OOTB's Political Thread . ..

The schedule F stuff could easily happen. Our system I think is more fragile than people think. Heck there were lots of folks in power who though delaying Presidential Certification on Jan 6 could lend to fake electors making ulimate decisions.

Go read it. There are very specific steps for increasing executive branch power, firing civil servants who aren't "loyal", more control over DOJ, etc. It endorses usage of the Insurrection Act. Congress would still be there, but their "balance" and power would be weakened.
I'm sure DJT knows nothing about any of that.
The schedule F stuff could easily happen. Our system I think is more fragile than people think. Heck there were lots of folks in power who though delaying Presidential Certification on Jan 6 could lend to fake electors making ulimate decisions.

Go read it. There are very specific steps for increasing executive branch power, firing civil servants who aren't "loyal", more control over DOJ, etc. It endorses usage of the Insurrection Act. Congress would still be there, but their "balance" and power would be weakened.

But "civil servants", which used to be based on meritocracy are no longer that. You can thank the implementation of DEI for the attacks on civil servants. Plus, they are largely wasteful and inefficient positions. Have you been to a post office recently? Why are UPS and Fed Ex so much more reliable and efficient? I'd guess roughly 50% of civil servants could be fired and those positions not filled and we wouldn't skip a beat. That's assuming we kept the ones that know how to work and got rid of the inefficient ones that are simply riding the government for a cake job.

As to the rest of your poast, it sounds as if your handwringing over things that are very, very, very, very, very, very, very unlikely to come to fruition. I won't stop you. If you want to meltdown over the incredibly remote chance of those things happening, that's your choice. You'll be exactly what I thought of you.
I'm sure DJT knows nothing about any of that.

He must be an evil genius. But I thought everybody said he was an idiot. I can't keep straight all the complaints about Big Orange. It's amazing what the dumbest President we've ever had is able to accomplish.
it's a laugh track when it's re-run and not live, you incredible idiot. It's a laugh track to whoever is listening in that circumstance.
It's called canned laughter for a reason and it is the antithesis of laughter from an audience no matter if you're hearing it live or as a recording. You're wrong and I'm right, especially the part where I called you a moron.

Sometimes I actually feel sorry for you, drowning in your own stupidity without a life preserver in sight.
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He must be an evil genius. But I thought everybody said he was an idiot. I can't keep straight all the complaints about Big Orange. It's amazing what the dumbest President we've ever had is able to accomplish.
Well... he's human. He appears to be sentient, right? A sociopath still has a memory, and a famous one, like him, obviously has an agenda. He's not an intellectual. You love that about him. He thinks he's a tremendous intellectual. He's easy to read... it's See-Spot-Run-level stuff. He understands self-preservation, like anyone else. There's nothing complicated about Donald Trump. You don't have to be Sam Harris to know that having loyal subjects is in your best interest.
Well... he's human. He appears to be sentient, right? A sociopath still has a memory, and a famous one, like him, obviously has an agenda. He's not an intellectual. You love that about him. He thinks he's a tremendous intellectual. He's easy to read... it's See-Spot-Run-level stuff. He understands self-preservation, like anyone else. There's nothing complicated about Donald Trump. You don't have to be Sam Harris to know that having loyal subjects is in your best interest.

So any idiot can just take over a country and “end democracy”? Is that what you’re saying?

I’m mesmerized that it took 250 years for us to get the right moron to do it.

