OOTB's Political Thread . ..

all that needs to be said. Very nice.

does this start to smell dangerously familiar to you? I fear loan-qualifying being tinkered with again, given the bent of the socialist candidate.

No, because lower interest rates just means less of the mortgage payment going towards interest. Therefore they can borrow a higher amount but the payment stays the same. So the risk profile doesn’t change at all because the obligation is the same.

Same thing as down payment assistance programs. The amount borrowed doesn’t actually change, so the risk doesn’t change either. The issue (inflation) is when people end up spending more than they otherwise would be able to because they didn’t have to save that 30k to put down on a house.

I’m not a finance expert so someone else here may be able to explain it better but the MBS crisis was a lot more complex than that. Unqualified buyers defaulting on loans was the trigger, but the real issue was that risk being multiplied by financial institutions packaging those mortgages into a marketable security. Their gambling on the housing market produced liabilities that were many times larger than the actual obligations of the mortgages that were defaulted on. Once the default rate hit a certain level, the value of the securities was effectively zero and those banks and hedge funds had nothing of value to liquidate to stop the bleeding.

Also, none of the policies in question have anything to do with socialism. Price controls are not socialism. Subsidies are not socialism. The DNC is extremely cozy with Wall Street, capitalism isn’t going anywhere.
No, because lower interest rates just means less of the mortgage payment going towards interest. Therefore they can borrow a higher amount but the payment stays the same. So the risk profile doesn’t change at all because the obligation is the same.

Same thing as down payment assistance programs. The amount borrowed doesn’t actually change, so the risk doesn’t change either. The issue (inflation) is when people end up spending more than they otherwise would be able to because they didn’t have to save that 30k to put down on a house.

I’m not a finance expert so someone else here may be able to explain it better but the MBS crisis was a lot more complex than that. Unqualified buyers defaulting on loans was the trigger, but the real issue was that risk being multiplied by financial institutions packaging those mortgages into a marketable security. Their gambling on the housing market produced liabilities that were many times larger than the actual obligations of the mortgages that were defaulted on. Once the default rate hit a certain level, the value of the securities was effectively zero and those banks and hedge funds had nothing of value to liquidate to stop the bleeding.

Also, none of the policies in question have anything to do with socialism. Price controls are not socialism. Subsidies are not socialism. The DNC is extremely cozy with Wall Street, capitalism isn’t going anywhere.
I don't mean as far as it goes at face value now. I mean can you get a whiff of what she might do once in office, given her proclivities. As I'm sure you know, we once had a president who leveraged (not in a strictly financial sense) lending institutions to award mortgages to borrowers who would not qualify under ordinary circumstances, and then guaranteed the money (IIRC).

We know how that turned out.
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The above was sarcastic...FYI

Sometimes, it's best to just keep your mouth shut, or, at least, THINK about WTF you're saying to millions of people BEFORE you say it. He has no filter. Trump is like the Kramer of US Presidents. He's funny in a stupid way, by accident, but I would never want someone like that in charge of anything except, maybe, a wrestling show. I watched them when I was 10. That's about the level of intellect the man has had his entire life. We can all relate to it, some of us like the idea of going back to it, but most of us have moved beyond that.
LMAO. All this rethinking just because I gave it a like?
All he said was that getting the Medal of Freedom is better than getting the Medal of Honor because you don't have to be shot at or killed to get it. He was just doing his best to schmooze Adelson's widow.
Do we give a wet fart about medals since he gave one to Rush Limbaugh?
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I think would it would be a lot smarter to let inflation stabilize long enough for the Fed to feel confident continuing to lower interest rates. We’re finally making progress there, now is not the time to start f*cking around. The down payment assistance program might be helpful for some people but lots of states already have programs like that in place for first time buyers. FHA loans already lower the down payment hurdle enough that the primary issue for most people is going to be their debt to income ratio. Lowering interest rates would help them more than the 30k since they’d actually be able to qualify for loans in the first place.

We do need more new construction of single family homes, and the development business is lucrative enough to assume that the supply will grow to match an increase in demand. But I think pumping trillions of dollars into an economy that is finally starting to stabilize is a risky game. If we get another 2-3 years of inflation at the levels we’ve seen since 2021, shit is really is going to get ugly.

The tax credit expansion will drive inflation back up to some extent. There is no way to avoid that.

Price controls on groceries is an incredibly stupid idea.

Wages need to continue rising faster than prices. That should be the primary consideration for any macroeconomic plan by either party.

TL;DR version: let’s make sure we’re out of the woods before we spend our way right back into high inflation rates and **** the economy up even more.
I heard her mention anti-trust laws being upheld (law and order), did she actually mention price controls too?
and there he goes, retreating into a typical inane comment instead of staying on the path he created. I have to chuckle at you having a grasp on the economy. A good example of two things you're good at exist here....making directionless comments with no attempt to substantiate or explain, and going into a cave somewhere when you're called on it.

Why don't you recall your post below on the three rates of return, and relate all or any of them to the post you responded to, and to the prospect of price controls, which is the subject you interjected this into....

If you knew shit about much of anything, you might be able to expand into a fresh produce stand at your convenience store.
This is coming from someone whose Idea of investing is buying scratch off tickets with his ebt card at the local gas station.
I think would it would be a lot smarter to let inflation stabilize long enough for the Fed to feel confident continuing to lower interest rates. We’re finally making progress there, now is not the time to start f*cking around. The down payment assistance program might be helpful for some people but lots of states already have programs like that in place for first time buyers. FHA loans already lower the down payment hurdle enough that the primary issue for most people is going to be their debt to income ratio. Lowering interest rates would help them more than the 30k since they’d actually be able to qualify for loans in the first place.

