OOTB's Political Thread . ..


Sure. The left likes to call the right "racist" yet the left is the one that has built their entire platform on racial identity.

The left likes to say that the right is going to end democracy yet it is the left that has stepped outside of the democratic process for their candidate.

The left likes to call the right fascist yet it is the left that has called for censorship and oppressive measures against those that do not subscribe to the left's ideology.

The left likes to call the right weird yet it is the left that supports and promotes deviant ideology and lifestyles and believes such falsehoods like "men can get pregnant". the idea that men can get pregnant not "weird"?

The left likes to insinuate the right is no friend of the middle class yet the good majority of the ruling class elites are on the left.

Should I go on?
I have to say that Harris is doing much better than I expected. I'm not sure if this is just momentum from people being excited about Biden not running or if they are actually happy it's her. I figured Trump had it in the bag, because she's a bad choice, but it's looking like that's not the case. I think Trump's biggest mistake so far was to waste the shooting. He's done a bad job milking that for the independent voters.
I have to say that Harris is doing much better than I expected. I'm not sure if this is just momentum from people being excited about Biden not running or if they are actually happy it's her. I figured Trump had it in the bag, because she's a bad choice, but it's looking like that's not the case. I think Trump's biggest mistake so far was to waste the shooting. He's done a bad job milking that for the independent voters.

Is Harris doing well or is the media making it look like that? If it's the former, what specifically is she doing well?
Is Harris doing well or is the media making it look like that? If it's the former, what specifically is she doing well?
I guess I should have been more specific. I was referring to doing well in the polls, not her actual performance. She hasn't really done anything as a candidate that I would classify as good or bad. I'll definitely be interested in the debate assuming one actually happens.
You come in this thread and start popping off, say a bunch of wrong shit, get called out for it and have your bottom paddled by @UNC '92 and then try to mask it all with accusations of Trump supporters panicking.

"Unhinged" doesn't quite do you justice.

I must admit to enjoying @UNC '92 taking you to the woodshed with actual content versus your apparent perception.
“I didn’t watch 15 seconds but here’s my take”
Hardly. I specifically said that I didn't watch it, but there are things that can be very safely assumed that Trump would touch on. The big issue is Kackles hiding from the press in any format. I did listen to HER answering a couple of questions because it took her less than a minute and I saw that clip. Are you suggesting that Trump did NOT speak on the lack of press interaction?
It was supposed to be a press conference. Prob in response to Harris not having any and her now leading in the polls. He did answer questions but with the same rhetoric he’s always used. A new lie he told was claiming his Jan 6 crowd was bigger than mlk’s for his “I have a dream speech”. He’s obsessed with size (cough) er crowd size and has no doubt noted that Harris’ crowds have been large.
your problem my friend, and that of your fellow anti-Trumpers, is that your ill-founded hatred prevents you from seeing the difference between a relatively harmless lie by exaggeration, and a lie intended and concocted to deceive.

I have never had much trouble questioning speech containing exaggeration and I have no trouble accepting it as a characteristic that the speaker has. Usually it's just a call for personal acceptance. It troubles me not one bit unless the exaggeration is so intense that it's off-putting, That only makes me want to stop listening; it doesn't cloud my judgement about the speakers ability to function and do good work.

I also have never had any trouble knowing when someone is deceptively telling outright lies or more subtly twisting the truth to gain some advantage. I have no trouble understanding that Trump's 'lies' are so easily dismissed that they have no effect on the rational person's perception of him as a leader. On the other hand I know that one side of the coin is constantly lying insidiously in order to deceive and gain an upper hand. THOSE liars are the ones we need to be wary of. They are the ones you can't trust, because their words mean nothing. With Trump, you discard the obvious bullshit and what remains can be taken to heart (for the most part).

It's so ironic that those opposed to Trump portray him as Hitler, while they are the ones encouraging and succumbing to the lies of those actually behaving like Hitler and using Hitler tactics. That ain't Trump. Lying in that manner is habitual with the leftists. Wake the F up.
your problem my friend, and that of your fellow anti-Trumpers, is that your ill-founded hatred prevents you from seeing the difference between a relatively harmless lie by exaggeration, and a lie intended and concocted to deceive.

I have never had much trouble questioning speech containing exaggeration and I have no trouble accepting it as a characteristic that the speaker has. Usually it's just a call for personal acceptance. It troubles me not one bit unless the exaggeration is so intense that it's off-putting, That only makes me want to stop listening; it doesn't cloud my judgement about the speakers ability to function and do good work.

I also have never had any trouble knowing when someone is deceptively telling outright lies or more subtly twisting the truth to gain some advantage. I have no trouble understanding that Trump's 'lies' are so easily dismissed that they have no effect on the rational person's perception of him as a leader. On the other hand I know that one side of the coin is constantly lying insidiously in order to deceive and gain an upper hand. THOSE liars are the ones we need to be wary of. They are the ones you can't trust, because their words mean nothing. With Trump, you discard the obvious bullshit and what remains can be taken to heart (for the most part).

