OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I smell penis
Me too !!!

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I don’t know why trump is going defcon 4 with the over the top insults. Just campaign on her record. Like specifically. Defund the police and the border. Those issues alone would cost her enough moderates and independents for trump to win I would think. Preaching to the choir at these rallies with the same old rants and lies ain’t gonna offset her gains in the polls.

Did you mean DEFCON 1? Because DEFCON 4 would not be a heightened state. When all is normal and and we are not experiencing any type of threat, we are at DEFCON 5. Common mistake, but the DEFCON scale descends as the threat becomes more severe. So were the insults not really that bad indicating a lowered state of DEFCON 4? Or Trump went extremely hard after her, in which case you would have wanted to use DEFCON 1?
We HAD a political compromise which the vast majority of Americans were content with and the extremists on both sides whined about.
You're right in part and wrong in part. What we had was a political solution through the non-political judicial branch. There was no compromise in the rewriting of our constitution.

The court was used to create a fictitious constitutional right because a political compromise with "the vast majority of Americans" was not achieved. Furthermore, the exploitation and boundary pushing of a small percentage brought down the entire house of cards.

I would assert that the vast majority of Americans are ok (not happy about, but ok) with early, first trimester abortions. But there are smaller percentages who are very vocal about both ends of the spectrum: those that are against any form at any point, and those that are okay with anything in any form at any point (even some after actual birth). The mouthy ones who want all abortions all the time are the ones that woke up the ones against. If they had left it alone, this probably never gets corrected. In the meantime, "the vast majority of Americans" are still content with first trimester, even if there isn't a constitutional right to it.
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a semi black liberal woman. Do you need her name or do you have it from here?

Trump supporters do not fear her. They do not fear her winning. Take it from me. I am one. What we are annoyed with is the mobilization of big tech and the media to make it look like she is a threat. She is not. She does not have anywhere near Trump’s support despite the gullible believing differently. The Dem machine is doing this for two reasons; (1) to kill the enthusiasm of Trump’s campaign and (2) to set the stage for the cheating they’re planning in November. Thankfully, it won’t be enough. Trump will be so far ahead that they will be unable to manipulate the ballots enough for Kamala to win.
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Trump supporters do not fear her. They do not fear her winning. Take it from me. I am one. What we are annoyed with is the mobilization of big tech and the media to make it look like she is a threat. She is not. She does not have anywhere near Trump’s support despite the gullible believing differently. The Dem machine is doing this for two reasons; (1) to kill the enthusiasm of Trump’s campaign and (2) to set the stage for the cheating they’re planning in November. Thankfully, it won’t be enough. Trump will be so far ahead that they will be unable to manipulate the ballots enough for Kamala to win.
I don’t think trump agrees with you. I think the polls are scaring him to death and I see it in his change of attitude towards her. The all out blitz of personal attacks to me shows panic. Like I said earlier, just run against her record. No need to risk alienating voters with sophomoric insults and innuendo.

But I don’t understand your take on her support. Do you feel the polls are innacurate?
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I don’t think trump agrees with you. I think the polls are scaring him to death and I see it in his change of attitude towards her. The all out blitz of personal attacks to me shows panic. Like I said earlier, just run against her record. No need to risk alienating voters with sophomoric insults and innuendo.

But I don’t understand your take on her support. Do you feel the polls are innacurate?

lol. What? Trump attacking someone shows panic? If Trump weren’t attacking someone, I’d be concerned. That’s his M.O. That’s who he is. He’s never NOT attacked an opponent. Sophomoric indeed but certainly not unexpected or any sign of panic. Not to me at least or really to anyone that has watched Trump’s political career unfold.

As for the polls, I don’t know. I reserve comment there until a later date. But be for real. Is it not odd to you that someone that had one of the most dismal approval ratings all of a sudden has the support of everyone far and wide? Someone that was even disparaged at times by her own boss and by her own party just weeks before she’s tabbed as the nominee? She raised all this money so quickly when a couple months before hand Dem donors were terrified of the prospects of her running against Trump. During her stint as VP, almost nobody ever came to her defense. Do you think she has this rush of support just because all those people oppose Trump?

