couples with all the other demographics that were once a safe bloc for the Dems waking up to the fact the Dems don't care about them. All the money in the world that kamala raised from miserable single white cat women won't save her. Trump is going to win by a lot.
I'm linking the video of our president's first public app0earance since he contracted COVID. Somehow, I don't think such a recovery and coming out of it should have made him stronger and more energetic. Yet, here is CNN's video of him getting onto AF1. Notice how quickly he ascends the steps without any pause or problem. And speaking of steps, notice that these appear to be the normal, tall set of many steps most presidents normally use, not the short set he has been using for months to avoid his fall issues.

Now, I'm not claiming that this is a body double like many out there would suggest. I just am asking if anyone has any thoughts on this sudden post covid vigor and any explanation. Did "they" want him to fall perhaps? Even if I do have issues with the inconsistency of the positions, from an electability standpoint, I think it is in Trump's favor if Kamala stays as VP and Joe finishes his term. I don't think it helps Orange to make her President Cackler.
It's obviously the illuminati using their cloning technology.
Adding JD Vance didn't help. Both candidates need to focus on the swing states' undecideds (however many of those there actually are) and the Vance pick kinda ignored that.

If he loses you could look at that action as detrimental.
Agreed. I think this was Trump just spiking the football knowing he was going to be going up against Biden or Harris. He thinks he'll crush either of them, regardless of VP pick, and I agree with him there.
To @blazers point... if Harris picks a home-run running mate, that COULD salvage the Democrats fvck-ups of the last 30-40 days. But, stop trying to demonize Donald Trump. God recently moved Trump's head to spare his life. Tell them what you have to offer, don't try to convince people that fvcking porn stars is a crime.
I don't feel like who the VP is drives much, so I'm not sure how much opportunity there is to salvage the situation for the Democrats. If she were to pick Mark Kelly, I think the order of who would be the best president of the 4 would be: Kelly > Trump > Vance > Harris. But the vote isn't for Kelly to be president, its Trump vs. Harris, so I would still be voting for Trump in that scenario. I think most people think like that.
They like making money year round, as do the bettors betting on it. They have lines on football games on the board already. The odds of those won't change much in the next couple months either.
What are you talking about, the next couple of months? Games begin in just over a month so naturally odds are up for those contests, but try to get the spread on the UNC-FSU game on November 2. And odds change all the time leading up to a game, even if only by a 1/2 point or so. That 1/2 point or so has made the difference in winners and losers for some.
lol, history agrees with you? Recent history agrees with me that you're FOS and the most dedicated virtue-signaler I've ever know. Imagine some more dragons to slay (Confederate ones are especially fierce) and you can be our imaginary hero.
Recent history laughs at your antiquated, imaginary Lost Cause bullshit. Truth be told, 19th century history laughs at you as well. All the evidence of why it happened is screaming at any objective mind.
Gravy train! They know how to protect each other's best interest.
GOP seems to be more of an offender at the moment.

Same reporter: "Senate panel approves bill banning lawmakers, potus/vp from trading individual stocks - 3 Rs joined all Ds on Homeland sec/govt affairs committee - Romney effort to allow incoming lawmakers/potus/vp to keep previously held stocks/assets defeated."
GOP seems to be more of an offender at the moment.

Same reporter: "Senate panel approves bill banning lawmakers, potus/vp from trading individual stocks - 3 Rs joined all Ds on Homeland sec/govt affairs committee - Romney effort to allow incoming lawmakers/potus/vp to keep previously held stocks/assets defeated."
C'mon, man! At the moment??? Nancy Pelosi is a fvckin' billionaire from insider trading. The tiny handful that actually see their jobs as civil servants has nothing to do with their party affiliation.
We can't have nice things. Is there any non-congress American who doesn't want this ban?

Today this:

1 - I need someone to explain to me how this impacts Trump's election chances.

2 - Who is this nobody? She made the poast on Twitter at 10:45 am today and not a single reaction to it.

3 - Does it not concern you the lengths that establishment politicians are going to to hurt Trump? Does that not raise an eyebrow for you?
What are you talking about, the next couple of months? Games begin in just over a month so naturally odds are up for those contests, but try to get the spread on the UNC-FSU game on November 2. And odds change all the time leading up to a game, even if only by a 1/2 point or so. That 1/2 point or so has made the difference in winners and losers for some.
If you're insinuating that Harris won't be as big of an underdog a week before the election as she is now and you think she'll win - why don't you go bet it now? Afterwards, poast your ticket here.
C'mon, man! At the moment??? Nancy Pelosi is a fvckin' billionaire from insider trading. The tiny handful that actually see their jobs as civil servants has nothing to do with their party affiliation.
Bosides have done insider trading.

