OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Again, look at the explosion of support for Kamala. Is that cuz she's a great candidate? Hell NO. It's cuz they were desperate to find any pulse that might beat Trump other than Biden. I truly believe that Kamala could've stepped aside too and Biden could've thrown his hat behind 50 different governors, mayors or congress people and Americans would've equally opened their checkbooks.

(my hope is she brings much of his Admin with her, but with a little more environmental focus)
mostly agree but c'mon. They aren't supporting her because they have thought deeply enough to consider her chances of beating Trump. They are supporting her or any of the other possibilities you refer to simply because they are sheep...and a good sheep will do that.

They only backed away from Biden because he was getting hammered from all sides as being washed up and they finally heard the bell.. They weren't recognizing the obvious like what we have been discussing here for quite some time, Not even after the debate disaster did they quite make it out of their stupor. But then a few select celebs came down on him and finally the boom was lowered. Nothing like the opinion of a celeb to make that little light come on in a dems head.

Nice try with the "and Americans would've equally opened their checkbooks." comment. Not Americans. Dems. No synonymosity there. But then, you get a virtual like for the environmental concern. If the dems really, really got serious and took some really serious environmental actions, I might actually think about getting behind them. But glorified lip service doesn't cut it.
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couldn’t agree more. Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t kill….all things kids should learn. “Remember the sabbath and keep it holy” (Friday evening til Sunday morning) uhhhh no.
they have mackerel on Friday, try it it's delicious. Don't forget to tithe. I'll be here all week turning water into wine. Or is it wine into water?.

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J.D. Vance takes douchery and stalking to a whole new level.

Yesterday on the tarmac in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Vance crashed the Harris-Walz party hoping some of their campaign magic would rub off and telling reporters that he "wanted to talk to Kamala." Meanwhile, he posed for an impromptu photo op near Air Force Two. "Hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months,” he said.

Keep on wishing, Shady. Keep on wishing.


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Douchery and stalking? I thought they were too afraid to go face to face. Where's Kamala hiding, I don't see her.?
J.D. Vance takes douchery and stalking to a whole new level.

Yesterday on the tarmac in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Vance crashed the Harris-Walz party hoping some of their campaign magic would rub off and telling reporters that he "wanted to talk to Kamala." Meanwhile, he posed for an impromptu photo op near Air Force Two. "Hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months,” he said.

Keep on wishing, Shady. Keep on wishing.



You are sooooooo delusional. I had to laugh at “hoping some of their campaign magic would rub off…”.
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J.D. Vance takes douchery and stalking to a whole new level.

Yesterday on the tarmac in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Vance crashed the Harris-Walz party hoping some of their campaign magic would rub off and telling reporters that he "wanted to talk to Kamala." Meanwhile, he posed for an impromptu photo op near Air Force Two. "Hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months,” he said.

Keep on wishing, Shady. Keep on wishing.


he's slightly more normal and personable (WEIRD) than Ron Desantis, but that isn't saying much.

“I love the smell of Minneapolis burning in the morning. It smells like victory.”

Gwen Walz

LOL. You beat me to it. She said she kept the windows open so she could be reminded of the black folks' plight. From the Governor's Mansion.

Liberals are so fu*king stupid.
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Is there an echo in here?
Just stop. If Biden mattered whatsoever to picking the nominee, if his "endorsement" mattered in any fashion, he'd still be your duly elected candidate rather than the coup that your power structure orchestrated. Speaking of Joe, where the F is he? He's still the president, correct? Continuing the trend of the last four years, the media and no one else seems to want to talk about him and his policies. It's truly scary to think what he's going to try between now and January.

