OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Better, but still plenty of room for improvement.
Only the MAGA cult wanted Trump vs. Biden. I think of all the Let's Go Brandon merch that the swag dealers bought, and is now worthless.

No one else wanted a Trump/Biden rematch.
THIS makes absolutely no sense in light of the actions of the D's for the last two years. They literally ran off and suppressed any other candidates to the extent that they could. Look what they did to RFK, Jr. They changed primary dates to force SC to be first to ensure a Biden victory, etc. So, literally they did everything possible to ensure Biden was the nominee (until they couldn't cover up his deficits any longer).

I would agree that MAGA wanted Trump. Many wanted someone else with Trump like policies. That wasn't meant to be I suppose. It made @blazers happy though.
THIS makes absolutely no sense in light of the actions of the D's for the last two years. They literally ran off and suppressed any other candidates to the extent that they could. Look what they did to RFK, Jr. They changed primary dates to force SC to be first to ensure a Biden victory, etc. So, literally they did everything possible to ensure Biden was the nominee (until they couldn't cover up his deficits any longer).

I would agree that MAGA wanted Trump. Many wanted someone else with Trump like policies. That wasn't meant to be I suppose. It made @blazers happy though.
I guess that explains the polling number shift and the avalanche of donor money since Biden stepped-down. Biden would have been better off having committed to being a one-term president from the start. I don't even think old-school conservatives wanted Trump. But, they're stuck with him until he croaks.

The Republican Party is the Trump/MAGA party... period. Conservatives have been leaving and getting voted-out ever since Trump took it over. It will be interesting to see what happens when Trump finally dies. There's no one to replace him. He's a one-man-show. But, I guess there are plenty that are willing to try. If the GOP loses again in November, they're still stuck with him. He owns the party.
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I guess that explains the polling number shift and the avalanche of donor money since Biden stepped-down. Biden would have been better off having committed to being a one-term president from the start. I don't even think old-school conservatives wanted Trump. But, they're stuck with him until he croaks.

The Republican Party is the Trump/MAGA party... period. Conservatives have been leaving and getting voted-out ever since Trump took it over. It will be interesting to see what happens when Trump finally dies. There's no one to replace him. He's a one-man-show. But, I guess there are plenty that are willing to try. If the GOP loses again in November, they're still stuck with him. He owns the party.
The money stopped after the cover-up was exposed by the debate. Clooney/Obama/Clinton had just held that big fundraiser that raked in the dough (the one where O had to hold Joe to walk him off the stage at the end). And Joe DID commit to just being a one-term president. He even spoke how he was to be a transition to the next generation. It was only after he had been there awhile that "he" decided to run for a second term.

As to the rest of the Trump stuff, believe what you will, you hate the guy. If he loses, things will likely turn against him and I think you'll see much less support for him personally. But, populist and representing the middle class will continue.
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Yeah... RFK, Jr. does just fine on his own.
I feel bad for him with the disease or whatever that causes his voice issues. And the D's wanted no parts of him because it was all Joe all the time. But he is entertaining. A bear in Central Park? Who does that?
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I feel bad for him with the disease or whatever that causes his voice issues. And the D's wanted no parts of him because it was all Joe all the time. But he is entertaining. A bear in Central Park? Who does that?
It's more than his voice. He's way too fringe-y and nutty on vaccines etc.. The Kennedy's don't even support him. He did score Cheryl Hines... good for him.
It made @blazers happy though.
I didn't want Biden, nobody did. But when i talk about his accomplishments i talk about the "Biden Admin" (the appointees, advisors, depends-buyers, etc). And I do like many of his accomplishments. He got a TON of stuff done regardless of congress being a clown-show.
The money stopped after the cover-up was exposed by the debate. Clooney/Obama/Clinton had just held that big fundraiser that raked in the dough (the one where O had to hold Joe to walk him off the stage at the end). And Joe DID commit to just being a one-term president. He even spoke how he was to be a transition to the next generation. It was only after he had been there awhile that "he" decided to run for a second term.
People didn't want Joe in 2020, they just thought he was the best chance of victory against Trump, which apparently is happening twice. Kudos to him for defeating Trump then passing a ton of legislation.
If he loses, things will likely turn against him and I think you'll see much less support for him personally.
No amount of losing is going to change people's opinion of him. He already lost once, then incited an insurrection. He lost court battles over 2020, lost his sexual assault trial, lost his hush-money trial, he's lost never-Trumper conservatives, he keeps losing and people keep buying his bibles and trading cards.
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a little difficult for me to do, but I gave this a like because I agree with completely separating church and state (but not to the point that you can't celebrate Christmas, etc.) Just as I deplore identifying citizens by race, I despise pushing some chosen religion or ANY religion for that matter. I'm not against religion if that's your thing, but public schools shouldn't be used to do what should be done anywhere else. Religion is a home school subject.

Rather than posting the TC, it would be extremely gratifying if they simply made it mandatory to drill the basic concept of the golden rule and right and wrong into those impressionable little skulls.....and the principles of the TC would largely be included in that effort.
couldn’t agree more. Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t kill….all things kids should learn. “Remember the sabbath and keep it holy” (Friday evening til Sunday morning) uhhhh no.
The money stopped after the cover-up was exposed by the debate. Clooney/Obama/Clinton had just held that big fundraiser that raked in the dough (the one where O had to hold Joe to walk him off the stage at the end). And Joe DID commit to just being a one-term president. He even spoke how he was to be a transition to the next generation. It was only after he had been there awhile that "he" decided to run for a second term.

