OOTB's Political Thread . ..

No, as that's not the target demographic. And don't worry, for those like yourself with a serious attack of tds, they have a mega maga dose to prescribe. Your friend just might get through this horribleness.
I didn't ask a question. Just reading the label.
I didn't ask a question. Just reading the label.
Oh, but you did because it's what I replied to as the thing with a funny little squiggle at the end is known as a question mark. That you went back to edit it and then were dumb enough to post about it is not shocking. Now I understand some of the comments about you from @gunslingerdick and @bluetoe regarding your challenged ability to actually post or engage truthfully.

Who do you think wrote the forward for Project 2025?

Someone asked previously about libs who were all up in arms about P25 and not really seeing any evidence of it being an actual issue.

This type of post is exactly the type of thing demonstrating all the panties that are wadded up over it. Once again for the very slow readers, despite what the Harris/Biden campaign says and the media who pushes them, P25 is from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank.

It is not part of the Trump/Vance campaign and has not been endorsed by orange hitler. Just stop.
Saw this post on another board:

"The cosmic universe has a way of coming back with interesting story endings. You see it a lot in sports. The rise of MAGA with its roots directly traceable to the folks (birthers and Tea Party) across the US who were greatly horrified to have a black man elected president to have a story arc that ends with the election of a black female president could be one of those endings."

What's funny is the self-own here. Whoever made that poast unconsciously admits that Kamala being elected would indeed "end" the story arc. Lol. So either they believe MAGA just goes away with Kamala's election (so unlikely it's not worth discussing) or "the end" alludes to the end of the American experiment.
What's funny is the self-own here. Whoever made that poast unconsciously admits that Kamala being elected would indeed "end" the story arc. Lol. So either they believe MAGA just goes away with Kamala's election (so unlikely it's not worth discussing) or "the end" alludes to the end of the American experiment.
Oh yeah, that's what they meant to say.

Who do you think wrote the forward for Project 2025?

I need you to list the issues you have with Project 2025 and then please cite where you learned each piece of information. Otherwise, I'm going to disregard your thoughts on it as some old, stupid man with a severe case of TDS being manipulated by mainstream media's false narrative of it.
Someone asked previously about libs who were all up in arms about P25 and not really seeing any evidence of it being an actual issue.

This type of post is exactly the type of thing demonstrating all the panties that are wadded up over it.
I think more accurately it provides cover for people like you who haven't taken the time to look over it and evaluate its ramifications. For instance, one thing it will do is dismantle federal agencies such as the EPA. Great timing considering Monday set the record as the HOTTEST DAY EVER RECORDED ON EARTH. That broke the previous record set Sunday.
I think more accurately it provides cover for people like you who haven't taken the time to look over it and evaluate its ramifications.

You still relying on pundits or you've taken the time to look over it and evaluate its ramifications? LMAO
You still relying on pundits or you've taken the time to look over it and evaluate its ramifications? LMAO
I've probably spent more time looking over it the past few months than you've spent bathing yourself. What I previously said was I haven't nor will I read all 918 pages of it.
I've probably spent more time looking over it the past few months than you've spent bathing yourself. What I previously said was I haven't nor will I read all 918 pages of it.

Weird. Just the other day you said you hadn't dug into it and you were relying on the pundits' summaries. Hmmmm. Maybe you just misspoke. Or maybe you're completely full of shit. I'll let the others here make up their mind as to which it was.
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Maybe you just misspoke. Or maybe you're completely full of shit.
No, I didn't misspeak. Who's the one asking what is included in Project 2025 as well as the comparable 2016 Mandate for Leadership, calling the former "a work of fiction"? While I'm at least looking over the document and then deferring to pundits who report on such matters for their living, you're too lazy to bother with it and relying on your fellow posters on a message board for all your answers.

It sounds like you're the one who's completely full of shit.

So here it is. I kinda skimmed through it. An admittedly not thorough look at some things that stick out

Banning pornography? Lol. That alone makes the whole thing garbage but pressing on….