The incredible surge of enthusiasm you want to claim is Kackula's is the result of finally having an actual candidate rather than an empty vessel. She's one of those preprinted forms where you "fill in the blank". But that is nothing more than cheering for your team. It's like being QB for the Cowboys or an outfielder for the Yankees. A certain amount of oomph comes with it regardless of whether you are great or just a body occupying the spot on the roster.
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I do recall there being reports about Trump calling Tim the Traitor and telling him he was doing a "good job", but as always, I'd love to hear the full call or read the entire transcript because context matters. I'd also want to know when it took place, etc. There's a big difference if the call was made on day two or three of the riots versus after Walz finally called in the NG.
Here's the recipe for the magic:

1 - Teleprompter speaking only
2 - Hide away as long as you can
3 - Get media to do your campaigning for you
Number 3 (including sm) sure makes 1 & 2 easier when the overwhelming majority are members of, donors to, and supporters of your party.
LOL. You beat me to it. She said she kept the windows open so she could be reminded of the black folks' plight. From the Governor's Mansion.

Liberals are so fu*king stupid.
But it's not stupidity, it's what he and his wife believe should be.

They got married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. And literally went on their "honeymoon" to China. With students. Paid for by the Chinese. It's been reported he's been there 30 times on trips. He started a travel company just to run these student trips over there. He speaks Chinese. He invited Chinese dignitaries to his inauguration as governor. He's described them as the nicest people anywhere and the trips being the best thing he'll ever experience. Yes, he is talking about the CCP. That's combined with all the problems associated with his reserve service commitment and the misrepresentations about where he actually served.

That's who Kacula picked to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Think about that. She's had one decision to make. One that was hers. And she picked him.
But it's not stupidity, it's what he and his wife believe should be.

They got married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. And literally went on their "honeymoon" to China. With students. Paid for by the Chinese. It's been reported he's been there 30 times on trips. He started a travel company just to run these student trips over there. He speaks Chinese. He invited Chinese dignitaries to his inauguration as governor. He's described them as the nicest people anywhere and the trips being the best thing he'll ever experience. Yes, he is talking about the CCP. That's combined with all the problems associated with his reserve service commitment and the misrepresentations about where he actually served.

That's who Kacula picked to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Think about that. She's had one decision to make. One that was hers. And she picked him.

Vance was a terrible pick for a running mate. Kamala said, "hold my beer".
But it's not stupidity, it's what he and his wife believe should be.

They got married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. And literally went on their "honeymoon" to China. With students. Paid for by the Chinese. It's been reported he's been there 30 times on trips. He started a travel company just to run these student trips over there. He speaks Chinese. He invited Chinese dignitaries to his inauguration as governor. He's described them as the nicest people anywhere and the trips being the best thing he'll ever experience. Yes, he is talking about the CCP. That's combined with all the problems associated with his reserve service commitment and the misrepresentations about where he actually served.

That's who Kacula picked to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Think about that. She's had one decision to make. One that was hers. And she picked him.
Yeah, but, mean tweets.
J.D. Vance takes douchery and stalking to a whole new level.

Yesterday on the tarmac in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Vance crashed the Harris-Walz party hoping some of their campaign magic would rub off and telling reporters that he "wanted to talk to Kamala." Meanwhile, he posed for an impromptu photo op near Air Force Two. "Hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months,” he said.

Keep on wishing, Shady. Keep on wishing.


This post was perfect. I just can't decide whether it's proof of your allegiance to your team, a lack of perspective, ignorance, or a combination. This was not anything close to douchy or stalkish (you may not know this, but their planes were there at the same time so it was simply an opportunity that Vance took advantage of). It was actually brilliant. It fully pointed out and demonstrated the utter lack of interaction with anything besides a teleprompter by the VP and her sidekick. You don't like this being so fully displayed, so it would be bad from your point of view.

She is the political version of Hamas always taking cover behind innocent Palestinians. Yesterday, they hid behind Girl Scouts and almost ran to the limos when reporters started yelling questions to them.

