OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Fears that more taxing only equals more spending aren't a valid excuse for not doing something that can reduce the nation's deficit. Cutting spending is one idea, increasing revenue is another.
It's not about fear of spending. My point was why take it in the name of fairness (which you still haven't defined) if nothing changes? Seems weird to take something from someone when it doesn't make a difference.
It is going to require both. I don't understand why people are so opposed to insanely wealthy needing to cough up their fair share. Taxes have been a part of our government (and almost all governments) for awhile.
it's called principle. No one is objecting to the collection of taxes, and I personally agree with the rates being progressive. But taxing the rich at a much higher rate just because they ARE rich is not a fair practice, and it also isn't a sound practice when that money isn't going toward what the country needs in order to become solvent, and to thereby allow the accumulation of wealth by anyone who endeavors to do so. The most unfair thing about picking on the wealthy is that the need to even consider doing do comes from irresponsible spending.

Debt interest is our third highest expenditure, almost a trillion dollars at this point. Imagine what that money could do if we weren't basically throwing it down the drain.

How to STOP SPENDING IRRESPONSIBLY is what we should be conversing about. Once we decide to have some responsibility there, THEN we should talk about who pays what in taxes. The economy of a nation, especially ours, is an extremely complcated the details. But basically, managing our economy is no different than running a household. You start getting in over your head, you don't go out and rob some wealthy people, you start trimming your expenses and paying down your debt. You don't make a budget that spends more than you're taking in and exceeds some agreed-upon limit then hold your partner hostage to allowing it because of what you threaten to do to the marriage if they don't go along. Jesus Christ, making the numbskulls here understand is bad enough, but it's beyond belief that the leaders of an entire country need to tune in to Dave Ramsey.

The accumulation of wealth isn't a bad thing, it's a very good thing. It isn't just good for the individual, it's good for the country. Stop making this about the wealthy and make it about what most things should be about....common sense.
Why don't we dig a huge canal all along the southern border? So much better than a fence or wall. Plus it would be beneficial for trade.

Won't be cheap, but if you want a job done right ....
you know that might work because most of the illegals who can swim are already here.
My calculator gave me an error message when I typed that. Can you try your calculator since I asked for a number and not a vague definition?

Either you don't know the amount it would raise or you aren't familiar with how big the deficit is.
It will require raising taxes AND cutting spending. It always has and it always will.
Kiss of death?

Oh, so that's why.


Timothy is the grandson of Andrew Mellon, and an heir to the Mellon banking fortune. As of June 2024, Forbes estimated the Mellon family's net worth at $14.1 billion. We gotta reform campaign financing...
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I'm in favor of closing some of these "loopholes", like what you can put in a Roth IRA. You should only be able to put publicly investable assets into a tax sheltered account, not founder's shares of some startup that only you have access to. And I'm also for taxing funds derived from lending assets, treating it as a capital gain similar to if you had sold the asset (the investor would get a cost basis step up as a result so they're not double taxed when they do indeed sell the asset).

You must have earned income to contribute to a Roth IRA. This includes wages, salaries, tips, bonuses, and self-employment income. For 2024, the maximum contribution limit is $6,500 per year if you are under 50 years old. If you are 50 or older, you can put in 1000 more. Your ability to contribute to a Roth IRA is phased out at higher income levels. For 2024, if you are single, the phase-out range is $138,000 to $153,000.
Now we’re f*ckin talking! For the record, I suggested this years ago. And I had sharks armed with lethal laser beams strapped to the shark’s back. Probably controlled from a central location where ICE can watch on monitors. Let nature take the first swing but if they fail, you tag them with the laser beams and the sharks stay well fed.

Great minds think alike.
I like New Zealand's approach: "If you swim here, you can stay."
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It will require raising taxes AND cutting spending. It always has and it always will.
I just need a number before I can form an opinion on if that will work. Nobody seems to be able to tell me the number. I suspect they just want a bumper sticker slogan and don't actually know what fair is.
I just need a number before I can form an opinion on if that will work. Nobody seems to be able to tell me the number. I suspect they just want a bumper sticker slogan and don't actually know what fair is.
I agree, it's not too much to ask.
Oh, so that's why.


Timothy is the grandson of Andrew Mellon, and an heir to the Mellon banking fortune. As of June 2024, Forbes estimated the Mellon family's net worth at $14.1 billion. We gotta reform campaign financing...
Oligarchy. This is an oligarchy. It always has been, relatively speaking. It goes back to the fvcking pharaohs.

When I saw the tidal wave behind Harris, it was evident that the $$$ wanted her. The $$$ gets what it wants.

The $$$ bets across-the-board, and wins every time.

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Oh, so that's why.

What gave RFK confidence, if that's what you want to call it, to endorse Trump was Trump convincing him that they are alike in their victimhood and promising him face time on the national stage, AND Kamala Harris saying no thanks to his offer to join her campaign. It's obvious which remaining candidate made a better judgment on that one.

