I think those are the issues. Remember, the existing rules are the ones that your team demanded for the CNN debate with Joe and are referred to as the CNN rules. The ABC debate was agreed to using those same rules. I'm not certain that the Fox debate had the same setup, but would not be surprised.I have found that the main discrepancies are the 1. live mic issue and 2. Harris's request for the two of them to be seated and 3. have notes during the debate. Unless I'm missing something, these sound like minor details that can easily be worked out. There should be no reason why one of the candidates is suddenly threatening to pull out of the debate altogether. Unless he's skeered.
After Joe withdrew and she was anointed, Kamala whined and talked smack when Trump said he was considering not doing the debates. He recommitted and she withdrew from Fox commitment. In regard to specifics:
1. It was the D's who required this rule including that there be no live audience. They didn't want Trump talking over and running rough all over Joe at the time.
2. This is a debate, not a gathering for tea. Why on earth would they not stand? Is she incapable of doing so for 90 minutes? Are they covering a health issue for her as well?
3. No one brings notes to these things. It's not a competition to see who has the best writers on their campaign. Why does she need a cheat sheet? Perhaps she's more like Joe than everyone thought. We know she really only wants to read canned speeches off a teleprompter, but that's kind of the opposite of what a debate is supposed to be.
So, why the new rules? Is she skeered?
ETA: Forgot, she also apparently wants to add opening statements.
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