OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Fantastic work over the last few days, gentlemen! Catching up was exciting. An appearance from the top even? What a couple of days. Really.

@Newoikkin Bitch-ass move.

Jussie is all class.
Elon says it's actually over a billion views at this point. The saddest part is that he invited Kackula to come on and do the same. The world will never see it because there is no way to do a scripted free flowing conversation like that. They can't control it. She is gonna run as a generic democrat for as long as the press covers for her.

Boom. Nailed it.

For those that need the backstory, here you go:

This board was once moderated like all the other forums. Billy went off the deep end for whatever reason and started spamming the board with anti-Trump stuff. I don't believe anyone complained to the mods but even if they did, it was a moderated board at that time. @tarheel0910 can give the details on why Billy ultimately did himself in. I don't know. But at that point, @andrew jones and @heelbent came to us and gave us the choice of basically shutting the board down or allowing the Lord Of The Flies environment it is today. We all chose the latter. Andrew and Heelbent made it clear the board would not be moderated. By this point, this board really only consisted of 20-25 regular poasters. And while we don't all agree on much, we all agreed that we were fine being unmoderated here. I think the good majority of us that were in on that decision have stayed around since which is evidence that we were happy to be left alone and allowed to run the board as we see fit.

Then @Newoikkin shows up, rocks the boat because his little feelings were hurt and here we are, with even the most ardent @gunslingerdick haters taking the side of telling him to STFU or leave. It looks like this did not work out the way he thought it was going to.

Andrew doesn't want to be bothered by this board that has so few regular poasters. For years he was going unbothered. The noob, instead of trying to earn his stripes on the board and assimilate to our culture, comes in and tries to tell us how we need to be. That's not how it works.

But through my discussion with Andrew yesterday, I know he will shut this board down if people keep making a stink. So if you come to log on one day and you can't, you'll know who to thank for that. And it certainly won't be me who has been the same guy here for the last 2 decades.

And to add to this discussion, I would rather not shut the board down. When jumping into the political conversation swamp, you're going to get dirty and have feelings hurt. That goes with the territory. Strap it on and deal with it.

And perhaps I overreacted some yesterday, especially since I hadn't gotten a report regarding this board in a while. And one of the complaints included a threat, so I reacted.

In total truth, I work every day of the year trying to make this site work in a very competitive environment. I have a vastly underpaid staff, which includes myself. I do this as a labor of love and with the intent on growing the site, as slow a process as that may be. When I was hired more than ten years ago, this board was part of the deal. I didn't think much at first until people started complaining about each other.

Those first few years I ran THI were during a period in which other sites were eliminating their free boards. I actually liked having a spot for people to hang out that weren't subscribers because many were regulars, and it was a place to post our content hoping to draw a few of you onto the premium side.

I DO NOT want to shut down this board, but I don't want to be bothered by complaints either. It's an anything-goes board and shouldn't be moderated because we're all adults and should be able to compartmentalize message boards posts that bother us from real life.

However, I will do what is necessary if things get out of hand. We have just less than three months before the election, and then possibly difficult times for the months after. I hope there's no need for me to return here.

Now, I have to go record a football show with Jacob. I'd MUCH rather do that than post here.

Boom. Nailed it.

For those that need the backstory, here you go:

This board was once moderated like all the other forums. Billy went off the deep end for whatever reason and started spamming the board with anti-Trump stuff. I don't believe anyone complained to the mods but even if they did, it was a moderated board at that time. @tarheel0910 can give the details on why Billy ultimately did himself in. I don't know. But at that point, @andrew jones and @heelbent came to us and gave us the choice of basically shutting the board down or allowing the Lord Of The Flies environment it is today. We all chose the latter. Andrew and Heelbent made it clear the board would not be moderated. By this point, this board really only consisted of 20-25 regular poasters. And while we don't all agree on much, we all agreed that we were fine being unmoderated here. I think the good majority of us that were in on that decision have stayed around since which is evidence that we were happy to be left alone and allowed to run the board as we see fit.

Then @Newoikkin shows up, rocks the boat because his little feelings were hurt and here we are, with even the most ardent @gunslingerdick haters taking the side of telling him to STFU or leave. It looks like this did not work out the way he thought it was going to.

