OOTB's Political Thread . ..

He’s gonna win again. You should t care because you’ve said you’re not voting for either. But I’m telling you, Trump is going win. And when it happens, everyone will see that Kamala’s support was 100% manufactured by the Dem machine.
Saved to the archives. This is reason enough for everyone to play nice (and completely ignore @Newoikkin if he ever returns) so that this thread isn't deleted before November. There are a lot of poasters just itching to gloat.
I do think that he'll eventually come around to his strengths and figure out a plan.

It's really a tough thing if Trump loses, for me. I revel in the satire that is created at his expense. I mean... it's been more than I could ever ask for, and hilarious.

If he's no longer around, then what will they have to mock? Nothing is as mockable as Trump. The Daily Show is funny again.

I don't watch the shows themselves, but I do laugh at these mock segments all the time. It's like shooting fish in a barrel with a bazooka!

I don't understand this. How is Trump in full blown self-destruction mode?
Well it’s my opinion of course but seems to me going off script on speeches and doubling down on insults and conspiracy theories is costing him support. He’s admitted he’s been told to use the teleprompter and to stay on message but he doesn’t care. Do you think he should focus more on issues than personal attacks? Harris certainly seeems vulnerable to me on economy and the border but ftmp he’s giving her a pass.
I've been there on many, many occasions and spent a good deal of time there over the course of my life. Almost all my family, including both my parents, were/are from McDowell County either in or around Marion (some were nearby in Pleasant Gardens or over in Newton). If you want any shopping besides Walmart or real restaurants, etc., you're headed to Asheville. And while it's bluer than most, it doesn't change the general principle of what I described.
No you’re right what you said is true in general. It’s just “mega true” there
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Painful? Where do you live?

Yeah... the violent black people are everywhere! They're inherently violent and lazy, and impoverished and sub-human. They're going to ruin your property value and equity potential! Watch out for the mentally deranged Mexicans! They're rapists!

More importantly, "My crowds are bigger!" Stick with all of those points! And, then claim the other side cheated if you lose.

Weird response from several angles. Let me explain.

The picture or campaign ad (if it’s really a campaign ad and not just made up by someone on the internet) is depicting the migrant crises in America and other western countries (UK, Poland, Germany, etc.) Those are not black Americans. Anybody can tell those are Africans. And for the record, Africans and ADOS (American Descendents of Slavery) do not mesh. They do not like each other. A 10 minute stroll through Twitter using the search function can explain this much more succinctly than I can. But the gist is that ADOS feel migrant Africans have ridden their coattails in America and have watered down their plight. I actually learned of this from a young Kenyan man that used to work for me. Anyhoo, this picture will resonate with black Americans as well as white Americans and the Latino population that’s here legally and came here in search of the picture on the left.

So all that of which wrote is not applicable. Your sarcastic response isn’t even in the right ballpark.
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I don't get it either. You and I are supposed to be in the CULT yet we know very little about these blowups. All I've seen is him giving interviews, as is Vance and Kameltoe dodging the press and trying to wipe the internet clean of her and Walz's past.
Oh and her team changing headlines to make her look more appealing. But, you can febreeze a turd but it's still a turd.
Well with all due respect y’all are in denial. The black journalists cluster fuk, these “wtf” speeches saying no one knows her last name, the AI accusations, the musk interview…. No doubt you guys see no problem with any of those things but i see and hear lots of interviews with GOP people who do see problems. Big problems. But we’ll see how the polling goes in the next week or so I guess.
Weird response from several angles. Let me explain.

The picture or campaign ad (if it’s really a campaign ad and not just made up by someone on the internet) is depicting the migrant crises in America and other western countries (UK, Poland, Germany, etc.) Those are not black Americans. Anybody can tell those are Africans. And for the record, Africans and ADOS (American Descendents of Slavery) do not mesh. They do not like each other. A 10 minute stroll through Twitter using the search function can explain this much more succinctly than I can. But the gist is that ADOS feel migrant Africans have ridden their coattails in America and have watered down their plight. I actually learned of this from a young Kenyan man that used to work for me. Anyhoo, this picture will resonate with black Americans as well as white Americans and the Latino population that’s here legally and came here in search of the picture on the left.

