OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Well, it's certainly the dumber question. See, I'm not the ones trying to ban abortions, ban birth control, or any other pregnancy intervention that is between a woman (or women) and her physician.
THIS framing of the issue and talking point (which is why Blaze gave you a like) must stop. This is a political position to gain the votes of women. The conundrum is assigning the moment of when life begins. What a woman's or a doctor's individual opinion is on the issue is irrelevant. If life hasn't begun, then abortion in any form is theoretically fine. If life has begun, abortion is tantamount to murder.

Does life begin at birth? Does it begin at conception? Is it some point in between? The impossibility of answering these questions is the problem. And the actual, ultimate answer is an absolute, not an opinion to be offered from person to person. That is, it doesn't matter that Karen doesn't think life begins until the child is six months old and Velma believes it begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg (whether Karen/Velma are a woman, a doctor, or both). It doesn't matter what any of us believe. There just is no way as of yet to actually answer this question.

Thus, it is intellectually dishonest and only vote grabbing politics to try to frame the issue as between a "woman and her doctor". First off, that requires one to actually be able to define a woman and this is the only issue that D's seem to ever want to actually have a definition for and actually care about what a woman is or isn't. Second, why is it limited to the woman? Why doesn't the "man" have a say as he's contributed 50% to the equation? What if the sperm donor identifies as a woman? Does she then get to have that same conversation between her and her doctor and it overrules the other woman?

Buying into this framing and allowing this hypocrisy of defining women for this sole issue is the only real vote winner D's have in November. Trump and the SCt. are right on the issue of there being no constitutional right to an abortion and it is currently a state based issue. I would be happy to see them support the passage of something that limits things on a national level, whether that's up to 15 weeks or whatever. True compromise is never going to happen until the actual question can be answered. In the meantime, there should be a political compromise reached as I feel like that's what an overwhelming majority of people actually desire. The vocal minorities on both sides will just have to whine.
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THIS framing of the issue and talking point (which is why Blaze gave you a like) must stop. This is a political position to gain the votes of women. The conundrum is assigning the moment of when life begins. What a woman's or a doctor's individual opinion is on the issue is irrelevant. If life hasn't begun, then abortion in any form is theoretically fine. If life has begun, abortion is tantamount to murder.

Does life begin at birth? Does it begin at conception? Is it some point in between? The impossibility of answering these questions is the problem. And the actual, ultimate answer is an absolute, not an opinion to be offered from person to person. That is, it doesn't matter that Karen doesn't think life begins until the child is six months old and Velma believes it begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg (whether Karen/Velma are a woman, a doctor, or both). It doesn't matter what any of us believe. There just is no way as of yet to actually answer this question.

Thus, it is intellectually dishonest and only vote grabbing politics to try to frame the issue as between a "woman and her doctor". First off, that requires one to actually be able to define a woman and this is the only issue that D's seem to ever want to actually have a definition for and actually care about what a woman is or isn't. Second, why is it limited to the woman? Why doesn't the "man" have a say as he's contributed 50% to the equation? What if the sperm donor identifies as a woman? Does she then get to have that same conversation between her and her doctor and it overrules the other woman?

Buying into this framing and allowing this hypocrisy of defining women for this sole issue is the only real vote winner D's have in November. Trump and the SCt. are right on the issue of there being no constitutional right to an abortion and it is currently a state based issue. I would be happy to see them support the passage of something that limits things on a national level, whether that's up to 15 weeks or whatever. True compromise is never going to happen until the actual question can be answered. In the meantime, there should be a political compromise reached as I feel like that's what an overwhelming majority of people actually desire. The vocal minorities on both sides will just have to whine.
You're in contention to dethrone @bluetoe for writing the most stuff that no one reads.
THIS framing of the issue and talking point (which is why Blaze gave you a like) must stop. This is a political position to gain the votes of women. The conundrum is assigning the moment of when life begins. What a woman's or a doctor's individual opinion is on the issue is irrelevant. If life hasn't begun, then abortion in any form is theoretically fine. If life has begun, abortion is tantamount to murder.

Does life begin at birth? Does it begin at conception? Is it some point in between? The impossibility of answering these questions is the problem. And the actual, ultimate answer is an absolute, not an opinion to be offered from person to person. That is, it doesn't matter that Karen doesn't think life begins until the child is six months old and Velma believes it begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg (whether Karen/Velma are a woman, a doctor, or both). It doesn't matter what any of us believe. There just is no way as of yet to actually answer this question.

Thus, it is intellectually dishonest and only vote grabbing politics to try to frame the issue as between a "woman and her doctor". First off, that requires one to actually be able to define a woman and this is the only issue that D's seem to ever want to actually have a definition for and actually care about what a woman is or isn't. Second, why is it limited to the woman? Why doesn't the "man" have a say as he's contributed 50% to the equation? What if the sperm donor identifies as a woman? Does she then get to have that same conversation between her and her doctor and it overrules the other woman?

