OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Well I listened to it and that’s what I heard. I am paraphrasing so I’m sorry it’s not a verbatim quote but What do you say he said when he was asked about not campaigning?
Then you need to listen better because that's not what was said. He said he was going to red states to help get senators and congressman elected and that he doesn't need to campaign in those red states because he is so far ahead in them.
Then you need to listen better because that's not what was said. He said he was going to red states to help get senators and congressman elected and that he doesn't need to campaign in those red states because he is so far ahead in them.
Okay so he’s not campaigning in the red states because he’s so far ahead. (In the red states). I missed that distinction. I’ll take your word for it.
It's relatively the same size as the Kamala, or perhaps more accurately, the anti-Trump base. It will be left up to the swing voters. If you consider the trending poll numbers, Trump is turning away those voters every time he puts his foot in his mouth (which is every time he opens it).

Here's an interesting statistic regarding voters in America:
Since 2016 when Donald Trump won the election, 20.2 million baby boomers have died while 40 million Gen Xers and Gen Zers have been added to the voter rolls. I would argue that perhaps Trump's base is diminishing all the time while the opposition is growing.
the Gen Xers and Gen Zers care just as much about their wallets as the Boomers do. and they will vote with their wallets. nothing else matters.
Okay so he’s not campaigning in the red states because he’s so far ahead. (In the red states). I missed that distinction. I’ll take your word for it.
You don't have to take my word for it. You missed the whole thing. You tried to portray him as not campaigning, which he's done and is still doing. You've become so ate up with it you are no longer listening.
You don't have to take my word for it. You missed the whole thing. You tried to portray him as not campaigning, which he's done and is still doing. You've become so ate up with it you are no longer listening.
anyone paying attention knows it was in reference to campaigning this week. Anyone with common sense knows that’s in reference to holding rallies. So i guess it’s an inside joke for people with common sense that are paying attention. You are right that I’m “ate up”. I’m “ate up” with enjoying the fuk out of him and maga squirming like worms in hot ashes at the prospect of losing to a liberal half black woman.

Just curious, were you “listening” when he claimed his Jan 6 crowd was bigger than mlk’s “I have a dream” speech crowd? Lol. Gold.
anyone paying attention knows it was in reference to campaigning this week. Anyone with common sense knows that’s in reference to holding rallies. So i guess it’s an inside joke for people with common sense that are paying attention. You are right that I’m “ate up”. I’m “ate up” with enjoying the fuk out of him and maga squirming like worms in hot ashes at the prospect of losing to a liberal half black woman.
You mean any one with common sense who was listening. You listened and then "paraphrased" it as he wasn't campaigning because he's "leading by so much." You said what you said, own it. You're angry, you said you were going to be. I get your anger, but I don't think you provided an example of anyone squirming here. You just provided another exhausting example of unhinged anti-Trumpers making more shit up to feed your disease.
That’s the most real thing you’ve poasted. We all hear what we’re looking for I guess.

I’m a Trump fan and I didn’t even know he was speaking, let alone tune in. Weird how these folks that hate him so much can’t tear themselves away.
I try to listen to candidates myself to form my own opinions. Not sure why that’s weird.
You mean any one with common sense who was listening. You listened and then "paraphrased" it as he wasn't campaigning because he's "leading by so much." You said what you said, own it. You're angry, you said you were going to be. I get your anger, but I don't think you provided an example of anyone squirming here. You just provided another exhausting example of unhinged anti-Trumpers making more shit up to feed your disease.

You seem angry.
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Then you need to listen better because that's not what was said. He said he was going to red states to help get senators and congressman elected and that he doesn't need to campaign in those red states because he is so far ahead in them.
Quick tangent. I've never understood why politicians spend a lot of time in states that are a guaranteed win. Spend that time and money in toss up states. A Republican doesn't need to waste much time in Nebraska (shout out @nctransplant) or a Democrat in California. Just say what's up on your way to NC or Pennsylvania.
Trumps current campaign strategy

Fire Explosion GIF

(Not applicable to red states, please don’t assume I’m saying that)
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Quick tangent. I've never understood why politicians spend a lot of time in states that are a guaranteed win. Spend that time and money in toss up states. A Republican doesn't need to waste much time in Nebraska (shout out @nctransplant) or a Democrat in California. Just say what's up on your way to NC or Pennsylvania.
Valid point. If I had to generalize it, I think it's about three things: 1. raising money there that can be spent on those toss ups, 2. downvoting, 3. keeping it in their camp.
That’s the most real thing you’ve poasted. We all hear what we’re looking for I guess.

I’m a Trump fan and I didn’t even know he was speaking, let alone tune in. Weird how these folks that hate him so much can’t tear themselves away.
This phenomenon is just crazy how much time they spend following him. In fact, I think Fox has numbers that show their viewership by libs and D's is actually higher than CNN/MSNBC overall. Not that such numbers would be hard. I think some local cable programming probably has higher numbers.
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Then you need to listen better because that's not what was said. He said he was going to red states to help get senators and congressman elected and that he doesn't need to campaign in those red states because he is so far ahead in them.
This is SOP. It's like taking words out of context and applying them in a wholly different manner (dictator, bloodbath) or simply redefining them (find). It would be very sad if it weren't intentional.
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This phenomenon is just crazy how much time they spend following him. In fact, I think Fox has numbers that show their viewership by libs and D's is actually higher than CNN/MSNBC overall. Not that such numbers would be hard. I think some local cable programming probably has higher numbers.

