OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It's a shame how badly you resent successful people.
Resent them? I didn't know them, personally. I have no reason to resent them. I do know that their "success" is debatable. Define success, first. Jeffrey Dahmer was successful... at murdering people. If you put value in personal wealth, if that's successful... okay. Obscene wealth and monopoly, and using that leverage for more personal gain is hardly something I find to be honorable. Success isn't that difficult. It's what you're successful AT that matters more.
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Resent them? I didn't know them, personally. I have no reason to resent them. I do know that their "success" is debatable. Define success, first. Jeffrey Dahmer was successful... at murdering people. If you put value in personal wealth, if that's successful... okay. Obscene wealth and monopoly, and using that leverage for more personal gain is hardly something I find to be honorable. Success isn't that difficult. It's what you're successful AT that matters more.
Neurolink, Clean energy, Space exploration, Tesla
This was before he talked to our Cult leader and even Lib media loved him.

Yeah Musk sucks.
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Keep calling her stupid and fumbling her name and questioning her ethnicity and whatever else you have in the "Hurl Insults" bag.
I agreed mostly with your post, but the ethnicity thing seems to me to be just another nothingburger created by the liberals in hopes of making a mountain out of it. There is very little that can be said even in fairness and kindness that can't be twisted into something sinister anymore. I admit it is possible I am not aware of that whole dialogue, but there was nothing wrong with what I have seen.

I should have posted the clip I saw where some disgusting idiot was calling racism on Trump because he identified a woman as ethnic at some point (which of itself wasn't a problem), but later he opined that she was or would be terrible...and BOOM, there's your racism, according to the fool.

It reminds me of our recent intruder.
Lol. You’ve obviously never been to Asheville. I grew up there. It’s the bluest city in the country next to maybe portland
I've been there on many, many occasions and spent a good deal of time there over the course of my life. Almost all my family, including both my parents, were/are from McDowell County either in or around Marion (some were nearby in Pleasant Gardens or over in Newton). If you want any shopping besides Walmart or real restaurants, etc., you're headed to Asheville. And while it's bluer than most, it doesn't change the general principle of what I described.
I agreed mostly with your post, but the ethnicity thing seems to me to be just another nothingburger created by the liberals in hopes of making a mountain out of it. There is very little that can be said even in fairness and kindness that can't be twisted into something sinister anymore. I admit it is possible I am not aware of that whole dialogue, but there was nothing wrong with what I have seen.

I should have posted the clip I saw where some disgusting idiot was calling racism on Trump because he identified a woman as ethnic at some point (which of itself wasn't a problem), but later he opined that she was or would be terrible...and BOOM, there's your racism, according to the fool.

It reminds me of our recent intruder.
Keep seeing the world as liberal or conservative.
Neurolink, Clean energy, Space exploration, Tesla
This was before he talked to our Cult leader and even Lib media loved him.

Yeah Musk sucks.
He's not EVIL... no. Far from it. I'm not trying to imply that Elon Musk is a stain on the human race... at all. He's highly intelligent, he's applied that in ways most people never dream of, and it has paid-off very well for him. But, he's not someone that relates to average people very well, in my opinion. He reminds me of tycoons in the 19th century that padded their records with donations to charity and, thus, appearing to be philanthropists. There's nothing inherently "wrong" with that, either. It just illustrates the evidence of the need for humility, I guess. "I don't wanna have a legacy of being a robber baron! I'd better do something 'nice' in return!"

ETA: Hey! Maybe Musk is TRYING to hold the hand of "conservative America" by courting their cult leader to get them on-board with most of his forward-thinking ideas and plans. Musk is not living in the past, that's for sure.
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So what happened was that the downtown completely died in the 70’s when a mall was built. We’re talking near complete desolation. Abandoned buildings, trash, open prostitution, drugs, homeless, it was horrible. My parents shop was one of the victims. The cheap real estate and rent was gobbled up by people opening art galleries, boutiques, bars, novelty type restaurants….which are typically run and staffed by people of the blue persuasion. It just mushroomed from there as the blues from all over th country flocked to the cheap liberal haven. Meanwhile the people in the surrounding mtns are still….well mtn people.
To add to this, I read a story once about Asheville saying that after the the stock market crash and the Great Depression, the city fathers refused to default on the city's loans unlike every other city in America. They didn't pay off their last note until 1976. By then, other cities had the funding to bring in the wrecking ball (primarily during the '50s and '60s) and engage heavily in city renewal programs.