Buying into this framing and allowing this hypocrisy of defining women for this sole issue is the only real vote winner D's have in November. Trump and the SCt. are right on the issue of there being no constitutional right to an abortion and it is currently a state based issue. I would be happy to see them support the passage of something that limits things on a national level, whether that's up to 15 weeks or whatever. True compromise is never going to happen until the actual question can be answered. In the meantime, there should be a political compromise reached as I feel like that's what an overwhelming majority of people actually desire. The vocal minorities on both sides will just have to whine.
I stopped after your first paragraph, but it looks like you are ignoring the mom's health entirely. "Birth", "conception", "Eggs", all these things involve a mom. These things involve pregnancy which can be a health risk, modern medicine has greatly reduced pregnancy-related death, but it is still risky.

ETA: sorry if you address this later in your post.
You're in contention to dethrone @bluetoe for writing the most stuff that no one reads.

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Here you go, genius. I enlarged your gif so the hard of seeing can see it.

Great! You're playing the part of nurse to me as the doctor in the operating room. I don't have time for all the mundane and trivial stuff. I'm the genius. I do the heavy lifting and you're there to support me. I'm surprised your ego can handle it but I think this can be a good partnership as long as you know your role.

Now, please get my equipment prepped for me to roast the next fool, Nurse Noir.
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Sorry, but I'm busy making funeral arrangements for your last patient. You botched the operation, Dr. Hooey.

Botched? I meant to kill strum. I roast these fools so badly I've earned the name Dr. Death. I'm at the top of my profession!

I want to take a minute to acknowledge all the little people like you that have helped me become the legend that I am.

Now, instruments aren't going to clean themselves. Lunch break is over, Nurse.
I stopped after your first paragraph, but it looks like you are ignoring the mom's health entirely. "Birth", "conception", "Eggs", all these things involve a mom. These things involve pregnancy which can be a health risk, modern medicine has greatly reduced pregnancy-related death, but it is still risky.

ETA: sorry if you address this later in your post.
I didn't address it because the mom's "health" is mostly a non-issue. In fact, I'd guess that true health risks that threaten the mother as the actual basis for an abortion are a very, very small percentage of all abortions performed. It's nice for all the progressives and their friends in the media who parade out that one exception, but they never talk about the much larger group of mundane and routine procedures being performed every day. And then there is the whole can of worms as to what constitutes actual endangerment to the mom's health vs. the inconvenience of pregnancy and the many complications or issues that can come with it. One woman's or doctor's health "risk" could simply be the excuse for starting over with something perceived to be less than perfect or convenient to deal with a complicated pregnancy. You don't legislate for the one out of ten thousand, you do so for the other 9,999. But I don't think that's even an issue here. If you are going to allow abortions up to a certain point and it can be shown that the mom's health is genuinely threatened, that can be an exception. I think you are forgetting that I am prochoice.

As to "Birth", "conception", "Eggs", all those things involve a dad as well, or to put it in terms that apply exclusively to this topic, a man. It still boils down to when it's more than a clump of cells and life begins. At that moment, whenever it is, mom or dad's opinions and choices are not superior to that child.
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What's with the eyeliner? He's wearing more eyeliner than Megan Kelly! And yes, it appears he's also standing by his feelings that child-less adults should have less voting power.

In 2021 the odd-ball said:
These children are the future of this country and yet the parents who have them actually have no advantage in our democratic process. They have a smaller voice in some ways — in very many cases — than the people who don't have any children at all. The children who come from these families have no real representative in our democracy. Why don't we change that? Now some people will say this is radical and this is crazy. The Democrats are talking about giving the vote to 16-year-olds but let's do this instead: Let's give votes to all children in this country but let's give control over those votes to the parents of those children.
When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power, you should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic than people who don't have kids. Let's face the consequences and the reality: if you don't have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn't get nearly the same voice.
Now people will say — and i'm sure The Atlantic and The Washington Post and all the usual suspects will criticize me about this in the coming days… "Well, doesn't this mean that non-parents don't have as much of a voice as parents? Doesn't this mean that parents get a bigger say in how our democracy functions?" Yes, absolutely.
I didn't address it because the mom's "health" is mostly a non-issue. In fact, I'd guess that true health risks that threaten the mother as the actual basis for an abortion are a very, very small percentage of all abortions performed. It's nice for all the progressives and their friends in the media who parade out that one exception, but they never talk about the much larger group of mundane and routine procedures being performed every day. And then there is the whole can of worms as to what constitutes actual endangerment to the mom's health vs. the inconvenience of pregnancy and the many complications or issues that can come with it. One woman's or doctor's health "risk" could simply be the excuse for starting over with something perceived to be less than perfect or convenient to deal with a complicated pregnancy. You don't legislate for the one out of ten thousand, you do so for the other 9,999. But I don't think that's even an issue here. If you are going to allow abortions up to a certain point and it can be shown that the mom's health is genuinely threatened, that can be an exception. I think you are forgetting that I am prochoice.