So all that of which wrote is not applicable. Your sarcastic response isn’t even in the right ballpark.
I don't even take 10 second strolls on Twitter. It's great to know that "Africans" and "ADOS" are a thing. It's a shame they hate each other... I guess. They'll have to sort-out that problem eventually. I'm sure it's something that keeps DJT awake at night trying to solve! Like I said... keep the messaging just the way it is. I'm sure that anecdote of the Kenyan guy is all over the place by now.
Well with all due respect y’all are in denial. The black journalists cluster fuk, these “wtf” speeches saying no one knows her last name, the AI accusations, the musk interview…. No doubt you guys see no problem with any of those things but i see and hear lots of interviews with GOP people who do see problems. Big problems. But we’ll see how the polling goes in the next week or so I guess.
I'm sure her popularity will level-off. If she screws-up in the debate, that will be a big deal (seriously). If she wins the debate(s), he's in even more trouble.

But, again, I need to see how the Fed's rate cuts affect the market and then the general economy in Sep/Oct.. If there's a crash or a real threat of some major shake-up in the economy, then he's gotta much better chance to win.
I don't even take 10 second strolls on Twitter. It's great to know that "Africans" and "ADOS" are a thing. It's a shame they hate each other... I guess. They'll have to sort-out that problem eventually. I'm sure it's something that keeps DJT awake at night trying to solve! Like I said... keep the messaging just the way it is. I'm sure that anecdote of the Kenyan guy is all over the place by now.

The anecdote and the other information was simply to put some context to the picture you shared. It’s meaningful information. You can disregard it if you like but that doesn’t mean everyone else will. Those who know will see that and potentially identify with it. Most of all though, it in no way paints Trump as a racist which is what I can only assume was your point of poasting the comments you poasted.
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The anecdote and the other information was simply to put some context to the picture you shared. It’s meaningful information. You can disregard it if you like but that doesn’t mean everyone else will. Those who know will see that and potentially identify with it. Most of all though, it in no way paints Trump as a racist which is what I can only assume was your point of poasting the comments you poasted.
Oh, for sure... NO ONE will EVER think Trump is racist.
Oh, for sure... NO ONE will EVER think Trump is racist.

I’m sure some will. I’m sure some mistakenly think I am. I’m sure some mistakenly think you are. Except for the ones that don’t. And the share of the black vote that Trump is currently getting is setting records for a GOP presidential candidate. So maybe people are starting to see through the bullshit they’ve been fed by many, apparently you being one of them.
From The Washington Post comes this list of Trump's recent and bizarre claims:

1 - Kamala Harris's rally crowds "DIDN'T EXIST" and "nobody was there"
2 - Joe Biden prepared to have the FBI assassinate him
3 - Democrats' messaging is to blame for the assassination attempt on him
4 - Joe Biden faked having COVID-19
5 - Trump went down in a helicopter with Willie Brown
6 - Joe Biden will try to reclaim the Democratic nomination at next week's convention
7 - Kamala Harris only recently identified as Black
8 - Trump's Jan. 6 crowd was bigger than MLK's
9 - Other countries are emptying their prisons and sending criminals to the U.S.
10 - Democrats want to allow killing babies after birth

From The Washington Post comes this list of Trump's recent and bizarre claims:

1 - Kamala Harris's rally crowds "DIDN'T EXIST" and "nobody was there"
2 - Joe Biden prepared to have the FBI assassinate him
3 - Democrats' messaging is to blame for the assassination attempt on him
4 - Joe Biden faked having COVID-19
5 - Trump went down in a helicopter with Willie Brown
6 - Joe Biden will try to reclaim the Democratic nomination at next week's convention
7 - Kamala Harris only recently identified as Black
8 - Trump's Jan. 6 crowd was bigger than MLK's
9 - Other countries are emptying their prisons and sending criminals to the U.S.
10 - Democrats want to allow killing babies after birth

Some of those could actually be addressed, but I think you got number wrong, it was

5 - Kamala went down like a helicopter on Willie Brown
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I’m sure some will. I’m sure some mistakenly think I am. I’m sure some mistakenly think you are. Except for the ones that don’t. And the share of the black vote that Trump is currently getting is setting records for a GOP presidential candidate. So maybe people are starting to see through the bullshit they’ve been fed by many, apparently you being one of them.
Well, at least it's universal (I think) that no one wants to be mistaken as being a racist. That's progress, I hope.

I got banned from the HROT/Iowa board for what they considered as me being racist. I don't blame them. I think they were mistaken. I'm not proud of it. But, oh well.