Keep in mind that RFK's supporters are comprised mostly of disenchanted Trump supporters. I doubt those same individuals are going to retreat back to the Trump camp now. And among RFK supporters, more have a favorable view of Harris and more have an unfavorable view of Trump.

And last -- and this is the best part of all -- RFK is going to go on the road and campaign with Trump and Vance. Can you image that harebrained cast of characters going from city to city trying to drum up support among middle America?

. . . . . . . . . MOE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LARRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURLY . . . . . . . . . .
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What gave RFK confidence, if that's what you want to call it, to endorse Trump was Trump convincing him that they are alike in their victimhood and promising him face time on the national stage, AND Kamala Harris saying no thanks to his offer to join her campaign. It's obvious which remaining candidate made a better judgment on that one.
Yeah, I heard several weeks ago that he had approached the Harris campaign and wanted a cabinet post and they turned him down. IMO this will wind up hurting Trump far more then it will help him.
Yeah, I heard several weeks ago that he had approached the Harris campaign and wanted a cabinet post and they turned him down. IMO this will wind up hurting Trump far more then it will help him.
A clear case of trying out for the winning team but settling for a roster spot on the losing team. It's all about playing time.
Speaking of an intelligence gap... keep focusing on the national popular vote polling average. Something that means absolutely dick in terms of who is going to win the election.
I'm not focusing solely on the national polls, but for the sake of brevity that's the one I have consistently been sharing on this board. Trust me, I'm well aware that Kamala Harris is leading Trump in polling in six of the seven swing states, including North Carolina. :cool:
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................................BLAZERS..............................HEELS NOIR.....................................PRLYLES
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Oligarchy. This is an oligarchy. It always has been, relatively speaking. It goes back to the fvcking pharaohs.

When I saw the tidal wave behind Harris, it was evident that the $$$ wanted her. The $$$ gets what it wants.

The $$$ bets across-the-board, and wins every time.

I liked the satirical, funny Carlin better than the paranoid, unfunny cynical one shown here.
I liked the satirical, funny Carlin better than the paranoid, unfunny cynical one shown here.
Paranoid? There wasn't the slightest hint of paranoia in what he said. It was also delivered in a very funny way, especially given the content of the material. I will agree that there's a little cynicism... very little. He tried his best to tell the truth with enough comedy thrown in to make it palatable. It's hardly my favorite one of his takes. It's not pleasant. But, he told it like it is.
Well we know trump has jfk
Jr secretly helping him so makes sense that rfk would join in.
The story about the bear was just... in-fvcking-sane. The brain worm was a stretch, but the bear? He's a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

Him and Trump will make a good fit.
I don't think I've ever heard Trump go that far down the rabbit hole.

Almost dying in a helicopter with Willie Brown, while Brown decides it's a perfect time to inform his fellow doomed passenger of his grievances with his former love interest... was close.
Definitely bull sharks. They’re highly aggressive and because of their advanced osmoregulation abilities, they can tolerate varying levels of salinity. I’m imagining these moats will consist of brackish waters.

Do you concur?
I assume the canal will have lots of shipping traffic. Wouldn't want the sharks to get hurt.
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I just need a number before I can form an opinion on if that will work. Nobody seems to be able to tell me the number. I suspect they just want a bumper sticker slogan and don't actually know what fair is.
I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Which numbers about what?

But it sounds like this is the kind of conversation we should be having on this board - instead of the endless pissing contests and name-calling.

My rule #1 is to pay the bills. No deficit. No borrowing. Except maybe in the case of a declared emergency.

Cutting spending doesn't pay today's bills. It can shrink tomorrow's bills, but anybody who only wants to cut spending isn't being serious. Set the budget on course to pay all the bills; then talk about cuts.

I wouldn't mind seeing a rational, reasonable balanced budget amendment, but I doubt we could ever get one.

My sister used to run a home-based business. I vaguely recall her saying that her business had to show a profit every so often if she wanted to take deductions other years. Or something like that. I wasn't paying much attention. IIRC, she had to show a profit once every 3 years or 2 out of 5 years.

The thought being that a balanced budget amendment might want to include a minimal, hard requirement to balance the budget every so often.
Kiss of death?

The RFK topic is one that I think we can all agree. MAGA is glad to have him and so are the democrats.
I love how you two have decided that since RFK is now Team Trump, he will take orange down and Kamelblow never ever wanted his supporters and turned him down.

I wonder where that super secret info is coming from???? Could this be similar to the campaign staffer "leaks" that Beyonce and/or Swift were gonna be special guests to perform to get the rating numbers up and when it didn't happen and was confirmed that it was never happening, they tried to back track and say that Kackles was the special guest? Just stupid and not even all that slick.
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Some biology student you must have been. I imagine your entire knowledge of the aquatic world stems from watching the movie JAWS, yeah?
I'm not sure what or where he learned about the aquatic world, but I must admit that I learned some biology from an occasional viewing of Baywatch.
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