As for what I love about him, it’s your poast. Not just this one, all of them. You hate him. You’re scared of what he might do. But don’t personalize it. It’s not just you. You’re run of the mill. There are millions of you around, poasting on social media and message boards, melting down at the prospects of democracy ending. That’s, precisely what I love about him - his mind control over people like you.
I appreciate the answers. I really do. If I may:

I put these two together because you acknowledge the likelihood of either happening is remote. So why the consternation? Have you read policy suggestions from those on the left that are equally or more radical than those proposed in P2025? If so, I haven't seen any comments you have made on those.
Well I’ve condemned antifa and BLM in here. Maybe they aren’t policies per se but I think they represent radical thinking on the left
Not sure I understand this comment. Are you saying the right has a lack of interest in renewable energy and that bothers you? This is probably better suited for a bigger and more specific discussion at some point but just as a frame of reference, the US has enough oil for America's current consumption for approximately 50 years. That's if we don't drill and produce any more at all which of course would never be the case. If we continue to drill at the rate we have, you're talking about a potential problem hundreds of years from now. Do you really care what happens a couple hundred years from now? Let's assume you do. Do you care enough about what happens a couple hundred years from now that you're willing for it to impact the way we live in present day? I get caring a little. Or saying you care so you don't look like a dick. But do you care if it puts a financial hardship on those today? I just can't.
I’m skeptical. Are you talking about the emergency oil reserves? Why is it that the slightest disruption in drilling triggers total panic? I guess everyone is worried about 50 yrs from now?
There are two ways to realize more money - increase revenue or decrease expenses. I can't for the life of me ever understand why anyone or any group would prefer the former to the latter, especially when we continuously see the wasteful spending by the feds.
I’m experiencing some financial hardship due to biden-nomics. In response im gonna work less but be more careful in my spending. I hate working anyway.
Is that for everything or just abortion? How about education? Should families get to decide where their kids go to school? You'll say yes, and make some comment about "if they are willing to pay for it themselves". But we give tax payer money to Planned Parenthood ("IT'S NOT FOR ABORTIONS, IT'S FOR OTHER STUFF"...that frees up other money to go towards abortions. It's the same things as tax payer money going towards abortions). So with that in mind, why is there such pushback from the left on school choice. Those families should get a check of what it cost for their child to be educated in public schools to pay for the private schooling they want for their child. Otherwise, it's the government getting the fuk in people's business.
I said “on this issue”. I don’t have an opinion on school choice.
I get that. I like examining the cost/benefit aspect of things. As you admit, at best, it slows certain types of immigration. I agree. In addition, would a wall not send a pretty strong statement? Is your contention that just as many migrants would attempt to come if we made a big deal worldwide of having a wall. Would it not change the narrative? Would it not serve as a deterrent? Even a little bit?
Not enough to justify the cost imo
I disagree that it's a symbol of Trump's arrogance. I see it as a symbol of we are a nation of laws and rules and we expect those coming here to follow them. It's a symbol of at least trying to fix a known problem. Isn't that a symbol everyone should get behind?
imo the bi partisan bill shot down by trump would do a lot more. It was far from perfect, but as opposed to symbolizing trying to do something it actually would have done something.
And I'll admit that my electrified wall can come off as a joke. I assure you, it isn't one. The wall itself would be a warning to people - "Do Not Come". That's the only warning they deserve. The electricity would be the consequences of not heeding the warning.
It would certainly be a warning to use the legal ports of entry. Which most immigrants are already doing. I would put it to you that enforcing the laws already on the books, doing away with “sanctuaries”, and banning the employment of illegals would cost less and do more than a wall. Maybe not, but definitely worth a try. Not to mention once again what might have been with the bill already agreed upon by both parties but was shot down by trump. I’ll give you this though, actually get Mexico to pay for it as was promised when it was proposed and I’m on board. Deal?
So any idiot can just take over a country and “end democracy”? Is that what you’re saying?

I’m mesmerized that it took 250 years for us to get the right moron to do it.
It takes more than one person to "take over" a country. He needs loyal subjects to do that. It helps to be a charismatic demagogue... a celebrity. It certainly requires more than just the idiot, by themselves. He's not acting alone, at this point. He has a large cult behind him. And, then there are the stragglers that enjoy some kind of retribution through his ineptitude and asshole attitude.
friendly tip. If you're trying to be funny, you should go back to posting George Carlin clips.