As to the rest of the Trump stuff, believe what you will, you hate the guy. If he loses, things will likely turn against him and I think you'll see much less support for him personally. But, populist and representing the middle class will continue.
Regardless, the democrats were NEVER enthusiastic about a 2nd Biden term. I don't think anyone was excited about a 2nd Biden term. Not even Trump haters. Trump is just a by-product of the country. Garbage-in, garbage-out. The GOP has devolved into a WWF show. The RNC with Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock? God only knows what kind of shit-show the DNC will be. Americans need to be entertained, and have a reason to bitch. They don't really give a shit about actual policy ad how they affect their lives. They don't think that deeply.
couldn’t agree more. Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t kill….all things kids should learn. “Remember the sabbath and keep it holy” (Friday evening til Sunday morning) uhhhh no.
All things that everyone should not only learn, but follow. And in most situations, those things are illegal. But what do we care about those silly laws?
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Regardless, the democrats were NEVER enthusiastic about a 2nd Biden term. I don't think anyone was excited about a 2nd Biden term. Not even Trump haters. Trump is just a by-product of the country. Garbage-in, garbage-out. The GOP has devolved into a WWF show. The RNC with Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock? God only knows what kind of shit-show the DNC will be. Americans need to be entertained, and have a reason to bitch. They don't really give a shit about actual policy ad how they affect their lives. They don't think that deeply.
Well, most of that, I agree with. And it's not like Megan Thee Stallion is any better. The only thing I'll add is that no one was ever enthusiastic about ANY Biden term or campaign for that matter. Any measure of enthusiasm was all anybody but trump.
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I feel bad for him with the disease or whatever that causes his voice issues.
You think RFK is a remote option for the DNC? He's a crank. He believe vaccines cause autism, it's his obsession. He talks about environmental protections, but then talks about Climate Change like it is a hoax by "the man". He talks about taxing corporations but not taxing the rich. He's all over the place... some VERY far left, but that doesn't make him a good candidate.
And the D's wanted no parts of him because it was all Joe all the time.
Again, look at the explosion of support for Kamala. Is that cuz she's a great candidate? Hell NO. It's cuz they were desperate to find any pulse that might beat Trump other than Biden. I truly believe that Kamala could've stepped aside too and Biden could've thrown his hat behind 50 different governors, mayors or congress people and Americans would've equally opened their checkbooks.

(my hope is she brings much of his Admin with her, but with a little more environmental focus)
Nothing says middle class like having your own 757
Most of the political class are all wealthy- Democrats and Republicans. A great many become celebrities, in their own way. But, DJT is a professional celebrity. He gets extra points for that. And flaunting his wealth means God loves him more. You want to aspire to have as much worldly stuff as possible, just like Jesus said!
Any measure of enthusiasm was all anybody but trump.
That's right. He's a preening self-promoter. He's a master, in that regard. He likes campaigning and getting attention... that's all. Losing in 2020 was the best thing that happened to him. He got to keep his perpetual show tour rolling for 4 years straight- getting donations and casting doubt on the American process.. That's what he WANTED in 2016. If he loses, he insists it was rigged. That's his gimmick. If he wins, it's legit, if he loses, he was cheated. Winning just means he has to actually WORK! That's not his strong suit. He doesn't understand the mechanisms of government. All of that undermines this country's well-being. Republicans gave him the platform. His presence in American politics/government has been incredibly damaging.
Again, look at the explosion of support for Kamala.
Anyone besides Joe would have gotten that support. ANYONE.

In the meantime, how many days are we up to that Kackles has been in the "basement"? If she ever emerges, it'll be interesting to watch what happens with your so-called support.
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In the meantime, how many days are we up to that Kackles has been in the "basement"? If she ever emerges, it'll be interesting to watch what happens with your so-called support.
She'll definitely be out in time for the debate . . . oh, that's right. Trump is hiding in his "basement" avoiding her.
Anyone besides Joe would have gotten that support. ANYONE.

In the meantime, how many days are we up to that Kackles has been in the "basement"? If she ever emerges, it'll be interesting to watch what happens with your so-called support.
I don’t get the basement reference. She’s all over the news campaigning in different states.
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Trump is now being advised by a high school graduate:

So there’s the pillow guy, the couch guy, and the chair guy all advising him. Plus Don’t forget the serta trump mattress that retailed for $2000. Being soft and foamy is appealing to him evidently.
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I don’t get the basement reference. She’s all over the news campaigning in different states.
She's everywhere for sure, but it's always reading a teleprompter. She hasn't done a single interview, a single townhall, a single press conference since becoming the appointed heir to the crown. She won't even answer yelled questions from reporters as she moves from plane to event. She has avoided anything that isn't a prepared, written dialogue by some speech writer type.

She's running a 2020 basement style campaign, but the basement just moves from town to town because she doesn't have trouble ambulating and there's no longer an excuse to remain holed up being elderly and frail. Literally, the only thing that she hasn't read off a teleprompter has been the word salad she gave us the other night on the tarmac after the prisoner swap. It's all very controlled so as to not expose her.
If he loses, things will likely turn against him and I think you'll see much less support for him personally. But, populist and representing the middle class will continue.
you really believe it’s gonna go like that?…lol he’s certainly not toning down the rhetoric re: his last loss and how rigged the system is.
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Again, look at the explosion of support for Kamala. Is that cuz she's a great candidate? Hell NO. It's cuz they were desperate to find any pulse that might beat Trump other than Biden. I truly believe that Kamala could've stepped aside too and Biden could've thrown his hat behind 50 different governors, mayors or congress people and Americans would've equally opened their checkbooks.

Anyone besides Joe would have gotten that support. ANYONE.

Is there an echo in here?
Sure as hell don't want that guy anywhere near the US economy. He can't save enough to buy one single investment? Yikes.
I know. Teacher married to a teacher, with lots of kids, but still. Veep sure has a nice retirement package though.

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