Putting the entire federal bureaucracy under direct supervision of the president. Horrible idea. Just call it a dictatorship

slashing funding for renewable energy. Heck yea let’s become even more dependent on oil. (It does propose increased oil production)

Cutting taxes. Heck yea let’s add to the deficit. I didn’t read this in detail so I don’t know what taxes

Banning the abortion pill in all circumstances . Cause you know….these guys are experts on every single instance of pregnancy and what a doctor should do and prescribe. Does not call for a federal ban on abortions that I could tell however

Dismantling dept of homeland security and making bigger more powerful border policing. I like the sound of it. Don’t know how they would pay for it while cutting taxes but sounds good.

Increased funding for the border wall. Total waste of money imo.

Anyway reads like a Christmas wish list for maga. Too bad trump has no idea what’s in it. He’d prob like it.
No, I didn't misspeak. Who's the one asking what is included in Project 2025 as well as the comparable 2016 Mandate for Leadership, calling the former "a work of fiction"? While I'm at least looking over the document and then deferring to pundits who report on such matters for their living, you're too lazy to bother with it and relying on your fellow posters on a message board for all your answers.

It sounds like you're the one who's completely full of shit.

Me full of shit? How so? I've acknowledged I haven't read it. You're the one that just days ago stated that you've only "glossed over it" and that you have "deferred to the summaries provided by pundits". Remember?

I believe there is a lot of talk about it due to the caustic and extreme nature of it, but I haven't seen anyone actually having a meltdown. I've only glossed over it myself -- there's no way in hell I'm wasting my free time reading that garbage. Instead, I've deferred to the summaries provided by the pundits.

But now you're telling us that you've spent more time looking through it than I have spent bathing myself? That's a lot of "looking through" you've apparently done. Or were you just bullshitting and you're still relying on the summaries of pundits?

Either way, you've yet to cite one single policy suggestion from P2025 that you have beef with. So I think you need to do some more "looking through" it if you want your complaints to have any credibility. Or you can just punt and let the pundits speak for you. You're good at that.

So here it is. I kinda skimmed through it. An admittedly not thorough look at some things that stick out

Banning pornography? Lol. That alone makes the whole thing garbage but pressing on….

Putting the entire federal bureaucracy under direct supervision of the president. Horrible idea. Just call it a dictatorship

slashing funding for renewable energy. Heck yea let’s become even more dependent on oil. (It does propose increased oil production)

Cutting taxes. Heck yea let’s add to the deficit. I didn’t read this in detail so I don’t know what taxes

Banning the abortion pill in all circumstances . Cause you know….these guys are experts on every single instance of pregnancy and what a doctor should do and prescribe.

Dismantling dept of homeland security and making bigger more powerful border policing. I like the sound of it. Don’t know how they would pay for it while cutting taxes but sounds good.

Increased funding for the border wall. Total waste of money imo.

Anyway reads like a Christmas wish list for maga. Too bad trump has no idea what’s in it. He’d prob like it.

Our government has a lot of balances that have been working somewhat well the past few hundred years because we haven't had "burn it all down" extremists in power (at the top, and importantly throughout), but there are some weakness which could get exploited that ruin these balances. Project25 roadmaps these exploits in great detail. Theoretically a Dem admin could exploit them too...

So it roadmaps the exploits (Schedule F stuff) AND lists all the crap above as agenda priorities which seem pretty achievable.

Some gov reform would be great, but these "conservatives" are mixing in social and "antiscience" issues too, like targeting NOAA as a department to disband because it is a source of info about climate change, stripping Teen Pregnancy Prevention programs to nothing but abstinence-only programs, etc, ditching humanitarian aid in favor of religious-based aid orgs.