The media is working overtime to carry her water. That is not debatable. They have had to flip the script so quickly because of the unforeseen situation of Biden dropping out. Big tech is censoring again. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
Even some Republicans are having second thoughts.

Harris’ overall favorability rose from 35% to 43% compared to a week earlier, while the vice president’s unfavorability rating fell from 46% to 42%, according to the results of an ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted on Friday and Saturday.

Among Democrats, 88% indicated that they were enthusiastic about Harris (63% very and 25% somewhat) becoming the party’s nominee. The level of enthusiasm for Harris in her own party outstrips that of former President Trump among Republicans, with 82% of those respondents indicating that they were enthusiastic about him being the nominee.

Trump also saw his favorability rating drop in the poll, falling from 40% last week to 36% in the most recent poll. The former president’s unfavorable rating also ticked up slightly in the new poll, rising from 51% to 52%.
Pro-Trumpers out-number pro-Kamalars, but there is a giant group in the middle of non-maga conservatives, some indys, some Dems of varying degrees who think K is too lib or not enough.

I think Kamala just needs to hit centrist talking points, cater to the middle as much as possible and she'll have a chance at winning the EC. Obviously while contrasting herself to Trump's abnormalcy and extremism.

If she's too lefty (free college, etc) then she'll likely lose.
Pro-Trumpers out-number pro-Kamalars, but there is a giant group in the middle of non-maga conservatives, some indys, some Dems of varying degrees who think K is too lib or not enough.

That is a fair and maybe accurate point. We'll see (if the fix isn't in) if those in the middle would rather return to where we were in 2017/2019 or if they are happy with the downward spiral of the country since.

And lol at thinking Kamala is anything. She has no platform outside of what the Dem overlords are commanding her to do. No one on the left does except the batshit crazies of the far left. Where are the 90s Dems? Oh wait, they're Trump.
Trump supporters do not fear her. They do not fear her winning. Take it from me. I am one. What we are annoyed with is the mobilization of big tech and the media to make it look like she is a threat. She is not. She does not have anywhere near Trump’s support despite the gullible believing differently. The Dem machine is doing this for two reasons; (1) to kill the enthusiasm of Trump’s campaign and (2) to set the stage for the cheating they’re planning in November. Thankfully, it won’t be enough. Trump will be so far ahead that they will be unable to manipulate the ballots enough for Kamala to win.
That smells like fear to me.
You're an insecure little man with a lot to be insecure about.

And you’re an old, goofy looking bastard on death’s doorstep. And if you do get to live a little longer, it looks like you’re stuck with that Lloyd Christmas haircut. Frankly, I don’t know which is worse. Good luck whichever way it goes.

You need anything else?
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What we are annoyed with is the mobilization of big tech and the media to make it look like she is a threat. She is not. She does not have anywhere near Trump’s support despite the gullible believing differently.
The social media astroturfing and bot involvement has been quite impressive since they officially kicked Biden to the curb. Reddit for one has been littered with it - fortunately most people are seeing right through it, and turned off by the practice.
Do you feel the polls are innacurate?
I imagine they're fairly accurate. Here they are, for reference: Polls

I'd be somewhat surprised if Trump won the national popular vote by 2% as being predicted by the polls, but it's possible. Although the popular vote is relatively meaningless. The election comes down to these 7 states (EC votes in parenthesis). Trump needs 35 EC votes from these, Harris needs 54.

Arizona (11): Trump leads by 5.5%
Georgia (16): Trump leads by 3.8%
Michigan (15): Trump leads by 1%
Minnesota (10): Harris leads by 6.3%
Nevada (6): Trump leads by 6%
Pennsylvania (19): Trump leads by 2.2%
Wisconsin (10): Trump leads by 0.6%

If they all go the way they're currently leaning its a 312-226 Trump win. Even if Harris were to flip the two that are under 2% Trump leads (MI and WI), it would be a 287-251 Trump win.

