OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Europe is having some "problems" because the left has ignored some issues on the "right" (primarily immigration issues). There are lessons to learn from them, and I think many strategists on both sides understand that.

It is blatantly obvious that there is a good chunk of voters in the middle (indies or whatever) that will be the ones who decide this election. Walz isn't considered moderate, but I think Kamala is going to be putting out a moderate message once the Dem convention votes her in because of this.

Yes. Kamala is putting out a moderate message by stealing Trump's talking points. Lol.
How do you explain it? How is it that the second most unelectable person who was considered an idiot by almost everyone prior to Joe's decision is now instead the second coming and the female version to the extent that her name should be Kamala Obama? I mean, how do you explain that a proposal that Trump stated as a policy position way back in June (pretty much poo pooed by the press) is now co-oopted by Kacula in one of her recent speeches and Newsweek presents it as her idea that is majority supported by R's in their poll?

MAGA is a bit of an extension of tea party, thru a strong-man authoritarian, rather than being just anti-Dem (or anti-Obama). The tea party grievances part will always be there. And it is easy for a populist message to reach people...

Lets be real. The tea party came into being because people like Dick short circuited when a black man became President.

And deeper it goes to Newt Gingrich when compromise became a dirty word and the party began to go full obstructionist.

And deeper Newt was put into power largely with the backing of the moral manority.

The moral majority came into being when people like Dick short circuited when schools became integrated.

And deeper, the schools needed to be integrated because separate but equal was anything but.

And thats a policy put in when people like Dick short circuited because they lost the Civil War and clung to the lost cause.

Out of the ashes of the civil war rose the Sovereign Citizen movement. Because people like Dick short circuited that slavery was over and the federal government is paramount

Sovereign citizens still have a large base within tea/party maga.

Long story short- idiots like Dick have been ruining the country for generations.
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The use of Nazi's for your illustration and the masterful propaganda job being done by Kacula and the media was not lost on me. Well done.
Dang, i didn't even think about the fact that they were krauts. Freudian slip?

I really liked that movie and felt the melting of the faces matches the melt-down gunslinger and co have been displaying here, imo.
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Statistically a toothless redneck like you is much more likely to commit a violent crime.

They keep stats on toothless rednecks? Who knew?

I don't give a f*ck if it's only one single illegal alien raping one single daughter of someone. Even your future daughter if you and your boyfriend end up adopting. One is too many. One is reason to shut it down. The one ruined it for all the hardworking illegals that crossed the border in criminal fashion.
He was stopped and searched (I assume at a checkpoint but maybe not) and they found a range finder but let him continue on. Why I don’t know. He was able to canvass the area days before and at some point had to have concealed his weapon.

But all this is splitting hairs on n irrelevant stuff. He tried to shoot trump. That was some scary shit and obviously it would be wise to look at security in light of that. It only makes sense to me that both campaigns would ramp up security in light of it. Did Harris specefically want invite only and id checks for security? I don’t know. But that makes the most sense.
Thanks. I was not aware of that. And it makes no sense. He was always outside the perimeter that had been setup for security. What possible, legal basis did they have for searching him outside that point? I have not seen a single picture or video of any type of "checkpoint" outside of the rally itself. Those people have some serious things to answer for if that happened how you describe.

But again, it makes no sense what you are suggesting. A physical fence doesn't need to be set up (remember, they don't work anyway), but at some point, a barrier of entry needs to be set where everyone coming into that footprint needs to be checked. At arenas, that's usually coming into the facility or the stadium, not two or three blocks away. You're not shooting either one if you don't make it into the facility. The problem in Butler was they had a building outside the perimeter that allowed Crooks to be a mere 130 yards away. I've shot deer at a far greater distance with a muzzleloader using open sights with a patch and ball. Bottom line is they needed to push out the perimeter several hundred more yards and search everyone coming into that area accordingly. They didn't because it was Trump. Plain and simple. If it had been PhD Jill or anyone else they thought was important, it never happens.
You’re nothing more than an amorphous blob that represents ignorance.

You give yourself far too much credit. I just had to pick the most obvious avatar for ignorance.

Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll start to believe it. Until then, I'm just enjoying the spaciousness of the inside of your head.
They keep stats on toothless rednecks? Who knew?

I don't give a f*ck if it's only one single illegal alien raping one single daughter of someone. Even your future daughter if you and your boyfriend end up adopting. One is too many. One is reason to shut it down. The one ruined it for all the hardworking illegals that crossed the border in criminal fashion.

Can I throw your family in jail because your dad was a sister ****er?
Would love to see @DaveChapelle come back and cry some more after you went at him. He said on radar that he was putting me on ignore, so he might not get my invitation.

Jesus that guy sucks. Not quite as much as the other dumbass noob here. At least Dave could take the hint that no one cared what he had to say and left. He's still struggling over on Radar though.
Lets be real. The tea party came into being because people like Dick short circuited when a black man became President.