IMO this is the part people on bosides wouldn't want. Imagine if Biden fired everyone in the gov and replaced them with loyalists:
"In many ways, Mandate for Leadership can be read as an instruction manual for undermining the safeguards meant to prevent governing officials from engaging in the abuses of power Project 2025 wants to encourage. Replete with methodical detail and technocratic jargon, it offers future political leadership across all the federal administrative agencies a full taxonomy of tactics they can deploy to either exploit the weak points in these safeguards or bypass them altogether."
Saw this post on another board:

"The cosmic universe has a way of coming back with interesting story endings. You see it a lot in sports. The rise of MAGA with its roots directly traceable to the folks (birthers and Tea Party) across the US who were greatly horrified to have a black man elected president to have a story arc that ends with the election of a black female president could be one of those endings."
so stupid. The simpler truth is that the leftists don't have the functional brainpower to dismiss the bullshit and elect the most competent person; they are overwhelmed by herd behavior and fear of appearing racist and/or misogynist, and THEY are the ones who vote based on color and sex, and breaking new DEI ground.

Don't believe me? See how many votes Kamala Harris gets. Kamala Harris is the worst thing that could happen to this country in quite a while. For example. While the left acknowledges that there is a definite, huge problem at the border, they will ignore the fact that Kamala Harris is largely responsible and will double down on the open border concept once she gets the chance. Yet they will elect her or come close trying.

And make simple observations, like the mess that the Secret Service is right now because a female was put in charge who focuses on inclusiveness instead of competency. Now the lefties will immediately pick up on my singling out a female as being incompetent without noticing that I singled out a female who focuses on inclusiveness. So they'll say my remark is misogynist while cooler heads will understand that it is the disregard for competence that I'm critical of. That's the difference between the leftist and the rightist mindsets, for the most part.

OF COURSE there are those who actually are racist and misogynist (and they aren't all on the right), but they aren't driving the bus as the left would have you believe.. The idiocy in your quoted post is just more of that twisted leftist indoctrination, where virtue-signaling is all that matters.
Me full of shit? How so?
poopslinger: Project 2025, it's all a work of fiction!

Oh, but you did because it's what I replied to as the thing with a funny little squiggle at the end is known as a question mark. That you went back to edit it and then were dumb enough to post about it is not shocking. Now I understand some of the comments about you from @gunslingerdick and @bluetoe regarding your challenged ability to actually post or engage truthfully.

good call.

As for me, my blunt and abrasive style is based on my lack of tolerance for purposeful bullshit. I'm sure most think it's a fault of mine to be so rude and boorish, but I believe it's a virtue to slam the door on it instead of respecting that which deserves no respect..

So here it is. I kinda skimmed through it. An admittedly not thorough look at some things that stick out

Banning pornography? Lol. That alone makes the whole thing garbage but pressing on….

Putting the entire federal bureaucracy under direct supervision of the president. Horrible idea. Just call it a dictatorship

slashing funding for renewable energy. Heck yea let’s become even more dependent on oil. (It does propose increased oil production)

Cutting taxes. Heck yea let’s add to the deficit. I didn’t read this in detail so I don’t know what taxes

Banning the abortion pill in all circumstances . Cause you know….these guys are experts on every single instance of pregnancy and what a doctor should do and prescribe. Does not call for a federal ban on abortions that I could tell however

Dismantling dept of homeland security and making bigger more powerful border policing. I like the sound of it. Don’t know how they would pay for it while cutting taxes but sounds good.

Increased funding for the border wall. Total waste of money imo.

Anyway reads like a Christmas wish list for maga. Too bad trump has no idea what’s in it. He’d prob like it.

Let's go point by point.

Banning pornography? Lol. That alone makes the whole thing garbage but pressing on….

Do you believe this really would or could happen? Or are you just highlighting this to take a shot at the hypocrisy of those on the right? If it's the latter, I won't begrudge you that. But I'd have a hard time believing that you really believe that porn could or would be banned. Get real.