If you drive the streets of downtown Asheville and beyond today you can see the results of the city fulfilling its obligations. I can't remember the exact number but I believe it's like over 100 century-old buildings that are still standing and functional inside the city limits, mostly downtown, which is pretty amazing for a city of its size. Anyone who appreciates old-school architecture should be grateful, and it's what makes Asheville one of my favorites..
Keep seeing the world as liberal or conservative.
I don't see the world that way. I see the electorate that way and if you're talking politics, you're talking electorate. There are two political sides (by far and away). One side leans liberal, the other side leans conservative. Is it a continuum with many variations of philosophy interspersed here and there? Of course it is but a stark, unmistakable dividing line is created at the voting booth. That's not my imagination or my desire, that's just the plainest fact possible. One side votes left, the other side votes right.

If someone gave me the power to create a new version of our country, it would be hugely different while staying essentially the same because individual freedom would still be its basis. You would probably be shocked at how leftist ideals and conservative ideals, even to the extreme, got shuffled together in bluetoe America. That being said, and even with third parties being seriously allowed to play a hand, the people would still tend toward either the left or the right.
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To add to this, I read a story once about Asheville saying that after the the stock market crash and the Great Depression, the city fathers refused to default on the city's loans unlike every other city in America. They didn't pay off their last note until 1976. By then, other cities had the funding to bring in the wrecking ball (primarily during the '50s and '60s) and engage heavily in city renewal programs.

If you drive the streets of downtown Asheville and beyond today you can see the results of the city fulfilling its obligations. I can't remember the exact number but I believe it's like over 100 century-old buildings that are still standing and functional inside the city limits, mostly downtown, which is pretty amazing for a city of its size. Anyone who appreciates old-school architecture should be grateful, and it's what makes Asheville one of my favorites..
Asheville is absolutely an amazing city. I love spending time there.
He's not EVIL... no. Far from it. I'm not trying to imply that Elon Musk is a stain on the human race... at all. He's highly intelligent, he's applied that in ways most people never dream of, and it has paid-off very well for him. But, he's not someone that relates to average people very well, in my opinion. He reminds me of tycoons in the 19th century that padded their records with donations to charity and, thus, appearing to be philanthropists. There's nothing inherently "wrong" with that, either. It just illustrates the evidence of the need for humility, I guess. "I don't wanna have a legacy of being a robber baron! I'd better do something 'nice' in return!"

ETA: Hey! Maybe Musk is TRYING to hold the hand of "conservative America" by courting their cult leader to get them on-board with most of his forward-thinking ideas and plans. Musk is not living in the past, that's for sure.
is it possible he just agrees more with the right than the left? It couldn't be that simple could it? No, I guess not. There has to be some ulterior motive. It is written, I guess.

It would be smart to curry favor with the potential leader and I don't doubt that as a possibility, but I don't think that's all that motivates him. I think he just sees himself fitting into a more conservative mold.
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Just like Barack Obama in 2008... out of nowhere and went full rock-star by September 2008.

People will follow the illusion more than anything else. MAGA is a testament to that. Hell, American politics is built on the appeal of illusion.

Keep calling her stupid and fumbling her name and questioning her ethnicity and whatever else you have in the "Hurl Insults" bag. Harris has not been vilified for 30 years like Hillary Clinton. She's brand new for a lot of people. And, after 10 years of Donald Trump whining, brand new is all it might take. Biden is gone.

“Less than 2% Kamala.” Let’s not forget what a fail her first Presidential attempt was. Didn’t make it to Iowa. But to your point, a lot of folks won’t remember her disaster of a campaign. She is essentially new to many. And her campaign is smart to hide her, because like 2020, the more people get to know her, the less support she will garner. So I personally am looking forward to the debates. Maybe Trump brings in Tulsi who eviscerated her, essentially ending her Presidential run last time.
is it possible he just agrees more with the right than the left? It couldn't be that simple could it? No, I guess not. There has to be some ulterior motive. It is written, I guess.

It would be smart to curry favor with the potential leader and I don't doubt that as a possibility, but I don't think that's all that motivates him. I think he just sees himself fitting into a more conservative mold.
I don't know... are we talking about the electorate "right" or what??? Left, right, left right.

I don't know what he agrees with more.
isn't it a shame that half the country does.