I also smell the fear, but I think it's wafting in from the other direction.
Since 2014, I have had the honor of being mayor of Mesa, the nation’s 36th-largest city and one of the most conservative. Under Trump, American cities didn’t get the support they deserved. Infrastructure week was made into a joke.

But under the Biden-Harris administration, Mesa has seen historic federal funding for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, along with investments to make sure our streets and public transit systems benefit from modern technology.

“For the first time in over 50 years of voting in presidential elections, I will not vote Republican.”

These are former Donald Trump voters. They supported him and his policies in the past. But now, they refuse to support him for president again. Watch them explain in their own words why they’re voting against their party to ensure that Trump never holds office again.
And you’re an old, goofy looking bastard on death’s doorstep. And if you do get to live a little longer, it looks like you’re stuck with that Lloyd Christmas haircut. Frankly, I don’t know which is worse. Good luck whichever way it goes.

You need anything else?
Thank you and good luck to you getting those double wide payments caught up.
  • Wow
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Since 2014, I have had the honor of being mayor of Mesa, the nation’s 36th-largest city and one of the most conservative. Under Trump, American cities didn’t get the support they deserved. Infrastructure week was made into a joke.

But under the Biden-Harris administration, Mesa has seen historic federal funding for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, along with investments to make sure our streets and public transit systems benefit from modern technology.

“For the first time in over 50 years of voting in presidential elections, I will not vote Republican.”

These are former Donald Trump voters. They supported him and his policies in the past. But now, they refuse to support him for president again. Watch them explain in their own words why they’re voting against their party to ensure that Trump never holds office again.
"Republican Voters Against Trump" is paid for by the "Republican Accountability PAC" ... hmm, let's take a look at who's behind this one.

Reid Hoffman co-founder of LinkedIn and a prolific Democratic donor, is one of the Republican Accountability PAC’s biggest backers, donating $2 million in both January and June last year, according to Federal Election Commission filings that show his $4 million accounts for half of what the group raised last year.

Seth Klarman, who runs the Boston-based Baupost hedge fund and is a vocal Trump critic who has donated to both parties, gave $1 million to the group in May last year.

and John Pritzker, who's cousin is JB Pritzker, the Democrat governor of Illinois, and who runs a foundation that donates to many liberal causes gave a total of $1 million to the group through two $500,000 donations in June and November last year.

So, the vast majority of their funding is from these three Dem donors. Seems like calling themselves "Republican Voters" is a bit of a misnomer. Although that's par for the course I guess, from the party that gave us the "Inflation Reduction Act" which actually did nothing to reduce inflation, and the "Border Bill" which actually had 3/4 of the funding in it going to funding for the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and not for the actual border.

I guess Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson should team up to create the "Ultra Libs Who Hate Kamala PAC". Get the hell out of here with that weak sauce.
"Republican Voters Against Trump" is paid for by the "Republican Accountability PAC" ... hmm, let's take a look at who's behind this one.
Who cares how the ad campaign was funded? The fact that it was a group of Trump haters paying millions of dollars to promote the voices of disgruntled former Trump supporters takes nothing away from the objective behind my post. Thanks for the assist.
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This Dark Brandon channel animation is great! The t-shirt designs are fvcking hilarious. Trump on the cross (with his suit on), and Trump and Jesus locked in a passionate kiss! Perfect satire!
Pro-Trumpers out-number pro-Kamalars, but there is a giant group in the middle of non-maga conservatives, some indys, some Dems of varying degrees who think K is too lib or not enough.

I think Kamala just needs to hit centrist talking points, cater to the middle as much as possible and she'll have a chance at winning the EC. Obviously while contrasting herself to Trump's abnormalcy and extremism.

If she's too lefty (free college, etc) then she'll likely lose.
shapiro will balance this out
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