As to "Birth", "conception", "Eggs", all those things involve a dad as well, or to put it in terms that apply exclusively to this topic, a man. It still boils down to when it's more than a clump of cells and life begins. At that moment, whenever it is, mom or dad's opinions and choices are not superior to that child.
How many dad's have medical complications due to pregnancy?
How many dad's have medical complications due to pregnancy?
Having reading challenges again? I dealt with that in the first paragraph. And dad's have to deal with their child's medical complications all the time, assuming a "woman" didn't exclusively decide to take that child away from them.
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THIS framing of the issue and talking point (which is why Blaze gave you a like) must stop. This is a political position to gain the votes of women. The conundrum is assigning the moment of when life begins. What a woman's or a doctor's individual opinion is on the issue is irrelevant. If life hasn't begun, then abortion in any form is theoretically fine. If life has begun, abortion is tantamount to murder.

Does life begin at birth? Does it begin at conception? Is it some point in between? The impossibility of answering these questions is the problem. And the actual, ultimate answer is an absolute, not an opinion to be offered from person to person. That is, it doesn't matter that Karen doesn't think life begins until the child is six months old and Velma believes it begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg (whether Karen/Velma are a woman, a doctor, or both). It doesn't matter what any of us believe. There just is no way as of yet to actually answer this question.

Thus, it is intellectually dishonest and only vote grabbing politics to try to frame the issue as between a "woman and her doctor". First off, that requires one to actually be able to define a woman and this is the only issue that D's seem to ever want to actually have a definition for and actually care about what a woman is or isn't. Second, why is it limited to the woman? Why doesn't the "man" have a say as he's contributed 50% to the equation? What if the sperm donor identifies as a woman? Does she then get to have that same conversation between her and her doctor and it overrules the other woman?

Buying into this framing and allowing this hypocrisy of defining women for this sole issue is the only real vote winner D's have in November. Trump and the SCt. are right on the issue of there being no constitutional right to an abortion and it is currently a state based issue. I would be happy to see them support the passage of something that limits things on a national level, whether that's up to 15 weeks or whatever. True compromise is never going to happen until the actual question can be answered. In the meantime, there should be a political compromise reached as I feel like that's what an overwhelming majority of people actually desire. The vocal minorities on both sides will just have to whine.
excellent post but it isn't a question of when life begins...there is already life in the cells that come together to form a new being; but those cells themselves aren't a human being. Sperm and ova are shed naturally and constantly and who cares. When those cells successfully join and begin to proliferate new cells is when a new human being has begun. Of course you know this and that is what you are saying, but when arguing with the usual pedants you have to try to be as exact as possible.

All the back and forth is meaningless just as you say. Opinion of doctor or message board poster, anything beyond conception as the beginning of a new human is just a matter of arbitrary choice, and neither carries more weight than the other.. The only question is, will murder be permitted and if so with what if any limitations.

What has to be determined is how human life is valued. At what point does convenience outweigh caring.
As with many things in life, there is no one suitable one-size-fits-all answer, or any answer at all. Just as with creating speed limits on streets and highways, the number (or point in time) is just settled on.

I have said that I loathe the idea of aborting a human life, but that I would never put myself in the position of making a legal determination. That's why we have representatives, who are elected to represent both men and women. I only represent myself. But that being said, I would actively campaign for a structure that tries to eliminate as much as possible the disgustingly obscene use of abortion as birth control. When these toadstools argue that abortion is 'healthcare' and only between a woman and her doctor, you know they are symptomatic of a sick society. And when they say well it isn't a human being until it is a fetus, they are just talking out of their ignorant asses.

If we are going to condone murder of the innocent, we should just say so. But said murder should only regretfully be of what is assumed to be a healthy baby not prone to later defect or the product of uninvited sex. Robinson might have said it rather coarsely, but he's right. If you don't want a child, be responsible enough to keep your panties on. You want a show, you pays the price.