Andrew doesn't want to be bothered by this board that has so few regular poasters. For years he was going unbothered. The noob, instead of trying to earn his stripes on the board and assimilate to our culture, comes in and tries to tell us how we need to be. That's not how it works.

But through my discussion with Andrew yesterday, I know he will shut this board down if people keep making a stink. So if you come to log on one day and you can't, you'll know who to thank for that. And it certainly won't be me who has been the same guy here for the last 2 decades.
Your life would be in shambles if this board went away.
I was referring to the politicians paying attention. The far right ones might still call him, but the others will call up people who can win. If Trump loses, then that won't be him. Also, I don't think him saying the election is stolen will be as effective this time. Obviously his base will eat it up, but I think the GOP voters outside of his base will be tired of it. Even if they believe it, I don't think it's something people want to spend another four years fighting. But all this is speculation right now. Still no guarantee he loses.
But the politicians are still pandering to their base, who won't get it, and the base is bigger than never-trumpers. And the base is cra-cra, obsessed with message instead of substance, so now you have a perpetual loop of poop.

The senate and house are rejecting straight-forward bills for guaranteed contraceptive access, simply to make themselves look anti-dem (everything is polarized). Surely the actual constituents in districts probably don't mind guaranteed access to contraceptives - they certainly would freak if contraceptive access became restricted. But here we are.
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Elon says it's actually over a billion views at this point. The saddest part is that he invited Kackula to come on and do the same. The world will never see it because there is no way to do a scripted free flowing conversation like that. They can't control it. She is gonna run as a generic democrat for as long as the press covers for her.

The post got 73 millions views. A view could be a half-second glance at your twitter feed. API feed is included, so you embedding that post counts as a "view".

And of the 4 million posts, how many mentioned lisp or failing dentures and dementia?
Truth Social (DJT) has tanked the last few months. Down 60% the last 3 months. Trump going back to twitter isn't going to help it any.

Trump doesn't care if Truth Social tanks. He only started it as a protest against Twitter and to continue getting his message out. He's happy to be back on Twitter and I can't than Elon Musk enough for doing the Lord's work.
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But the politicians are still pandering to their base, who won't get it, and the base is bigger than never-trumpers. And the base is cra-cra, obsessed with message instead of substance, so now you have a perpetual loop of poop.

The senate and house are rejecting straight-forward bills for guaranteed contraceptive access, simply to make themselves look anti-dem (everything is polarized). Surely the actual constituents in districts probably don't mind guaranteed access to contraceptives - they certainly would freak if contraceptive access became restricted. But here we are.
What you just described happened in politics long before Trump. He's just the latest lighting rod. Granted he's been the biggest and most vocal, but still just one of many. I just don't see them standing behind a two time loser. It will be on to the next person.
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And to add to this discussion, I would rather not shut the board down. When jumping into the political conversation swamp, you're going to get dirty and have feelings hurt. That goes with the territory. Strap it on and deal with it.

And perhaps I overreacted some yesterday, especially since I hadn't gotten a report regarding this board in a while. And one of the complaints included a threat, so I reacted.

In total truth, I work every day of the year trying to make this site work in a very competitive environment. I have a vastly underpaid staff, which includes myself. I do this as a labor of love and with the intent on growing the site, as slow a process as that may be. When I was hired more than ten years ago, this board was part of the deal. I didn't think much at first until people started complaining about each other.

Those first few years I ran THI were during a period in which other sites were eliminating their free boards. I actually liked having a spot for people to hang out that weren't subscribers because many were regulars, and it was a place to post our content hoping to draw a few of you onto the premium side.

I DO NOT want to shut down this board, but I don't want to be bothered by complaints either. It's an anything-goes board and shouldn't be moderated because we're all adults and should be able to compartmentalize message boards posts that bother us from real life.

However, I will do what is necessary if things get out of hand. We have just less than three months before the election, and then possibly difficult times for the months after. I hope there's no need for me to return here.

Now, I have to go record a football show with Jacob. I'd MUCH rather do that than post here.

Thanks AJ. I think a big "issue" is that because this group has been together for so long that there's a lot of inside jokes and normal "procedures" that a new person won't understand. That can cause issues when newer people try to come in guns blazing. You don't go to someones house for the first time and grab the remote. Most of the newer people here have come in calmly and learned how this functionally-dysfunctional "family" works. This time it was a case where a guest changed the channel to a duke game. We really do appreciate this place. I know TOS just closed down one of their boards because of politics and I know people here don't want that and don't want you to have to be bothered with it. Hopefully all that makes sense.