That's a big reason why I put the kibosh on newwolk-whatever yesterday. I take issue when someone tries to "ban" another person for their words, or ideas, or perspectives... just because they don't like it or approve of it. Not just here, but anywhere. I don't want to be silenced and I don't want anyone else silenced. Even if I fervently disagree with their ideas.
Some of those could actually be addressed, but I think you got number wrong, it was

5 - Kamala went down like a helicopter on Willie Brown
I hope she did! I might vote for her if I found out she did it really well! I would never shame any woman for that! Thank god for them and that ability!
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5 - Kamala went down like a helicopter on Willie Brown
And Donald Trump went down with this man, whom he actually shared that helicopter ride with:


Former Los Angeles City Council member Nate Holden

If the chopper goes down, that's not Willie Brown
If the flight's not going great, you're probably riding with Nate

- Jon Stewart
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From The Washington Post comes this list of Trump's recent and bizarre claims:

1 - Kamala Harris's rally crowds "DIDN'T EXIST" and "nobody was there"
2 - Joe Biden prepared to have the FBI assassinate him
3 - Democrats' messaging is to blame for the assassination attempt on him
4 - Joe Biden faked having COVID-19
5 - Trump went down in a helicopter with Willie Brown
6 - Joe Biden will try to reclaim the Democratic nomination at next week's convention
7 - Kamala Harris only recently identified as Black
8 - Trump's Jan. 6 crowd was bigger than MLK's
9 - Other countries are emptying their prisons and sending criminals to the U.S.
10 - Democrats want to allow killing babies after birth

I wonder how many of those the average MAGA believes?
I wonder how many of those the average MAGA believes?

I think 3 is pretty universal at this point.

4 is totally believable but inconsequential.

7 is worded strangely but I think it’s pretty well known that the black side of her family was not the side she was leveraging to advance her political career until recently.

Regarding 9, if they’re not prisoners, they should be.

As for 10, there's this:
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As for 10, there's this:
That isn't AFTER birth though... it states 3rd trimester not AFTER 3rd trimester. Another pro-birth'rs fail, and it seems you continue to ignore the mom's health.

- A baby at 37 weeks has been diagnosed with a condition meaning it will die shortly after being outside the womb (maybe a lung deformity for example).
- At 38 weeks the mom is starting to have contractions, simultaneously the mom encounters complications that could cause her to die (hemorrhage-related, preeclampsia or eclampsia, etc).

Do you
a) - let the mom potentially die knowing the baby will die shortly too. (this would be pro-birth, but also pro-death, definitely not pro-life in any way)
b) - let the mom stay living but abort the baby. (this is pro-life cuz you are saving the mom's life)

PS, pro-life would also involving the child having access to things like like quality education and free school lunch where needed, since life exists quite awhile after birth.
That isn't AFTER birth though... it states 3rd trimester not AFTER 3rd trimester. Another pro-birth'rs fail, and it seems you continue to ignore the mom's health.

- A baby at 37 weeks has been diagnosed with a condition meaning it will die shortly after being outside the womb (maybe a lung deformity for example).
- At 38 weeks the mom is starting to have contractions, simultaneously the mom encounters complications that could cause her to die (hemorrhage-related, preeclampsia or eclampsia, etc).

Do you
a) - let the mom potentially die knowing the baby will die shortly too. (this would be pro-birth, but also pro-death, definitely not pro-life in any way)
b) - let the mom stay living but abort the baby. (this is pro-life cuz you are saving the mom's life)

PS, pro-life would also involving the child having access to things like like quality education and free school lunch where needed, since life exists quite awhile after birth.
You do a C-section and comfort the baby as best as possible.
I think 3 is pretty universal at this point.

4 is totally believable but inconsequential.

7 is worded strangely but I think it’s pretty well known that the black side of her family was not the side she was leveraging to advance her political career until recently.

Regarding 9, if they’re not prisoners, they should be.

As for 10, there's this:
Don't think he'd ever change his mind on any of these, I mean, it's anti-orange and it was in the Post, so . . . . .

But I wanted to address number four about Joe not having covid. I've not seen it discussed here, but anyone see the stuff that came out about what happened in Vegas? They released the radio communication tapes for the LVPD. These were, let's just say, inconsistent or not supportive of someone testing positive for covid and appearing tired from campaigning who decided to cancel events and head back to Rehoboth. Then, Joe disappeared for days and days and days, eventually withdrawing from the re-election effort with a statement on personal letterhead with a different signature. Was it covid? The events suggest it was actually a TIA.