And I'm sorry a decent vocabulary always seems to threaten you. Did Robert E. Lee or Jeff Davis have a good vocabulary, is that why big words scare you?
I'm not trying to be funny. I'm the most tremendously funny person I know.

What I find most interesting about this exchange is how it is more important... it's absolutely vital... for you to try and frame me as "virtue-signaling", than it is to acknowledge, or agree with, the influence that chattel slavery had on this country-historically and culturally. You will allow yourself to come closer to defending prejudice, white supremacy and owning human beings because agreeing with "a lib" is a fate worse than death. And, you're wasting it on someone who isn't even "liberal."
It takes more than one person to "take over" a country. He needs loyal subjects to do that. It helps to be a charismatic demagogue... a celebrity. It certainly requires more than just the idiot, by themselves. He's not acting alone, at this point. He has a large cult behind him. And, then there are the stragglers that enjoy some kind of retribution through his ineptitude and asshole attitude.

So the Trump team? How do they measure up against the deep state? Can they hold their own? Who would be favored in a potential match up?
I gotta admit that Donald Trump has provided some of the funniest mocking material in my lifetime.

I guess if you watch this, the laughter you hear is not really laughter, because it's not happening live. is that right @bluetoe

But, sheezus, this shit is funny!

good call.

As for me, my blunt and abrasive style is based on my lack of tolerance for purposeful bullshit. I'm sure most think it's a fault of mine to be so rude and boorish, but I believe it's a virtue to slam the door on it instead of respecting that which deserves no respect..

Thank you for your service
I'm sure DJT knows nothing about any of that.
Trump is showing signs of dementia, he might be forgetting things. OR he's just lying his ass off, as usual.

But if people don't "scratch his back" or kiss his ass enough, he'll reject them and ridicule them. So 2025 needs to earn their keep. He's a wild-card. CNN could start out-flattering Fox & Friends and Trump might change his tune 180.
I think I see the problem, now. You have created sort of an alternate, euphemistic awareness for yourself, when you're just fvcking wrong about shit. If it works for you, that's fine, I guess. You found a way to sear your conscience. Congratulations! You should run for elected office!
lol, an alternate euphamistic awareness? I'm not the one who engages with Alice in Wonderland for affirmation or creates imaginary enemies to tilt against to try to find some self-esteem or retreats into complete nonsense when you find you have painted yourself into a corner.

Instead of spewing pointless psycho-babble about the messenger or the subject, has it ever occurred to you to explain what you think is incorrect about the message you think you're trashing? Of course not. All we get is 'no slavery no war'.

So tell me this a laugh track or is it simply recorded laughter that is being replayed here? You moron, there is no difference. It's laughter that signifies to the dull that they should find something funny.
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I guess if you watch this, the laughter you hear is not really laughter, because it's not happening live. is that right @bluetoe
it's not laughter? Is that what Alice told you? Because I said nothing like that. I want to believe you when you say you don't do drugs, but if you really don't I can't help but think maybe you'd be less of a fruitcake if you did.
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I'm not trying to be funny. I'm the most tremendously funny person I know.

What I find most interesting about this exchange is how it is more important... it's absolutely vital... for you to try and frame me as "virtue-signaling", than it is to acknowledge, or agree with, the influence that chattel slavery had on this country-historically and culturally. You will allow yourself to come closer to defending prejudice, white supremacy and owning human beings because agreeing with "a lib" is a fate worse than death. And, you're wasting it on someone who isn't even "liberal."
If I agree on the matter at hand, I'll agree with any liberal who isn't espousing your kind of nonsense, and who isn't turning every argument into an opportunity to virtue-signal your way out of failure to make a point.. All I've done in this exchange is put forth an argument based on facts, and you, as you always end up doing, try to turn it into accusing me or whoever of something that you need to defend against. You are absolutely psychotic in that regard.