Putting the entire federal bureaucracy under direct supervision of the president. Horrible idea. Just call it a dictatorship

Is this something the President can do unilaterally? I suspect Congress would have to go along with this. And therein lies the death of such a policy. See, the Founders were smart people and planned for such things and put things in place so that hairbrained schemes like this can't actually come to fruition. Is this you just emphasizing how much you dislike this suggestion or again, do you think something like this could really occur?

slashing funding for renewable energy. Heck yea let’s become even more dependent on oil. (It does propose increased oil production)

Why does renewable energy need government funding? Why can't the private sector handle this?

Cutting taxes. Heck yea let’s add to the deficit. I didn’t read this in detail so I don’t know what taxes

Who argues with cutting taxes? Weird. I'm assuming and because you didn't go through this with a fine tooth comb, that there are many suggestions as to how we can cut spending as well as cut taxes. So if we cut spending, do you still have a problem with cutting taxes? In pretty short order, I could poast a list of ways to cut spending if requested. I'm going to assume that P2025 also has a list of ways to cut spending.

Banning the abortion pill in all circumstances . Cause you know….these guys are experts on every single instance of pregnancy and what a doctor should do and prescribe. Does not call for a federal ban on abortions that I could tell however

See bullet point #1. Furthermore, I'd like to see the language for this one. So I appreciate the link you provided and will give it a scan. My guess is that p2025 suggest individual states come up with their own laws regarding the abortion pill. And again, whenever this subject comes up, I like to remind people that while I'm begrudgingly in support of abortion rights, you pretty much look like a terrible person when you stump for the killing of unborn babies. So maybe don't use this one next time when you're trying to tear down P2025. Just leave this one out. Vote for what you want to vote for but when asked about whether you support abortion rights, tell anyone listening that you sheepishly do and you feel terrible about it and then go take a shower.

Dismantling dept of homeland security and making bigger more powerful border policing. I like the sound of it. Don’t know how they would pay for it while cutting taxes but sounds good.

Let's revisit the discussion of cutting worthless or inefficient programs. Again, tell me how much money you propose for such a program and I will easily find other programs to cut to free up that amount of money.

Increased funding for the border wall. Total waste of money imo.

I'll never understand this point of view. A wall will not stop illegal immigration. But are you telling me that it won't slow it? Are you telling me that every single person that is illegally coming into this country would be able to scale a wall or dig a hole underneath and get in as easily as just strolling across?

Also, what if we spent some money (by cutting spending elsewhere) on solar panels and electrified the wall? How would you feel about that?

Looking forward to your responses.
Increased funding for the border wall. Total waste of money imo.

Anyway reads like a Christmas wish list for maga. Too bad trump has no idea what’s in it. He’d prob like it.
Yeah, there is a reason Trump has been trying to run away from it, then he turns around and picks the man who wrote the forward for it as his running mate. lol

So here it is. I kinda skimmed through it. An admittedly not thorough look at some things that stick out

Banning pornography? Lol. That alone makes the whole thing garbage but pressing on….

Putting the entire federal bureaucracy under direct supervision of the president. Horrible idea. Just call it a dictatorship

slashing funding for renewable energy. Heck yea let’s become even more dependent on oil. (It does propose increased oil production)

Cutting taxes. Heck yea let’s add to the deficit. I didn’t read this in detail so I don’t know what taxes

Banning the abortion pill in all circumstances . Cause you know….these guys are experts on every single instance of pregnancy and what a doctor should do and prescribe. Does not call for a federal ban on abortions that I could tell however

Dismantling dept of homeland security and making bigger more powerful border policing. I like the sound of it. Don’t know how they would pay for it while cutting taxes but sounds good.

Increased funding for the border wall. Total waste of money imo.

Anyway reads like a Christmas wish list for maga. Too bad trump has no idea what’s in it. He’d prob like it.
It's like Prohibition x 100... and Prohibition worked so well. Almost as well as the War On Drugs.

Are these white conservatives with Bibles ready to impose mandatory adoptions for all of the babies that are coming?
That's not an added laugh track, you moron. That's the studio audience of Jimmy Kimmel Live! along with the rest of America.
it's a laugh track when it's re-run and not live, you incredible idiot. It's a laugh track to whoever is listening in that circumstance. If you had a brain and weren't trying too hard, you'd understand that laugh tracks are just that...recorded and replayed live laughter.
Let's go point by point.