I've probably watched Trump speak for more than 5 minutes a total of 5 times since 2016. Yet his unhinged haters DVR his appearances. They can't get enough. But Trump is the weird one.
This phenomenon is just crazy how much time they spend following him. In fact, I think Fox has numbers that show their viewership by libs and D's is actually higher than CNN/MSNBC overall. Not that such numbers would be hard. I think some local cable programming probably has higher numbers.
Whatever comments you read from me about candidates is based on me actually
Listening to them myself. I’m not gonna apologize for that. If you want to cut and paste fuk nut web sites and chime in with the sheep in here knock yourself out. I enjoy the entertainment.
Yepp panic. Lots of panic. Panic and anger and hand wringing.


You trying to convince yourself?

You come in this thread and start popping off, say a bunch of wrong shit, get called out for it and have your bottom paddled by @UNC '92 and then try to mask it all with accusations of Trump supporters panicking.

"Unhinged" doesn't quite do you justice.
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Whatever comments you read from me about candidates is based on me actually
Listening to them myself. I’m not gonna apologize for that. If you want to cut and paste fuk nut web sites and chime in with the sheep in here knock yourself out. I enjoy the entertainment.
Well, react however you want, but loosen your panties up a smidge. My comment was very general, not about you and I'll bet you'll see that if you go back and reread it. If you identify as it being about you, maybe it hit home because it applies, so "knock yourself out." I must admit to enjoying @UNC '92 taking you to the woodshed with actual content versus your apparent perception.

I haven't watched 15 seconds of what Trump said yesterday, so I can't comment on the specifics. I just know that he held a press conference that was mostly off the cuff, lasted over an hour (low energy my ass), and likely contained a large amount of ragging on Kackles for avoiding any and all press interactions. Then, because Trump surely had made it so glaringly obvious and combined with Vance showing up to talk to the reporters covering her, she actually took four or five questions from reporters on the tarmac before she rushed off after saying she intended to hold a press conference before the end of the month. Ahem, it was Aug 8th. So, perhaps another three weeks?

But by all means, keep watching him. I mean, all she does is read things put in front of her. Yesterday, she said that tackling inflation was going to be her day one priority. She didn't say how or anything, just day one. Well, I suppose she's forgetting that she is actually already in office and could get Joe to implement anything she intends to do. Why wait? Start now. Isn't the next few months only about getting her elected. Don't tell us what you are going to do, start doing it.
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Well, react however you want, but loosen your panties up a smidge. My comment was very general, not about you and I'll bet you'll see that if you go back and reread it. If you identify as it being about you, maybe it hit home because it applies, so "knock yourself out." I must admit to enjoying @UNC '92 taking you to the woodshed with actual content versus your apparent perception.

I haven't watched 15 seconds of what Trump said yesterday, so I can't comment on the specifics. I just know that he held a press conference that was mostly off the cuff, lasted over an hour (low energy my ass), and likely contained a large amount of ragging on Kackles for avoiding any and all press interactions. Then, because Trump surely had made it so glaringly obvious and combined with Vance showing up to talk to the reporters covering her, she actually took four or five questions from reporters on the tarmac before she rushed off after saying she intended to hold a press conference before the end of the month. Ahem, it was Aug 8th. So, perhaps another three weeks?

But by all means, keep watching him. I mean, all she does is read things put in front of her. Yesterday, she said that tackling inflation was going to be her day one priority. She didn't say how or anything, just day one. Well, I suppose she's forgetting that she is actually already in office and could get Joe to implement anything she intends to do. Why wait? Start now. Isn't the next few months only about getting her elected. Don't tell us what you are going to do, start doing it.
“I didn’t watch 15 seconds but here’s my take”
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Well, react however you want, but loosen your panties up a smidge. My comment was very general, not about you and I'll bet you'll see that if you go back and reread it. If you identify as it being about you, maybe it hit home because it applies, so "knock yourself out." I must admit to enjoying @UNC '92 taking you to the woodshed with actual content versus your apparent perception.

I haven't watched 15 seconds of what Trump said yesterday, so I can't comment on the specifics. I just know that he held a press conference that was mostly off the cuff, lasted over an hour (low energy my ass), and likely contained a large amount of ragging on Kackles for avoiding any and all press interactions. Then, because Trump surely had made it so glaringly obvious and combined with Vance showing up to talk to the reporters covering her, she actually took four or five questions from reporters on the tarmac before she rushed off after saying she intended to hold a press conference before the end of the month. Ahem, it was Aug 8th. So, perhaps another three weeks?

But by all means, keep watching him. I mean, all she does is read things put in front of her. Yesterday, she said that tackling inflation was going to be her day one priority. She didn't say how or anything, just day one. Well, I suppose she's forgetting that she is actually already in office and could get Joe to implement anything she intends to do. Why wait? Start now. Isn't the next few months only about getting her elected. Don't tell us what you are going to do, start doing it.
Unc 42 was directly talking to with his vein bulging take and you chimes in and agreed with it. You were without a doubt directing it at me. Liar.