From the article:

"Governor Walz allowed Minneapolis to burn for days, despite President Trump’s offer to deploy soldiers and cries for help from the liberal Mayor of Minneapolis," Leavitt said. "In this daily briefing phone call with Governors on June 1, days after the riots began, President Trump acknowledged Governor Walz for FINALLY taking action to deploy the National Guard to end the violence in the city."

Yeah, Trump really sang his praises.
From the article:

"Governor Walz allowed Minneapolis to burn for days, despite President Trump’s offer to deploy soldiers and cries for help from the liberal Mayor of Minneapolis," Leavitt said. "In this daily briefing phone call with Governors on June 1, days after the riots began, President Trump acknowledged Governor Walz for FINALLY taking action to deploy the National Guard to end the violence in the city."

Yeah, Trump really sang his praises.
From the article:
As former President Trump blasts Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz over his response to the unrest in his state in May 2020 following the murder of George Floyd, a resurfaced audio recording shows that Trump had praised Walz at the time for how he "dominated" the situation.

In the audio recording, which was obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, Trump was on a phone call with Walz and other governors and officials on June 1, 2020.

"What they did in Minneapolis was incredible. They went in and dominated, and it happened immediately," Trump told Walz and the others on the call.
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Well, first let me acknowledge you for linking a fox article. lol.

Sadly, it's not the audio or transcript of the actual call. It's hand-picked portions from the AP.

What it does say from Trump is this: "What THEY did in Minneapolis was incredible. THEY went in and dominated, and it happened immediately." Clearly, he is NOT referring to Walz but rather the NG. The article goes on to quote Trump as follows: "I don't blame you. I blame the mayor." and "I was very happy with the last couple of days, Tim. You called up big numbers and the big numbers knocked them our so fast, it was like bowling pins." So, he again he was talking about the "big numbers" of the NG. He does praise the gov for his response after he finally responded and assessed more blame to the mayor. And that's almost assuredly warranted in the finger pointing game. But that doesn't mean the gov failed to act timely in the days BEFORE the NG entered the picture and despite what the mayor did or didn't do. Again, it's all context. The mayor isn't running for VP so his actions or lack thereof isn't really at issue.
From the article:
As former President Trump blasts Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz over his response to the unrest in his state in May 2020 following the murder of George Floyd, a resurfaced audio recording shows that Trump had praised Walz at the time for how he "dominated" the situation.

In the audio recording, which was obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, Trump was on a phone call with Walz and other governors and officials on June 1, 2020.

"What they did in Minneapolis was incredible. They went in and dominated, and it happened immediately," Trump told Walz and the others on the call.

Who dominated? Walz or the National Guard after Walz finally accepted help after 4 days of his city being destroyed?
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Vance was a terrible pick for a running mate. Kamala said, "hold my beer".
I am curious as to why you think this about Vance. Couch memes aside, what's makes him terrible? Are you just asserting there were better options? And I get the point about Youngkin from a stance perspective, but what does he do with the indies in the 7 or so states that actually matter as well as the issue of turnout?
I am curious as to why you think this about Vance. Couch memes aside, what's makes him terrible? Are you just asserting there were better options? And I get the point about Youngkin from a stance perspective, but what does he do with the indies in the 7 or so states that actually matter as well as the issue of turnout?

Youngkin speaks to the moderates. Vance doesn't. Ohio is red. Virginia is purple. I could name a few more that would have been better picks. Vance is a smart guy. He's not all that likable.
The incredible surge of enthusiasm you want to claim is Kackula's is the result of finally having an actual candidate rather than an empty vessel. She's one of those preprinted forms where you "fill in the blank". But that is nothing more than cheering for your team. It's like being QB for the Cowboys or an outfielder for the Yankees. A certain amount of oomph comes with it regardless of whether you are great or just a body occupying the spot on the roster.
You are still echoing me
Youngkin would have been a homerun of a VP pick for Trump.

Sounds good except for the paper ballots. That's just a result of these dumb conspiracy theories and it definitely isn't more secure.