I mean, it doesn't matter, other than yet another lie and another coverup to stay in power. But that seems to be the standard for the Biden/HARRIS administration.
You do a C-section and comfort the baby as best as possible.
Exactly. That's option C. Because anyone who is at 38 weeks is basically full-term. I don't understand the desire to kill a fully viable baby and call that act abortion. It would be horrible to endure your child dying with some condition as noted in the hypothetical, but it doesn't make that any better to simply have a doctor do it directly for you as the executioner.

As I have made clear, I am prochoice, but this type of scenario doesn't help win over those on the fence. This is murder, plain and simple. Where do you draw the line on when an "abortion" gets performed? (At 37 weeks, the camera we sent in there shows no thumb on his left hand. Oh shit, he'll never be able to throw a proper curveball, off with his head).
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That isn't AFTER birth though... it states 3rd trimester not AFTER 3rd trimester. Another pro-birth'rs fail, and it seems you continue to ignore the mom's health.

- A baby at 37 weeks has been diagnosed with a condition meaning it will die shortly after being outside the womb (maybe a lung deformity for example).
- At 38 weeks the mom is starting to have contractions, simultaneously the mom encounters complications that could cause her to die (hemorrhage-related, preeclampsia or eclampsia, etc).

Do you
a) - let the mom potentially die knowing the baby will die shortly too. (this would be pro-birth, but also pro-death, definitely not pro-life in any way)
b) - let the mom stay living but abort the baby. (this is pro-life cuz you are saving the mom's life)

PS, pro-life would also involving the child having access to things like like quality education and free school lunch where needed, since life exists quite awhile after birth.

I was just poasting evidence refuting the dumbass poast someone made of what MAGA believes. Frankly, I don't really give a shit. I've admitted to being ok with you sickos killing babies. By all means, have at it. As long as I don't have to foot the bill.
PS, pro-life would also involving the child having access to things like like quality education and free school lunch where needed, since life exists quite awhile after birth.
I wanted to separate your PS from the rest of your scenario since it involves an entirely different concept. And, in one sentence, you have basically set forth the very problem that is basic to your view on society/government, and why it is so fundamentally misguided about our system and its principles. Well done (even if it was inadvertent).

Government is not here and does not exist to provide these things you list. That's a basic fallacy and there is no such thing as free school lunch. Someone pays for it. Government exists to help create an environment for those things to be pursued. The rest is up to the individual. And since you want to tie this into abortion and reproductive health rights, it is not the responsibility of the government or society to carry the burden of our individual choices. If you chose to engage in sex and have a baby, you are committing to a lifelong responsibility. The idea that you can just throw off this consequence and the government then has an obligation to do your job as a parent is a big part of the problem that we have today. People need to take responsibility for their own actions. It's not that hard a concept to grasp.
There was discussion here about voting machines and the claimed safety of the electronic ones. Well, they held a weekend conference for hackers to try to crack them out in Vegas. Apparently, in only 2 1/2 days, they found that there are indeed problems. I'm linking Politico so you know it's true, lol.

One of the Voting Village co-founders, Harry Hursti, had this to say: “If you don’t think this kind of place is running 24/7 in China, Russia, you’re kidding yourselves,” Hursti said, gesturing around the room of voting equipment. “We are here only for two and a half days, and we find stuff…it would be stupid to assume that the adversaries don’t have absolute access to everything.”

So, call me cynical, but are they safe?
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I was just poasting evidence refuting the dumbass poast someone made of what MAGA believes. Frankly, I don't really give a shit. I've admitted to being ok with you sickos killing babies. By all means, have at it. As long as I don't have to foot the bill.
First, those were ten preposterous comments made by Donald Trump himself and reported by The Washington Post. Second, you can call it a "dumbass poast" if you want but don't shoot the messenger. And last, for someone who doesn't really give a shit about killing babies you certainly bellyache about it a lot.
And last, for someone who doesn't really give a shit about killing babies you certainly bellyache about it a lot.

As I've said 1000 times, I begrudgingly support someone's right to choose. I just enjoy pointing out how grotesque someone is that is loud in their support of such a heinous act. In other words, if it's a centerpiece of your political platform, you're a terrible person.
As I've said 1000 times, I begrudgingly support someone's right to choose. I just enjoy pointing out how grotesque someone is that is loud in their support of such a heinous act. In other words, if it's a centerpiece of your political platform, you're a terrible person.
Do you believe it's a heinous act if it's saving a woman's life?

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