There's finally a bill that might help, and more DEMS are approving it than MAGA/GOP. That's just a fact.
There’s literally a website that tracks Pelosi’s investments so others can ride along.
Dem Brian Higgins is who you want recently, but the next top three returns come from Repubs.
Bosides have done insider trading.

There's finally a bill that might help, and more DEMS are approving it than MAGA/GOP. That's just a fact.
Well...okay. So, "more democrats" supposedly approve. Did you ever think that MAYBE that's done intentionally? They KNOW it will never pass! They KNOW their meal ticket is safe for perpetuity. But, HEY! Let's get some grandstanding, appearance points in the "us vs. them" show. Hell, the whole damn bunch could be complicit with that. "You guys pretend to be better than us for this one, okay?" Then, they all vote to increase their pay, their longevity, and their retirement benefits.
Recent history laughs at your antiquated, imaginary Lost Cause bullshit. Truth be told, 19th century history laughs at you as well. All the evidence of why it happened is screaming at any objective mind.
lol, you wouldn't know an objective mind even when one is kicking your ass. When an argument comes down to accusations of 'lost cause' and in the same sentence you mention 'antiquated', you know any objectivity has been tossed out the window by if there was any objectivity in your virtue-signaling bullshit to begin with. Now get back to work freeing those slaves, Antiquated Emancipation Man. Use that virtue-signaling superpower. And say hi to Toby...I mean Kunta...for me.
lol, you wouldn't know an objective mind even when one is kicking your ass. When an argument comes down to accusations of 'lost cause' and in the same sentence you mention 'antiquated', you know any objectivity has been tossed out the window by if there was any objectivity in your virtue-signaling bullshit to begin with. Now get back to work freeing those slaves, Antiquated Emancipation Man. Use that virtue-signaling superpower. And say hi to Toby...I mean Kunta...for me.
Let me know when you find any other reason for the Civil War that isn't linked to chattel slavery and the profits made from it. There are none.
1 - I need someone to explain to me how this impacts Trump's election chances.
Romney doesn't support it the bill. He wasn't commenting on election chances, rather his ability to become Pres given the divesting that would be required of Trump (sellling Truth Social stock, all that).
2 - Who is this nobody? She made the poast on Twitter at 10:45 am today and not a single reaction to it.
Reporter on congressional stuff... probably sitting in on this meeting:

3 - Does it not concern you the lengths that establishment politicians are going to to hurt Trump? Does that not raise an eyebrow for you?
a) define establishment, b) this is about congress and all presidents, not just pres Trump. You talk about "establishment", so you should be begging for bills that penalize corrupt trading practices.
Romney doesn't support it the bill. I suspect he wasn't commenting on election chances, rather his ability to become Pres given the divesting that would be required of Trump.

Reporter on congressional stuff... probably sitting in on this meeting:

a) define establishment, b) this is about congress and all presidents, not just pres Trump. You talk about "establishment", so you should be begging for bills that penalize corrupt trading practices.

I'm not at all opposed to this bill, if it indeed does what it says it does and has nothing hidden in it, which if I know Democrats like I think I do, it has plenty of hidden shit. Maybe another zillion dollars committed to Ukraine or some other war that hasn't even started yet. But sure, a stand alone bill that will cut down on insider trading, I'm all for it.

As for who is the establishment, if you've been in politics longer in your life than a real job in the private sector, you're part of the establishment. That's not the only definition but we'll start there.
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Let me know when you find any other reason for the Civil War that isn't linked to chattel slavery and the profits made from it. There are none.
oh OK, now it's slavery is 'linked' to the Civil War. That's more like it, because I never said it wasn't linked. But of course, we were arguing why the war was prosecuted, which was to preserve the Union. Do you want to make a list of things 'linked' to the Civil War? I already did but we can expand on it. It will be a very long list.
Romney doesn't support it the bill. He wasn't commenting on election chances, rather his ability to become Pres given the divesting that would be required of Trump (sellling Truth Social stock, all that).

Reporter on congressional stuff... probably sitting in on this meeting:

a) define establishment, b) this is about congress and all presidents, not just pres Trump. You talk about "establishment", so you should be begging for bills that penalize corrupt trading practices.
It's beneficial that we get to see these meetings- assuming they don't have other meetings that we don't see- and we can also hear the rhetoric. Whether or not one chooses to believe the theater is another thing altogether.
oh OK, now it's slavery is 'linked' to the Civil War. That's more like it, because I never said it wasn't linked. But of course, we were arguing why the war was prosecuted, which was to preserve the Union. Do you want to make a list of things 'linked' to the Civil War? I already did but we can expand on it. It will be a very long list.
Make a list of things NOT LINKED to the profits from chattel slavery. If chattel slavery is abolished, or doesn't exist, then there is no civil war in the 1860s. Involvement or participation can be told with every story of every person living at that time, that was affected by it. Soldiers in battle are fighting for their lives and their comrade's lives. They give less-than-a-shit about a constitution when bullets and artillery fragments are flying around, ripping bodies into piles of blood.

