OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You could have eliminated the rest of that word salad and just poasted the above quoted part.
You're so dumb and confused you'll believe anything Donald Trump tells you.


“In 2016, 51% of young men identified with or leaned toward the Democratic party. By last year, it was down to 39%. Young men now favor Republican control of Congress and their support for Trump has grown since 2020.

The Democratic strategist James Carville (he who told Bill Clinton “it’s the economy, stupid”) has been warning Democrats that the party’s eroding numbers among young men and young people of color are “horrifying”: “We’re not shedding them; they’re leaving in droves.””

The best part of this article is that the homo from the Guardian that wrote it might have worked himself into such a frenzy that he offed himself.
But for every young man that now leans to the right, two women lean to the left. You can thank SCOTUS for that.
Imagine being so ignorant, gullible and illiterate that get you excited about a politicians announcement-for-who on election security despite nothing actually changing.

Apparently Youngkin didn’t feel that election protocol was being enforced. Now he may not know as well as you do even though he’s the Governor of said state and you’re just a douchebag from another state posting on message boards, but he felt the need to take Executive action. Again, someone genuinely interested in secure elections would have simply passed over my poast. But someone who is nervous about executive actions to ensure election integrity would feel the need to make inaccurate comments on his codifying certain election integrity measures.

I hope this helps.
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But for every young man that now leans to the right, two women lean to the left. You can thank SCOTUS for that.

Their men might beat them into voting differently. Or at least throw some extra chores their way on Election Day preventing them from getting to the polls.
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You're so dumb and confused you'll believe anything Donald Trump tells you.


You could have just said “I don’t know” again. That would have been 2 honest posts from you in a day and might have been a personal record for you. But in typical Heels Noir fashion, you botched it.
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But, other than guilt by association and hatred for all things R, I just don't understand the reaction to Vance. What's weird about him and why the attempts to paint him as somehow fringe?
Should we be calling him "creepy" instead?

Not very professional for a press release from a USA Pres Candidate, and pretty poor quality too. Our politicians are all hacky trolls, but i guess that says something about americans.

The contents crack me up, but the reality of our times is kinda sad.

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You could have just said “I don’t know” again. That would have been 2 honest posts from you in a day and might have been a personal record for you. But in typical Heels Noir fashion, you botched it.
So you're saying that YOU don't know . . .. Specifically how to respond to my simple request for proof that the Democrats are in the process of rigging the upcoming election. And you seemed so sure of yourself when you made such a nonsensical claim.

The only thing I don't know is how you take yourself serious anymore.
So you're saying that YOU don't know . . .. Specifically how to respond to my simple request for proof that the Democrats are in the process of rigging the upcoming election. And you seemed so sure of yourself when you made such a nonsensical claim.

The only thing I don't know is how you take yourself serious anymore.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Golly, with all of that evidence against him I wonder how come ol' Bill has never been tried for treason?
well golly, maybe there's a clue in Hillary not getting charged for destroying subpoenaed evidence and using a private laptop to e-mail classified info. Maybe a clue is buried somewhere in 'the swamp'. I know you'll be diligently trying to uncover the answer to your very good question. Let us know.
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Should we be calling him "creepy" instead?

Seriously, get some help. Then learn to read/watch/listen to the things you link before you link them - not just the headlines or summaries. And try to see what they really are.

Then get some more help. Maybe then, you can actually answer a question (that wasn't even directed to you).

I get it, Vance spoke first in Philly that day, but he's following her. And, Harris, who has Walz walk her out on stage, is drawing more people than Vance. Guess I'll wait for all those well attended Walz rallies numb nuts. Only Harris/Walz is allowed to go to the all important swing states I guess. Those are theirs and showing up by Vance is stalking. Sure.

And, of course, your media seems to not want to point out the frequency that Harris is actually just showing up and attending free concerts along with everyone else. Megan Thee Stallion and Quavo (his hometown) in Atlanta. Bon Iver in Wisconsin, which happened to be in one of the hometowns of one of their members. Soon, we'll undoubtedly get Beyonce. But don't act like this is Vance versus Walz.