Truer words have never been written. We used to be a country that celebrated successful people. That’s primarily what made America, America. Successful people were admired. We didn’t pick their histories apart. We didn’t make sure on their way to the top they were checking diversity boxes. We allowed people to be successful however they saw fit and we either celebrated them or we didn’t. Mostly we did. Obama turned the tide. Under his leadership, one could only be successful if they were lifting unsuccessful people up on their way to the top. From there, it spiraled out of control with success seen as a black eye these days because the assumption is they screwed over the disadvantaged to get there. We’ve traded celebrating success for celebrating victimhood.
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There's talk that Elon Musk is hopeful of a Trump win so he can land a choice cabinet position or other cushy job within the administration, probably something high-tech that would benefit Trump in complicated matters such as dressing and grooming himself.

There's talk that Elon Musk is hopeful of a Trump win so he can land a choice cabinet position or other cushy job within the administration, probably something high-tech that would benefit Trump in complicated matters such as dressing himself.


A Trump victory is also a crypto play. Plenty of rich folks like Elon want crypto to go up. If the needle swings back toward Trump i'm buying bitcoin.
“Less than 2% Kamala.” Let’s not forget what a fail her first Presidential attempt was. Didn’t make it to Iowa. But to your point, a lot of folks won’t remember her disaster of a campaign. She is essentially new to many. And her campaign is smart to hide her, because like 2020, the more people get to know her, the less support she will garner. So I personally am looking forward to the debates. Maybe Trump brings in Tulsi who eviscerated her, essentially ending her Presidential run last time.
It's different when you're already the nominee. And, at this point, undecided, apathetic voters are/were sick to death of Trump/Biden 2.0. They don't remember Harris 2020. There are now 2 new people (younger and they "appear" to promise something new), that are more diverse and they have a shit-ton of $$$ behind them. That can escalate fast and the turnout at rallies might even be bigger than Obama.

After seeing some interesting factors the last 2 days, I am starting to agree more with @tarheel0910 about the prospect of the GOP being able to dump Trump and dump him fast, if need be. I may have been too hasty in my assessment that Trump owns the party. He might realize just how small he is when the oligarchs decide "okay, pull the plug on this asshole."

I doubt you'll see ANY Democrats telling their constituents to vote for Trump!

And, if Trump keeps whining about Biden not being the nominee and how stupid Harris is and how black she's really not... Nikki Haley and others might dissent from him and she had enough opposition to him in the primaries that it could be costly of they stay home.
I don't get it either. You and I are supposed to be in the CULT yet we know very little about these blowups. All I've seen is him giving interviews, as is Vance and Kameltoe dodging the press and trying to wipe the internet clean of her and Walz's past.
Have you paid attn? Would you say he seems different from 4 years ago? He not only sounds awful, but his rambling has gotten worse, he can't stay on topic, his mind wanders onto inapplicable subjects (sharks), instead of attacking Kamala he's still attacking Biden. These things make him seem less "strong" regardless of his past presentation.

Talking policy has never been his strong point (cuz he often doesn't have firm policy), but he needs to just stick with some basic points regarding immigration, economy, crime, christianity, guns, etc that don't seem outlandish (unbelievable lies).
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It's different when you're already the nominee. And, at this point, undecided, apathetic voters are/were sick to death of Trump/Biden 2.0. They don't remember Harris 2020. There are now 2 new people (younger and they "appear" to promise something new), that are more diverse and they have a shit-ton of $$$ behind them. That can escalate fast and the turnout at rallies might even be bigger than Obama.

After seeing some interesting factors the last 2 days, I am starting to agree more with @tarheel0910 about the prospect of the GOP being able to dump Trump and dump him fast, if need be. I may have been too hasty in my assessment that Trump owns the party. He might realize just how small he is when the oligarchs decide "okay, pull the plug on this asshole."

He’s gonna win again. You should t care because you’ve said you’re not voting for either. But I’m telling you, Trump is going win. And when it happens, everyone will see that Kamala’s support was 100% manufactured by the Dem machine.
Talking policy has never been his strong point (cuz he often doesn't have firm policy),
Correct! He has no understand of the machinations of American government.

I do think that he'll eventually come around to his strengths and figure out a plan.
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He’s gonna win again. You should t care because you’ve said you’re not voting for either. But I’m telling you, Trump is going win. And when it happens, everyone will see that Kamala’s support was 100% manufactured by the Dem machine.
Manufactured or not... his chances of winning have greatly diminished.

You live in a bubble. Maybe there will be plenty of armed militia ready to tear the country a new asshole because their cult leader lost again and he said the other side cheated. I dunno how serious that will get, but I know they will be put-down eventually. It's unfortunate if it comes to that, but that's the baggage that comes with letting a shitbag populist like Trump flourish in the system.
I saw a thing quoting Steve Jobs "People don't know what they want until they see it" - that's how he described Harris' rise in popularity.