In this example, I have said nothing to show support or opposition to anything. I have just tried to explain why the CW was actually fought. Next thing you know you're spitting out daughters of the confederacy socks Stonewll Jackson type stupidity, and I'm just sad that slavery is over and lost in a lost cause kind of absolute bullshit, as if you still need to end slavery single-handedly. But you say I'm the one who is 'allowing myself to come closer to defending prejudice blah blah blah'. YOU are the one creating in your mind a scenario where something needs to be defended against me. It's make believe. What I am not going to allow is for myself to get drawn into your craziness by railing against something that I've had no criticism of, just to give you some warm and fuzzies.

Dude you're the prejudiced one and yes, you are unquestionable a virtue-signalling psycho.
It's like Prohibition x 100... and Prohibition worked so well. Almost as well as the War On Drugs.

Are these white conservatives with Bibles ready to impose mandatory adoptions for all of the babies that are coming?
one thing at a time, we've got a flood of illegals to place first. But what a good thought, don't go to the trouble of finding homes for babies, just kill them. Why wouldn't that work with illegals as well?

Of course, the better option would be to prevent them in the first place. Illegals AND babies, I mean.
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one thing at a time, we've got a flood of illegals to place first. But what a good thought, don't go to the trouble of finding homes for babies, just kill them. Why wouldn't that work with illegals as well?

Of course, the better option would be to prevent them in the first place. Illegals AND babies, I mean.
How many have you adopted?
Do you believe this really would or could happen? Or are you just highlighting this to take a shot at the hypocrisy of those on the right? If it's the latter, I won't begrudge you that. But I'd have a hard time believing that you really believe that porn could or would be banned. Get real.
this seems a good opportunity to address the nuttiness of today's social environment. In the past, if I ran across something on youtube that suggested some level of NSFW, even just a little, I expected to have to sign in as a means of verifying age (I think). A little annoyance and I'd usually pass just because I couldn't remember the sign-in, but I applauded the reasoning.

But sometimes a sign-in wouldn't be required for some supposedly NSFW stuff and I tried to make sense of what they were trying to achieve with the inconsistency.

So all of a sudden about two weeks ago, I'm browsing youtube and up pops something they call 'transparent haul' or something like that, the 'haul' being a parcel of clothing that has been obtained for the purpose of trying on and modeling. I'd seen something like that before, maybe a tad risque at times but no big deal. But these gals were blatantly NAKED for all intents and purposes, and no sign-in required. And when I say naked, I mean top and bottom, veiled only by some very transparent material or a very open fishnet kind of thing.

They offer the disclaimer that the purpose is not sexual but rather educational about the qualities of the so-called clothing. But there is no actual pretense that it's about displaying female assets. It confuses do you go from being maybe a little overprotective to let's just get naked in front of everybody in such a relatively short period of time?

It's bizzaro world, my friends.
how many should I ?
Well, you can't have fetuses transplanted into the uterus you don't have, so adoption is the next best thing. The end-game is to outlaw abortion, outlaw birth control, outlaw porn... on and on. Christian Nationalist control freaks that keep active Grindr accounts on their burner phones.

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The better question is how many have you adopted?
Well, it's certainly the dumber question. See, I'm not the ones trying to ban abortions, ban birth control, or any other pregnancy intervention that is between a woman (or women) and her physician.
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Well, you can't have fetuses transplanted into the uterus you don't have, so adoption is the next best thing. The end-game is to outlaw abortion, outlaw birth control, outlaw porn... on and on. Christian Nationalist control freaks that keep active Grindr accounts on their burner phones.

ol' George is completely FOS on this one, but he was just speaking for you so no surprise there.
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Well, it's certainly the dumber question. See, I'm not the ones trying to ban abortions, ban birth control, or any other pregnancy intervention that is between a woman (or women) and her physician.

I have to admit, you do make a very good case for abortion. Or birth control. Or abstinence. Or any other pregnancy intervention.

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