We do need more new construction of single family homes, and the development business is lucrative enough to assume that the supply will grow to match an increase in demand. But I think pumping trillions of dollars into an economy that is finally starting to stabilize is a risky game. If we get another 2-3 years of inflation at the levels we’ve seen since 2021, shit is really is going to get ugly.

The tax credit expansion will drive inflation back up to some extent. There is no way to avoid that.

Price controls on groceries is an incredibly stupid idea.

Wages need to continue rising faster than prices. That should be the primary consideration for any macroeconomic plan by either party.

TL;DR version: let’s make sure we’re out of the woods before we spend our way right back into high inflation rates and **** the economy up even more.
Thanks, appreciate the thoughts - this all makes sense to me. Fortunately I get the impression that she's mostly just spitballing ideas that may sound good to the layperson that isn't considering follow-on effects, in an attempt to garner more votes, and won't necessarily institute much of what she's promising/discussing.

Although I thought that was the case with Biden and the student loans thing too, so who knows.
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Thanks, appreciate the thoughts - this all makes sense to me. Fortunately I get the impression that she's mostly just spitballing ideas that may sound good to the layperson that isn't considering follow-on effects, in an attempt to garner more votes, and won't necessarily institute much of what she's promising/discussing.

Although I thought that was the case with Biden and the student loans thing too, so who knows.

I think that’s 100% what’s going on. Most of this stuff has virtually no chance of actually getting through Congress.

I’d also hope that most people on both sides of the aisle realize that economic policy is not the domain to be stretching/testing the limits of executive orders.
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This is coming from someone whose Idea of investing is buying scratch off tickets with his ebt card at the local gas station.
Wanna save me some time and trouble? Just attach the following as a reply to all your posts...

and there he goes again, retreating into a typical, inane comment instead of providing an actual answer to anything. A good example of what you're known for exists here....making directionless, inane comments with no attempt to substantiate or explain, and going into a cave somewhere when you're called on it.

I have to lol again at you, the Yahooville convenience store millionaire, having a grasp of the economy. But I'll be patient. Maybe sometime before the election...or the'll still come through with the explanation of your post that I asked for.
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That is where Trump plays a major role. His whole understanding of the world is filtered through obedience and loyalty. Everything is transactional.

I will never err on the side of "noooo, no way would they ever go back to that!" Christian fundamentalists and Christian Nationalists worship a man in the sky... a celestial king. It's Bronze Age thinking that is still making their decisions.
Your hatred of Christianity is showing again.
You can get a can of beer or you can get a sixpack of beer. WTF does that have to do with inflation?
What a maroon!

Who needs to wager when life is this sweet? It appears I have everything I want. The question is, do you have the gumption to put money down on your boy with a bookie?
So you’re a coward as well as a liar. Not surprising.
it wouldn't have anything to do with you specifying Christianity, would it?
If Louisiana we're asking for the Koran to be housed and preached in every elementary school you'd see the same reaction. Buddhism same. Taoism same. Judaism same. Trumpism same.
Your hatred of Christianity is showing again.

What a maroon!

So you’re a coward as well as a liar. Not surprising.
The fact that it produces a preponderance of hypocritical bigoted jack asses like you is PRECISELY why I think yours and anyone else’s religion can gfi. Thanks for the continued confirmation.
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Your hatred of Christianity is showing again.
Hatred? I don't hate Christianity. I don't hate anything, really. Hating is like resentment, or holding a grudge... it's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Not my sorta thing.
The fact that it produces a preponderance of hypocritical bigoted jack asses like you is PRECISELY why I think yours and anyone else’s religion can gfi. Thanks for the continued confirmation.
“why I think yours and anyone else’s religion can gfi.”
I’m not a bit surprised to hear someone with your apparent lack of morals say that.
Hatred? I don't hate Christianity. I don't hate anything, really. Hating is like resentment, or holding a grudge... it's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Not my sorta thing.
If Louisiana we're asking for the Koran to be housed and preached in every elementary school you'd see the same reaction. Buddhism same. Taoism same. Judaism same. Trumpism same.
I sure would like to think so and I said so myself. I'd like to think it isn't just the religion that Trump aligns himself with that gets under y'alls' skin.

On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with quoting any religious leader or icon if the message serves a civil/humanitarian purpose. The kids need to have decency pounded into their skulls regardless of the source.
Which parts cover decency? Loving your neighbors and feeding the poor, or hatin the homos with auto sin forgiveness?
if there was one that said @blazers is an idiot, I'd put them up myself. But shy of that, the one that I mentioned the last time this was discussed was basically 'do unto others as you would have others do unto you'. But that sounds too biblical and I wouldn't want you putting your kid's eyes out to keep him from reading it.
well it certainly seems he has the gumption that you lack. LOL at you dodging a bet you claim confidence in winning is so sweet? Doesn't it embarrass you to post something that glaringly lame? Or is it a greater embarrassment you fear?
Hating homos would be the church, not religion. And forgiveness is a weird thing to have a problem with.
I thought this convo was about separation of c & s, Christian nationalists.

Forgiveness alone is great, but it is a problem when it used as cover or enabling hatred or any other "sinning".