Since 2016 it's been some ancient dudes that many younger people have trouble relating to. Kamala is WAY more relatable to young people, especially people of color. She's clawing back young voters, black and latino voters that were double-haters (or leaving Biden).
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He said young people are generally more progressive, issue by issue, regardless of their definition of conservative, liberal, democrat, gop, or maga. They want affordable healthcare, better education (including k-12), better infrastructure, stable climate, are pro-choice, don't care about gayness.
But they often aren't paying attention to policy, rather "strong leader" vs "not strong" leader and who is a "fighter". Trump does seem like a fighter, he's good at portraying that. He called Trump an anti-hero: someone who isn't evil, does the right thing but not always for the right reasons. Lots of these people were still teens when Trump was a pres, aren't plugged into policy and "news", rather gaming forum echo machines. Trump or Biden were just "tallest midget" to them.

But Kamala comes across as a fighter they can relate too, and that's simply what they want. Kamala is easily winning the "strong" leader competition vs 81 yr old Biden and 78 yr old Trump in their eyes, it only helps that they're progressive leaning aligns with her views.
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He said young people are generally more progressive, issue by issue, regardless of their definition of conservative, liberal, democrat, gop, or maga. They want affordable healthcare, better education (including k-12), better infrastructure, stable climate, are pro-choice, don't care about gayness.
But they often aren't paying attention to policy, rather "strong leader" vs "not strong" leader and who is a "fighter". Trump does seem like a fighter, he's good at portraying that. He called Trump an anti-hero: someone he isn't evil, does the right thing but not always for the right reasons. Lots of these people were still teens when Trump was a pres, aren't plugged into policy and "news", rather gaming forum echo machines.

But Kamala comes across as a fighter they can relate too, and that's simply what they want. Kamala is easily winning the "strong" leader competition vs 81 yr old Biden and 78 yr old Trump in their eyes, it only helps that they're progressive leaning aligns with her views.
Trump is the oldest candidate ever, and he's BABY BOOMER, entitled white guy to the gills. He was handed everything his entire life. And all he does is bitch about how he's been maligned and how Democrats cheat. That will work for the MAGA base. There are no solutions at all. Deporting 20 million people is a sledgehammer. Again... ideal for MAGA paranoids. I don't know about younger people with no affiliation.

His VP would stand a better chance as the primary candidate, now.
And to add to this discussion, I would rather not shut the board down. When jumping into the political conversation swamp, you're going to get dirty and have feelings hurt. That goes with the territory. Strap it on and deal with it.

And perhaps I overreacted some yesterday, especially since I hadn't gotten a report regarding this board in a while. And one of the complaints included a threat, so I reacted.

In total truth, I work every day of the year trying to make this site work in a very competitive environment. I have a vastly underpaid staff, which includes myself. I do this as a labor of love and with the intent on growing the site, as slow a process as that may be. When I was hired more than ten years ago, this board was part of the deal. I didn't think much at first until people started complaining about each other.

Those first few years I ran THI were during a period in which other sites were eliminating their free boards. I actually liked having a spot for people to hang out that weren't subscribers because many were regulars, and it was a place to post our content hoping to draw a few of you onto the premium side.

I DO NOT want to shut down this board, but I don't want to be bothered by complaints either. It's an anything-goes board and shouldn't be moderated because we're all adults and should be able to compartmentalize message boards posts that bother us from real life.

However, I will do what is necessary if things get out of hand. We have just less than three months before the election, and then possibly difficult times for the months after. I hope there's no need for me to return here.

Now, I have to go record a football show with Jacob. I'd MUCH rather do that than post here.

If Trump drops out or is pushed out, does JD Vance become the GOP Presidential candidate, or do they find someone else? Who else?

Would Vance stay on the ticket if Trump is replaced?
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“Less than 2% Kamala.” Let’s not forget what a fail her first Presidential attempt was. Didn’t make it to Iowa. But to your point, a lot of folks won’t remember her disaster of a campaign. She is essentially new to many. And her campaign is smart to hide her, because like 2020, the more people get to know her, the less support she will garner. So I personally am looking forward to the debates. Maybe Trump brings in Tulsi who eviscerated her, essentially ending her Presidential run last time.
I'll condense the above. Dick is scared shitless of Harris.
Reality is often painful
Painful? Where do you live?

Yeah... the violent black people are everywhere! They're inherently violent and lazy, and impoverished and sub-human. They're going to ruin your property value and equity potential! Watch out for the mentally deranged Mexicans! They're rapists!

More importantly, "My crowds are bigger!" Stick with all of those points! And, then claim the other side cheated if you lose.

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