And deeper it goes to Newt Gingrich when compromise became a dirty word and the party began to go full obstructionist.

And deeper Newt was put into power largely with the backing of the moral manority.

The moral majority came into being when people like Dick short circuited when schools became integrated.

And deeper, the schools needed to be integrated because separate but equal was anything but.

And thats a policy put in when people like Dick short circuited because they lost the Civil War and clung to the lost cause.

Out of the ashes of the civil war rose the Sovereign Citizen movement. Because people like Dick short circuited that slavery was over and the federal government is paramount

Sovereign citizens still have a large base within tea/party maga.

Long story short- idiots like Dick have been ruining the country for generations.
But they didn't have a unifying authoritarian with a populist message to channel their grievances thru. What happens if he dies is the question. I think the 40% of cult-followers will remain with him no matter how much he loses. @tarheel0910 thinks powerful people will understand losing sucks, but they already know he's a loser... they're just pandering to their own constituents who DON'T understand that he's a loser.
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You can't do shit to me. And you know that.

Gotta have shame first. Foreign concept to inbred racists.

“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”

Lyndon B. Johnson

Thats you- the lowest white man.
But they didn't have a unifying authoritarian with a populist message to channel their grievances thru. What happens if he dies is the question. I think the 40% of cult-followers will remain with him no matter how much he loses. @tarheel0910 thinks powerful people will understand losing sucks, but they already know he's a loser... they're just pandering to their own constituents who DON'T understand that he's a loser.

As long as it doesnt transfer to a younger man thats actually an eloquent public speaker is really all that matters. Good thing his kids are so incompetent.
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The irony of voting for a billionaire and calling someone a cuck. You’ve cucked yourself and your community but are too goddamn stupid to see it.

Says the guy that supports the party that disregards its voters and just installs whoever they want. You might want to sit this one out birdbrain.

And if you're going to be sitting, the chair in the corner is perfect for you.
“Terrorist incursions” lol really reaching.

Those countries also have refugee’s, no? So the Iranian people are the danger and not the regime? How about the Yemeni minorities that were getting slaughtered by SA with American weapons? Or that Iraqis that actively worked with the US government.

So enlightened. Also, Trump called it the Muslim ban- my side didnt name it?

Also, the ban happened in 2017 trying to act like he did it for covid is ridiculous

Since when do we have open borders? Do you know what open borders means? Do you go through checkpoints when you go from MD to VA? Because thats what an open border looks like.

Since when have migrants not been a net benefit on the economy?
I know you love econ stuff, but you should brush up on recent history. They were two separate bans dummy. One was for terrorist vetting, one was to try and slow the virus. Both times, the D's and media falsely labeled Trump regarding his actions. As to the question asking "Since when do we have open borders?"

January 20, 2021.

You may recall that a bunch of campaign rhetoric led up to that date and several strokes of a pen were made starting that day. And the flood began shortly thereafter. But I'm not getting into a back and forth on this since you apparently wouldn't discover OOTB for a few more years. Go back and read.
Says the guy that supports the party that disregards its voters and just installs whoever they want. You might want to sit this one out birdbrain.

I’ll wait for you to show me where any primary rules were broken. Or that voting in a primary is a public office?

But furthermore Harris was on Bidens ticket so every primary vote for Biden is a de facto Harris vote.
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Trump represents a change. Why you’re so against that only to turn around and complain about him is wild.

The status quo isn’t working.
The change he represents means a worsening healthcare system not being fixed, environmental/climate problems worsening, the public education system worsening, an unfair tax system not being fixed, inflationary pressures (tariffs, crypto, cost of deportation, corporate tax cuts, etc).

Status quo isn't working for some, but America is a pretty awesome. I just want better education, better healthcare costs, safe environment, strong economy.
Says the guy that supports the party that disregards its voters and just installs whoever they want. You might want to sit this one out birdbrain.
That's right, people's individual votes should matter, screw the delegates! Except for that whole whacky Electoral college issue of course, let's keep that.
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I know you love econ stuff, but you should brush up on recent history. They were two separate bans dummy. One was for terrorist vetting, one was to try and slow the virus. Both times, the D's and media falsely labeled Trump regarding his actions. As to the question asking "Since when do we have open borders?"

January 20, 2021.

You may recall that a bunch of campaign rhetoric led up to that date and several strokes of a pen were made starting that day. And the flood began shortly thereafter. But I'm not getting into a back and forth on this since you apparently wouldn't discover OOTB for a few more years. Go back and read.
And yet the borders are still not open. Again, show me proof of open borders? Then show me migrants are actually a bad thing. Your entire premise relies on the fact that they are a detriment.