In your article, the author calls Trump low energy. Has she ever seen Trump? He's got issues, but being low energy ain't one of them. One last thing which is the first sentence from your article. "One of my favorite moments in that Harris-Walzapalooza in Philadelphia last night was when second gentleman Doug Emhoff practically rushed the stage to bear hug Governor Tim Walz, his wife Kamala Harris’s new running mate." Did you watch the video of it? THAT was weird. So was Walz' handshake with his wife. Who does that? I'll tell you, weirdos.
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But for every young man that now leans to the right, two women lean to the left. You can thank SCOTUS for that.
Are they married? If they're single, then I can agree with your assertion. If they're married, and their husbands are "conservative", especially if they're in the South, then they will probably vote for whoever is pretending to represent conservative "values", according to the husband's preference. That's what I've been seeing my whole life. I've seen women totally change their politics depending on who they were married to at the time.
Are they married? If they're single, then I can agree with your assertion. If they're married, and their husbands are "conservative", especially if they're in the South, then they will probably vote for whoever is pretending to represent conservative "values", according to the husband's preference. That's what I've been seeing my whole life. I've seen women totally change their politics depending on who they were married to at the time.

Accurate. But the man has to have a strong pimp hand.
Are they married? If they're single, then I can agree with your assertion. If they're married, and their husbands are "conservative", especially if they're in the South, then they will probably vote for whoever is pretending to represent conservative "values", according to the husband's preference. That's what I've been seeing my whole life. I've seen women totally change their politics depending on who they were married to at the time.
Beats me. I'm just going by the graph that was included in the article guns shared. It's also included in this sister article if you care to check it out.
Right. Liberals want no part of election security or voter ID laws or a secure border. Aww, it’s probably nothing. Just a peculiar coincidence, I reckon.
Election security is great. Performance theater which does nothing other than help fox goad misguided excitement in gullibles like you is not.
lol who watched trump today?…wtf is he talking about?

was this planned?
I heard this morning that he was going to address the media at Mar-a-Lago in the afternoon so I don't think there was a lot of preparation involved. And it showed. My God, he just goes on and on and on, and very little of it makes any sense. And the lies . . .
Election security is great. Performance theater which does nothing other than help fox goad misguided excitement in gullibles like you is not.

Well, again, that’s not the case. The Governor found reason to correct issues, many of which have been discussed and evidenced in this thread. But even if it is performance theatre, what’s the downside? How is emphasizing the importance of election integrity a bad thing? The only people who would have beef with that is those looking to exploit the system. Way to out yourself for those that didn’t already know.
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Well, again, that’s not the case. The Governor found reason to correct issues, many of which have been discussed and evidenced in this thread. But even if it is performance theatre, what’s the downside? How is emphasizing the importance of election integrity a bad thing? The only people who would have beef with that is those looking to exploit the system. Way to out yourself for those that didn’t already know.
"Hey everybody, we're going to keep doing what prior Dem regimes have set in place! We hope Fox will play parrot so gunslinger can get excited over this."

Way to out yourself as easily deceived and not doing due diligence.
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"Hey everybody, we're going to keep doing what prior Dem regimes have set in place! We hope Fox will play parrot so gunslinger can get excited over this."

Way to out yourself as easily deceived and not doing due diligence.

Prior Dem regimes apparently did a poor job of it forcing Youngkin to take executive action to fix it.

Just say you don’t care about election integrity and be done with it. That might earn you a bit of respect.
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this dude is hilarious…i don’t need hilarious, though.

I love this guy! This is better than the GA phone call tape. He'll be sorely missed when he's finally gone.

I was glad to get the distinction between mental institutions and asylums. The asylum is the institution "on steroids." He's also REALLY pissed that he has to run against Harris and not Biden.

Rambling, rant filled, wild accusations, bizarre conspiracy theories, and lies. And that was the first five min.
So just another normal speech from him? Was there a reason he had the speech? Was it in place of a cancelled rally due to the hurricane?
So just another normal speech from him? Was there a reason he had the speech? Was it in place of a cancelled rally due to the hurricane?
It was supposed to be a press conference. Prob in response to Harris not having any and her now leading in the polls. He did answer questions but with the same rhetoric he’s always used. A new lie he told was claiming his Jan 6 crowd was bigger than mlk’s for his “I have a dream speech”. He’s obsessed with size (cough) er crowd size and has no doubt noted that Harris’ crowds have been large.
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So just another normal speech from him? Was there a reason he had the speech? Was it in place of a cancelled rally due to the hurricane?
I suspect crowd sizes at Harris' rallies got under his skin. Some emotional reaction rather than something tactical. His best move since the Biden debate was to lay low and keep shit-posting.
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That's not at all what he said. I know you made a resolution to be angrier than ever before, I was all for you there. I didn't think you meant you were going to invent your own stories to rage on.
Well I listened to it and that’s what I heard. I am paraphrasing so I’m sorry it’s not a verbatim quote but What do you say he said when he was asked about not campaigning?