Also, I enjoy your shows with Jacob and I miss how he says under-dog-fantasy with those little pauses between words. Always makes me chuckle. Need to bring that back even if they aren't a sponsor.
You just described the demographics of most of our country. Most cities are very blue, particularly on the coasts, and everything else is red. It's why things were setup as a republic and not a democracy. The founders were smart enough to realize there needed to be a balance so that the city slickers where population is concentrated didn't get to run roughshod over everyone else.
Lol. You’ve obviously never been to Asheville. I grew up there. It’s the bluest city in the country next to maybe portland
Lol. You’ve obviously never been to Asheville. I grew up there. It’s the bluest city in the country next to maybe portland
It's pretty amazing. It's like Berkeley, CA when you're in the city itself. Then, outside of the city, it's like the set of Deliverance. Hendersonville and Brevard are similar. I heard somewhere that a lot of northeastern hippies relocated to Asheville in the 70s and 80s. I dunno if that's true or not.
Elon says it's actually over a billion views at this point. The saddest part is that he invited Kackula to come on and do the same. The world will never see it because there is no way to do a scripted free flowing conversation like that. They can't control it. She is gonna run as a generic democrat for as long as the press covers for her.

She doesn’t need to do a damn thing different than what she’s doing so why would she? Trump is in full blown self destruction mode.
It's pretty amazing. It's like Berkeley, CA when you're in the city itself. Then, outside of the city, it's like the set of Deliverance. Hendersonville and Brevard are similar. I heard somewhere that a lot of eastern hippies relocated to Asheville in the 70s and 80s. I dunno if that's true or not.
So what happened was that the downtown completely died in the 70’s when a mall was built. We’re talking near complete desolation. Abandoned buildings, trash, open prostitution, drugs, homeless, it was horrible. My parents shop was one of the victims. The cheap real estate and rent was gobbled up by people opening art galleries, boutiques, bars, novelty type restaurants….which are typically run and staffed by people of the blue persuasion. It just mushroomed from there as the blues from all over th country flocked to the cheap liberal haven. Meanwhile the people in the surrounding mtns are still….well mtn people.
"You know you have languages that people don't even know about."
So what happened was that the downtown completely died in the 70’s when a mall was built. We’re talking near complete desolation. Abandoned buildings, trash, open prostitution, drugs, homeless, it was horrible. My parents shop was one of the victims. The cheap real estate and rent was gobbled up by people opening art galleries, boutiques, bars, novelty type restaurants….which are typically run and staffed by people of the blue persuasion. It just mushroomed from there as the blues from all over th country flocked to the cheap liberal haven. Meanwhile the people in the surrounding mtns are still….well mtn people.
Thaaaat's right. I remember back in the 2000s, I was at an art gallery/store thing on main street in Hendersonville (I guess it's main street). Anyway, the woman who owned it was in her 60s, I guess... and she had already started this decorative memorial to the dead US soldiers in Iraq, adding a leaf to an ornamental tree... I digress. She was from New York, and I could tell her accent. She explained that basic premise. She said she'd been in the Asheville area since 1978. Damn communist, liberal yankee hippies!
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I don't understand this. How is Trump in full blown self-destruction mode?
I don't get it either. You and I are supposed to be in the CULT yet we know very little about these blowups. All I've seen is him giving interviews, as is Vance and Kameltoe dodging the press and trying to wipe the internet clean of her and Walz's past.
Oh and her team changing headlines to make her look more appealing. But, you can febreeze a turd but it's still a turd.
I don't get it either. You and I are supposed to be in the CULT yet we know very little about these blowups.
Said every person that was in every cult. Any good cult is loaded with members that aren't aware objective realities OUTSIDE of the cult's universal perspective. You listen to Musk and Trump, and your admiration for both increases.

They usually just repeat the reactions of the cult leader... like insisting that "opposition" events with large amounts of people attending are merely AI generated fictions.
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it seems to me their entire campaign is based on slandering the opposition and creating the illusion of support. If you listen to Kamala she spouts a bunch of happy words about what she's going to achieve without a syllable of substantiation about how she's going to do it. That's smart, because that's all the liberal masses need to hear. She has brought back in those on the near left who had abandoned Biden, even though she will double down on the problems Biden brought about.