But nice try. The “Muslim ban” was in 2017 and was named such then. With how Trump handled covid his later ban isnt helping your case with anyone that isnt a virulent racist
That's right, people's individual votes should matter, screw the delegates! Except for that whole whacky Electoral college issue of course, let's keep that.

They dont want to go there. Republicans in national elections would cease to exist
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The change he represents means a worsening healthcare system not being fixed, environmental/climate problems worsening, the public education system worsening, an unfair tax system not being fixed, inflationary pressures (tariffs, crypto, cost of deportation, corporate tax cuts, etc).

Status quo isn't working for some, but America is a pretty awesome. I just want better education, better healthcare costs, safe environment, strong economy.
Careful- they’re about to call you a communist for making sense.
The change he represents means a worsening healthcare system not being fixed, environmental/climate problems worsening, the public education system worsening, an unfair tax system not being fixed, inflationary pressures (tariffs, crypto, cost of deportation, corporate tax cuts, etc).

Status quo isn't working for some, but America is a pretty awesome. I just want better education, better healthcare costs, safe environment, strong economy.

Yes. Because you say these things, they must be true!

Miss me with the climate catastrophe garbage. Who the f*ck cares if the polar caps melt in the year 3000? Ok, maybe you can care a little. But not at the cost of me living now.

Public ed has been corrupted and can’t be fixed. I mean, you know I think you’re a fool if you have your kids in public ed. lol at the thought of me sending my kids into that shit. It’s a shame the less fortunate can’t afford to get their own kids into better environments and into education that suits them better. If only one of the parties would create a system where families can receive a voucher to put their kids in a better educational environment.

We might agree on taxes. How about consumption tax only? Let me guess, you wouldn’t be for that?
I think righties and lefties in america want many of the same things. Not every single issue has to have polar opposition from the two major political parties.

We don’t know what Kamala wants because she hasn’t put anything out. Except of course the ingenious tax policy suggestion of not taxing tips. What a forward thinker. I wonder where she got that.
Yes. Because you say these things, they must be true!

Miss me with the climate catastrophe garbage. Who the f*ck cares if the polar caps melt in the year 3000? Ok, maybe you can care a little. But not at the cost of me living now.

Public ed has been corrupted and can’t be fixed. I mean, you know I think you’re a fool if you have your kids in public ed. lol at the thought of me sending my kids into that shit. It’s a shame the less fortunate can’t afford to get their own kids into better environments and into education that suits them better. If only one of the parties would create a system where families can receive a voucher to put their kids in a better educational environment.

We might agree on taxes. How about consumption tax only? Let me guess, you wouldn’t be for that?

How do you measure consumption and not factor in externalities of consumption from the major corporations? Oh, let me guess, you wouldnt be for that?

I’m sure your kids got a wonderful home school education. Climate change isnt real. People rode on Dinosuars- you know, the usual hits.
Isn’t this just another of those “exxagerations not meant to be deceitful” that politicians and their supporters do? That’s what I heard.

Anyway if copying an idea is “stealing” then trump stole the idea from Ted cruz
Once this passes, I plan to sell my rental property for $250,000. Actually, it for $1 with the other $249,999 as a tip.

Makes taxes so much easier.
Theres that weird little rule that its only for service and hospitality workers. Its almost like they anticipated the loophole.

But hold on.... If I'm a waiter and I get my property buyer to tip me $249,999 after I serve him a meal, I can still use that, right? I mean I am a really good waiter, so big tips are normal.
And yet the borders are still not open. Again, show me proof of open borders? Then show me migrants are actually a bad thing. Your entire premise relies on the fact that they are a detriment.

But nice try. The “Muslim ban” was in 2017 and was named such then. With how Trump handled covid his later ban isnt helping your case with anyone that isnt a virulent racist
You're getting to be at a Noir level, so I'll type slowly for you to follow. As to the borders, I can't help you if you want to simply ignore the reality of what has been going on for the last three years. It should be slapping you in the face, hard. And it doesn't help your position to argue that the borders haven't been open on one side of your mouth and then argue that it's a good thing for the economy that it's happening from the other side.

It was never called the "Muslim ban" anywhere outside of the press or a D's mouth. In fact, the correctly referred to Travel Ban was entitled "Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry into the United States by Terrorists or other Public-Safety Threats" in the actual EO. Trump issued a second travel ban from mainland China which fueled additional smearing that he was a racist. Such a conclusion ignored the idea that the ban applied to an area where a horrible virus came from and had spread there without their communist government letting the world know when it actually happened. That it was ineffective or at best slowed what ultimately happened is irrelevant, it was not a ban against Asians or Chinese people.

The thing that is becoming clear from your engagement and "contributions" with multiple posters this morning/afternoon is that virtually every issue on which you opine must first be viewed through a filter of race. Only then do you consider any "secondary" facts. Sadly, racism is still an issue in our society, but it is not always the only answer to everything. Attitudes such as yours do not help us become color blind. Or is that not the goal?