I am disgusted by the blatant lies of Kamala Harris in her campaign ads, claiming that Donald Trump will institute a national ban on abortion. What a lying slut. But untold numbers of women will fall for the impossibility of this scare tactic.
how would reading his or any dissertation possibly serve to change his mind?
I'm not wasting my time reading him, or you, drone on and on about the propaganda you both consume. Your identity is literally attached to political ideology. At least people like Ben Shapiro get paid for their commitment. Writing op-eds in this thread is your choice, not reading them is mine. I'm never going to change your mind, or his anyone else... on here. I can dabble from time to time, and engage for my own entertainment. But, no... I'm not reading novels. ETA... and, if I get long-winded, I wouldn't expect mine to be read, either.
I'm not wasting my time reading him, or you, drone on and on about the propaganda you both consume. Your identity is literally attached to political ideology. At least people like Ben Shapiro get paid for their commitment. Writing op-eds in this thread is your choice, not reading them is mine. I'm never going to change your mind, or his anyone else... on here. I can dabble from time to time, and engage for my own entertainment. But, no... I'm not reading novels.
no one even hinted at denying you the choice of not reading mine or his or anyone else's crap here. As long as you don't deny me the choice of properly identifying your choice as a form of surrender.

edit to add. I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that one who is intimidated by big words would also shy away from reading about as many words as you might find on the side of a box of cereal.
no one even hinted at denying you the choice of not reading mine or his or anyone else's crap here. As long as you don't deny me the choice of properly identifying your choice as a form of surrender.
Oh, sorry. I forgot. Your fragile ego is on the line. Between thesaurus burps and novellas, you need validation from strangers on a sports message board.
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Oh, sorry. I forgot. Your fragile ego is on the line. Between thesaurus burps and novellas, you need validation from strangers on a sports message board.
this one literally made me LOL. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't your posts just as well be seeking validation? And thesaurus bumps? I don't remember that one, I might have to read Alice in Wonderland again. All those words, though. Might be too daunting a task to tackle that novella. LMAO..

this one literally made me LOL. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't your posts just as well be seeking validation? And thesaurus bumps? I don't remember that one, I might have to read Alice in Wonderland again. All those words, though. Might be too daunting a task to tackle that novella. LMAO..

Yeah, you might have to read it a few dozen times. Try reading it for the first time, first. When you get a break from op-eds on here. Thesaurus BURPS, not bumps. You drop 50 cent words on here that you never use in spoken dialogue.

I don't refer to winning or losing, or "surrender", in this diversion. Old white guys trying to out-insult each other about politics, in written text on the internet, is a diversion. There's no prize at stake. There's diversion and entertainment... at best. And, not a helluva lot of that. If you have to declare victory, you give yourself away. That's a desperate need for validation. I don't have my identity attached to a political party or side. This forum is so heavily "right-leaning" that I can appear to be the incarnation of AOC. It's THAT lopsided. It's fun to engage with guys that cling to the old, like their lives depend on it. In between basketball and football season, especially. However, I'll openly disagree with the 2 or 3 lefties in here, as well. Even this is too long.
Didn't Donald Trump fill up a black church near Detroit for an impromptu rally a month ago, ensuring he would do well in the state of Michigan among black voters?

Among African American voters, 82.1% support Harris, 11.5% support Kennedy, no black voters in this survey supported Trump.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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no one even hinted at denying you the choice of not reading mine or his or anyone else's crap here. As long as you don't deny me the choice of properly identifying your choice as a form of surrender.

edit to add. I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that one who is intimidated by big words would also shy away from reading about as many words as you might find on the side of a box of cereal.
Damn blueballs, the man has a point and you should listen.
Thesaurus BURPS, not bumps.
lol sure, that makes more sense


You drop 50 cent words on here that you never use in spoken dialogue.
Maybe I carry a thesaurus around with me. Either way, I hope to God that you don't spout the same nonsense in real life that you do here. BTW, no one speaks the way that they write, whether it's conversational or not. But when I write, I use the same words that I use here. No thesaurus needed, and I use the words that seem most apt.

I want to give the rest a well-deserved tl;dr but I'm not that weak or dismissive. And having read it, I can only say you are either almost completely lacking in self-awareness or you're just being purposely clueless. Because if anyone here is seeking validation of their take on things, it's you. How can you argue like you have been doing to get your POV across and claim you aren't trying to 'win'? You are hilarious, my friend. Even if you aren't trying to be.
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Damn blueballs, the man has a point and you should listen.
well OK then, Gomer's piles, thanks for the heads up. Let's see...oh yeah, he says he isn't reading what he doesn't want to read. Wow, I nearly missed that sage bit of wisdom. Thanks for the invaluable advice, you have improved my outlook immeasurably.

How'd you like that last line?
How can you argue like you have been doing to get your POV across and claim you aren't trying to 'win'?
Because arguing and trying to get my point of view across is its own reward. There's nothing to win, anyway.
Because arguing and trying to get my point of view across is its own reward. There's nothing to win, anyway.
so then what does it mean to 'win' an argument? Oh wait I know, that must be one of those euphemisms you were talking about. LMAO.

ETA...forgot to say that what you 'win' is getting your point across. DUH.
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so then what does it mean to 'win' an argument? Oh wait I know, that must be one of those euphemisms you were talking about. LMAO.

ETA...forgot to say that what you 'win' is getting your point across. DUH.
Okay, so everyone wins.