It's so ironic that those opposed to Trump portray him as Hitler, while they are the ones encouraging and succumbing to the lies of those actually behaving like Hitler and using Hitler tactics. That ain't Trump. Lying in that manner is habitual with the leftists. Wake the F up.
you’re right. He’s lied so much and so often that it doesn’t affect my opinion of him. I still enjoy the laughs though and im
Glad to share them. And I’ve never portrayed him as hitler fwiw. Hitler was way smarter.
I always get a good chuckle out of the unhinged right going after the unhinged left. Maybe y’all should get together and find some hinges.
I think hinges should be oiled occasionally. Or maybe some of that graphite stuff. Whatever it takes to keep them from squeaking so annoyingly. The door with hinges on the left are the worst.
you’re right. He’s lied so much and so often that it doesn’t affect my opinion of him. I still enjoy the laughs though and im
Glad to share them. And I’ve never portrayed him as hitler fwiw. Hitler was way smarter.
as usual, I wasn't directing this at you as much as at anti-Trumpsters in general., I just used your post for a soapbox. On the other hand, wake the F up and get right..
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Quick tangent. I've never understood why politicians spend a lot of time in states that are a guaranteed win. Spend that time and money in toss up states. A Republican doesn't need to waste much time in Nebraska (shout out @nctransplant) or a Democrat in California. Just say what's up on your way to NC or Pennsylvania.
maybe it's to keep them locked in. No different than keeping customers of a business.

A common complaint of mind-changers is 'he seems to have forgotten about us'. Of course, we're talking about the State where Yellowstone Ranch is so maybe you have a point. They send lefties to the railway station.
Unc 42 was directly talking to with his vein bulging take and you chimes in and agreed with it. You were without a doubt directing it at me. Liar.
Remember it however you want, but the posts are there to read. I don't appreciate being called a liar above because I did NOT and generally don't lie, at least that's the goal (frankly, that would be stupid in this format since everything is there to go back and read). In this instance, you are flatly wrong because I replied to @gunslingerdick (not @UNC '92) and that is the post to which you replied.

I'm not asking for an apology or anything, just not letting you get away with that crap without setting things straight. Maybe take the afternoon off and enjoy an early start to the weekend. At least have a drink to take off the edge or something.
your problem my friend, and that of your fellow anti-Trumpers, is that your ill-founded hatred prevents you from seeing the difference between a relatively harmless lie by exaggeration, and a lie intended and concocted to deceive.

actually trump is the one who cant tell the difference. He’s obsessed with telling the same lies over and over and over. Obviously it’s important if not critical to him that idiots be deceived and believe him.
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actually trump is the one who cant tell the difference. He’s obsessed with telling the same lies over and over and over. Obviously it’s important if not critical to him that idiots he deceived and believe him.
Just which policies do you and the squad like that Kametoe has put forth? Orange Man bad is not a policy. TIA
Just which policies do you and the squad like that Kametoe has put forth? Orange Man bad is not a policy. TIA

Can’t speak for “the squad” whoever the fuk you think that I s but for me: After birth abortion, cutting the dicks off kindergarteners, communism, outlawing Christianity, canceling Christmas, seizing all guns, and banning repubs from voting.
actually trump is the one who cant tell the difference. He’s obsessed with telling the same lies over and over and over. Obviously it’s important if not critical to him that idiots he deceived and believe him.
He's just exaggerating, not lying... big difference. Judges and juries disagree, of course. At least half of the American public disagree. But they do what the media tells them to do.

My favorite exaggeration was the statement that his base is comprised of at least 75% of all Americans.
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Can’t speak for “the squad” whoever the fuk you think that I s but for me: After birth abortion, cutting the dicks off kindergarteners, communism, outlawing Christianity, canceling Christmas, seizing all guns, and banning repubs from voting.
After birth abortion... that doesn't even make sense. That's like an after-sex orgasm. Maybe they're disposing of the afterbirth, itself? I think I see another exaggeration.
I haven't watched 15 seconds of what Trump said yesterday, so I can't comment on the specifics.
That's probably for the best. People who have decided that, no matter what, they are a "conservative", and also have some intellect and education, are much better off NOT listening to what he says. The amount of cover necessary for his bullshit would be too exhausting.
Remember it however you want, but the posts are there to read. I don't appreciate being called a liar above because I did NOT and generally don't lie, at least that's the goal (frankly, that would be stupid in this format since everything is there to go back and read). In this instance, you are flatly wrong because I replied to @gunslingerdick (not @UNC '92) and that is the post to which you replied.

I'm not asking for an apology or anything, just not letting you get away with that crap without setting things straight. Maybe take the afternoon off and enjoy an early start to the weekend. At least have a drink to take off the edge or something.
I’m lmao at y’all’s panic and have been all day. In that way I’m way ahead of everyone in enjoying my weekend.
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He's just exaggerating, not lying... big difference. Judges and juries disagree, of course. At east half of the American public disagree. But they do what the media tells them to do.

My favorite exaggeration was the statement that his base is comprised of at least 75% of all Americans.
assuming you are posting in reference to my take on exaggeration, here is what I actually said...

a relatively harmless lie by exaggeration

I never said lie OR exaggeration. If it is knowingly not the truth, it is a lie. Period. I said a lie by exaggeration is not the same as a lie devised in order to completely deceive. If you get your panties in a wad because someone exaggerates, you're the problem not the exaggerator....because exaggerations are fairly readily recognized and also relatively harmless. On the other hand, if you fall for lies that are intended to sucker you into believing something that paints a picture opposite of the truth, especially while getting your panties wadded over exaggeration, you're an even bigger problem.

If you constantly need to get a grip on reality, you're just nuts.
He's just exaggerating, not lying... big difference. Judges and juries disagree, of course. At least half of the American public disagree. But they do what the media tells them to do.

My favorite exaggeration was the statement that his base is comprised of at least 75% of all Americans.
Explain the difference between a Rep lie and a Dim lie please. You can use the above and let's go with "no US soldiers have died on my watch" or "inflation was 9% when i took office."
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When you get props from Strum for your poasts, it's time to shut down your account. You have reached peak moron. Congratulations.
Explain the difference between a Rep lie and a Dim lie please. You can use the above and let's go with "no US soldiers have died on my watch" or "inflation was 9% when i took office."
Democrats LIE as much as Republicans. It's embarrassing. That's why I don't chain my identity to politicians or political clubs.