Do you believe this really would or could happen? Or are you just highlighting this to take a shot at the hypocrisy of those on the right? If it's the latter, I won't begrudge you that. But I'd have a hard time believing that you really believe that porn could or would be banned. Get real.
No I don’t believe it could happen. Hence my “garbage” comment
Is this something the President can do unilaterally? I suspect Congress would have to go along with this. And therein lies the death of such a policy. See, the Founders were smart people and planned for such things and put things in place so that hairbrained schemes like this can't actually come to fruition. Is this you just emphasizing how much you dislike this suggestion or again, do you think something like this could really occur?
Well I said these are things that stuck out to me. So yes I’m highlighting it because how much I dislike it. I said these things were a wish list. I acknowledge most could never realistically happen. It just shows a radical mind set that bothers me.
Why does renewable energy need government funding? Why can't the private sector handle this?
Maybe it doesn’t. I guess it just reflects a lack of interest that I find troubling.
Who argues with cutting taxes? Weird. I'm assuming and because you didn't go through this with a fine tooth comb, that there are many suggestions as to how we can cut spending as well as cut taxes. So if we cut spending, do you still have a problem with cutting taxes? In pretty short order, I could poast a list of ways to cut spending if requested. I'm going to assume that P2025 also has a list of ways to cut spending.
It does speak in general terms of cutting spending which is fine with me. But the deficit is a huge problem being ignored by both parties and cutting taxes just seems on the surface to be foolish.
See bullet point #1. Furthermore, I'd like to see the language for this one. So I appreciate the link you provided and will give it a scan. My guess is that p2025 suggest individual states come up with their own laws regarding the abortion pill. And again, whenever this subject comes up, I like to remind people that while I'm begrudgingly in support of abortion rights, you pretty much look like a terrible person when you stump for the killing of unborn babies. So maybe don't use this one next time when you're trying to tear down P2025. Just leave this one out. Vote for what you want to vote for but when asked about whether you support abortion rights, tell anyone listening that you sheepishly do and you feel terrible about it and then go take a shower.
What I support is the govt, whether fed or state, staying the fuk out of people’s business and letting them decide for themselves on this issue. No shower needed.
Let's revisit the discussion of cutting worthless or inefficient programs. Again, tell me how much money you propose for such a program and I will easily find other programs to cut to free up that amount of money.
I said I like it
I'll never understand this point of view. A wall will not stop illegal immigration. But are you telling me that it won't slow it? Are you telling me that every single person that is illegally coming into this country would be able to scale a wall or dig a hole underneath and get in as easily as just strolling across?

Also, what if we spent some money (by cutting spending elsewhere) on solar panels and electrified the wall? How would you feel about that?

It’s a cost vs benefit thing to me. At best it allegedly slows certain types of illegal crossings. That’s it. Billions of dollars to “slow” crossings. Meanwhile the vast majority of immigrants are entering freely through legal ports of entry while immigration laws are unforced and sanctuary cities exist. The wall is just an expensive symbol of trumps arrogance. Not worth it
Looking forward to your responses.
Happy to oblige

“Also, what if we spent some money (by cutting spending elsewhere) on solar panels and electrified the wall? How would you feel about that?”

I lol’d
it's a laugh track when it's re-run and not live, you incredible idiot. It's a laugh track to whoever is listening in that circumstance. If you had a brain and weren't trying too hard, you'd understand that laugh tracks are just that...recorded and replayed live laughter.
I think I see the problem, now. You have created sort of an alternate, euphemistic awareness for yourself, when you're just fvcking wrong about shit. If it works for you, that's fine, I guess. You found a way to sear your conscience. Congratulations! You should run for elected office!
I appreciate the answers. I really do. If I may:

No I don’t believe it could happen. Hence my “garbage” comment

Well I said these are things that stuck out to me. So yes I’m highlighting it because how much I dislike it. I said these things were a wish list. I acknowledge most could never realistically happen. It just shows a radical mind set that bothers me.

