OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Since 2014, I have had the honor of being mayor of Mesa, the nation’s 36th-largest city and one of the most conservative. Under Trump, American cities didn’t get the support they deserved. Infrastructure week was made into a joke.

But under the Biden-Harris administration, Mesa has seen historic federal funding for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, along with investments to make sure our streets and public transit systems benefit from modern technology.

“For the first time in over 50 years of voting in presidential elections, I will not vote Republican.”

These are former Donald Trump voters. They supported him and his policies in the past. But now, they refuse to support him for president again. Watch them explain in their own words why they’re voting against their party to ensure that Trump never holds office again.
if you want to see some hokey bullshit, go to the RVAT website and listen to the sound bite testimonials. One woman started cracking up as she was finishing with hers, the shit was so deep.

I missed where any authentication was provided that these were actual Trump supporters at one time. Other than their own say-so, that is.

Who cares how the ad campaign was funded? The fact that it was a group of Trump haters paying millions of dollars to promote the voices of disgruntled former Trump supporters takes nothing away from the objective behind my post. Thanks for the assist.
no shit, genius. Of course it takes nothing away from your objective, how could it? You just failed at achieving your objective. This is a nothingburger.
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This Dark Brandon channel animation is great! The t-shirt designs are fvcking hilarious. Trump on the cross (with his suit on), and Trump and Jesus locked in a passionate kiss! Perfect satire!
lol, this IS a good video about morons, and the illiterate to boot. Especially the illiterate moron who misspelled 'Brandon' at the end (just before 23:00). According to the credits, that would likely be Dark 'Bradon' himself. Thanks for providing this hilariously stupid backfire. And for the record, I skipped my way through the video, trying to find something at all cogent. There was nothing at all like that.

I would be embarrassed to have posted and lauded this pile of crap. That's me though, I'm sure you found this amateurish hogwash to be highly enlightening. And as a bonus, you got yourself off on the image of Trump kissing Jesus. That pretty much needs no further comment.
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lol, this IS a good video about morons, and the illiterate to boot. Especially the illiterate moron who misspelled 'Brandon' at the end (just before 23:00). According to the credits, that would likely be Dark 'Bradon' himself. Thanks for providing this hilariously stupid backfire. And for the record, I skipped my way through the video, trying to find something at all cogent. There was nothing at all like that.

I would be embarrassed to have posted and lauded this pile of crap. That's me though, I'm sure you found this amateurish hogwash to be highly enlightening. And as a bonus, you got yourself off on the image of Trump kissing Jesus. That pretty much needs no further comment.

They roast the cult. It's low hanging fruit... but, that's what the cult offers up. I'm kinda surprised that South Park allows their likeness to be used with the Alex Jones character.
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Nice video of some whiny faggits. And I thought there couldn't be a video worse than what @strummingram posted.
I like the animated approach. The video Chappelle offered is too creepy and reflects the true pseudo-righteousness that P2025 actually wants to implement. The exaggeration isn't as easy to see. Satire needs exaggeration to be funny. At least it allowed you to reveal more of your raging homophobia.

They roast the cult. It's low hanging fruit... but, that's what the cult offers up. I'm kinda surprised that South Park allows their likeness to be used with the Alex Jones character.
I like the animated approach. The video Chappelle offered is too creepy and reflects the true pseudo-righteousness that P2025 actually wants to implement. The exaggeration isn't as easy to see. Satire needs exaggeration to be funny. At least it allowed you to reveal more of your raging homophobia.
I don't mind animation and it can be highly effective at satire and parody if done cleverly., South Park being a good example. I don't think your video was clever at all, rather it was tedious.. The other video made my skin crawl a little. I found both to be almost unwatchable. Sorry
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Speaking of weird...

More evidence that we need campaign finance reform, but also a big WTF for this political era.
Holy smoke, check out these numbers (highlighted in BOLD):

The Kamala Harris campaign raised $200 million in her first week as a presidential candidate, 66% of which was donated by first-time contributors. Plus 170,000 volunteers signed up to join her campaign to defeat Donald Trump.