However, they never find themselves in a uniform, in the military with families concerned over them, if the people in power aren't worried about losing their property. Their property, in the 19th century was human beings. The value of African-descent slaves in the 1850s was worth vastly more than ALL of the other assets (real estate, commodities of any kind, everything) in the entire country combined. There was more wealth in the Mississippi Valley, in 1860, than the ENTIRE COUNTRY combined. That's not a coincidence. That's where the highest concentration of chattel slavery existed. The legislation from 1787-1860 is paved with slavery appeasement.
If you're insinuating that Harris won't be as big of an underdog a week before the election as she is now and you think she'll win - why don't you go bet it now? Afterwards, poast your ticket here.
I'm not insinuating anything but a lot can happen over the course of 3+ months, both in politics and in sports. Is it safe to assume you've bet the farm on Trump? Let's see your ticket.
I'm not insinuating anything but a lot can happen over the course of 3+ months, both in politics and in sports. Is it safe to assume you've bet the farm on Trump? Let's see your ticket.

This reads a lot like an admission you don't feel comfortable making that bet.

You're treading waters beyond your depth right now. This is @Hark_The_Sound_2010 's milieu.
I'm not insinuating anything but a lot can happen over the course of 3+ months, both in politics and in sports. Is it safe to assume you've bet the farm on Trump? Let's see your ticket.
I have not bet on Trump. Although I obviously wish I did when he was an underdog back when the current administration was still successfully hiding Biden's cognitive disfunction. If I had, I could either lock in some nice arbitrage profit or ride a +EV ticket to the wire.

I think the current odds of Trump -215 (implied win probability of ~70%) is probably about right, so I won't be betting it now either as there's no edge. I generally refrain from betting on such huge favorites in general. I doubt those odds will slide back towards Harris, but if they do, I'd consider jumping on it then.
I have not bet on Trump. Although I obviously wish I did when he was an underdog back when the current administration was still successfully hiding Biden's cognitive disfunction. If I had, I could either lock in some nice arbitrage profit or ride a +EV ticket to the wire.

I think the current odds of Trump -215 (implied win probability of ~70%) is probably about right, so I won't be betting it now either as there's no edge. I generally refrain from betting on such huge favorites in general. I doubt those odds will slide back towards Harris, but if they do, I'd consider jumping on it then.
what about the dude with the "keys", who has predicted the elections correctly for 40 years... any stock in that guy?
I have not bet on Trump. Although I obviously wish I did when he was an underdog back when the current administration was still successfully hiding Biden's cognitive disfunction. If I had, I could either lock in some nice arbitrage profit or ride a +EV ticket to the wire.

I think the current odds of Trump -215 (implied win probability of ~70%) is probably about right, so I won't be betting it now either as there's no edge. I generally refrain from betting on such huge favorites in general. I doubt those odds will slide back towards Harris, but if they do, I'd consider jumping on it then.
What did those odds say back when you and I made our bet?
Didn't he predict a Biden win? Looks like that streak is broken.
No, he hadn't/hasn't made a prediction. I was wondering if that will factor in the "vegas line." Other things have to happen before he makes a prediction. Harris isn't the official nominee, yet. Apparently, the incumbency is a big deal. I don't think Biden, with the way he has degenerated, was going to win, however.

A buddy of mine, who hoards dry food and ammo for the Apocalypse, said that "they" are going to let Trump win and then tank the whole economy like never before. I put in an order for some food. X^D
This reads a lot like an admission you don't feel comfortable making that bet.
First of all, I rarely gamble and I'm talking about athletics. I don't gamble at all on politics. You could say it's not my milieu. I only bet with UNC71-00 four years ago to get him off my back. I asked that my winnings be donated to St. Jude's Children Hospital, but unfortunately the kids never received their money.

To answer your question, no, I don't have a whole lot of faith in Kamala Harris. How can I when I've never really liked the woman? She has an annoying voice, second only to RFK Jr., and her saccharine demeanor is enough to make us all diabetic. However, I would take ten of her over one Donald Trump in the White House any day.

I have not bet on Trump.
Then STFU.
No, he hadn't/hasn't made a prediction. I was wondering if that will factor in the "vegas line." Other things have to happen before he makes a prediction. Harris isn't the official nominee, yet. Apparently, the incumbency is a big deal. I don't think Biden, with the way he has degenerated, was going to win, however.

A buddy of mine, who hoards dry food and ammo for the Apocalypse, said that "they" are going to let Trump win and then tank the whole economy like never before. I put in an order for some food. X^D

It’s probably gotta get worse before it can get better.

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