OOTB's Political Thread . ..

the Afhan/Soviet war was of all things between the Afghans and the Soviets. The thrust of our involvement was against the Soviets. To that end we aided the Afghan fighters in defeating them. I'm not sure what further obligation we had. As a matter of fact, THAT wasn't an obligation. Could we have done more to help Afghanistan as a country? Of course we could have, just like we could have helped the rest of the world to our resources. It's crazy that some take our aid in successfully achieving something and then try to lay the blame for further developments on us because we didn't do even more. America-haters is what they are called. There's this organization called the U.N. that is supposed to look after these things. Who but the America-haters says we have to be the U.N.?

BTW, dumbass, I remind you brought up the conditions for terrorist groups to form and operate. That is exactly what I'm now addressing and what you are avoiding being honest enough to acknowledge. THIS is what I initially brought up...

Trump takes out ISIS

  • Defeated 100 percent of ISIS’ territorial caliphate in Iraq and Syria
  • Freed nearly 8 million civilians from ISIS’ bloodthirsty control, and liberated Mosul, Raqqa, and the final ISIS foothold of Baghuz
  • Killed the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and eliminated the world’s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani
By the time he got into office Isis already lost 40% of its iraqi territory. Lol
I'm addressing what you brought up, the conditions for terrorism to exist. You keep trying to isolate a portion of the story so you can pretend you haven't failed at making any point.

From your effort here, I'd say you maybe banged your head against the wall a few too many times.

You mean like an entire country being destabilized?

How about arming religious zealots then leaving the country to rot?

This can’t be real life.
Biden lost in 88, 08 and 20. Maybe you mean after getting the party nomination. I’d still like to point out that the loser couldn’t even get the nomination 3 times. Also might be a good time to point out how Kamala didn’t even make it to Iowa. “Less than 2% Kamala”. That’s a suggested nickname Trump should use for her. Has a nice ring to it.

Just wanted to correct the record that Biden is a 3 time loser and a one time quitter. Unless you believe he was forced out. If that’s your story, I’d listen.
do you honestly not have sense enough to cite your source, maybe even provide a link...assuming your source is on the internet. Your quote means nothing without it.
Do you not have enough sense to figure out how to use a search engine?

Donald Trump: ban all Muslims entering US

Republican frontrunner wants ‘total and complete shutdown’ of borders to Muslims after San Bernardino shooting in latest boundary-pushing proposal

Not only that but when he caught flak for it he immediately removed it from his campaign website.
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Do you not have enough sense to know how to use a search engine?

Donald Trump: ban all Muslims entering US

Republican frontrunner wants ‘total and complete shutdown’ of borders to Muslims after San Bernardino shooting in latest boundary-pushing proposal

Not only that but when he caught flak for it he immediately removed it from his campaign website.
They all know. They’re just racist pieces of shit.
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Your answer to environment/climate is less governmental regulation?
Your answer to a more educated population is less governmental emphasis on public education?

I'm not for "more government" btw. The inflation threat from Trump involves government (tariffs, corp tax cuts, labor problems), you'd actually need massive gov expansion to pull off the deportation he proposes.
I'll take a good helping of the delicious Trump inflation that we had while he was in office.
My bad youre right. Islamophobic racist pieces of shit.

Wouldnt want to downplay your hate.

Thank you. I don’t like being shortchanged. Throw the mentally disturbed trannies in there too. Oh, but wait…I guess that’s something me and the Muslims have in common. What an upside down world we live in.
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By the time he got into office Isis already lost 40% of its iraqi territory. Lol

You mean like and entire country being destabilized?

How about arming religious zealots then leaving the country to rot?

This can’t be real life.
"This can’t be real life."

I'm afraid it is. Wrongheaded dolts like you are everywhere.
Do you not have enough sense to figure out how to use a search engine?

Donald Trump: ban all Muslims entering US

Republican frontrunner wants ‘total and complete shutdown’ of borders to Muslims after San Bernardino shooting in latest boundary-pushing proposal

Not only that but when he caught flak for it he immediately removed it from his campaign website.
fvck off, moron. Of course I could search it. The point is that I shouldn't have to. and in this case I didn't even want to know.

When you find something you want to reproduce, have the good sense and common courtesy to cite the source and provide a link to it. Do you wake up every morning and think, "now how I can I be an ignorant asshole today?" You usually succeed.
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Wait a minute…maybe this is why he’s so bent we are going in hard on the Muslims. They’re like 7/11 brothers

Like diabetes, your weight and high blood
pressure would allow for that type of physical activity.

Really are living in a dream world today eh?
fvck off, moron. Of course I could search it. The point is that I shouldn't have to. and in this case I didn't even want to know.

When you find something you want to reproduce, have the good sense and common courtesy to cite the source and provide a link to it. Do you wake up every morning and think, "now how I can I be an ignorant asshole today?" You usually succeed.
Screw you. If you dispute it, you look it up dumbass.
  • Haha
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Like diabetes, your weight and high blood
pressure would allow for that type of physical activity.

Really are living in a dream world today eh?

What type of physical activity would my weight and high blood pressure allow for?

Did you just mess up, you Silly Goose? You quoted the wrong poast funny face.
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Wtf is this even supposed to mean

He’s old. And gonna die soon. I thought that was pretty self explanatory. Plus, if you weren’t such a noob, you’d know some of the customs around here. Us making fun of @prlyles is an age old thing around here. We’ve all been doing it for years.

Silly noob.

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