I put these two together because you acknowledge the likelihood of either happening is remote. So why the consternation? Have you read policy suggestions from those on the left that are equally or more radical than those proposed in P2025? If so, I haven't seen any comments you have made on those.

Maybe it doesn’t. I guess it just reflects a lack of interest that I find troubling.

Not sure I understand this comment. Are you saying the right has a lack of interest in renewable energy and that bothers you? This is probably better suited for a bigger and more specific discussion at some point but just as a frame of reference, the US has enough oil for America's current consumption for approximately 50 years. That's if we don't drill and produce any more at all which of course would never be the case. If we continue to drill at the rate we have, you're talking about a potential problem hundreds of years from now. Do you really care what happens a couple hundred years from now? Let's assume you do. Do you care enough about what happens a couple hundred years from now that you're willing for it to impact the way we live in present day? I get caring a little. Or saying you care so you don't look like a dick. But do you care if it puts a financial hardship on those today? I just can't.

It does speak in general terms of cutting spending which is fine with me. But the deficit is a huge problem being ignored by both parties and cutting taxes just seems on the surface to be foolish.

There are two ways to realize more money - increase revenue or decrease expenses. I can't for the life of me ever understand why anyone or any group would prefer the former to the latter, especially when we continuously see the wasteful spending by the feds.

What I support is the govt, whether fed or state, staying the fuk out of people’s business and letting them decide for themselves on this issue. No shower needed.

Is that for everything or just abortion? How about education? Should families get to decide where their kids go to school? You'll say yes, and make some comment about "if they are willing to pay for it themselves". But we give tax payer money to Planned Parenthood ("IT'S NOT FOR ABORTIONS, IT'S FOR OTHER STUFF"...that frees up other money to go towards abortions. It's the same things as tax payer money going towards abortions). So with that in mind, why is there such pushback from the left on school choice. Those families should get a check of what it cost for their child to be educated in public schools to pay for the private schooling they want for their child. Otherwise, it's the government getting the fuk in people's business.

It’s a cost vs benefit thing to me. At best it allegedly slows certain types of illegal crossings. That’s it. Billions of dollars to “slow” crossings. Meanwhile the vast majority of immigrants are entering freely through legal ports of entry while immigration laws are unforced and sanctuary cities exist. The wall is just an expensive symbol of trumps arrogance. Not worth it

I get that. I like examining the cost/benefit aspect of things. As you admit, at best, it slows certain types of immigration. I agree. In addition, would a wall not send a pretty strong statement? Is your contention that just as many migrants would attempt to come if we made a big deal worldwide of having a wall. Would it not change the narrative? Would it not serve as a deterrent? Even a little bit?

I disagree that it's a symbol of Trump's arrogance. I see it as a symbol of we are a nation of laws and rules and we expect those coming here to follow them. It's a symbol of at least trying to fix a known problem. Isn't that a symbol everyone should get behind?

And I'll admit that my electrified wall can come off as a joke. I assure you, it isn't one. The wall itself would be a warning to people - "Do Not Come". That's the only warning they deserve. The electricity would be the consequences of not heeding the warning.
I acknowledge most could never realistically happen.
The schedule F stuff could easily happen. Our system I think is more fragile than people think. Heck there were lots of folks in power who though delaying Presidential Certification on Jan 6 could lend to fake electors making ulimate decisions.
Is this something the President can do unilaterally? I suspect Congress would have to go along with this. And therein lies the death of such a policy. See, the Founders were smart people and planned for such things and put things in place so that hairbrained schemes like this can't actually come to fruition. Is this you just emphasizing how much you dislike this suggestion or again, do you think something like this could really occur?

Go read it. There are very specific steps for increasing executive branch power, firing civil servants who aren't "loyal", more control over DOJ, etc. It endorses usage of the Insurrection Act. Congress would still be there, but their "balance" and power would be weakened.

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