Trump better sharpen up because those middle-ground undecideds are what it's all about at this point.
You listen to Musk and Trump, and your admiration for both increases.

They usually just repeat the reactions of the cult leader... like insisting that "opposition" events with large amounts of people attending are merely AI generated fictions.
Didn't listen.

Never said a word about it.
it seems to me their entire campaign is based on slandering the opposition and creating the illusion of support. If you listen to Kamala she spouts a bunch of happy words about what she's going to achieve without a syllable of substantiation about how she's going to do it. That's smart, because that's all the liberal masses need to hear. She has brought back in those on the near left who had abandoned Biden, even though she will double down on the problems Biden brought about.

Trump better sharpen up because those middle-ground undecideds are what it's all about at this point.
It's amazing she has a plan now. How did she keep all these great secrets for 3.5 years?
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Said every person that was in every cult. Any good cult is loaded with members that aren't aware objective realities OUTSIDE of the cult's universal perspective. You listen to Musk and Trump, and your admiration for both increases.

They usually just repeat the reactions of the cult leader... like insisting that "opposition" events with large amounts of people attending are merely AI generated fictions.

Then from your perspective, please explain what YOU are seeing to characterize his behavior as "self destruct mode".
Said every person that was in every cult. Any good cult is loaded with members that aren't aware objective realities OUTSIDE of the cult's universal perspective. You listen to Musk and Trump, and your admiration for both increases.

They usually just repeat the reactions of the cult leader... like insisting that "opposition" events with large amounts of people attending are merely AI generated fictions.
I do have admiration for both men though. They are problem solvers. They've built things. Do you have any idea of all the things Musk has invented that are beneficial to people?
I do have admiration for both men though. They are problem solvers. They've built things. Do you have any idea of all the things Musk has invented that are beneficial to people?
Oh, I'm sure he's just as philanthropic (@bluetoe ) as Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John Rockefeller, W.R. Hearst... and all of those wonderful contributions to humanity.
you trump fans will prob dismiss this as hatin’ and I get that but I’m telling you trump is absolutely BLOWING IT. He refuses to stay on message and just insists on slinging insults and conspiracy theories

asheville is a bizarre demographic. You have the city of Asheville and black mtn which are as blue as blue can be. Surrounded by the mtns full of die hard republicans. Gonna be fun.
I was very puzzled when I heard he was going to Hippie Haven. Not sure what reception he thinks he'll get, but I'll be shocked if it isn't a rocky one. Could even be an insurrection or two.

I don't keep up with the campaign much but I'll follow up on this one. I should have made this the only Trump rally I've ever attended just to go on a beer binge. I love Asheville for a few reasons, but especially for that.
it seems to me their entire campaign is based on slandering the opposition and creating the illusion of support. If you listen to Kamala she spouts a bunch of happy words about what she's going to achieve without a syllable of substantiation about how she's going to do it. That's smart, because that's all the liberal masses need to hear. She has brought back in those on the near left who had abandoned Biden, even though she will double down on the problems Biden brought about.

Trump better sharpen up because those middle-ground undecideds are what it's all about at this point.
Just like Barack Obama in 2008... out of nowhere and went full rock-star by September 2008.

People will follow the illusion more than anything else. MAGA is a testament to that. Hell, American politics is built on the appeal of illusion.

Keep calling her stupid and fumbling her name and questioning her ethnicity and whatever else you have in the "Hurl Insults" bag. Harris has not been vilified for 30 years like Hillary Clinton. She's brand new for a lot of people. And, after 10 years of Donald Trump whining, brand new is all it might take. Biden is gone.
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It's amazing she has a plan now. How did she keep all these great secrets for 3.5 years?
and it's blazeringly obvious that it's a populist sham, failing to address where all this wonderfulness for the people has been. It's only up from here I guess. Trump needs to stop with the slurs and let her own words condemn her. Like 'no I haven't been to the border. I haven't been to Europe either. I don't know what you're trying to say' He should be murdering beating defeating her without even opening his mouth. (I don't want to get a visit from the SS)
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