Be nervous, Trumpies. Be very nervous.
Not that surprising as many donors stopped or held off on donating until they kicked Biden to the curb, which they obviously eventually did, likely for that reason. Once they pulled the switcharoo, the faucet was back on. If dollars could vote, this could be moderately concerning - however they're instead being used to finance bot astroturfing campaigns on Reddit. Not sure that's all that needle-moving.
I don't even know the joke about Vance and the couch. What's the story there?
someone falsely claimed he admitted in his book to screwing couch cushions. One of those internet things that got a life of its own and became viral despite most everyone knowing it’s false. Now Maybe you can tell me what astroturf pushing is?
Holy smoke, check out these numbers (highlighted in BOLD):

The Kamala Harris campaign raised $200 million in her first week as a presidential candidate, 66% of which was donated by first-time contributors. Plus 170,000 volunteers signed up to join her campaign to defeat Donald Trump.

Be nervous, Trumpies. Be very nervous.

Lol. Why would you believe that? Because you so very badly want to? The rest of us are laughing at you.
Now Maybe you can tell me what astroturf pushing is?
It stems from the idea that astroturf is fake grass while referring to grassroots efforts. In politics specifically it's the claim that supposed grassroots support through funding and the like are actually covert operations by wealthy corporations working in disguise.

It's a bold claim being loosely thrown around usually by know-nothing dimwits, and the comedy comes by way of MAGA 'tards like @Hark_The_Sound_2010 suggesting it is being widely committed and only by the left.
Because those are the facts. And the numbers. Don't believe me? Look it up, chump.

What team do you actually support? Because no one who supports Dean Smith's program would ever behave in the bigoted manner that you do.

They must have gotten sick of you at Radar for you to be over here. No surprise, you're pretty intolerable over there. But here's the deal; unlike the moderated Radar board, this board isn't moderated and we can actually say the things to you here that everyone over there wants to say to you. So I actually hope you decide to stick around and do that douchebag act here that you've perfected over there.
Who is this whiny ****** over here calling out fandom? As much as this bitch has whined I'm leaning towards him being an ncstatelol fan.
UNC class of 2005 graduate. Lifelong UNC fan who took to heart Dean Smith's message about doing the right thing and standing up to racists and bigots. Which is exactly what I'm doing.

You must be on the far other side of the spectrum. A bigot who never got an education, who simply chose to jump on the bandwagon of a successful team, while you run around embarrassing yourself in your Klan robes. Here's some breaking news for you Adolf: your bigotry and ignorance is never going to win, and you are never going to be a Tar Heel.
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What team do you actually support? Because no one who supports Dean Smith's program would ever behave in the bigoted manner that you do.
lol, I already knew you were woefully ignorant, but I didn't understand the depth of your idiocy until now. The idea that in order to support a program you have to be in lockstep with the coaches social outlook is hilariously stupid. You should have thought about it a little more before taking that mindless approach. Dean himself would be appalled at the notion.

Best of all, there's no surprise that you're a lib, trying to hit back like some insulted woman, attempting to shame me over a Carolina institution that I have more regard for than you'll ever comprehend. Oh yeah, and calling me a bigot for pointing out that your video was just a collection of whiny faggits. Which it obviously is. Did you even watch it yourself? If you did and you don't agree, that raises other questions. Dean would applaud my perception and my honesty.

IIRC, this is the second time you've tried the shaming tactic on me. So on top of everything else, you have no originality.
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UNC class of 2005 graduate. Lifelong UNC fan who took to heart Dean Smith's message about doing the right thing and standing up to racists and bigots. Which is exactly what I'm doing.

You must be on the far other side of the spectrum. A bigot who never got an education, who simply chose to jump on the bandwagon of a successful team, while you run around embarrassing yourself in your Klan robes. Here's some breaking news for you Adolf: your bigotry and ignorance is never going to win, and you are never going to be a Tar Heel.

UNC class of 2005 graduate. Lifelong UNC fan who took to heart Dean Smith's message about doing the right thing and standing up to racists and bigots. Which is exactly what I'm doing.

You must be on the far other side of the spectrum. A bigot who never got an education, who simply chose to jump on the bandwagon of a successful team, while you run around embarrassing yourself in your Klan robes. Here's some breaking news for you Adolf: your bigotry and ignorance is never going to win, and you are never going to be a Tar Heel.

Dean Smith would be embarrassed to call himself a liberal these days. He stood up for what's right. Not the absurd fantasies of "gender fluidity", "everything is racist" and "fund wars".

You know what else Dean was a proponent of - meritocracy; something the progressives know jack shit about. They're all about victimhood, which is the antithesis of Dean Smith's teachings.

So in short, f*ck off.
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